Hollywood Drawing

~: 14 - Producer 1 column

The props artist and Luke did a good job. The two corridors on the first floor of the hospital were completely arranged in accordance with his requirements. The Uma here gradually began to have more scenes. Perhaps his warnings played a role, and the two women were finally able to get together. Filming well, no longer obsessed with tearing.

On the third day of arriving in the abandoned mental hospital, the crew had the first actor to be completed, the handsome middle-aged Thompson who played the teacher. He didn\'t have many scenes. After the last scene was filmed, everyone applauded him politely.

Wayne shook hands with him, thanked him for his work, picked up a prop killer mask, and gave it to him, which was considered as a souvenir for the anniversary. Tomorrow is Sunday. If someone can finish filming and leave on the weekend, it means that the filming went well, and everyone knows that there is a holiday.

It seems that the entire crew is looking forward to a vacation. This is the last respite before the new year. As he announced a day off tomorrow, everyone left Orange County that night and returned to their long-lost Los Angeles home.

Only Wayne, Luke and Naomi were left in this small hotel. He had to make some adjustments to the shooting plan according to the problems encountered in the filming in the past few days. Luke was unwilling to go back. There\'s nowhere to go, and it\'s just a small rental apartment to go back.

At a glance on Sunday, Wayne woke up early, made himself a cup of coffee, and flipped through the director\'s notebook. Generally speaking, the work is going smoothly, and there are not many scenes left. After the filming of the hospital, there are only some scattered clips left.

This put him in a good mood, as if the huge pressure that had always existed was slowly disappearing. Probably because of the busy work in the recent period, the difficulties encountered are much more intense than when he was in school, and he enjoys it a lot when he suddenly relaxes.

Walking out of the hotel, Wayne took a deep breath of the morning air and slowly started running around the block. He hadn\'t exercised for about two months, and since he came here, he knew the function of a good body, and the pain and suffering in his previous life made him cherish this body very much.

He had planned exercise since he was a child, and when he was in middle school, he began to practice savage sports such as boxing and rugby, which made him never stop exercising. This is almost a national fitness program. It seems that young people like some different sports.

On the other side of the Pacific Ocean, in his memory, only retired old people would insist on exercising every morning. A large part of the reason is that the society here is generally a sports fan, and the four major sports leagues have given birth to countless sports stars.

There were not many pedestrians on the road. He adjusted his breathing and slowly ran around the block for a long time. Back at the hotel, I saw Naomi holding a newspaper and sitting on the sofa in the lounge area of ​​the hotel lobby, obviously waiting for him.

"Hi, Wayne. What did you do?"

Naomi put down the newspaper, stood up and walked into the elevator with him.

"I went for a run, and I swear that my weight is definitely less than 80 kilograms now, at most 75 kilograms. During this time, I feel a lot thinner, and if I don\'t exercise, I am afraid that I will slowly lose my body. The motor nerves, at least I\'m going back to quarterback now, I\'m definitely going to get knocked out."

He chatted with Naomi and opened his door. He didn\'t mind that she was sitting in the living room. He took off his clothes and went to the bathroom. He took a shower and asked her:

"Nami, why did you get up so early, what do you have to do with me?"

"I\'m going to go out for a walk. Every day, apart from coming back to sleep, I\'m on the set. I haven\'t seen this small town well. Would you like to join us?"

Naomi raised her voice so that Wayne couldn\'t hear it clearly. Wayne thought about it and replied:

"No, I want to watch the finished clips with Luke in the morning, make some fine-tuning of the plan, and see if there is anything that needs to be shot, you know, there are not many shots left, if the shooting is finished, then It would be too much trouble to find everyone to make up for it.”

Hearing that he was unwilling to go out, Naomi was not disappointed. She planned to go shopping by herself, so she simply continued to ask him:

"Do you want me to bring you anything back? Food or something?"

"Buy me a sausage pizza at noon, I\'m fed up with the buffet provided by the hotel. By the way, I want to remind you that it\'s totally fine to go out for a stroll. Don\'t go to the slums, only go to the commercial street. Enough."

Wayne remembered this and reminded her loudly that if such a blond beauty dared to walk into the colored community by herself, Wayne estimated that the body would not be recovered.

"Okay, I know, I\'m leaving."

With the sound of the door closing, he also walked out wearing a bath towel. Looking at the door, I hope she can know how powerful it is. Not to mention this satellite city in the Greater Los Angeles area, even in Los Angeles, Wayne would not dare to go to the city center alone after dark.

The ugliness there can definitely surpass the three views of normal people. Generally speaking, if you have the slightest conditions, you will not live in the center of Los Angeles, but in the suburbs. At night, the city center becomes gangsters, warblers, and homeless turf.

After dark, all kinds of guns, psychotropic drugs, powder products, prostitutes, all gang members work, survive, and trade around these things. And all kinds of big and small gangs rub against each other from time to time, or seek revenge, these are the main themes of Los Angeles at night.

When he got here, he knew about gangs. He couldn\'t be as extinct as the other side of the Pacific Ocean. The **** in the Heyren community have been reservists almost since they went to school. If they can survive to adulthood under various shootings, they will become the backbone of gangs large and small.

However, those who have joined since childhood have a low probability of being able to live to adulthood. There are three major alliances in North America, the lame gang, the blood gang, and some 3K and the like. Among them, it is divided into countless small organizations, large and small, all relying on various illegal activities to survive.

Therefore, everyone who can come out of the Nico community is worthy of admiration. No matter what method is used, the most common one is sports. If the sports cells that are in the genes of the buddies happen to be awakened in a sensible child, sports can almost be said to be the only way out.

In the four major sports leagues in North America, almost most of the athletes are such people. The darkest color is the North American men\'s professional basketball, NBA, the first white sport, and now the whole league can hardly see white.

Not to mention that this society is pathological, everyone is shouting against racial discrimination, but this racial discrimination is integrated into every aspect of life. The only exceptions are sports stars and film and television music stars.

Such buddies can generally become the idols of the whole society, or the heroes of a city. Film and television music is better. Those who can succeed are those who come out of a small part with their brains. The kind of sports star with a head full of muscles, almost retired and embarked on the road of bankruptcy.

Luckily Wayne is white, Jewish to be exact. Although there are some descendants of Anglo-Saxons who discriminate against them, no one dares to express it clearly in this society.

In this national costume controlled by capitalists and capital, Jews have an innate advantage. After all, most of the big capitals in North America are of Jewish descent, and when it comes to doing business, ordinary people really can’t handle the Jewish brains.

It can also be said that Hollywood is under the control of Jews, and the bigwigs on the Hollywood power list are almost all Jewish. Including the Academy of Film and Art, various trade unions, especially the Producers Union, these film company bosses are almost all ethnic groups.

"Wayne, what are you thinking?"

Luke walked up to him suspiciously, and saw Wayne in a bath towel in a daze.

"Well, it\'s okay, are you all ready? Let\'s go to the conference room."

Luke\'s appearance interrupted Wayne\'s wild thoughts, and the two went to the rented hotel conference room together, where the equipment was installed.

While watching various shots, Wayne and Luke chatted.

"Luke, if this film can find a distributor and really go into theaters, then we have a beautiful qualification, right?"

His tone was relaxed, while Luke was a little dumbfounded, chatting with him:

"Director Greenberg, you have to finish all the shots first. But I want to remind you that even if the filming is completed, you have done one-third of your work, or even less, don\'t think about the dream when you wake up. scene, ok?"

He doesn\'t care either, he just fantasizes a little, he is more practical than anyone else.

"Of course, there are more difficult editing, soundtracks, and thankfully there are no special effects. At least we\'ve done a good job so far, haven\'t we? Think about it, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Wait until you sit in the theater and watch When you see the producer column on the screen and your name appears, what a sense of accomplishment!"

These are not like what Wayne usually said. Maybe today\'s too relaxed mentality has released some of the essence of Beijing\'s broken mouth in his soul.

"Well, I really want to have that day. Of course, I have fantasized about it countless times. But in the past two years after graduation, I have rarely dreamed of doing this anymore. You don\'t know, I have been in at least a dozen production crews in the past two years. I\'ve done errands, but none of them have actually been released, and not even two of them have been released on video tapes."

What Luke is telling is the essence of this Hollywood, where countless people work and struggle. Every day, countless crews start filming, but very few can actually be released in theaters, even if they are directly released on video tapes.

This circle is by no means as glamorous as it appears on the surface, and only a small group of people will always succeed.

"Okay, work hard Luke, I\'m sure our film will be in theaters, and I\'ll sit down with you and watch our names appear on the screen. There will also be countless young fans for We applaud, cheer, and all we have to do is try to make it well."

His voice is not too loud, but both of them can hear it clearly. This is not only Wayne\'s dream for two lifetimes, but also the driving force for Luke to be busy with all the chores of the crew every day.

At the door of the conference room, Naomi stood quietly with a pizza box in her hand. She heard Wayne\'s words. Although she knew that the chance of this happening was almost zero, she was still infected by his words.

"Dang! Dang!"

"Hi! Workaholics, I brought you sausage pizza and beef pizza. Lunch is starting. If you don\'t mind, I\'d like to see my performance in the film with you."