Hollywood Drawing

~: Six hundred and fifty-eight - brand

Popular recommendation:

Hollywood has always been a commercial society, there has never been a need for genius, it has always been. Those who are sought after by everyone are precisely those brands that are wrapped in genius and are perfectly marketed, such as Steven Spielberg in the director, Bang Bei, Wayne and so on.

The same goes for actors, producers, and even other behind-the-scenes types of work. The general environment of the entire circle does not value the so-called genius at all. The film companies value more, in fact, Chi Luoluo\'s profit potential.

If you can find a way to prove yourself and bring benefits to the film company and more people, there will be countless behind-the-scenes players around you, trying their best to market you as a special brand in front of the public.

The same is true for Wayne. He also first proved himself with "Happy Death Day", which can make the publishing company make a lot of profits, and successfully let Warner Bros. see his potential, and then he will gradually be marketed as the so-called last one in North America. "Knight", "Congressional Gold Medal" recipient, all North American girls\' dreams, Hollywood\'s 90\'s director\'s flag and many more labels.

Everyone seems to mention him, first of all, they must praise the master of black art, but the fact is that he can be packaged by the world\'s top three media groups, and it has nothing to do with film art, but because of His films can bring large returns to capital.

The "Captain Jack" that caused confusion among fans on the red carpet is also the same in Wayne\'s view. Many film companies in the circle are aware of his rambunctious studio style, as if he was born with a trouble-seeking physique, but he is still willing to work on the set. In front of the public, he was packaged as an idol in the eyes of fans.

As long as the name Johnny Depp can still make a large number of ordinary people willing to pay from their pockets, such packaging will not stop, and this name will gradually become a brand.

Note that this is the "genius" that Hollywood studios have been looking for. Wayne is like this, Johnny Depp is like this, Tom and Jerry is like this, and Jerry Bruckheimer is like this. These "geniuses" are not limited to the big stars standing in front of the stage, but more represent the brands that can appear on their own. potential.

A "filmmaker" who can achieve certain achievements in this circle does not have talent in the first place. You can spoil your private life, take drugs, smoke leaf cigarettes, and even smoke powdered objects and smoke in order to seek greater stimulation. It doesn\'t matter if you\'re of the same gender as you.

What\'s most important? Johnny Depp is a typical example, we must soberly know how to market ourselves. In the face of movie fans, he will always be the highest-quality idol, a fan favorite, and Hollywood studios are also willing to see this kind of scene. They want you to become a brand more than anyone else, which can make the public willing to empty their wallets. s brand.

"I should be very busy today and have no time to entertain you."

After a brief interview, Wayne took Naomi Watts and Nina to stand at the entrance of the Hollywood China Theater and began to greet the guests on the platform as the host. He gave a warm hug to Tim Burton and shook hands with the silent Johnny Depp, he pointed to the staff leading the way.

"You\'re always busy, man, and when you\'re my age, you\'ll know the importance of enjoying life."

Tim Burton joked, patted his arm with a smile, then nodded politely with Naomi Watts, and followed the staff to the VIP lounge.

They were the first two guests to walk on the red carpet. Unlike most of the invited guests, the gothic director was only willing to show up because of their personal relationship. As for "Captain Jack" on the side, the two of them have always been inseparable in almost every formal occasion in the past two years.

"I can sense that Wayne doesn\'t like me."

Came to the VIP lounge on the second floor of the theater. After the two found a place to sit down, Johnny Depp tilted his head, looked at his friend and said in a low voice.

"It\'s normal, because he\'s the same kind of person as me."

For this, Tim Burton has long seen it clearly. Several times he wanted to push the talented actors around him to the other party\'s crew for a ride, but every time the other party agreed, and then he didn\'t. below.

"Wayne is actually not easy to get in touch with. The people around him either have been fighting with him for many years, or they have a very bad temper with him and get his appreciation from the heart, otherwise, they want to be friends with him. , but it is never as simple as it seems.”

"But he still has a lot of friends, doesn\'t he?" Johnny Depp turned his head and looked in the direction of the door on the first floor of the theater.

In fact, in his heart, he doesn\'t agree with his friend\'s point of view, and prefers that the king of darkness is a typical old man in the circle. This situation is very common. If you want to enter a circle like them, you must at least have a matching status in the circle.

Just like Wayne\'s actor friends, Will Smith, Tom Cruise, Christian Bale, who is not a first-line commercial star in the circle? Even Yoon Sang Hawke, Gary Oldman and Ralph Fiennes, etc., are the No. 1 figures when they are taken out.

"Dude." Tim Burton shook his head with a smile, lowered his voice, and said, "This has always been the case in this circle. It\'s the code of conduct for most people."

From the "Private Means" of the year, to the later "Edward Scissorhands", "A Different Sky", "Ed Wood", or "Natural Lovers" in the past two years, "The Adventures of a Heroic Teenager" Waiting for the film, Johnny Depp can be regarded as an out-and-out literary coffee.

Of course, his style has won the admiration of countless people, including Tim Burton. But literary coffees are far less popular than those commercial coffees in the circle.

In fact, everyone knows some things. If you want to improve your coffee position as soon as possible and get on the front line, it is the safest way to join a major business project. There are people like Johnny Depp, who exude from the inside out. Literary fan, I don\'t want to understand these things, it is difficult to change in my career after all.

In fact, Tim Burton was the earliest, and he also hoped that Johnny Depp would join Wayne\'s project. Like Nicolas Cage, who was a literary fan in his early years, he went to the public through a film. Unfortunately, he also discovered Wayne later. Not looking forward to seeing my friends, this road is still blocked.


The silent Johnny Depp stood up and looked at Tom Cruise and his wife, who were hugging Wayne on the first floor. For the first time, his eyes flashed with thinking.

No one wants to be despised wherever they go, and he also doesn\'t want to. This kind of taste is not uncomfortable at all. Especially in the last few formal occasions with Tim Burton, the enthusiasm in the eyes of those people is always for Tim Burton, even if they greet him politely, it is also Tim Burton. Dayton\'s face.

"Johnny Depp, is that how the guy\'s name is read?"

At the entrance of the Chinese Grand Theater, Naomi Watts, who accompanied Wayne to greet guests from time to time, chatted with Nina in a low voice. "I forgot when I saw the film he starred in. An actor with very distinctive acting skills and handsome enough..."

"Yes, it\'s a pity that the films he starred in are too niche."

The assistant has been in this circle for many years. After a lot of hearing and seeing, there are some things that she can see more clearly from the perspective of a bystander. "Tim has recommended this actor to Boss several times, and Boss thinks that he is too literary and artistic."

"He\'s a man who doesn\'t follow the rules."

Hearing the discussion between the two women, Wayne shook his head helplessly.

"Captain Jack", who can become popular all over the world in the future, is of course a good actor, but he is deeply aware that this is a guy who is not willing to accept the **** at all.

Actors who do not follow the rules, even if they can bring a lot of benefits, are the type who are the least willing to cooperate with him. When the contract can no longer restrain the actor\'s professional attitude, the only thing left is to coax, coax the actor to film, he doesn\'t have that habit at all, let Disney and Jerry Bruckheimer do it. .

The guests present today are mainly Wayne\'s friends in the circle and people in the circle who have a good relationship with Warner Bros. The popularity of "The Flash" is big enough, and the stars who received the invitation letter from Warner Bros. basically all dressed up Happy to come.

From the very beginning of Tim Burton and Johnny Depp, to Tom Cruise and his wife, DreamWorks Steven Spielberg and David Geffen, etc., to It took less than an hour for the new generation of actors and stars such as Hagrid Ryan, who came hand in hand with Nicolas Cage, to show a hustle and bustle on the second floor of the Chinese Grand Theater.

Even though every guest greeted Wayne with a smile, some people\'s eyes could be hidden by careful observation. The reason is very simple. At the same time, the premiere of "Godzilla" was also star-studded. After all kinds of gossip during this period, many people want to know whether this "The Flash" will become his. waterloo. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

When the time came close to 8 o\'clock in the evening, platform guests, media representatives, various film critics, and thousands of audience members sat in the screening room one after another, all waiting for tonight\'s highlight, the official screening of "The Flash".

"Hey, I saw Hagrid-Ryan put a note for you."

Entering the screening room, Wayne greeted people all the way, and when he reached the second row, he was pulled by the waiting Tom Cruise. Brother Tom had a look that a man could understand, winked at him, and said in a low voice, "I swear this girl is not bad, we worked together in "Top Gun"."

What seemed to be the whispered jokes of two men, Nicole Kidman and Naomi Watts on the side, all heard clearly. The two women looked at each other and rolled their eyes while tacit understanding. This has always been like this in this circle. For these successful men, there are so many temptations that even if you hide, they will come to you.

"You said that?"

Wayne didn\'t take the actress ten years older than him to heart at all. If it wasn\'t for Tom\'s ridicule, he couldn\'t remember the woman who came with Nicolas Cage. Hooking his fingers at the assistant lady beside him, he took a large stack of small notes and looked at Brother Tom.

"Do you want it? Forget it, it\'s all for you."

Saying that, he threw a stack of small notes to Tom Cruise, shrugged and joked, "Brother, if I were you, I would pray now, and pray that Nicole would put you in bed at night."

"Hey, shit."

Looking at Wayne who turned his head away after speaking, Tom opened his mouth, looked at the large pile of "love numbers" in his hand, and looked at the expressionless Nicole Kidman, and angrily All the little notes were thrown underfoot.