Hollywood Drawing

~: Thirteen - this is literally a horror movie scene

Wayne sat irritably behind the monitor, watching the pre-shooting scene diligently, diverting his attention, otherwise he was afraid that he would yell at him. Suddenly a cup of coffee appeared in front of him, and he looked up at the person who handed him the coffee, it was Naomi.

"Thank you, are you alright? How is your stomach? If you feel uncomfortable, go to the hospital immediately. You know what the consequences will be if you are injured. The whole crew will stop working and wait for you."

Wayne took the coffee and looked at her seriously.

"Of course, I feel better. In fact, I have been on guard. That Bichi, we have quarreled several times in private, and he also scolded me for the heroine who just licked it by deduction. She was jealous that I was the heroine. , she can only play the villain supporting role."

Speaking of this, Naomi was a little excited and continued:

"I know what my job is, so I have been ignoring her provocations to me. At most, I quarreled in private. I didn\'t want these things to affect my performance."

He looked at Naomi playfully. No one knew what was going on, but at least neither of these two women was simple. Thinking about it, he knew that if Naomi just said something to her, they would quarrel in private. With a few words, it is impossible for Uma to "unintentionally" fall!

"Okay, I\'ve warned her, I\'ll say the same thing to you again, that\'s it! I don\'t care how much conflict there is between you, just put it away for me, you think about it, if you screw up the film, you\'re also Waste your own chance!"

"Of course, I swear I won\'t take revenge on that Bi Chi, my focus is definitely in the play."

Wayne nodded, motioned her to prepare, and started filming again, and finally it was over. Everyone saw his sinister look, and everyone knew who was making trouble for him now, and would definitely ignite this powder keg.

"It\'s hard work everyone, pack your things, all the scenes in the school are over, take a day off tomorrow, and go to the abandoned hospital the day after. Luke, pack up the tape and put it in the safe, don\'t be careless."

Everyone can rest, but he can\'t. Everyone went to the bar to relax. In the small hotel, he revised the storyboard draft and designed the camera position.

"Dangdang", there were two knocks on the door, and as Wayne said to come in, he saw Naomi Watts holding a bottle of red wine, closing the door and walking in.

"Hi, Wayne."

"Hi, Naomi."

He turned the pencil in his hand and watched her put down the red wine on her own and look for the corkscrew. The red wine was opened, Naomi took out two glasses from the cabinet, poured the wine and handed him a glass and said:

"You\'re putting too much pressure on yourself, Wayne. Proper relaxation will help you work better, haven\'t you noticed? You seem to have lost weight these past 20 days."

He looked at his figure and shook his head.

"Maybe you\'re right, I haven\'t had a good night\'s sleep since the preparatory work. But I think I\'m used to the pressure, **** it, if there\'s a next time, I\'ll never do everything by myself. "

Naomi drank her wine in one gulp and slowly knelt down on the carpet.

"Stress? So let\'s throw away your work for a while. Maybe I can help you relieve the stress. All you have to do is put down that **** pencil."

He slowly leaned back on the chair, took a breath and closed his eyes.

The next morning, Wayne sat up with his eyes open and looked at his watch, it was less than seven o\'clock. Thinking of resting today, he lay back on the bed again, looking at himself, wondering where Naomi went.

He himself was wondering, could it be because of human race? In my previous life, I never had such strong hormones.

"Awake? I ordered something to eat. In the living room, do you want to have something to eat first?"

Naomi came out of the bathroom wearing a bathrobe, and when she saw that he was awake, she sat on the bed and stretched out her hand.

Seeing that he couldn\'t sleep after returning to the cage, Wayne took her hand, sat up and started getting dressed.

"Oh well, my belly is going to be flat. Stop trying to tempt me, you\'re right, a moderate amount of relaxation gave me a good night\'s sleep, and I must admit, you did a great job last night, beyond me Expected well."

The two were eating breakfast from the hotel, and Naomi asked Wayne:

"Today\'s vacation, do you have any plans? Or we can drive to the beach and have a look. I heard that there is a very good beach here, and there are not as many tourists as Mabry Beach."

"Okay, it\'s not bad to go and have a look. When will you leave?"

He doesn\'t care about these things. He doesn\'t care about the beach or shopping.

"Let\'s go after breakfast. I brought a swimsuit. If the weather is good, I can get some sunshine."

Wayne stared at her weirdly, sunbathing in a swimsuit at the end of November? Wouldn\'t it really be cold at a time when it could be said that the Greater Los Angeles area is cooling?

The two of them had breakfast, but before they went out, the plan went to waste. Literally, it was soup. It rained heavily outside the window. The climate here is drier and sunny throughout the year. I didn’t expect it to rain heavily.

There was no way to go out, so Wayne stayed in the hotel for a day and watched the footage that was shot in a day. I hope this heavy rain will not fall for a few days regardless, otherwise the time saved at school will be wasted in this heavy rain.

No one could stop the natural disaster. Fortunately, the heavy rain gradually turned into a drizzle at noon the next day, and stopped before dark at night. Fortunately, it was only delayed for a day.

At eight o\'clock in the morning, he drove a pickup truck and led the convoy out of the county town and into the suburbs. About five or six kilometers away from the center of Orange County, is a mental hospital that was abandoned at some point. This saved Wayne, who tried every means to save money, and saved a lot of money for renting a studio.

The city construction of Laomei was still done in the 1930s and 1940s, when Roosevelt Jr. was dealing with the Great Depression, so it was difficult to walk. Heavy rain day and night turned the dirt road that was full of potholes into a mud pit.

We started at 8:00 in the morning, and it took more than an hour for everyone to drive a distance of more than ten kilometers. Parking on the grass, Wayne looked up at the abandoned mental hospital.

The white wall covering on the outside has fallen off in a large area, revealing the mottled walls on the inside. Pieces of large black spots are printed on the reversed wall covering, and the cracks on the window sill and the wall are covered with weeds.

"ohmygod! Wayne, I bet, even if you don\'t make a horror movie, if you shoot here, it will become a horror movie. The atmosphere here is a natural horror scene, and if a group of ogres or murderers burst out of it now , I\'m not surprised at all!"

Lily was now beside him and sighed. Yes, this **** place looks like a horror scene in an American mill. He was also quite helpless, but he had confidence in Luke and Rose.

"Lily, relax, the first floor has been arranged by Luke and the others in advance. It is absolutely no different from a normal hospital. We only use a small area. If this makes you uncomfortable, then speed up the work and finish filming as soon as possible. , let\'s get out of this place as soon as possible."

Wayne finished speaking easily, and took the lead in walking in. To be honest, he doesn\'t really care about American mill movies, cult movies, or horror movies that make Americans scream.

Just like this place, from the outside it looks really infiltrative, but if there is a group of ogres or murderers inside, he\'s really not afraid. In his bones, what he was afraid of was the set of Oriental Metaphysics, the kind of horror movie that played with atmosphere.

Just like in his previous life when he was a child watching CDs with his friends, a teacher in Yamamura scared him for almost half a month, so he didn\'t dare to turn off the lights to sleep. And the mad spray of ketchup in American horror films will only make him feel a little nauseated, not afraid.

Luke and the props and sets, they did a good job. While he was checking, he watched the staff arrange the machines. If you don\'t leave this small arranged area, it is almost no different from a normal hospital.

Seeing that everyone was almost ready, he picked up a stack of masks at random, picked out one and handed it to the actor who played the murderer, and asked him:

"Listen, you don\'t show your face in many scenes, and you carry this thing with you most of the time. It\'s very simple, don\'t be nervous, just pay attention to the wrong position."

Seeing that he turned around and indicated that there was no problem, Wayne walked behind the monitor and checked everything. To make sure there is no problem, pick up the camera.

The scenes here are relatively simple, not too many shots, but very broken. There is no difficulty in performing, as long as there are no unexpected situations, he feels that the filming can be finished as soon as possible.

Today is mainly the scene of the heroine Terry being killed in the hospital, as well as the scenes of some minor supporting roles, such as the handsome teacher who caused the envy of the heroine and kept killing the heroine.

"Ok, are you all ready? Let\'s start when you\'re ready. UU reading www.uukanshu.com Scene 74, Act 1, start!"

Seeing that everyone said there was no problem, he shouted to start, and the crew slowly became silent. The microphone used for live radio slowly fell from the sky, and the entire ward became silent. No one wanted to make a sound suddenly and interrupt the shooting.

Gradually cultivated a tacit understanding of the crew, and slowly began to operate. The appropriate lighting, colors, props, and performances were almost perfectly delivered to Wayne through the camera lens. He couldn\'t help but click, and the crew entered the state in the first scene.

Just when Wayne was thinking about it, the sound of the door opening and chatting sounded from the rear. The sound was not loud, but it broke the tranquility of the film crew and spread to every corner of the room.

Steve was stunned for a moment with the light on, and Luke, who was holding the radio microphone, was also obviously stunned. Both Naomi and the actor who played the killer showed helpless expressions.

Uma Thurman was watching from the sidelines, seeing the two temporary helpers who pushed the door in while chatting, and then looked at Wayne, whose face immediately turned gloomy, and subconsciously covered his ears, the volcano was about to erupt.

The two prop assistants who pushed open the door and came in, each holding a large bag of clothes, these are costume props for performances, white coats or something.


Wayne reluctantly stopped, and the two put down their clothes. They seemed to know that they were in trouble, so they took the initiative to walk up to him and apologize.

"I\'m sorry, Director Greenberg, we\'ve been moving the props, and we didn\'t hear any sound inside, so we thought we hadn\'t started filming yet."

This made him feel as if he had eaten a dead fly, but he couldn\'t spit it out. This kind of accident is an uncontrollable factor, and no one can guarantee that it will not happen. Wayne nodded, indicating that he accepted their apology, and asked the actors to return to their original positions and start over.