Hollywood Drawing

~: Three hundred and seventy-nine - pray that the next door is worse than yourself.

"Can I take a minute for you to fill out a movie rating?"

"No, you can write it yourself, I choose C!"

After the screening at the Shrine Grand Theater ended, the creators of the crew had already gone to the press conference. When the fans were partying out of the theater, investigators from Universal Pictures were distributing questionnaires one by one.

Obviously this job is not as easy to do as usual, and the fans who came to take advantage of the excitement and returned from the disappointment did not hide their disappointment at all.

Walking among the fans were two special guests, New Yorker film critic David Denby, and Los Angeles Times film critic Kenneth Turan, who also spotted what was going on at the front of the line.

"Universal Pictures is going to be disappointed this time." Kenneth Turan shook his head and whispered as he walked forward: "They raised everyone\'s expectations too high, and I didn\'t expect the film to be like this. neither fish nor fowl."

Not to mention these dissatisfied movie fans, even he felt that his heart was full of regrets. After watching a bad product that cost a lot of money to come out, it didn\'t bring him any surprises. It would be better to go to "The Matrix" " premiere.

"It can\'t be quite the same."

Well-known film critics of the same younger generation, David Denby and Kenneth Turan have many similarities in their views. There is no conflict if they are not in the same city, so the relationship between the two is not bad.

After hearing the other party\'s evaluation, he also lowered his voice and said: "The special effects scenes in the film are actually worthy of the investment, but they imitate Batman too deliberately, and there is no comparable story support, so it will give people a feeling of dissimilarity. "

In fact, what he said was considered polite. In order to create a dark and serious theme in the whole film, Dr. Robert Bruce Banner was deliberately filmed with bitterness and hatred. Many inexplicable practices seemed too deliberate.

And trying so hard to imitate Batman, but not reaching the height of the other party, has created an embarrassing situation where the target group is unclear.

"Well, it\'s like this now." David Demby pouted forward.

In front of them were five fans, three men, two women, and it could be seen that these young people came together. Investigators from Universal Pictures are handing out questionnaires to them one by one.

"Well, the film is too far from what I imagined, so I choose B." A white boy spit out the questionnaire and stuffed it back. "The big scene I want to watch is different from the movie, oh, sorry, I fell asleep after being bored."

"B, I also think the movie is weird."

"I also choose B."

"Then I\'ll give it to A-, at least those special effects are quite real."

The choice of the last girl made the investigator\'s eyes bright. After taking back the questionnaire, he asked, "Then would you recommend a friend to watch this film?"

"No! Absolutely not." The girl shook her head and said loudly before leaving, "Because I didn\'t understand what the director was trying to do at all, the movie felt weird!"

After exiting the theater, Kenneth Turan and David Denby walked towards the hotel that Universal Pictures had contracted. Neither of them were ordinary movie fans. I got it.

Normally, for a large-scale production with an investment of hundreds of millions of dollars, if you want to achieve the expected box office results, you should have done market research and determined the audience or target group from the time the film was officially approved.

Then, after the film is made, the distribution company will carry out the necessary promotion and promotion that is complementary to the film. The purpose is to tell the potential target audience the film information, come up with a promotion strategy to attract them, and arouse the curiosity of this group of people. Wait for the film Buy tickets after the show.

So in general, a big investment project like "Hulk" will inevitably go through more than one market survey.

However, the film did not show this. The original film was neither the favorite summer special effect popcorn for young people, nor did it get the favor of the original comic book party, because it wanted to imitate Batman\'s style deliberately, and it was deliberately changed. Eight falls, full of a deliberately created sense of depression.

In this way, there is an embarrassing situation where several sides are not next to each other. Young movie fans who want to watch cool, do not see the big special effects scenes they imagined, and movie fans who want to watch The Incredible Hulk do not see the huge destructive force. , but found a bitter and vengeful Dr. Banner.

Universal Pictures wanted everything ambitiously, but it came up with something out of the ordinary.

"It would be better than this piece of junk if it was simply made into a special effect popcorn." Kenneth Turan looked back at the scattered fans, and said unceremoniously. For such a film, how to write a film review tomorrow morning also gave him a headache.

"Actually, the copy is not in place."

David Denby took out a pack of cigarettes and gave a more Chilloro evaluation. "It can be seen that Universal Pictures has carefully analyzed Wayne\'s Batman, and they have packed all the factors that they consider to be successful into this film..."

Although they said that, the two of them were just chatting in private. Tomorrow morning\'s "The New Yorker" and "Los Angeles Times" film critic columns will still publish the praise and recommendations of "Hulk". This is the film review. basic rules of man.

Now that I have accepted the invitation of Universal Pictures and public relations, at least I can\'t speak ill of the film. This is the basis for film critics to **** blood on the production company.

Kenneth Turan also lit a cigarette, shrugged and said: "The film doesn\'t necessarily have a chance. There are so many bad films in Hollywood that no one can tell the taste of the fans."

"It\'s hard." David Denby shook his head. "Don\'t forget, there is a strong competitor next door! If I were the executive of Universal Pictures\' distribution department, I would start praying like God right now, praying that "The Matrix" is just as bad, so maybe there is still a trace Chance……"

It\'s all about comparison, isn\'t it? But if everyone **** together, then there\'s nothing to worry about. Anyway, the fans at the beginning of the summer season are very enthusiastic. If there is no choice, the film with a bad reputation can\'t help but watch it. At the same time, the screening in the Chinese Theater in Hollywood gradually came to an end. Neo, the savior on the big screen, was beaten into a hornet\'s nest by a large group of agents led by Smith.

The audience watched all this attentively, unable to believe that the ending of the film would be like this.

Will this story, which made fans happy all night, really end with the confirmed death of the male protagonist? Of course not, this is completely against the laws of Hollywood.

Just like countless successful films, the unsatisfactory routines of Hollywood films have been taken out again. Love can save everything, love can save the whole world, and of course love can save the hero.

When the heroine Trinity murmured "I love you" and kissed the real hero, love saved everything again, Neo came back to life, and the savior officially came!


Many audience members applauded and cheered excitedly. This is the picture they want to see, and it also proves that the traditional Hollywood routine has always been particularly useful.

Neo, who had entered the state of the savior, easily stopped the bullets shot at him, and also became vulnerable when facing Agent Smith who rushed in front of him, and his speed could not keep up with the current savior at all.

"I know you\'re eavesdropping.

I can feel it.

I know you are afraid, you are afraid of us; you are afraid of change.

I don\'t know the future.

I didn\'t call to tell you that it\'s over.

But to tell you that it\'s just the beginning.

I\'m about to hang up and then I\'m going to show people what you\'re worried about.

Show them a world without you, a world with no jurisdiction, no control, no boundaries, a world where anything can happen.

What will happen, you choose! "

When the code represented by Agent Smith was torn apart and Neo returned to the real world, the movie has come to the end, and the savior has soared into the sky. In the world of the matrix, he has unparalleled abilities.

The movie ended here. As the lights in the theater turned on one by one, the big screen also turned black, and the list of cast and crew began to roll.

With the appearance of subtitles, all the fans at the scene stood up excitedly, and the media reporters and guests who came to the platform were no exception. This film gave everyone too many surprises.


Thunderous applause broke out instantly, and a small number of emotional fans were still screaming~www.novelhall.com~ watching the main creative team of the party\'s curtain call under the big screen, roaring loudly.

"Neo, you are so handsome!"

"Savior, you are the savior!"

"Trinity, I love you to death!"

"Hey, hey, Trinity, look this way..."


Most of the audience\'s attention was given to the male and female protagonists, especially Charlize Theron, who was dressed in a black tight leather jacket and had an extremely slender figure in the film. Her look has won the cheers of countless male audiences.

The atmosphere at the scene was astonishingly warm. This "The Matrix" has met the expectations of all fans, and even far exceeded this movie viewing expectation. It can be said that it has done everything that a summer sci-fi blockbuster should do.

A full five minutes passed, and the applause did not stop at all. Zach Snyder had to lead the crew and stood under the curtain for the second time for the curtain call, but the appearance of the hero and heroine ignited the enthusiasm of the audience even more.

Daisy is also clapping her hands hard. Although it is not the first time to watch it, it does not prevent her from wanting to watch it again. This cool and scumbag movie seems to exude an irresistible charm.

There is also the most important point, his boyfriend, Ector Henry, is standing among the main creators of the crew at the moment, standing beside his idol Wayne Greenberg, receiving the applause of countless fans.

"Haney, you did a great job." Daisy\'s eyes in the audience looking at her boyfriend were full of pride.

But she couldn\'t congratulate her boyfriend immediately. After the premiere, she had to organize more fans to watch the movie. This is her current career, and Daisy will be very busy this summer.

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