Hollywood Drawing

~: Twelve - Accident?

The next day, Wayne was woken up by his biological clock, and he had a habit of waking up at 6:30 in the morning, no matter how late he rested.

Originally, he wanted to continue to sleep for a while, but when he looked at the blond beauty hugging him, he suddenly lost sleepiness. what is this? Are the best hunters always in the image of their prey? This woman didn\'t drink enough to walk yesterday.

With her right hand squeezed under the quilt, Naomi suddenly opened her eyes in confusion, and looked at him for two seconds before her brain officially turned on.

"Dear Director Greenberg, it\'s only after six o\'clock, you can rest for more than an hour, won\'t you sleep for a while?"

Naomi leaned her head on his chest, stroked his face, and asked him.

"No, I feel like I was deceived last night. You didn\'t drink much at all, which made me feel like I was being tricked, so I\'m going to punish you."

"Well, how do you want to punish me, Director Greenberg, are you going to audition now? Tell me, what role do you want me to play, Catwoman can\'t do it, and I\'m still filming today, I\'m afraid of being hurt by you."

Naomi did not refuse, she liked this feeling, it made her feel a different Wayne, not that old-fashioned workaholic.

Half an hour later, he woke up refreshed and put on his clothes. Naomi ran to the bathroom with her mouth covered. After putting on his clothes and leaving the woman alone, he went back to his room and started to wash. The day\'s work was about to start.


In the temporary studio in the school dormitory, Wayne called her over. The one shot just now worked well, but he wanted to shoot it again, hoping to make it better.

"You did a good job just now, but it\'s the first time you\'ve been killed before you\'re about to change. Put away the weak side of your body."

After speaking, makeup artist Lily started chasing after Naomi to touch up her makeup.

"Ethan, you\'re fine, you\'ve done a great job, and continue in this state."

From the third day, the crew gradually developed some tacit understanding. The scenes outside the school were slowly finished, and everyone in the indoor scenes began to find work status, and the progress was gradually caught up.

This gave him a sigh of relief. There was no interference from outside factors in the indoor scenes, and there were not so many extra actors and small supporting roles. Although it was more difficult for actors to perform, the number of ng was obviously reduced.

"Cut, it\'s over, let\'s switch to the next one."

Luke, who was at the door, looked at the novice director with a complicated look. He grew up quickly, and the crew got on the right track under his coordination. Watching him patiently talk to Naomi and Luke, in the last week, Luke believed that he had caught up with the shooting plan.

If it goes well, it is possible to finish the school part ahead of schedule. This younger brother, who graduated two years later, is walking on a correct path, which is getting smoother and smoother.

"Uma, you can\'t do this, your state is not right, don\'t act like you want to kill the heroine, she doesn\'t know that the **** cake in your hand is poisonous, reset, come again!"

In this scene, Uma gave Naomi a cake, and Naomi threw away the uneaten shots. It was very simple. This is Uma\'s first scene. She has scattered scenes in the first few days. From this beginning, she will appear frequently.

This is normal. He needs to find feelings for Uma. He is not in a hurry. And this scene has to be shot several times with different feelings. For example, Naomi was killed by eating cake in the end.

"Okay, this is over. Tomorrow is a rest day. Everyone relax for two days. Come back in two days to continue filming the scenes in the school. There is not much left in the school. Hurry up and finish the filming and we will transition."

He saw this as good, so he wasn\'t being harsh. Tomorrow is a day off, and everyone needs a vacation. He now understands that a feature-length film is completely different from the experimental short films he made before.

Such a feature-length film cannot be produced by one or two people. It is the result of the joint efforts of the entire crew, including the actors. Although individual abilities are important, they cannot be separated from the entire team.

Wayne is very lucky. Although the main staff have not participated in any major productions, they are all short of work experience and their abilities are above the standard, especially everyone is still very young, and most of their minds are on filming. Live like an old fritters.

After watching everyone leave, he was about to drive away. Suddenly someone tapped the car window, and Wayne saw Luke open the door and sit in the passenger seat.

"Why didn\'t you leave, Luke. Go back and rest for two days, rest assured, the progress has definitely caught up with the plan."

Wayne took a taxi and drove Luke out of the school to the hotel.

"I want to tell you that the hospital has already set up almost everything. I will take a look at it in the past few days. If it is not suitable, it is best to bring it up before the end of the school shooting, so that I can coordinate the props and the set to modify it."

Luke looked at Wayne, a novice director who was less than 21 years old. He had done a very good job. If the filming continued as planned, the film would definitely be completed.

"Okay, I\'ll take time to see it when I get back from vacation. Where are you going, and I\'ll leave you in the hotel?"

"Leave it at the hotel. I\'m not going to go back to Los Angeles. I want to sleep well for two days. If you don\'t go back to the hotel, where are you going? It will be dark soon."

When Luke saw the hotel arrived, he opened the door and got out of the car. He leaned on the window and asked Wayne.

"My mother called me in the afternoon. I was going to go back to the farm to have a look. I haven\'t been back since I was busy."

After he explained, he turned on the radio in the car and accelerated towards Ventura. The work is relatively smooth, and he has also relaxed a lot, so he plans to go home and spend two days with his mother.

By the time he parked the car in front of the villa, it was already dark, and the two golden retrievers were sitting on the porch with their tails wagging, watching him get out of the car and circling around him, and followed him into the restaurant.

"Mom, what\'s for dinner, did you learn any new dishes?"

Seeing his mother setting the table with a plate, Wayne hugged his mother.

"Sit down, baby. Your dad will come down soon. I made tuna salad, green beans, and roast beef. How was the shooting, did it go well?"

He watched his mother bring the food to the table, and his father also went downstairs and sat at the table. When his mother put roast meat and salad on his plate, he took a bite and said:

"Well, it tastes great. The filming went well. Everyone has been busy for a long time, so they are all on vacation tomorrow and the day after."

"Looks like you\'ve lost weight. How about it? The director\'s job isn\'t that easy, right?"

Father wiped the salad sticking on his beard with a tissue and asked Wayne with a smile.

"Of course, sometimes I feel like I\'m about to divide myself into several parts. There are things to consider one after another, and I have endless work every day."

The mother looked at her distressedly and said to him:

"Wayne, don\'t be too stressed. You\'ve done a great job. You\'re only twenty years old. Mom believes you will definitely succeed."

"Mom, I\'m fine and enjoy the process."

In the warm family atmosphere, Wayne ate dinner with his mother and watched a game with his father before returning to his room.

Suddenly returning from the intense work to the farm where the pace of life has slowed down makes him feel awkward, always looking for something to do.

It wasn\'t until he drove back to Orange County and the crew was running again that he felt like a duck to water again. Sometimes he also feels that he is a cheap man, but as long as he leaves the crew, he is always worried.

The filming went on day by day, and everyone maintained the working state before the vacation. He knew that there were contradictions in the crew. Just like the experienced staff, they looked down on him as a novice director. At least on the surface, everyone maintained restraint, and the basic professional ethics were still there.

Not only the two women, but also the set designer and the prop artist often quarreled, but each time, under Wayne\'s adjustment, the grudge was apparently put down.

He glanced at his watch. At three o\'clock in the afternoon, it seemed that he could finish work early today. The last scene in the school was about to be filmed. At the end, Uma handed Naomi a cake, but this time Naomi will make the cake. Eat, then kill, simple.

Everyone is in a good mood. Everyone knows that they will be leaving soon. After more than 20 days of filming, more than half of the scenes have finally been completed. Everyone has a relaxed expression.

"Ok, the last scene, we\'ll end the scene here after filming, Naomi, keep your form, eat that **** cake, Ross, is this what you really bought? Don\'t give her prop cake, Naomi couldn\'t swallow that plastic thing."

"Don\'t worry, I can tell the difference between plastic and real, Naomi, if I were you, I would take a bite first, maybe I would use plastic props to secretly replace real."

Everyone was very relaxed, UU reading www.uukanshu.com was teasing unconsciously.

"Alright, ready to start!"

He was carrying the camera and watched Uma hand Naomi the cake. Suddenly Uma didn\'t seem to stand still, as if she stepped on something and fell to the ground. Uma, who was falling, put her elbow on Naomi\'s. On the stomach, in the pain of the two people, Wayne put down the camera.

Everyone was in a hurry to help the two people who fell to the ground. He could see clearly that Naomi hugged her stomach and curled up together on the ground in pain.

At this time, he really couldn\'t hold back the fire. What matters is that Naomi may be injured and need to be sent to the hospital.

"Shit, FXXK, how\'s it going? Naomi, do you need to go to the hospital?"

Wayne hurriedly picked her up and put her on the chair, watching her face turn pale.

Naomi sat on the chair with her stomach in her arms, eased for a while, and said to him:

"I don\'t think it\'s a big problem. Let me rest for half an hour and I can continue."

"Ok, everyone rest!"

After he shouted loudly, he walked directly to Uma, who was sitting on a chair rubbing his arms, looked into her eyes, and whispered to her in a warning tone:

"Listen, I only allow this to happen once, only once. If there are other messy things that delay filming, you will never be able to bear the consequences. I don\'t mind kicking out the unsettling factor of the crew, even if it costs a little more. Qian, do you understand? Look at me! Tell me, you understand!"

Uma looked at Wayne with a gloomy face, nodded, and whispered:

"I understand."

Wayne sullenly walked over to the monitor and rubbed his forehead with his hands. Sometimes this actress really doesn\'t know what to think. This time she\'s just a small actor, but you can imagine how difficult it must be for those big stars .
