Hollywood Drawing

~: Seven - male lead and female supporting role

When Wayne and Luke opened the door and entered, there was an awkward atmosphere in the apartment.

The beautiful neighbor was sitting on the balcony holding the script, looking at the girl sitting on the sofa with strange eyes. Jimmy led a beautiful girl and a young man on the sofa waiting silently.

Seeing them come in, several portraits suddenly came to life. Jimmy stood up, pointed to the girl he brought, and introduced:

"Hi, Luke. Wayne, these two are my clients. She\'s Ms. Uma Thurman, and this is Mr. Ethan Hawke."

Wayne nodded wearily, motioned for them to take a seat, wait for himself first, and went to the bathroom by himself. After washing his face and changing his clothes, he sat back across the sofa.

"Wayne, have you had lunch yet? I went to buy pasta, do you want me to cook some for you now? My pasta with cheese bolognese is great."

Before he could speak, the beautiful neighbor put down the script and walked over, wrapping his arms around his neck, but looking at the **** the sofa strangely.

He shrugged, and sure enough, Hollywood doesn\'t have a simple, somewhat helpless voice to her:

"No, Luke and I had burgers on the way. Jimmy, this is our heroine, Naomi Watts."

Naomi took advantage of the situation and said hello again:

"Hi, Jimmy."

"Hi, Ms. Watts."

Before they could continue their chat, Wayne interrupted them, picked up the resume on the coffee table, and said to the girl opposite:

"Uma Thurman, um, I see on your resume that you have already made a feature film, right? Kiss Dad good night, well I haven\'t seen it, can you introduce yourself?"

Uma first stood up and turned around. After Wayne could see his figure clearly, he sat down and said:

"I\'m Uma Thurman. I was born in Boston, Massachusetts, USA on April 29, 1970. Now my family lives in New York. I made my first appearance in the movie in 1988. It was the kiss dad goodnight, in which he played a special seduction. man girl.

When I was fifteen years old, I was discovered by a model agent on the streets of New York and became a cover model. After shooting dozens of magazine covers, Jimmy showed me the script, and I thought I could be the heroine. "

The girl introduced herself confidently, watching Wayne look down at her resume, she believed that she could definitely impress this handsome young director.

When Wayne heard her words, he raised his head to look at her in surprise, and saw Naomi sitting on the balcony, silently saying:


He frowned, first glanced at Jimmy, Jimmy must have told her which role to play, but now it seems that this girl is a little careful and well-prepared.

"Ms. Thurman, your experience has been good, at least among the newcomers. I want to tell you again, I need Lori in the supporting role, not Terry in the lead. If you can\'t play it, I can only say sorry."

After saying that, without looking at Uma, she turned to look at Jimmy. Jimmy also frowned, and then said to him:

"Wayne, she can play the role of female supporting Lori, trust me."

After speaking, she turned her head to look at Uma, as if she was saying I saw it, I told you already.

"Wayne, I can play the supporting actress Lori, of course, I mean, if you need, I can also try the heroine."

He lit the coffee table with his hand, took out a Marlboro and lit one, looking at the woman through the smoke he exhaled. It can only be said that the actresses who succeeded later did not have a simple mind. Even when he was still young, he knew that he would try his best to fight for opportunities for himself.

Seeing that nothing could be done, he immediately turned around to keep his original role, and showed his confidence to the director.

"This role won\'t be paid too much. I think Jimmy must have told you in advance. I\'m very satisfied with your image. If you want, you can sign a contract in a while. You can think about it first."

He turned his head and looked at Ethan Hawke, who was still very young and handsome.

"Mr. Hawke, can you introduce yourself?"

"Of course, I\'m Ethan Hawke. I\'ve acted in two films, both small roles. In 1985, I starred in Rush to the Sky, and in 1989, I participated in the filming of Peter Weir\'s feature film Dead Poets Society. I\'ve read the script. , this male protagonist, in my experience, has no problem at all."

After listening to him, Wayne put down his resume and said to him:

"My film, the main characters are the hero and heroine and the supporting actress, because the investment is not high, so the conditions are as I said, the pay is not high, but if it goes well, the shooting cycle will not be long, if you can accept it, you can sign it now contract."

"Of course, I can sign at any time."

Hawke thought about it before he came. Maybe this is an opportunity. Even if he can\'t enter the theater, at least he can have the experience of playing the leading role.

Wayne gestured, Luke took out the prepared contract and put it in front of Uma and Ethan. Jimmy looked and nodded to both of them, indicating that it was all right.

In fact, Jimmy told them all about the situation in advance. If they were not sure about participating in the show, they would not be able to be brought in. Witnessed by Jimmy, the two happily signed the contract.

Seeing that they had signed the contract, he smiled and clapped his hands:

"Thank you for your trust. Tomorrow, I will arrange all the crew members. Everyone will get together for a meeting. When we are ready, we will rush to Orange County to shoot. It is estimated that the shooting cycle will be about two months. You should prepare in advance."

Jimmy nodded to him, indicating that there is no problem, and asked him again:

"Wayne, what about the other characters?"

"It\'s all based on your clients, caa should have no shortage of these new actors, for the role of the teacher, find a handsome one, and leave some of the other tricks to the school. I promised the principal to give them a few children social practice opportunities. "

"No problem, leave it to me."

After speaking, Jimmy stood up, greeted Luke, took his two clients, and went back to prepare. Immediately after, Luke also said hello to Wayne, and went out to prepare the props for the hospital.

He leaned on the sofa tiredly and closed his eyes, dealing with one thing after another, which made him a little tired physically and mentally.

A pair of hands pressed lightly on his head, and the massage squeezed him, making him feel a little more comfortable.

"Wayne, are you not feeling well?"

Wayne opened his eyes and held the massage hand on his head:

"It\'s a bit of a headache, maybe because I\'ve been too busy recently, and my mind is full of film production preparations. You know, it\'s a bad feeling. It\'s like someone is whipping you hard with a whip, making you have to move forward."

Naomi came over and sat beside him, gently hugged the man\'s head and placed it on her chest.

"Don\'t put too much pressure on yourself. If you are tortured by stress and get sick, the crew you just set up will collapse immediately. So you have to find a way to relax and don\'t always think about work."

Smelling the smell of the bath lotion on Naomi\'s body, he didn\'t have any other thoughts at all. He just tried to relax himself. Sometimes it\'s really nice to have a woman by his side, at least Wayne hasn\'t enjoyed a warm embrace for a long time.

He hugged the blond beauty with his back, and Wayne unknowingly fell asleep on her pillow.

When he woke up again, he found himself lying on the sofa with a blanket and pillow under his head. Sitting up, rubbing her eyes, she saw Naomi was making dinner in the open kitchen.

"Oh, sweetheart, I\'m sorry, I fell asleep, what are you doing? I feel like I\'m starving."

He lifted the blanket, walked behind Naomi, and hugged her gently. This woman made him feel very comfortable, no matter whether the purpose was simple or not, at least it made Wayne feel her intentions.

"It\'s okay, I didn\'t sleep for a long time, about three hours, you\'re too tired."

Naomi felt the tone of the man\'s words, and the corners of her mouth slowly turned up. Giving is always rewarding, isn\'t it?

Wayne leaned on the cabinet and watched her pour the meat sauce over the cooked pasta, took the initiative to carry two pasta, and walked to the coffee table.

"No way, I can\'t stop, stop means failure. This side is very good, like you said, your pasta is great."

Naomi also lowered her head and ate the noodles, trying to make a request to the man opposite:

"Wayne, I don\'t like that Uma. She is too scheming and greedy. Maybe you can try to make more choices."

Of course he saw it, it\'s not surprising. His mother once told him that if there are more than two women in a crew, the lower limit of their tearing can exceed the cognition of normal people, especially two beautiful women.

"Listen, I have signed a contract with her. As long as she fits the role, I have no reason to make any other choices. Your mind should probably be on the script."

Wayne replied to her indifferently.

Seeing Wayne\'s reaction, Naomi didn\'t take it to heart, but immediately changed the subject and discussed the transformation of the heroine Terry before and after.

This woman is very smart, and she won\'t lose anything if she tries it out. If Wayne is a little dissatisfied with Uma, she thinks it\'s worth it.

After eating the pasta, Wayne called the Jasmine coffee shop he frequented next to the school and made a reservation. Tomorrow he will gather everyone in the crew for a meeting, let everyone get to know each other, and see if there are any issues that have not been considered in the preliminary preparations.

The location of the school and the hospital have all been determined, and there are not many scenes left. Just find roads and bridges with few people. In fact, there are already many tricks in this film. For example, the heroine Terry is killed again and again, and the scenes are too simple.

Moreover, the sub-shots are all drawn according to the pictures in his mind, and the camera positions have been designed almost in advance. Because of the finished pictures in his mind, the film should not be used too much.

There may also be a lot of film money left over without needing to shoot too many useless shots. This leaves room for mistakes in shooting, not overruns, and enough money for post-production.

Fortunately, there are no special effects in this film. Perhaps the biggest props expenditures are tomato juice and masks?