Hollywood Drawing

~: Eight - On location in schools and mental hospitals

At seven in the morning, Wayne got up and started to prepare materials. I put everything I needed in my bag neatly, looked at Naomi who was still wearing makeup, shook her head and said to her:

"We have to hurry up, go there early, I can\'t be late for this project planner."

"Ok, I\'m fine, I can leave at any time, do you want me to help you get your bag?"

Naomi dropped her eyebrow pencil, came over and hugged Wayne\'s arm, taking the document bag in his hand. Wayne didn\'t refuse, he quite enjoyed the beauty of the beauties, which easily gave men an unparalleled sense of accomplishment.

He took the car keys, locked the door and went downstairs. He drove the blond beauty straight to Jasmine Cafe. When they parked the car and entered the store, no one came. The two of them asked for coffee and sandwiches, and waited for everyone as breakfast.

Luke was the first to come, and he was very enthusiastic about it. Perhaps it was Wayne\'s work attitude that infected him, or it was the first time he was deeply involved in the production of a movie, which made him sleep well.

Then came the crew one after another. Wayne had only met them once, so he was relatively unfamiliar. Everyone has nothing to gossip about, just a simple self-introduction, and they all silently wait for others.

At 7:50, Jimmy walked in with Uma Thurman and Ethan Hawke. The three of them pulled out their chairs, sat down, and Jimmy said to everyone:

"I\'m sorry, it looks like we\'re late, I hope it didn\'t cause any trouble to everyone."

"It\'s not even eight o\'clock, so you\'re not late. Okay, everyone is here. I don\'t think you\'re familiar with it yet. It doesn\'t matter. You\'ll get acquainted with it when the shooting starts. Filming started two days later.

The filming location is mainly in Orange County, and the scene in the school is at Vincent High School. I have negotiated with them. When I officially start filming, the school will help to clear the scene and provide some necessary props. Rose and Mia, if you need props in school, you\'re welcome, coordinate with them.

Lily, if you need a makeup room, you can ask Luke to coordinate a classroom with them, we don\'t rent makeup trailers. Is there a problem? "

Seeing that everyone had arrived, he began to arrange work with everyone. Seeing the props artist Ross and the makeup artist Lily nodded, Wayne continued:

"For the hospital scene, there is an abandoned mental hospital in the suburbs of Orange County. Luke, we only use half of the first floor. You have to take a look with Ross and arrange it in advance."

"I\'m sorry to interrupt, Wayne, it seems that Mia and I can\'t handle the props and sets. I need help."

Ross listened to him about setting up the hospital, and knocked on the table to remind Wayne.

"No problem, Luke, find two more temporary workshops. Any other questions? About the props and sets."

"Not at the moment. I\'ll take a look at it when I pass by. If there is a problem, I\'m looking for you."

Wayne nodded at him and continued:

"These are the two main locations, the scenes are concentrated, the scenes on the road and the tunnel in the middle, and in the end, I\'m looking for an empty road and a bridge hole to shoot.

If the shooting cycle goes smoothly, it will take about two months. I hope everyone will show a professional attitude. This is the case. If there are any questions raised now, when the official shooting begins, I don’t want the work to be interrupted. "

After speaking, looking at the group of people around, the crew was rudimentary, and in the end there were only a dozen people in the group. Seeing gaffer Steve raise his hand, Wayne motioned for him to speak.

"Where did we live in the past? I\'m sorry, I\'m just afraid that it\'s your first time making a film, and there are some things you can\'t take into account."

When he finished speaking, Luke answered him before Wayne spoke.

"The hotel has been booked in advance, and the food and lodging are all there, not far from the filming location, two blocks away."

Seeing Steve nodded, he continued to look at everyone, he knew that he was a novice director, and these crew members, more or less involved in the production of the film, they will definitely doubt themselves, as long as they work No problem, everything else is negotiable.

To him, this may be a job for about two months, and nothing else represents it. Anyone who has read the script setting knows that this small investment alternative horror film has little hope of success.

"Well, since there\'s no problem, let\'s go back and prepare separately. We will gather at the entrance of the cafe in the morning in two days, and there will be a car to take everyone there. By the way, Jimmy, is it all right for the actors?"

Everyone got up and walked out together. He asked Jimmy again worriedly.

"No problem, don\'t worry, except for the role of the teacher, finding a handsome middle-aged man, leaving a few background tricks for the children in the school, nothing else is difficult, and newcomers are especially easy to find."

Jimmy finished talking to Wayne, nodded to him, and drove away first. He also took Naomi back to the apartment, and he breathed a sigh of relief after the arrangement. The first stage of work was finally completed, and the rest was just about shooting.

It was then that he finally understood why the teacher always said that a movie is the result of the efforts of all the crew members. He didn\'t have a casting director to help with casting auditions, and he didn\'t have a producer and production manager to help manage funding and crew issues.

There were no photographers and camera assistants to help arrange the shots, and there were not a few assistant directors to do separate framing shots. To be honest, these early arrangements made him physically and mentally exhausted.

After trying his best to build up this rudimentary crew, he felt that his clones were useless, but what should be arranged still had to be arranged, at least he was moving forward step by step.

Picking up the phone, he dialed Luke\'s number.

"Luke, this is Wayne. Tomorrow, you will confirm the bus you rented, as well as various equipment, and put them on the bus in advance, so that there will be no accidents."

"Okay, I\'ll arrange to load the car tomorrow afternoon."

Hearing Luke\'s answer, he sat on the side of the balcony with confidence, and continued to draw sub-shots. Naomi finally went back to the opposite side, allowing him to draw drawings and think about those who were not ready.

He pulled out a piece of paper from the typewriter and slowly marked it with a pencil. The location was slowly finalized, and props, photographic equipment, and scenery were all in place. Wayne had to personally review these before filming to make sure there were no problems.

If there is a mistake in this preliminary preparation, it will definitely become a big trouble in the shooting. If there is a slight delay in shooting or shooting accident, it is possible to overrun. If the budget is exceeded, it may really be abandoned because of money.

We also need to consider this rudimentary crew, which was cobbled together for the first time. It is inevitable that there will be problems with tacit understanding. Well, then we should give priority to shooting relatively simple scenes in the early stage, and find the state of the actors, which can also help the crew.

It can be seen that these two main girl actors will definitely not deal with each other during the filming, but Wayne believes that under the constraints of the contract and the smooth completion of the film, they should be driven by possible job qualifications and interests. Disagree, do your job first.

His mother told him when he was young that there is no harmonious crew in Hollywood, Wayne knows this, but there are differences and conflicts between them, even if they conflict, as long as they don\'t affect the work, otherwise, Wayne will definitely let him. They **** off, the cost of actors is really not high anyway.

Here is a collection of film talents from all over North America and even the whole of the West. Beautiful women and handsome guys. Hollywood or Los Angeles, the most notable thing is the young actors who are not in their early years.

Regarding the role of the female supporting role, when he first thought about it, he also thought about using ethnic minorities in order to make the film politically correct. Later, he rejected it himself. This was the early 1990s, and it was not the time when life was expensive in later generations.

At that time, he shook his head when he thought about it. If the main creative team did not appear black in a film, it would be racist. If black people are the villains, it\'s racism. If it\'s not black people who save the world, it\'s racism. Even if your ex-girlfriend isn\'t black or brown, it\'s racist.

To be honest, he has been here for 20 years, and he has come into contact with a lot of people of color since he was a child. Even private schools cannot avoid people of color. What he hates most is Nico, these people are lazy, they are proficient in stealing, kidnapping, cheating, and sampling, but they can\'t learn to support themselves and their families.

So even if his future movies are not going to use that kind of black actor who feels good about himself, when necessary, he can consider the black-skinned and white-hearted type of Will Smith, the black brother who is trying to integrate into the mainstream society, is the real wise man.

"Dang, UU reading www.uukanshu.com Dang!"

Wayne was writing and drawing line by line on the paper when he heard someone knock on the door. He rubbed the whole piece of paper vigorously, threw it into the trash can, got up and opened the door.

"Hi, although it\'s only been less than half a day, I still miss you. Are you still working?"

He saw Naomi standing outside the door playfully, and frowned when he heard what she said.

"Naomi, we are just friends!"

After hearing this, the beautiful neighbor\'s expression remained unchanged. She looked at Wayne\'s expression and said:

"Of course, we are good friends. I\'m here to invite you to dinner at my place. You shouldn\'t have arranged for lunch, right?"

Wayne closed the door and followed this playful blonde beauty to the opposite side. This woman was always testing herself, Wayne thought, if this movie messed up, this woman would probably turn her face faster than she turned a book.

The layout of the apartment is the same, the difference is that her room is obviously much cleaner than her own. It can be seen that this woman likes cleanliness very much, and may even be a little bit clean.

There is a small dining table beside the open kitchen counter. On top were two large plates, each with a piece of steak, and a bottle of red wine.

After he sat down, he lowered his head and realized that his steak was obviously large, obviously taking into account his appetite.

"Naomi, sometimes you\'re such a hot little wild cat, and sometimes you\'re a careful perfect lover, so charming that people want to hide you in the house, just to own your beauty alone."

Naomi looked at this elegant man who was slicing the steak and talking sweetly, but knew that it was good to listen to it. It only took two days for her to see through this man. These will only stay on her lips, and she will never stop her steps because of any woman or emotion.