Hollywood Drawing

~: Three hundred and eighty-one - the king of historical bad films

"The fans who leave the theater early at the premiere may not necessarily represent the market prospects of "Hulk". Everything has just begun."

In the Universal Studios office, Brian Glazer raised his wrist and glanced at the time, and suddenly broke the dull atmosphere. "Trust me, the exit of a few spectators means nothing."

Saying that, he took a sip of the cold coffee on the table, turned to look at the gloomy director of the film, and made a mocking voice. "Bill, Hulk is just a few people leaving the show, think about Ed Wood, at least we didn\'t get the audience to burn down the car in anger, did we? Ha..."

Originally, Bill Bakerby\'s complexion was ugly, but after hearing this metaphor, his complexion instantly turned the color of pig liver, and the anger that had been suppressed for a whole day appeared in his eyes. "Shit, you put me with Ed Wood? Huh? Do you think I\'m like Ed Wood..."

"Hey, hey! Bill!" Justin frowned and slammed the table twice, making two thuds. "Brian didn\'t mean that, listen, he just wanted to put you at ease, ok?"

Perhaps two roars vented some anger, Bill Bakerby pursed his mouth tightly, leaned back on the sofa, and resumed his silence.

In most Hollywood productions, the relationship between producer and director is usually a bit of friction, which is the inevitable result of different divisions of labor, and Bill Bakerby and Brian Glazer are no exception.

What\'s more, from the beginning of the filming, Brian Glazer and the executives of Universal Pictures have been controlling the shooting direction of Bill Bakerby, and small frictions in various work are essential.

If the film is a success, then there is nothing to say. Of course, it is hello, hello, hello, everyone. Now that the results have not come out, the producer\'s ridicule has unexpectedly detonated the director\'s accumulated aggrieved emotions.

Or that joke is really a bit too hurtful, no matter which director and Ed Wood put together, it will attract the director\'s anger.

When Ed Wood, the king of bad movies, once premiered, because the movie was so bad, the angry audience simply rushed out of the theater, chased him three streets, and burned his car to vent their anger, one can imagine the movie How bad would it be.

It should be said that this director is also a **** among strange flowers. He has made bad films all his life, but after his death, he can be famous in film history.

Ed Wood is the king of bad movies most recognized by the insiders. He wrote forty-seven scripts, directed eighteen films, and supervised twelve films in his life. Losing money, this makes his name become worthy of its name.

The film that the big director is most recognized by the outside world is "Alien Project No. 9". This film later dominated the IMDB list with the lowest scoring film for nearly half a century, and its strength can be seen in general!

Because filmmaking always loses money, resulting in a shortage of funds later, this product is a flying saucer hanging on a fishing line. The photographer hired is colorblind, and 90% of the actors are laymen without relevant training. The effect of the film can be called cinema The greatest disaster in history!

But what is very surprising is that after the death of this guy, he has won a large number of loyal fans by relying on the name of the king of bad movies. For example, genius directors Tim Burton and David Lynch regard him as an idol. And many times in the film to pay tribute to him.

What is even more surprising is that Tim Burton and Johnny Depp, the good friends, produced his biographical film "Ed Wood" together in 1994. After the film was released, it not only sold well in North America, but also sold well in North America. The world has achieved very dazzling results and won numerous awards...

Facts have proved that even if the director who has made bad movies all his life has already made a name for himself in film history, whoever puts another director with him will attract the crazy anger of that director, because this is Chi Luoluo insult.

"Clang, clang, clang."

The silence in the office was broken by a knock on the door. The secretary held a kraft paper file bag in his hand, put it on the table in front of Justin, and closed the door and walked out.


The Universal Pictures distribution director muttered in a low voice, reached out and circled around the sealing line on the document bag, and pulled out a few sheets of printed paper that were stapled together.

He didn\'t bother to read the statistics and survey reports on the first two pages, and turned to the last page.

"Around $8.75 million."


"Nice job!"

Hearing this number, the other two let out a sigh of relief together. With 2,000 advance shows in North America, they can get close to 9 million US dollars at the box office, which has already exceeded everyone\'s expectations.

Blaine Glazer pressed: "The exact number won\'t be very different from this, will it?"

Since the Internet has not been fully popularized, and only rely on the statistics of the survey company, generally this number will indeed be biased, which is unavoidable.

After the surprise, the producer immediately became anxious about gains and losses, so he couldn\'t help asking questions.

"There won\'t be a lot of discrepancies, this is just a conservative statistic." A smile appeared on Justin\'s face at this time, and he answered affirmatively, which also restored the normal atmosphere of the office that was just like stagnant water.

"What about The Matrix?"

After the surprise, Bill Bakerby immediately thought of his opponent. "How much is the early box office of "The Matrix"?"

"Don\'t worry, Bill." Justin leaned back on the chair with his upper body relaxed, and lightly tapped the document on the table with one finger. "The Matrix is ​​only about $5.75 million, and our Hulk beat the other side!"

Continuous good news followed one after another, and the three of them no longer had a trace of burden, and smiled at the same time.

Brian Glazer picked up the document on the table, confirmed the number again, and began to look back from the first page. The smile on his face slowly disappeared as his fingers swiped the document.

"Why is this happening?" He threw the document back on the table, murmuring in confusion. "What\'s the matter?" Bill Baker was ready to go back to rest early. After all, he had to catch a flight tomorrow morning to start a publicity tour across the United States. At this time, seeing the abnormal behavior of the producer, he reached out and picked up the file.

"The audience\'s word of mouth is polarized?!"

Looking at the statistical report above, he can see why the producers are acting abnormally. Including the premiere and advance screenings, investigators from the investigation company and Universal Pictures distributed a total of 4,000 questionnaires and recovered more than 3,900.

According to the recovered statistical report, 53% of the audience gave the film "Hulk" a score below B, 22% of the fans chose B or B, and only 2% Thirteen fans chose a rating above A, and the remaining two percent did not give a rating.

It is definitely polite to say that the audience\'s word of mouth is polarized. If only from the results of the questionnaire, "Hulk" has just started to be released, and the audience\'s word-of-mouth has a tendency to collapse.

"Calm down." Justin took the statistical report and glanced at the two of them calmly. "These are not as important as the box office figures, and the statistical reports can only be used as a reference. Every summer, there are films with a collapse in audience reputation, but the box office has been rising all the way."

"That\'s right." Brian Glazer glanced at Bill Bakerby and said, "It\'s not uncommon for this to happen, \'The Hulk\' is a summer popcorn, and word of mouth doesn\'t have much of an impact on us. , don\'t forget Wayne Greenberg\'s "Joker\'s Soul", wasn\'t it a box office hit during the controversy?!"

Justin nodded, looked at the producer, and said, "Bill, you go back to rest first, don\'t delay the flight tomorrow morning, the early box office of "Hulk" has already given us a head start. "

"Okay, if there\'s anything, call me."

Nodding, Bill Bakerby greeted the two of them and walked out of the office with mixed feelings.

Tonight\'s news is mixed. If you only look at the early-stage box office that exceeded expectations, the opening weekend of "Hulk" will not be bad, and may even exceed Universal\'s estimated $45 million.

But the signal of the widespread collapse of the fans\' word-of-mouth has planted a seed of unease in Bill Bakerby\'s heart.

When there were only two people left in the office~www.novelhall.com~ Justin put away his optimism and suddenly spoke while thinking. "Don\'t forget that "The Matrix" is an R-rated film, and its natural audience is much smaller than that of "The Hulk". The early box office does not explain everything..."

Brian Glazer certainly understands the difference, but in any case, there is no denying that "The Hulk" is indeed ahead. Remembering what he had prepared before, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the other party.

"Then us?"

"This is Hollywood." Justin twitched the corners of his mouth and said with a sudden sneer: "Competition is always everywhere, isn\'t it? Warner Bros. can throw dirty water on "Hulk" ahead of time and say it\'s just a clumsy movie Imitations, we certainly can’t sit still.”

Tomorrow, the two films will officially start on a large scale. I don’t know how much Wayne’s words in the interview will affect fans’ choice of movie viewing. Of course, Universal Pictures will not wait.

It has been confirmed that there will be an impact. Since there is no way to restore it, then we should just rot together and smear each other with dirty water. This is the traditional method when the films of major Hollywood companies are released.

In this period of fierce competition, you or me, as long as you can let your competitors eat one less bite, it means that you may eat more. No one will understand this.

"Ok, I\'ll call the PR department now." Brian Glazer nodded and reached for the phone on his desk.

"Notify them."

Since it is a competitor, in Justin\'s eyes, this is just a conventional method. As long as it does not touch the bottom line of the competition, there is nothing that cannot be done. Besides, this time it is Warner Bros. first, isn\'t it?

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