Hollywood Drawing

~: Eighteen-late

At two o\'clock in the afternoon, Jimmy knocked on the door of Wayne\'s apartment and opened the door. Jimmy found that Wayne had lost a small amount of weight in the past two months compared to before departure.

He let Jimmy sit down on the sofa, brought him a bottle of water, and then sat across from him and said:

"Jimmy, I need to rent a post office space right now, mainly a editing room with a professional editor. Does it matter to you in this regard? If there is no cheap and good place, I have to take the film to school. Edited. In that case I would have to do it myself, without a professional editor, I am not sure if I am competent enough.”

Jimmy thought for a moment, then replied:

"I want to go back and get in touch. Don\'t think about the big company. If possible, I\'ll contact you to see if I can rent a professional place."

"Okay, as soon as possible, I don\'t have much time, it\'s better to find it within a few days. There are still a lot of things waiting for us, and the post-production of the film is finished. If I can\'t catch up with the Saint Denis Film Festival in last month, I\'m afraid I will I went to the film companies one by one to show it."

Wayne is more eager. He doesn\'t shoot many scenes, editing and simple soundtrack are enough, and even the beginning and ending are not in his consideration.

His earliest plan was to finish the production as soon as possible, and then go to the Saint Denis Film Festival. It is definitely too late to sign up for the competition unit, but it is not difficult to rent a movie hall for screening.

"You want to go to the Saint Denis Film Festival? Well, it seems that you have already made plans. Although there are filmmakers from the distribution company at the film festival, I can\'t invite a few big companies in my relationship, you know. , I\'m just a small agent who just left the mail room with a group of newcomers."

Jimmy looked at him with some embarrassment. He didn\'t expect that he had this idea. He went to the St. Denis Film Festival to screen, and then invited the cinematographer of the distribution company or the film buyer. But this is a test of the agent\'s personal connections. He is only a small agent, but he does not have the ability to directly break into the offices of several giant film companies.

"Don\'t worry, Jimmy. I can invite as many as I can. As long as someone is willing to go into the theater to watch it, I am confident that there will always be someone willing to release him.

Or do you think I\'ll make a bunch of **** and I\'ll definitely fail? Even if no one buys this time, I have plans for the future. "

In a relaxed tone, he persuaded Jimmy that he did have confidence in his film, and the source of his confidence was the popularity and box office of the film in his previous life.

"After? Wayne, I want to sincerely remind you that you don\'t have an after, you only have this chance to prove yourself. Although I don\'t know where you got the investment from, but if you screw it up, there will never be anyone else. Invest in you."

"Jimmy, are you so sure that I must fail?"

Wayne saw Jimmy remind him seriously, his expression like constipation.

"Wayne, reality tells me and reminds me that a director of your age can\'t succeed. I think that after finishing the film, you can tell a smooth story. For a novice like you, it is already relatively big. achieved."

Jimmy looked at Wayne who was suddenly confident, and his expression became more tangled. He couldn\'t help but say what he really thought.

"But Wayne, I will help you find a post-production studio as soon as possible. I hope you can catch up with the film festival."

After Jimmy finished speaking, he politely left.

Wayne didn\'t care about his attitude at all, it was normal for his performance. What he was after was the first movie, and he sent it to the theater. For Jimmy, he was obviously a bit over his own power.

The next afternoon, when he and Luke were discussing post-production work, he received a call from Jimmy, who helped Wayne find a place to do post-production, the post-production editing room of Castle Films.

He and Luke hurried downstairs and drove straight to Burbank Street. When he got there, he found that it was only a two-story building, and Jimmy was waiting for him at the door.

"Wayne, let\'s go in and have a look. There are the equipment and editors you need here, but they are charged by the day. Do you still have enough funds?"

Jimmy greeted him and led them both inside.

"Don\'t worry, it cost me less than 800,000 yuan to complete the shooting. I saved a lot of money. The shooting has been smooth until the post-production stage, and the rest is enough for the post-production stage."

Jimmy said that there was no problem, went to the second floor and knocked on the door, leading them into the manager\'s office. On the cooking sofa, I introduced Wayne:

"Wayne, this is Brown Jennings, the manager of this studio, and this is Wayne, my client, who wants to lease your post-production studio here to edit a film."

Wayne and him greeted each other, and then went straight to the topic. With the help of Jimmy, they directly signed the lease contract.

"Mr. Jennings, I\'ll come to work tomorrow. Is there any problem with the editor?"

After Wayne signed the contract, he politely asked the other party.

Brown looked at the young and excessive director and replied:

"No problem. I\'ll introduce you tomorrow. Julia is the best editor here. She won\'t let you down."

The two shook hands and said goodbye politely. After leaving the small building, I asked Jimmy:

"This is the post-production studio of the Castle Film Company? I thought it would be very big with the film company."

"Wayne, Castle Pictures will also be considered a medium-sized film company. There are too many companies like them in Hollywood. Which building do you expect such a small company to be in?"

"Okay, I\'ll go back with Luke first, to get the film from the bank, bye."

He discussed with Luke that he would come to work early tomorrow morning, the sooner the better.

Wayne shot a full 900 minutes of material. Although the filming was based on the pictures in his head, it is really a lot of work to edit these into a film of about 90 minutes.

In the post-editing room, the entire work is mainly composed of Wayne Luke and editor Julia. Julia is a middle-aged woman with a good personality, and she understands Wayne\'s intentions fairly well.

The specific editing was handled by Julia, and Wayne only made his own requirements to him, as well as the effects that the film needed to retain.

"Wayne, I\'m finalizing the main story with you. If there\'s no problem, I\'ll start."

Julia waited for him to finish talking about the film requirements, and then confirmed it with him again.

"No problem, let\'s do it."

Any film has a main line. His main line is very clear. The protagonist Terry uses the elimination method to slowly find the murderer who killed her, and grows slowly in the process.

The request to Julia is to try to keep the large-scale footage of Teri being stabbed to death again and again. This is also the only place Wayne has changed in the whole film. He needs these to make gimmicks and increase the attractiveness of the picture.

In this matter, Wayne completely stood in the position of the young audience. Only a beautiful blond beauty who was repeatedly stabbed to death would arouse the curiosity and desire for protection of young people, which could stick to the audience. Read on.

The editing progress on the first day was not fast, and he was very cautious even in the first rough cut. This is related to the effect of the final film. Different splicing will lead to different stories, or even two completely different stories.

Julia was concentrating on her work, and Wayne discussed a few words with Luke from time to time behind her, and then told Julia. Every time he cuts a clip, he has to watch it again, and he has to make sure that the shots he wants to keep are kept in this rough cut.

According to his ideas, the film must be as close to the original film as possible in his mind at the end. This is his first film, and he must be assured how to make it, and there can be no fluke.

"Luke, I think the first time Terry was killed, we must try to make the premise as close as possible to the beginning. The reason for the story is directly explained to the audience, and the beautiful and **** scenes are used as the opening to attract people to watch."

He talked to Luke about his thoughts on the film, and wanted to hear if Luke had any suggestions. Since entering the editing room, Luke has hardly spoken, just watched silently.

Looking at Julia at work, Luke considered Wayne\'s words, he came here mainly to help. Before he came, he had made plans to watch and study more, which was the meaning of his participation in this film.

This is also the first time that Luke has participated in post-production. Originally, he had no experience. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com thought for a while before saying:

"You\'re right, if I were a viewer, seeing this, I would have the desire to watch it, and want to see why Terry suffered this. My opinion is to speed up the pace of the film a little bit, and use a tight storyline to create tension atmosphere.

Also, for the scene where Jasmine was killed for the first time, I hope to use the top-to-bottom shot. The top-to-bottom motion allows people to quickly browse the panoramic content, making the audience feel tense at first glance, and at the same time. I can also confirm that this film is tense, exciting, and somewhat funny. "

He considered Luke\'s suggestion. Basically, Luke and his production philosophy were still on the same channel.

"Julia, the lens here has been changed, and the lens taken with the pan at the back is used."

He pointed to the place where Terry woke up, panning the camera to make the scene gradually shrink, making the film feel oppressive and curious, and he couldn\'t wait to let people know what happened after that.

"Ok, the replacement is over, how about it?"

"No problem, you go on, Luke, remember, there needs to be some dubbing here to produce a better effect."

Most of the time, Wayne talks to Luke about splicing and doesn\'t interrupt Julia\'s work. Wayne could see that although this editor looked like a middle-aged aunt, he didn\'t have the skills to say that, which was a stroke of luck.

"Wayne, I don\'t quite understand, have you learned about editing? Obviously you know a lot about this."

After the first day of work, Julia asked him while packing up the cut film.

"I just sat in on a few classes. You want me to cut the film myself. I don\'t have that ability."

He had indeed attended these classes. After he had taken enough credits, he knew everything about film and television production.