Hollywood Drawing

~: Six - shooting venue

The audition in the bedroom continued until the evening. The two went downstairs and drove to the convenience store to buy two packs of cigarettes, pizza and some small umbrellas. His stock was used up in the afternoon, and the beautiful neighbor obviously did not intend to leave.

While he was eating pizza, he took the time to draw a sub-shot on the balcony. The beautiful neighbor was wearing his white shirt, eating pizza and watching the script.

"Wayne, I just called my agent and she\'s coming over tomorrow to sign the contract. You know, if I don\'t have this role, I\'ll be flying back to Australia in two days and continuing to do some **** TV shows or commercials and polish my acting skills. ?"

"So, don\'t screw it up. If you don\'t want to fly back to the motherland in despair, this is important to me and you. If you screw it up, I will definitely not be able to find any more investment, and you may also leave here."

He didn\'t lift his head, he was drawing while talking.

"Well, don\'t you think it\'s getting late? Maybe I can show you some more special "acting skills", won\'t you come to audition?"

Wayne watched her turn around slightly and lift up the white shirt, turned back to hook his tongue, and slowly twisted towards the bathroom, looking at the blood-sucking scenery, he whistled, put down the pencil in his hand, The two entered the bathroom together.

After a crazy night, just like in the movie, Wayne wakes up to the beautiful neighbor making breakfast. It seems that if a woman does one thing with purpose, it will at least make a man feel very comfortable.

Hearing someone knocking on the door, Wayne, who was in a daze, opened the door, and there stood a middle-aged woman in business attire.

"Excuse me, is Miss Watts here? I went to the other side, but she didn\'t go back."

He stepped aside, and when she came in, he closed the door and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

"Hey, Jenny, do you want some breakfast? I made scrambled eggs and bacon."

The beautiful neighbor greeted her and put the plate on the coffee table with a smile on her face.

"Listen, you shouldn\'t pay this for a novice director who hasn\'t graduated yet, a small independent film that you don\'t know if it can be finished. This circle is very messy, especially the independent film circle. Much more is promised."

The agent of the beautiful neighbor was obviously not optimistic about this project, and felt that she should not be so impulsive. Seeing her clothes, she understood what happened last night.

"Oh! Damn I\'ve been coming to Hollywood for almost a year, what have you done besides introducing me to a few tricks without lines? If I don\'t seize the opportunity, I\'ll have to go back to Australia and act in a stage play. , go to the commercials, those Bi Chi will definitely lie on the ground laughing, at least he is handsome, isn\'t he?"

Jenny has nothing to say about it. She has signed a lot of actresses and doesn\'t have so many resources for a newcomer, even if she is beautiful.

Wayne waited in the bathroom for them to finish talking, then pretended to have just come out of the shower, pretended not to have heard everything, and sat at the dining table for breakfast as if nothing had happened.

"Excuse me, Jenny, is it Jenny? Someone will send a contract in a while. You know, if an actor wants to sign a contract, an agent must be present."

He turned his head to his agent and said, this is very normal in Hollywood, and he didn\'t take it to heart at all. At least this agent still has the idea of ​​protecting clients and reminding them. Such an agent is just qualified.

Just after eight o\'clock, Luke knocked on Wayne\'s door with a large package of materials.

He gave them a brief introduction. He picked up the information that Luke brought. First, in the witness of Jenny, the beautiful neighbor signed the contract. Actors who can be popular are really hard to find. King Kong after more than ten years has left a deep impression on him.

The rest of the information was a contract for leasing equipment, and Wayne signed it after reading it.

"Wayne, what about the hospital? Where are you going to shoot the exterior of the hospital in the script?"

Luke asked him.

"I remember there was an abandoned mental hospital in the suburbs of Orange County? Let\'s take a moment to observe it. Well, if it\'s appropriate, we can arrange it. I don\'t have the funds to set up a studio or rent it from a commercial hospital."

He also had no choice. He didn\'t dare to let go of spending money. Without the control of the producer or the production manager, he could only save every penny by himself.

"That\'s it, today I\'m going to see Jimmy\'s clients, and I hope caa\'s rookie actors will do well. We will have a meeting tomorrow. When you\'re ready, go straight to school to start the shooting. The filming cycle can only take two months at most. Allow time for post-production.”

"Ok, you are the boss, you have the final say."

Wayne shrugged and continued to Luke:

"The two of us have to go to Vincent High School in Orange County in the morning. I want to shoot the school\'s drama at that school. I have been to that high school, and the conditions are very suitable. The premise is that we can persuade the school to allow us to go in and shoot. It’s not a day or two, it’s going to take a long time to shoot.”

Luke looked at him helplessly, took the coffee handed to him by the beautiful neighbor, and said to Wayne:

"It\'s very difficult. Even in a public school, the teachers don\'t want the crew to enter and disturb the teaching. What\'s more, the one you mentioned is a private school. We went in to shoot. If there is a complaint from the parents of the students, the school will face punishment."

"It depends on how to convince the principal, Luke. Our condition is that the name of their school will appear in the movie, clearly, and we can also give the school a few places, and choose a few children to be the background in the movie. .

I would tell the principal that this will help their school to raise its profile and make it easier for them to enroll. In addition, letting children participate in the shooting of a movie will help increase their enthusiasm for practice. "

He was very thoughtful. If it was a public school, it would be hard to say. Private schools were not necessarily the case. His choice was not limited to this one.

"Okay, it\'s nine o\'clock, man, we have to leave soon. Ms. Watts, you can do it yourself, and lock the door for me if you leave."

He put on his coat, took the car keys, opened the door, and walked out with Luke.

"Hey, Wayne, I should be reading the script here. Do you need me to prepare lunch for you?"

The beautiful neighbor is obviously not a simple person.

"No thanks."

The two of them went downstairs in a pickup truck and headed straight for Orange County, which is almost a small city in the satellite city of Los Angeles. Luke drove the car and saw Wayne was still reading the documents on the co-pilot, and couldn\'t help but ask him:

"Wayne, why Orange County?"


"I mean, why go to Orange County, if it\'s not more convenient to shoot in Los Angeles."

Luke explained.

"No, it\'s not the same Luke. Believe me in Los Angeles, we have no chance to find a school without spending money, and the surrounding Orange County is the most suitable, accommodation and other things are cheaper, and the abandoned mental hospital I first saw is also in Orange. Suburbs of the county, I\'m going to think about it all."

He put away the information and explained it to Luke seriously.

"Throat, are you thinking about the crew\'s room and board now?"

Luke was surprised. He didn\'t expect the filming location to be determined, so he gave priority to these.

He also had a helpless expression:

"I don\'t want to, but I don\'t have a production manager, and you\'re new here. I need to prepare everything in advance, and it\'s not a set plan. I\'m sleeping now thinking about the problems I\'ll encounter in filming."

Luke, who was driving, heard what he said, and suddenly felt that this guy might be successful. Otherwise, I\'m really sorry for his hard work. I hope this film can be made into theaters.

All the way to Orange County, Wayne was instructing Luke to coordinate the preparations for filming, especially the props. There was only one prop engineer and at most two extras. Luke had to help.

Luke parked the car at the gate of the school, sat in the car, took out a notebook, and recorded the work Wayne asked him to prepare. While thinking about it, he is still cutting down. His enthusiasm for work has at least completely driven this senior.

About an hour later, Luke saw Wayne get into the car with the contract and asked him

"Wayne, how\'s it going? Are you down?"

He shook the contract in his hand and showed a rare smile.

"Of course, there is no need to rent the venue for the school, and the school will cooperate with us to shoot. The price is that their school\'s name will appear in the movie for five seconds, and then let a few children play tricks. UU Reading www.uukanshu .com as a social practice.”

To be honest, it was not easy. Fortunately, he brought studio materials and project materials to increase his persuasiveness.

"Nice job, shall we go back?"

Luke started his bike, ready to go back.

"No, Luke, there\'s one more thing I need you to do. I called and booked a small hotel, and I need you to negotiate the price. If it suits us, our crew will shoot here for about a month or two. "

Wayne pointed him the way. Two blocks away was Wayne Consulting\'s small hotel. The hotel has a total of three floors. It looks like a building from the previous year. The mottled walls are full of traces of time.

The two parked the car and walked in together. Wayne told Luke:

"Although their offer is not high, I still hope to press it again. You work hard. If the negotiation breaks down, I will take over, so you won\'t have to find a new one."

After entering the hotel, he sat on the sofa in the lobby, watched Luke go to the front desk to inquire, and then be led to the back. Half an hour later, Luke came out and nodded to him, and the two of them kept going out and driving to Los Angeles.

"Wayne, we haven\'t decided the exact number of people yet, but the price I negotiated with the hotel is already very low. I said that we will stay for about one to two months, and they will provide three meals. When we count the number of people, Come back and sign the contract.”

He thought it was ok. Anyway, his request was to save money as much as possible, because he was not sure whether there would be accidents in the shooting.

"Okay, but yours will open soon. In the afternoon, I also made an appointment with my agent, Jimmy, to see his clients. He recommended a supporting actress and a leading actor. They are all new actors he just signed."

He looked at his watch, it was almost noon. Luke listened to him and gradually increased his speed.