Hollywood Drawing

~: 15 - Get out of this **** horror movie scene

Another day of busy work is over. After a day of vacation, everyone\'s mental state is more relaxed than before the vacation. A moderate rest has relieved everyone\'s body and mind.

With Wayne shouting:


Everyone applauded unconsciously. This is another small character who has finished all the scenes. Likewise, Wayne shook his hand to thank him for his work and gave him a killer mask as a souvenir.

He saw that everyone was busy packing things. Luke carefully packed up the film that had been shot, and finally put this thing in the safe in Wayne\'s room to avoid accidents.

In the car, Wayne walked at the end of the crew, chatting with Naomi easily.

"Nami, there are not many scenes left, most of them are you and the killer, and the opposite scene with Uma, how about you, you and Uma haven\'t quarreled during this period of time, have you?"

He knew that even if there was a quarrel and friction, he wouldn\'t let him know. The people in the crew wouldn\'t tell him this. People in this country hate whistleblowers the most.

"Of course, I\'m not rubbing against her. Now I just want to finish filming as soon as possible. I\'m too lazy to walk every day when I\'m tired, and I\'m not in the mood to compete with that Bichi."

Naomi knew what he was worried about, and as the film was about to end, he didn\'t want any problems, especially if the actor relationship affected the work.

Don\'t look at this man talking sweetly to himself in bed, he seems to be a perfect lover. But if the progress of the work force is affected because of her own reasons, Naomi dares to bet with her own chest that he will definitely turn his face against her, and there will be no hesitation in the slightest, even if she serves him well in bed. exception.

"That\'s good. Starting tomorrow, I will try my best to shoot the scenes of you and Uma first, and quickly end the shooting here."

"Okay, I will perform well. During this period of time, because my ng has been reduced a lot, this film has also made me grow a lot."

Naomi promised him, just like she said, she entered the state faster and faster during this time. It can only be said that people who can succeed have extraordinary talents.

Of course, it also has something to do with his low requirements for the cast and crew. In such a film, Naomi and Uma Thurman\'s role in selling faces is far greater than acting, and it is impossible to deduct the so-called acting skills a little bit.

Since filming, Wayne has made a lot of progress. A film director, like the head of a group of migrant workers, has to coordinate all types of work to build the house. Chatting about the filming, Wayne drove Naomi to the hotel.

Up to now, the filming is basically going smoothly. It is one aspect that he, a rookie director, has gradually improved from lack of experience. The other aspect is that the crew can suppress conflicts and focus on work.

Although some people have mediocre abilities and conflicts with the crew, he never thought of firing those people. Even in Hollywood, it is difficult to find people who are cheap enough and have outstanding abilities.

In his opinion, the entire crew can reach the level of professional competence. In his opinion, it is the out-of-group lighting engineer Steve. Luke is also very talented, but in Wayne\'s view, his talent is not in being a director, but in being a director. It is his careful and responsible, suitable for assistant directors or producers and production managers.

A quiet night passed. Everyone didn\'t go to the bar to get drunk. They all knew that it was a critical moment. This was one of the reasons why Wayne tolerated the whole group. No matter what their abilities, they at least had a perfect professional attitude.

In the corridor of the hospital studio, the filming started immediately was a scene where a killer wearing a mask chased after and stabbed the heroine Terry to death. Wayne didn\'t go to the show anymore, and he didn\'t need to ask too much for this scene.

The scenes filmed here are actually not difficult at all, and they were shot several times in a row, without the so-called deep excavation of the two people, the pursuit of connotation, and the tearful acting skills of the actors.

All it takes is a killer with a mask to show violence and cruelty, and the heroine Terry shows panic and unwillingness, that\'s enough.

Seeing that they performed well, they acted with ease and dedication. He shot this scene from five different angles in the morning. The most important thing is this scene. Maybe two or three clips can be edited into the movie later.

It was not until two reels of film were used in the shooting that he looked at his watch and called for a break, asking them to have lunch, and the afternoon continued. His old habit of looking at the morning shots over and over while eating, trying to find anything that could be improved.

He attaches great importance to every scene where the heroine Terry is killed. The horror atmosphere of this film is almost always in the scene where the heroine is killed, which is a major selling point.

If most of the scenes in this film are the same as those he has seen in his previous life, the difference is that the scene where the heroine is killed is much bloodier and more violent.

Wayne thought about it, this movie can\'t catch people\'s attention at the beginning like a commercial blockbuster. Then there must be something to attract the audience, and he had to choose the scene where Teri was killed infinitely.

Normally, the opening scene plays an important role in whether a movie can catch the audience\'s attention from the very beginning, resonate with the audience, and attract the audience to sit on the chair and watch it patiently.

So for the producer and director team, the opening scene must be well thought out. Sometimes it can be the beginning of a movie story, and sometimes it can be the suspense or the end of a movie story.

He had no choice, he could only choose to put the tense and **** heroine Terry\'s murder forward as much as possible, and let the audience think about why Terry was brutally murdered, or killed again and again. In this way, the audience will follow Terry to solve the mystery and find the murderer.

He couldn\'t play anything, so he buried the clues at the beginning, and slowly turned the corner. So he was very rude and simple, and pointed out the theme at the beginning, explaining the cruel and rude side of Teri.

Watching such a beauty being stabbed to death by **** life, it is indeed cruel, to the point of making people unconsciously associate, can such a beautiful protagonist escape the fate of being killed all the time? What will happen to the murderer in the end?

Whether the beautiful Terry continues to be brutally stabbed to death, or finds the murderer in the transformation, it is a very good gimmick that can stick to the audience and keep watching.

And as Terry\'s birthday changed to a memorial day, Terry\'s slow transformation was inseparable from Hollywood\'s old-fashioned growth, love and family, self-redemption, and finally gave a Hollywood-style happy ending, making the hero and heroine perfect Come together.

Another actor was sent off today, this time the male lead of one of the three main characters, Ethan Hawke. To be honest, this drama is not too friendly to him. This is not the drama of the big male protagonist. His so-called male protagonist is basically a tool man.

As usual, Wayne gave him a killer mask as a souvenir, and thanked him for his work on the play. Ethan Hawke should have no shortage of filming. He is much luckier than many minor supporting roles. Although there is no such thing as the male lead, the supporting roles have always had jobs.

From here, he is going to shoot a movie right away. His luck has always been good. Wayne remembers his Hollywood road. It was basically smooth sailing.

The crew has been sending people away every day these days. Although most of them are dragon roles, this also means that the filming went very smoothly. The whole group of staff also behaved more and more with ease.

After being transferred to the abandoned mental hospital for more than three weeks, today is the last half of the day, and I should be able to complete all the scenes here before lunch.

These days it\'s almost always been Uma and Naomi\'s rivalry, and the two began to interact frequently. Sometimes crew members and extras can hear their mutual taunts, but it never rises to the point where the words starting with b are used to spray each other.

"Uma, well done, you are in good shape, and there is the last scene, I need you to show jealousy with your eyes, it\'s not difficult for you."

He called Uma Thurman to the monitor and asked her. This is a supplement to the scattered shots in the morning, mainly to capture some of her expression changes.

In fact, Uma performed really well. Regardless of her off-screen personality and acting skills, her camera sense is very good and she can always show her perfect side.

"cut! This is over! Everyone pack up, let\'s leave this **** horror movie scene, we\'ll rest in the hotel in the afternoon, you can go have a drink!"

Wayne glanced at the monitor, UU was reading www. uukanshu. com said no problem, and called out the end. All began to pack up everything in an orderly manner. Except for the abandoned garbage, the roads that could be used were taken away. Most of the props and set supplies here were rented by Luke.

After everyone got in the car, he checked again in the corridor, then he safely drove the pickup and followed the crew of the crew back to the hotel.

When they got to the hotel, he and Luke didn\'t do anything. They moved the filmed film to Wayne\'s room and put it in the safe in the bedroom.

Looking at the finished film in the safe, the two looked at each other and showed happy smiles together. This is the result of their hard work for more than a month, and it is also the sweat of their entire crew, including the extras.

"Would you like to have a drink to celebrate, and finally finished filming that **** hospital scene? To be honest, every time I go to that **** abandoned mental hospital, I feel sick all over."

Luke invited him to go down for a drink.

He didn\'t bother to change his clothes, so he followed him downstairs to the small bar next to the hotel.

"Hey, Luke. You must have watched a lot of horror movies when you were a child. I don\'t feel it at all. I hope you will be horrified when you watch our own movies in the future."

Luke heard his ridicule and didn\'t refute it. In fact, everyone didn\'t like that place, but he had to go there for work. It wasn\'t just that he didn\'t like that bad place.

As far as his observation is concerned, the only ones who really have no feelings for the abandoned mental hospital are Wayne and Steve. Except for them, everyone usually doesn\'t walk out of the set up alone, let alone wander around. , then it will be the same as the dead youth in horror movies, there is no difference.