Hollywood Drawing

~: Sixteen-Finish

In the Greater Los Angeles area, on the outskirts of Orange County, the Happy Holidays crew is setting up a background for the filming at the entrance of a bridge.

Wayne took the director\'s notebook and wrote and drew on it, while the only two actors were sitting on chairs to rest. The tragic heroine Lu Taili had been brutally stabbed to death twice in the morning.

He saw that Ross nodded to him, indicating that it was finished, and the shooting could continue. Wayne walked up to the two actors and told them his requirements.

"Naomi, pay attention to the ketchup on your body for a while, don\'t run off or shift, I need him to be punctured, splashing barrels."

He pointed to the ketchup that he needed for a while. This was the biggest change he made to the movie. Every time Terry was killed, it was wilder.

He said to the killer who had just put on the mask:

"It\'s still the same, catch up with her, brutally stab her to death, and pay attention to the props."

After speaking, he walked to the camera and signaled everyone to be quiet.

"Happy sacrificial day, Act 227, start!"

As the voice fell, Luke held the radio microphone, he carried the camera, and followed the stumbled Terry and ran a few steps forward. In the end, she still did not escape the fate she deserved.

"Cut! It\'s over! Everyone, turn around!"

Everyone started to walk forward neatly, leaving Changqiao Cave and walking to a road not far away that almost no cars passed by for a day.

"Hey, Luke, haven\'t you always thought about the addiction of being a director and photographer? Here\'s your chance, show me well, and make me look better."

While wearing a police uniform, he made fun of Luke. This is the last scene. The main thing is that Teri asked Wayne who played the policeman for help, and then Wayne was killed by the killer, and Terri was killed again.

This is what he asked himself. He hoped to see himself in his first film without affecting the shooting, so he acted this little dragon trick. He didn\'t need two lines, he showed his face directly, and then he was killed. a few seconds.

He was ready when he heard Luke shout start, he walked over to Teri\'s car and asked her what happened, a car came over at high speed, and then changed props, and after the car crashed, all covered in ketchup Wayne lay down in the distance.

"cut! It\'s over."

Wayne stood up, walked towards the monitor with some pride, and joked with Luke:

"How about it, did I do a good job? It\'s over once, it means I\'m very good!"

Luke looked at him strangely and motioned for him to look at the monitor. After watching it, he was quite speechless. It turned out that he only had a frontal shot of more than a second, and the center of the shot was not him.

Well, after reading it once, there is no problem. Seeing that everyone was looking at him, Wayne clapped his hands loudly and said:

"Thank you all for your hard work on this film, we\'ve finished shooting all the shots, so pack up and get ready to enjoy your vacation!"

Wayne bowed gently to everyone in the crew, not much, but his expression was very obvious. He really thanked everyone for their work.

Suddenly everyone applauded for him, even the two temporary workers who were packing things up. After watching everyone stop applauding, he continued:

"By the way, don\'t forget to go to the bar next to the hotel in the evening. I\'ll pay the bill today, don\'t be polite to me, let\'s all go partying!"

Wayne\'s rare generosity.

After listening to him, everyone shouted and clapped loudly. The reason why everyone applauded him was not all because of the bar\'s treat, but mainly because of his appreciation for his work.

Everyone in the entire crew knew the difficulties involved. A novice director had assembled a patchwork crew and led everyone to complete all the shots without overspending. There are far more difficulties than everyone imagined, but this novice director, with his dedicated work attitude, has overcome all of them one by one.

It took two months for all the shots to be taken. Actually, there is not much film used. After all, there are no useless shots in his place. He has a picture in his mind. There are also all the shot drafts prepared in advance, as well as the camera position planning and a complete shooting plan.

Therefore, there is a lot of expenses left for film, and post-production should be enough. He saw that everyone was finishing their work with ease, and they were chatting relaxedly, as if the pressure of work had all disappeared at this moment.

Even Roswell, the props engineer, and Mia Craig, the set designer, who had been **** for tat at work and had to cooperate, seemed to let go of all conflicts at this moment.

He was surprised to see the two of them chatting loudly with smiles on their faces. At this moment, he really felt incredible. Many times if Wayne or Luke hadn\'t gone to quell the conflict, the two of them would have fought long ago.

"It\'s amazing, Wayne."

Luke walked over to him and followed his gaze. Roswell was working with Mia Craig to lift props.

"Yes, this is the first crew I\'ve officially taken over. Even knowing that all the problems are caused by fame and fortune, sometimes I just don\'t understand. Have you ever seen anything like this? I dare say that if you give them two glasses of wine, They absolutely roll onto the sheets at night!"

He was a little speechless. If you had to be so united and friendly, it wouldn\'t have forced you to suppress so many conflicts.

Luke looked at him as if he really didn\'t understand. He pointed to two people who were full of contradictions a long time ago, but now they are like friends, and explained:

"The reason is that all conflicts and contradictions are caused by comparisons and jealousy at work, and it can also be said to be the status or fame and fortune in the crew.

Now that the work is over, all the reasons that can arise between them are gone, so they will become comrades who have been fighting together for two months. No one cares about the unpleasant things that happened at work, and only remembers the days when everyone worked hard together. "

He suddenly turned his head and stared at Luke hard. This senior is definitely a talent who can see through the world, even if he only has this vision in the crew. It is estimated that it has something to do with him having run through many crews and seeing too much filth.

"It\'s not necessarily, Luke, I bet our heroine and supporting actress will never have this scene. If there is a chance, they would like to jump on each other, scratching each other\'s beautiful faces, and calling each other a bitch. son."

He was in a good mood and rarely joked with Luke.

Luke also looked helplessly at his junior, as if trying to distinguish the dark-faced workaholic at work and the current director who is gossiping behind his back, why is there such a big difference.

"Wayne, actresses and crew members are two kinds of creatures, you\'ll know later, they can poison each other out of so-called jealousy. Literally, I\'ve seen it with my own eyes.

In a production crew I used to be in, a related heroine was jealous that she was not as beautiful as herself, and could become a minor supporting role of the main character, and was poisoned. Fortunately, it was discovered early, otherwise the consequences would be hard to say.

It\'s nothing, it\'s just a small part of it. And female stars and actresses are not the same species. Some female stars are so difficult to deal with that you have the urge to take a gun and kill her. "

Hearing Luke casually teasing and gossip, Wayne is still staring at the last work in the crew. After today, he will at least relax a lot, but now he doesn\'t dare to relax.

Luke was about to talk to him a little more about all the weird things he\'d been on the set before, when he saw Naomi walking towards them after getting dressed in the car, Luke shrugged and whispered to Wayne. :

"Don\'t underestimate anyone, Wayne. Especially a woman who dares to give everything for such a small production that doesn\'t even count as a workshop."

After finishing speaking, I went to help everyone pack up the equipment before Naomi came.

"Hey, what were you talking about just now, will I disturb you?"

Naomi put her arms around him playfully. The work was over. She doesn\'t care about other people\'s opinions now, and she never cared. Of course she understands why the entire crew respects herself more?

Because you are the heroine? She didn\'t believe it herself. It\'s not because of Wayne\'s relationship, everyone knows that the two of them have an unusual relationship.

He also doesn\'t care what others think of Naomi\'s relationship with him, UU reading www.uukanshu. com here is Hollywood, one of the most chaotic places in North America, and the place where the relationship is even more chaotic than here is the production crew in Hollywood.

Those actors and actresses with strong hormone secretion, because of the feeling of acting, directly after the director said cut, they can\'t wait to get into the trailer and drive, not too much.

"Nothing to talk about, just some work issues. Nami, the filming is all done, what are your plans?"

He saw that everyone was getting into the car, he pulled Naomi into the pickup, closed the door, and asked her plan. Naomi thought for a moment, looked at Wayne seriously, and answered:

"Go back to rest for two days, and then go to a short-term training class, while taking classes, while looking for filming. I decided not to go back to Australia, I have to wait for the next opportunity. What I am most looking forward to now is your film, you know Yes, it is almost impossible for me to find a chance for the protagonist in the short term."

He was not surprised, this is a woman with an extremely tough heart, and this woman is not short of ambition, has patience, and dares to go out for her dreams.

As Luke said, he would never underestimate such a woman. From the very beginning, Wayne knew that although he didn\'t pay much attention to this blonde beauty in his previous life, a woman with no background can achieve great success in Hollywood. Saying it is "white lotus", "green tea" and so on is definitely a compliment she.

"Work hard towards your own goals, Nami, I believe that one day you will definitely live in Beverly Hills, and your name will definitely be engraved on those avenues."

Wayne parked the car in the hotel parking lot, refused Naomi\'s invitation to dinner, and followed Luke, who was waiting for him, to hold the film that was filmed and put it back in his room. It wasn\'t until he closed the safe\'s door that he completely relaxed.