Hollywood Drawing

~: Six hundred and seventy - a big villain like a weak chicken.

Popular recommendation:

Hollywood has always been a contradiction, just like what Wayne faced back then. As a rookie director, you have never proven yourself commercially, so naturally you will not get the opportunity to be invested. But if you don\'t have the money to make your first feature film, how can you prove your ability to the film company?

The same principle applies to The Flash. For a simple third-rate story like this, let alone a rookie director, even if you change to a lesser-known director, if you get Warner Bros., you can only get a big mouthful of phlegm from the film and television production department, and most likely even the chance to review it. can\'t get it.

Contradictions can be said to exist in all aspects of the circle. In the eyes of a film company, a fresh and creative story is tantamount to taking a risk with a large sum of money. It is an old-fashioned and simple story that seems to be spliced ​​together by an assembly line. The film company will not even take a look at it. Writers and writers who can write such stories With more producers, they won\'t trust your abilities.

If it looks like this, the movie seems like a child\'s play, but the reality is far more cruel than this. When "The Flash" was first mentioned by Wayne, it was completely an idea, and even the script was just an outline, but Warner Bros. would still spend hundreds of millions of dollars to pay for it.

Even if the preparatory work for "The Flash" is in the late stage, when the main actor is approached, the script is still being overturned again and again.

All kinds of situations all show that a film like this has nothing to do with novice directors in the circle, or even some well-known directors. In particular, "The Flash" is almost the same as "Titanic" in terms of story structure, simple, straightforward, and old-fashioned.

Couldn\'t Wayne, or James Cameron, write good stories? Obviously not possible. Directors of their level know very well in their hearts that often simple stories require more directing skills. A tragic romance film that does well becomes "Titanic", but there are countless examples of failures.

At the same time, the simple and simple story undoubtedly means that all movie viewing thresholds have been removed. Even if it is a few-year-old child and an elderly person in their sixties or seventies who walk into the theater, they can still understand what the movie is about at the first time and win a wider audience.

Of course, it all depends on the "quality" of the film. The stories of big-selling commercial films are often very simple and simple, because the selling point of the film is not a story at all.

Some people have already thought of this while watching the movie, and more people just think that this movie is worth the price of entering the theater for the grand visual sense of refreshment.

Bella Grant, who was wearing a light beige lady\'s skirt, was in the back two rows of the media representative area, and her eyes were very excited when she looked at the big screen.

Since many years ago, she has not missed the premiere of every movie of Wayne, and the same is true for this "The Flash". Even if she did not squeeze into the media area reserved by the organizer, she still relied on her own relationship. Arrived at a premiere movie ticket.

There have been rumors about this film in the circle before. This is the first time Bella-Grant has seen the complete film. Now she can\'t guess what other audiences think, but she knows that she enjoys watching it. This is her first time. Watching that man\'s video once, you don\'t need to think about it, you can relax and enjoy it.

In the past two years, paparazzi reporters have focused most of their attention on the female stars who have an intersection with Wayne, and gradually climbed up to Bella Grant, who was at the top of the "Los Angeles Times". Followed by paparazzi reporters, and gossip tabloids hyped her bomb figure.

But the relationship between the two of them did not end. On occasional weekends off, she could be seen at Greenberg Manor or the Four Seasons Hotel in Beverly.

Even Wayne has a very special feeling for this woman, because this is the only woman who doesn\'t get money and opportunities from him. Bella Grant has her own business and is doing it very well, which is the capital she can always remain independent.

She likes a good man, but she doesn\'t have to get anything from a good man. Of course, the Los Angeles Times can have a close relationship with Warner Bros. There must be that man factor, which is unavoidable.

But for Warner Bros. and the "Los Angeles Times", the close cooperation between the two parties tends to be a win-win situation, which is the basis of the close friendship between the two parties.

Not long ago, Wayne and Bella Grant were at a party, and when he saw a woman still driving a Chevrolet from a few years ago, he offered to let the woman choose a good car and send the bill to Manor, naturally someone will pay the bill.

In exchange, the woman shook her head neatly, as neatly as she rejected the precious gifts she had received countless times before.

When Wayne galloped on the majestic mountain of the woman, he was accustomed to ridicule. "I\'m crazy busy with work and making a lot of money, just so that my \'girlfriend\' doesn\'t have to worry about money. So, Bella, you can definitely date Nina, then go to the luxury store to scan the goods, go to the car dealership and drive away what you like car."

Even if the woman is in a state of being suppressed, it is admirable that her head is always sober, and her answer is particularly direct. "Wayne, your workaholic attributes, and the sky-high income that comes with it, are not for a certain woman, but for the rights that ordinary people look up to, and the capital to squander their desires. Don\'t use these to deceive other women. Celebrity words lie to me."

"But what I said is also true, isn\'t it?" The man looked at the majesty of the woman fascinatedly, and teased again with his neck stuck.

"Don\'t talk about it, Wayne, I\'m telling you what the truth is. The truth is that before I had a relationship with you, I\'ve been relying on my ability to make money to support myself and continue to be successful in the workplace! What? After the rich man\'s bed, does the ability to work disappear? Obviously I can afford things, but I have to spend your money?

Wayne, you continue to achieve amazing success in Hollywood solely because it brings you power, wealth, fame, dreams, etc. There are countless reasons to support your expanding ambitions, but never Don\'t throw this dirty water on me, you have only one attraction to me, you are an excellent man with more than 99% of the same kind, only this! "

Similar conversations have happened more than once, so this woman has always felt different from other female stars in Wayne\'s eyes. In his opinion, the so-called independent women are probably like this. It is hard not to be deeply fascinated by men with such a style and character.

Especially in the heavily patriarchal society of Hollywood, Bella Grant is different from the abnormal behavior of women in this era, as if all over her body exudes charm.

"Boy, after tonight, I\'m afraid the debate you\'re going to face will intensify..."

Looking at the big screen, although Bella Grant liked the film very much, with her sensitivity as the editor-in-chief of the media, she instantly thought of the direction of public opinion in the morning.

There is no doubt that this "Flash" is not like a Greenberg film at all, and countless "artistic" elements praised by filmmakers around the world have all disappeared in this film. At least the film has been shown here, and all you can see is a simple story, which has achieved the ultimate audio-visual special effects of this era.

The story on the big screen continued. After being hit by lightning and a particle accelerator, Barry Allen lay in a coma in the Stars Lab for nine months. And when Barry Allen woke up, Dr. Wells from the Star Lab told him everything.

Particle accelerators have been Dr. Wells\' lifelong dream, but an accident finally happened. The doctor told him that during the nine months he was in a coma, every time his heart stopped, the entire laboratory with a sense of future technology would be powered off. .

After that, Barry Allen went to see Ayres, whom he had a crush on, for the first time, but his body had changed before he knew it. This change successfully allowed him to defuse a crisis and return to the police station. When he found that a prisoner was going to steal a gun, he moved in front of the prisoner in an instant and stopped the impending crisis.

The changes brought about by his body made Barry Allen feel terrified, and when he realized something was wrong, he ran out of the police station. Afterward, he found himself moving as fast as lightning, the fear disappeared, and excitement flooded his brain.

There is no doubt that all of this is related to the particle accelerator of the Xingchen Laboratory, and the excited Barry-Allen found the doctor of the laboratory. Next, they experimented with Barry Allen\'s speed together at the airport.

His speed was faster than the sound, and there was even a sonic boom at the start, which immediately reminded him of two lightning bolts in his childhood, the night his mother was killed!

Recalling the childhood of Barry Allen, he broke his arm because of distraction, but what happened next was even more unexpected. In less than three hours, his broken arm was restored to normal!

From acquiring ability to adapting ability, to understanding one\'s own ability, although the camera switches on the big screen are very fast, as long as the ability of Baili-Allen can be displayed, it is completely shocked by the special effects rendering, and every audience on the scene is extremely shocked. They all stared at the big screen with great interest.

Barry Allen became the Flash in people\'s memory, and the story began to go on the right track. When Barry Allen used his ability to chase a criminal, he happened to meet Martin, his adoptive father partner who was killed by lightning that day. , and the other party not only did not die, but also gained the ability to control the storm because of the particle accelerator!

The story is very simple. When Martin who controls the storm appears, everyone knows that this guy is the big villain in the movie, but the audience is not bored, because whether it is the scene where Martin controls the storm, or Barry Allen is as fast as The rendering of lightning is directly full of visual and auditory experience.

Barry Allen told his adoptive father all this, but his adoptive father Joe didn\'t believe it at all. His dead partner Martin not only lived, but also became able to control the storm. Joe still believes that it was Barry Allen\'s father who killed his mother, and he thinks the kid is just looking for an excuse to excuse his father.

Barry Allen, who was thought by his adoptive father to be crazy, turned around and found the doctor of Xingchen Laboratory. He told the doctor what he had seen, and deduced that the particle accelerator not only changed himself, but radiated the whole city. Fallout humans with superpowers, and more.

Martin was the first of its kind that Barry Allen saw. Obviously, the police force, as an ordinary person, simply couldn\'t solve such a big trouble with superpowers. He wanted to let Dr. Wells\' team find a solution to this kind of person, but the answer was "no".

At this moment, no one can help him, the adoptive father does not believe his crazy words, and the doctor believes his words but has no solution.

The helpless Barry Allen chose to go to another city at absolute speed according to the legends he had learned, to find helpers who could help him. The name of this city is also constantly mentioned in Barry Allen\'s memories, "City of Tomorrow", most people prefer to call it "Metropolis"!

"ohmygod! Metropolis!"

"Clark Kent?!"

"I knew that Wayne wouldn\'t let us down!"


The Flash on the big screen was running, recalling, and for the first time in the theater, the audience had buzzing discussions and couldn\'t help but marvel.

The effect of this plot is very good. When the information about Superman appeared, the anticipation of the audience was all hung up at this moment.

But Barry Allen used to be just an ordinary person. He learned about the fragmented legend of the guardian of the metropolis, and it was also said by the criminal who was arrested in his memory. He was able to find that city in that city with only these few words of information. A mysterious guardian? no one knows.

But the audience has been mobilized, and many people have discovered the difference between this film and the previous DC series. In the previous films, other heroes were always mentioned in the form of easter eggs until the end of the film, but this "The Flash" gave information in the main film of the film.

If the legend about the "Guardians of the Metropolis" can\'t make the audience excited, Barry Allen\'s memory of a criminal has made everyone even more excited, because of the scattered information, " The code names "Green Lantern" and "Green Arrow" have been repeatedly mentioned many times.

Barry Allen firmly believes that the things that he used to regard as legends are real, because his own changes are the most favorable evidence!

A person who truly believes in himself, a person who has the ability to help himself solve his problems, is the goal of Barry Allen\'s trip. Because he knew very well that Martin, who controlled the storm, was probably only the first one to be exposed. The entire city was irradiated by particle accelerators, and he didn\'t know how many similar careerists were hiding in the darkness.

The prosperity of the metropolis at night did not make Barry Allen feel nostalgic at all. At this moment, he turned into a red lightning, flashing frantically in the metropolis, looking for his goal.

Without any twists and turns, when red lightning ravaged the metropolis, on the roof of a building, it was successfully stopped by a strong figure hidden in the shadows.

"You didn\'t get hit by lightning casually, boy, it was lightning that chose you!"

The strong figure in the shadow knew everything, and after a long silence, a low voice came out of the shadow. "Child, you have to believe that you will be able to use your abilities to protect your own city! Since Lightning has chosen you, then go and do what you need to do as Lightning."

The tall and strong figure did not give Barry Allen a chance to continue to explain. He turned around and jumped off the top of the building, leaving a final piece of advice.

"Children, don\'t forget to put on your mask."

Although this sentence is still low, but the tone of the speech is full of ridicule.

At this point in the movie, many things are no longer implied, but Chi Luoluo\'s explicit statement that there are countless supernatural powers in this world, and it is likely that the owners of those supernatural powers communicate with each other.

"Superman, Green Arrow, Green Lantern, plus the protagonist Flash, which hero\'s information will appear next...?"

Bella Grant is not a die-hard DC comics fan, but these familiar superheroes, even if she is a girl, are still very familiar, and the fragmented information that appears in the movie is enough to make ordinary people scream with excitement.

As a Hollywood insider and a senior film media practitioner, she has a very clear feeling that the DC series is about to speed up her pace after several successful works. This "The Flash" It is using a simple story background and grand audio-visual special effects to prepare audiences all over the world.

Even the next scene in the movie, Bella Grant can guess, is nothing more than the Flash returning to his city and personally defeating the storm-controlling Martin.

As she thought, Barry-Allen returned to the Star Lab. They designed and made a suit for him. This suit could prevent him from spontaneously igniting too fast, and Catherine also found out that Martin released the storm. Location.

As soon as the camera turned, Barry Allen\'s adoptive father Joe also chased here, and no accident happened. The two ordinary policemen were not Martin\'s opponents at all.

With a storm under Martin\'s control destroying the farm, destroying buildings, and destroying everything around, Joe is simply powerless to resist this inhuman ability.

Exactly at this moment, Barry Allen arrived at the scene wearing a new battle suit and transformed into a bright red lightning. Martin is in control of the storm, and still has no intention of stopping. The storm is spreading to the center of the city, and he wants to destroy the entire city.

Barry Allen didn\'t have time to think about it, he rushed into the storm alone and started running in reverse, hoping to use his speed to break the storm. But Martin\'s ability was stronger than he imagined, and the moment he rushed into the storm, he was knocked out.

If the previous special effects only appeared intermittently, the grand scene at that time was the limit of what special effects could do in this era. Martin controlled the hurricane-like storm, and Barry Allen, who was kicked away, got up and made the iconic ready-to-run gesture.

"Barry, run, you\'re good at this, run, Barry..."

In the movie, Dr. Wells, his adoptive father Joe and others were watching Barry Allen nervously until he turned into lightning this time and cut directly into the storm.

The collision of speed and speed, the collision of lightning and hurricane, the fierce sparks seem to overflow beyond the big screen. In the expressiveness of this superpower confrontation between the two, Wayne believes that shooting with green screen is the most correct choice, at least in this era.

In the fierce collision, Barry Allen used his fastest speed to successfully reverse the storm that was about to enter the city and successfully prevent the disaster from happening.

In the end, at the moment when Barry Allen destroyed the storm, his adoptive father, Joe, decisively fired two shots to deal with Martin. At this time, Qiao finally believed everything the adopted son said, and also understood that he had misunderstood him, and believed even more in the adopted son\'s description of what happened in his childhood.

After this incident, Joe saw with his own eyes his incredible ability and was finally willing to help Barry Allen to testify that his father was innocent and that the murderer of his mother was someone else.

The film has gradually come to an end. In fact, the story is obviously not finished, but this is the style of DC movies. The audience is used to leaving suspense, and then waiting for the sequel to continue to tell the story.

When the camera turned on the big screen, Barry Allen sat in front of the prison visiting glass, making a pledge with his father. He swore that in the name of The Flash, he would protect the city in the dark and find out the other superpowers who were still hidden.

At the same time, a voice-over sounded.

"Barry never caught up with anyone in the first half of his life, but now, he is the fastest man in the world, and he will use the name The Flash to follow in the footsteps of those legendary superheroes to protect the world. "

When the voiceover fell, the big screen went dark, and a huge line of letters appeared: "The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, and the ability has never been an accomplice to trample on the truth!"

The background music at the end of the movie sounded together, and the end credits rolled, accompanied by a burst of violent applause!

"This movie is so addicting, UU reading www.uukanshu.com my God, I never thought about the special effects of the movie, it can really do this!"

"Nice job, Barry!"

"Run, Barry, you\'re good at this!"


The audience not only clapped vigorously and had nowhere to vent their excitement, but also screamed loudly with the clapping.

"Awe-inspiring special effects, people feel incredible extreme."

Also applauding with fans, well-known Los Angeles film critic Todd McKinsey smiled and shook his head and muttered to himself. In fact, he is also a die-hard fan of Wayne. If he were any other film critic, the evaluation of this film would probably be all vulgar, nothing new, and a collection of summer vulgar routines.

One thing Todd McKinsey is still worried about is that the villain of this film is too weak. Barry Allen has hardly suffered any setbacks and successfully killed the big villain. Such a weak villain setting, in this era are rare in commercial films.

But Wayne is more confident than anyone else, because he can be said to have completely borrowed the Iron Man in memory in the production of the entire "Flash".

In his memory, Marvel has already proven countless times that a lovable character does not need a strong villain to set off at all, even if it is like a primary school student making an appointment and dancing to kill the weak chicken boos, It will not affect the audience\'s perception.

But Todd McKinsey\'s worries were not allowed to continue, the big screen lit up again, as if it was already a regular program of Wayne\'s movies, Easter eggs began to appear at the right time, and the deafening applause in the auditorium also stopped at this moment, all the All eyes are on the big screen.