Hollywood Drawing

~: Seventeen - the other side of this circle

The day before New Year\'s Eve, the production crew was finished, making everyone in a good mood. Wayne ate dinner, put on fresh clothes, and walked into the bar.

I didn\'t bother anyone, and as usual, I hid in a corner of the bar, asked the bartender for a big beer, and drank it slowly to think about things.

"Hi, Wayne. Why do you drink alone every time, or do you just like to watch everyone secretly in the bar?"

Naomi sat relaxed beside him and touched him with the bottle. Wayne took a swig of beer and glanced at the direction Naomi was coming from. Lily was drinking with Rose, and several people shouted from time to time.

"No, I\'m not used to that kind of atmosphere, how about you, why don\'t you play with them?"

Naomi turned her head at the carnival group, watching Lily holding a large bottle of spirits and pouring her head up into her throat. :

"My God, she drinks like that, doesn\'t she want her figure? I really can\'t get used to their gameplay."

"That\'s right, Lily is the one behind the scenes. Unless she wants to, her figure won\'t affect her career. This is nothing, in this circle, even the stars who have become famous are very few who can achieve self-discipline. "

He is relatively familiar with the star species, and he has too little self-discipline, not to mention alcoholism, drug addiction, promiscuity, bisexuality, and all kinds of ways to kill, all played by this group. .

Naomi obviously can\'t get in touch with those, and the little actor is not qualified to indulge, so she asked him inexplicably:

"Are female stars like this too? If those famous female stars also drink like this, how do they stay in shape? I can\'t believe it."

He drank the remaining half of the glass of beer in one gulp, and knocked on the bar, indicating that the bartender was pouring himself a large glass. He turned his head and chatted with Naomi to gossip.

"Not all actresses are like this, but it\'s not uncommon for most of them to drink alcohol, smoke drug powder, smoke leaf cigarettes, etc. Trying hard to find all kinds of stimulation.”

Naomi listened to these secrets that almost everyone in the circle knew. Although she had heard of some of them before, and she was not a simple person, in her imagination, the circle was still bright and beautiful, not so corrupt. .

"Will we be like that in the future? Wayne."

"Don\'t think too much, Nami, if you want to live that kind of life, the premise is that you want to be successful. Now it\'s still far away from us, why are everyone working hard here? You\'re not even qualified to indulge if you don\'t work hard."

Naomi shook her head with a wry smile, isn\'t she, because she is too far away from that circle, and she is curious because she can\'t get in touch.

"Wait for me, I\'ll go to the bathroom."

Wayne watched her put down the bottle and went to the bathroom with her bag. As soon as Naomi left, Luke sat beside him and asked Wayne with a breath of alcohol:

"Although this woman is very scheming, I can see that she hasn\'t become that kind of flesh and blood. She treats you well. Maybe you can consider officially getting a girlfriend."

He lit a cigarette and shook his head:

"It\'s not the time. I only have work in my heart. Before I get success, I won\'t talk about relationship issues. Isn\'t it good? If you like it, you can spend the night together. If you don\'t feel it, don\'t disturb each other. Hollywood style Love, don\'t think too much."

Wayne\'s idea is to be put on the short video platform of later generations, and he is definitely the representative of scumbags. Here, especially in Hollywood, it is too normal.

Let alone this entertainment-to-death circle, splits and splits are basically the norm in society at all times. Maybe some parts of the United States, especially the central part, are very conservative, but young people in most cities still adhere to the theme of openness.

This is the case in the West. In the past ten or twenty years, even if it is the national uniform that is rising at a miraculous speed, young people in big cities will become normal in their lives.

"as long as you are happy!"

Luke clinks glasses with him, takes the bottle and goes to party with the crew.

"Wayne, do you leave them alone?"

Naomi came back from the bathroom and pointed to the crew.

When he turned around again, he found that they had already hid together in the corner booth, swaying to the music. Ross held a roll-your-own cigarette in his hand, took a puff, and handed it to Lily, who was obviously drunk.

"Forget it, let them go. Let\'s go back. I drank a bit too much, and I don\'t want to stay here any longer."

He put on his coat, pulled Naomi and walked out, suddenly stopped at the door of the bar again, and waved to Luke. After Luke came over, he told Naomi to be safe before pulling Naomi out of the bar.

There is no one else in the bar tonight, except for the crew members, just some extras, so Wayne is not afraid that they will cause trouble. The job is over, what they are willing to do is none of his business.

At this kind of private party, alcohol and leaf cigarettes are all must-haves, and it is not uncommon for people to smoke.

In middle school, he had been exposed to leaf tobacco. Although he was curious and wanted to try it, he never took action. He is very rational and knows that this inductive thing is the culprit of those powder addictions.

During the interval between filming, he also saw Ross and the others hid in the corner and smoked, and he did not foolishly stop it. This is the norm in Hollywood, where the bright California sunshine is filled with unspeakable darkness.

"Are we going back? Wayne."

"Go back, if you want to continue chatting, the hotel also has beer."

Wayne pulled her to open his door and took out two cans of beer from the refrigerator. Two people are sitting by the window, looking at the bright night sky.

"Wayne, don\'t tell me you never smoked those, or at a party when you were in school?"

Naomi glanced at the big boy curiously, she could clearly see the disgust for Ye Ziyan in his eyes just now.

"No, I was curious, but I never touched it. Later, my classmates and teammates thought I was boring, so the party stopped calling me."

Not only in the past and now, but no matter how stressful his work will be in the future, he will not touch those things. In Hollywood, a place that can magnify all emotions and always use power, wealth and opportunity as a bargaining chip for life and death gambling, there are too many film and television entertainment practitioners, from victims of these things to perpetrators.

The circle of fame and fortune is different from ordinary people\'s way of life, the heavy pressure and the stimulation of success, the ease with which money and fame and fortune are obtained. There are not many people who can not get lost in these special groups. It is really difficult for people to preserve their sound personality.

Not to mention other things, he has seen a lot of news in the future, because smoking these things ruined his Hollywood star, and the a coffee among them has to line up.

Famous ones include Iron Man Robert Downey Jr. and his father Robert Sr., Captain Johnny Depp of the Black Pearl, and his two good friends Keanu Reeves and River Phoenix.

Robert Downey Sr. was famous for taking drugs, and when it came to his son, he followed his father\'s path, taking more and more vigorously. After being released from prison a few times, I have been relying on Mel Gibson to help me find small roles for odd jobs.

Even if he later turned over with Marvel\'s Iron Man and became a coffee in this series, the rumors about him smoking these things have not stopped. However, there is no media to report it anymore. After all, the media is also a tool in the hands of capital.

If Downey\'s turn over was not completely destroyed, River Phoenix sucked these things all his life and died. Keanu Reeves and Johnny Depp wouldn\'t have been able to repent if it wasn\'t for his overdose. In the end, it\'s hard to say whether their achievements could be that high.

"Hey, what are you thinking? Why are you so stunned?"

Naomi pushed back and pushed him hard, and he came back and apologized:

"I\'m sorry, I didn\'t hear what you said just now, and I suddenly thought of something."

"I asked if you want to go to my room? Or should I stay?"

"No, Nami, take a good rest. I also want to think about post-production."

This was the last night of the crew\'s existence, and it was also the key night for him to direct the film. During the two-month shooting, he practiced too much knowledge on paper and learned to compromise for the sake of his work.

Those staff members, except Luke, will not be involved in post-production, so their work means that their work is over, and all they have to do is to try hard to spree, try to anesthetize themselves, and then go back and continue to look for the next a crew.

So whether it was their doubts about Wayne\'s ability at the beginning, or the conflict between the props and the set designer during the shooting, as the night passed, everything would end.

Early the next morning, the team returned to Los Angeles, and everyone slowly separated in silence. He deposited the film in the bank and returned to the bachelor apartment where he had been away for two months.

He has no holidays and is about to start a new job. Picked up the phone and called his agent.

"Hello, this is Wayne Greenberg. Jimmy, my shooting is over. I want to talk to you about something. If it\'s convenient, you can come to my apartment."

"Okay, I\'ll go in the afternoon."

Jimmy hung up the phone. Except for the occasional call to his two clients, he has not visited the crew once in the past two months. In his heart, he has already decided that this film is just the practice of this novice director.

He helped recruit the crew and most of the actors, and he was very aware of the gold content. If it weren\'t for some commissions to take in the early stage, he really wasn\'t that enthusiastic.

Such a humble production team of a dozen people is considered a small workshop even in the independent film industry. It is too difficult to successfully make a film above the standard. Now that he heard that the shooting was successfully completed, he already felt that Wayne\'s ability was not bad.

He knew that the ambition of this young director was not merely to treat the film as a graduation thesis-style work, but to promote it to the cinema. It\'s not that it\'s impossible, it\'s just that the chances are too low. There are countless film crews in Hollywood every day, and the ability to enter the theater can only be a very, very small part of them.