Hollywood Drawing

~: Six hundred and fifty-nine - the ultimate in commercial films

Popular recommendation:

As a great director with Playboy\'s reputation in North America, Wayne receives countless small notes whenever he attends formal occasions. In the first two years, he would still take a look with great interest, looking carefully for any big stars he liked.

When things became normal, he didn\'t have the heart to gossip. To put it bluntly, everyone was "collecting stamps" with each other. After realizing this, he was not very interested in the "love number" that he took the initiative to hand over. .

What\'s more, Hagrid Ryan, who was teased by Tom, although he looked **** and hot on the surface, was actually ten years older than him. That was the first actress to collaborate with Tom on "Top Gun". Who knows if anything happened between them? Wayne doesn\'t have a penchant for going down the same path as his brother.

Greeting everyone along the way, Wayne returned to the middle of the first row where the crew was located. At 8:00 p.m. Eastern North American time, "The Flash" officially opened the mysterious curtain.

The ever-changing Warner Bros. title flashed by, and the DC logo, familiar to fans of the past two years, appeared on the big screen, followed by a routine line of letters: Wayne Greenberg.

Without any long-windedness, the picture first shows a close-up of James Franco\'s face, and then the camera slowly zooms out. In the background of the street, the forensic technical investigator he plays is crouching on the ground, checking the traces left at the scene.

Along with Barry Allen\'s quick analysis, a simple line and a street scene, Wayne used the most straightforward way to succinctly show the audience The Flash\'s character background.

Smart, motivated, lovable, and handsome, this is the first feeling most people feel after seeing this scene. At least from the character image and setting, it will not make the audience feel disgusted.

A simple street scene investigation and scene flashed by, and Barry Allen in his youth became a child. From here, the film officially introduced Barry Allen\'s growth process.

Compared with the typical timeliness and a lot of foreshadowing of Wayne\'s previous works, this film is much more simple, without any conspiracy. It goes back to Barry Allen\'s childhood and tells all the audience the origin of that young man. .

On the big screen, Barry Allen as a child has been running to avoid bullying. Home is his best harbor. A happy family can always make him forget the pain caused by his peers. Gentle and loving parents are also a candy for this child\'s beautiful childhood.

However, as soon as the camera turned, everything came to an end this night. Two yellow and red lightning bolts that were invisible to the naked eye started fighting in the minibus\'s home.

Before Little Barry could figure out what happened, he was sent to the street by one of the lightning bolts, and when he desperately ran home to find out what happened, he saw his mother\'s body. The only father left at the scene became a murderer arrested by the police.

Those police officers who were holding his father didn\'t pay any attention to what little Barry said. No one believed what a child said. In the end, his father was put in prison as a murderer.

The story is very simple. Considering the patience of the audience, this scene is shown very quickly, and even the process of little Barry being brought up by his father\'s friend is also very fast.

The camera turns again in an instant. Fourteen years later, Barry Allen has become a field investigation scientist, but he is always late for work for various reasons, and his adoptive father Joe Weiss Special, help the child round the field and wipe his **** every time.

The film has only gone on for less than ten minutes here, and the opening scene is perfectly connected on the big screen, and the clever and likable Barry Allen appears. This scene is also very clear to tell the audience how this excellent young man keeps using his smart head and talent to help the police solve one difficult case after another.

"No wonder there are those rumors."

The story on the big screen continued, and Steven Spielberg, seated in the middle of the third row, smiled and shook his head, muttering under his breath. "This movie really doesn\'t look like a Greenberg movie."


The thin David Geffen heard the muttering, turned his head to look at his old friend, and asked curiously: "At least I personally think this film is very good, isn\'t it? There is no elaborate foreshadowing, and there is no beginning of the film. Given the crime suspense, and without the dark and depressing rhythm of the movie, isn\'t this a Greenberg movie?"

Yes, this is the first impression of the media representatives, film critics and thousands of fans at the scene. The elements that Wayne is best at in his previous works are not seen in the opening scenes of this "Flash".

If it wasn\'t for the fact that Wayne made the film, many people would never believe this fact. The fast-switching shots, the compact but incomparably simple story rhythm, the sunny, handsome and distinctive male protagonist, as if all of these elements have nothing to do with Wayne, all appeared at the beginning of the film.

"Hey, Steven."

Seeing the audience around them watching the film attentively, David Geffen lowered his voice, approached his old friend and said, "I admit, Wayne\'s previous works are great, but I still have to say that those films want To appreciate the greatness of it, you must ponder and watch with your heart.

This "The Flash" didn\'t give me that feeling. It made me feel very relaxed, and I didn\'t have to think about it at all. Does this scene have any hints for the next story. Isn\'t that bad? For example, the special effects of the two lightning fights just now made me very enjoyable to watch! "


Steven Spielberg nodded, turned his eyes to the big screen again, and said in a voice that he couldn\'t hear clearly: "It\'s just that this style change is really amazing, too risky, no!"

Suddenly, he turned his head and watched the entire auditorium carefully. Whether it was the ordinary movie fans or the media and guests, they all looked at the big screen with relish. In the entire auditorium, there was absolutely no common chatter. , not at all!

Obviously abnormal, he is not the first time to attend Wayne\'s premiere, even the "Batman: The Dark Knight", after the screening started, the theater was not so quiet.

Turning his head to look at the big screen, Aaron Barry and his childhood sweetheart, Iris, came to visit the Xingchen Laboratory together. As soon as this palace of science appeared, even Steven Spielberg was shocked by the exquisite and grand special effects.

And this laboratory building full of science and technology is just the beginning. Wells, the leader of Xingchen Laboratory, announced in front of everyone that he is about to change the future tonight!

Exactly at this time, a thief stole Iris\' bag. After Barry Allen chased him out, he was unexpectedly beaten by the thief, and finally rescued by the sudden appearance of detective Eddie. he. Because of this little thief, Barry Allen can only watch live TV in the office.

The camera began to switch frequently, and Barry Allen was in the office, watching the clues collected over the years about the death of his mother. His adoptive father, Joe and his partner, were attacked on a farm. After another turn of the camera, the particle accelerator in the Xingchen Laboratory exploded, and the sky was flooded with red light...

The big explosion of the particle accelerator of the Star Laboratory spread and radiated to the entire city to the extent visible to the naked eye. Barry Allen, who also watched this scene, was suddenly hit by the light of the particle accelerator and the lightning in the sky at the same time. !

In the whole fast-paced scene, the lightning, the explosion of the particle accelerator, and other scenes were rendered extremely shocking by special effects, which attracted the attention of all audiences.

For this story, countless audiences can be familiar with it, just the birth of The Flash. What people did not expect is that such amazing special effects can still appear on the big screen. The background music in the theater, plus the special effects rendered by Wayne regardless of the cost, can be said to be the ultimate that can be accommodated in this era.

You must know that more than 50% of the production funds of "The Flash" are all invested in special effects. The modeling of Industrial Light and Magic and the first large-scale computer rendering have allowed the audience to experience it for the first time, even if the simple Just for the perfect visual and auditory sensory stimulation, walking into the cinema is also worth the experience of the ticket price.

This is actually the common practice of commercial blockbusters twenty years later. The popular and concise stories, the fast-paced editing and splicing, and the shocking special effects soundtrack constitute the unique charm of commercial blockbusters.

Twenty years later, the reason why film companies do this is because the cost of special effects is already extremely low, and more importantly, because in that era, people could choose from too many entertainment methods, even if they sat in front of a computer and watched a movie, It\'s not much worse than walking into a movie theater.

Fast-paced, stimulating the senses of moviegoers through large scenes and special effects is the best reason for them to enter the theater, because facing the computer at home, they can never enjoy the shocking audio-visual experience of the movie.

Barry Allen on the big screen has been rushed to the hospital for rescue because he was hit by a particle accelerator and lightning, but the scene just now made all the audience fall into the aftertaste.

Is the story complicated? No, it\'s so simple that it just shows the birth process of The Flash, and the time is not long, only less than five minutes. However, it was this episode that achieved the ultimate special effects of this era that attracted all the audience. UU reading www. uukanshu.com

"If this film came out half a year later, I would guess at the first time that it was "Titanic" that inspired him." Steven Spielberg sighed and looked at the old man beside him said in a low voice.

David Geffen doesn\'t know that much about movies after all, after all, he has always played music, but this movie has given him a great feeling from the beginning to the present. Hearing what the old man said, he immediately looked over in surprise and asked:

"What\'s the meaning?"

"The Flash" and "Titanic"? No matter how you look at them, there is not the slightest connection between the two.

"Wayne, who lost his discussion of film art, completely took the commercial element to the other extreme, just like when he used a "Joker\'s Soul" to take the horror movie to the extreme!"

Shaking his head with a smile, Steven Spielberg looked at the middle of the first row, revealing deep admiration. "He saw through one thing and succeeded in doing it, that is, in this extremely commercialized circle, ideas and stories have always been the least valuable things!

Just like James Cameron\'s "Titanic", Roland Emmerich\'s "Independence Day", just use a third-rate story to create a business miracle! The same is true for The Flash. A story like this is not creative, let alone artistic, but is the story important to the film? Not at all.

But it\'s a story so simple that the audience can understand it, and he used another extreme way to stimulate everyone\'s emotions. Tsk tsk tsk, the special effects scenes that appear in this "The Flash", I am afraid that George\'s Nova War will not be able to come out..."