Hollywood Drawing

~: Seven Hundred Fifty - Super Bowl Crazy

All the film of "Wonder Woman" was sent to the post-production studio of Warner Studios, and at the same time, it was inserted with the film, as well as the editor Julia who followed the filming crew along the way.

As a skilled editor, she joined the crew to watch every day work from the very beginning of the project. The advantage of this is that after the daily shooting is completed, even if the director\'s intentions are known, the relevant editing plans can be made in advance.

Just like the first rough cut of "Wonder Woman" this time, even if Wayne doesn\'t show up in the later studio, she can still edit and splice according to the director\'s intention according to the planned plan.

Having just returned to Los Angeles, Wayne only rested at home for two days before taking another flight to Miami. This time he went to Miami, but not all for work, he will appear in this year\'s Super Bowl game, watching the Denver Broncos and Atlanta Falcons game of the century up close.

On January 31, 1991, Wayne didn\'t care about the media\'s attention at all. With Angelina Jolie and Cameron Diaz, as well as Nina and Sergey, Shi Shiran walked in. After arriving at the Miami Professional Players Stadium, the group followed the staff into the VIP box under the gaze of countless eyes.

"How is this location?"

Under the leadership of the staff, the group just walked into the VIP box, and Kevin Tesuhara won with a warm smile.

Wayne patted the opponent\'s back lightly, glanced at the view of the game in the box, nodded with satisfaction, and teased: "The position is great, oh, Kevin, why do I feel like your belly is getting bigger again. "

After the two men hugged, the head of Time Warner glanced at the two female stars beside him, without caring whether the two women would see it or not, with an expression that men could understand, looking at the star in front of him. Wayne raised an eyebrow.

"Tsk, tsk, Wayne, sometimes you\'re jealous and crazy. I\'m afraid your name will be on the entertainment headlines tomorrow. Ha, Wonder Woman and Charlie\'s Angels, with Wayne Greenberg. At the Super Bowl scene, the relationship between the three is in doubt...

Trust me, Wayne, your reputation as a **** will be brought up again and again. "

Facing the old man\'s pointed ridicule, Wayne just shrugged, did not answer the words, and sat down with the other party.

The people who had been following him, especially Angelina Jolie and Cameron Diaz, also looked at each other as if they hadn\'t heard the joke, and sat together at Wayne\'s. left hand side.

People like them have long since thrown the dispensable thing like face into the depths of the Pacific Ocean. It was just an unpleasant joke. The more crazy game was played between the three of them last night.

Besides, even if they have some thoughts in their hearts, they will never show the slightest bit on their faces. This circle is too realistic, others need to take into account Wayne\'s ideas, but the head of Time Warner is definitely one of the few existences who can communicate with Wayne on an equal footing.

Kevin Tesuhara has been promoted to CEO of Time Warner, but who doesn\'t know what he did when he became CEO of Warner Bros.? This is also an old white who has an inexplicable relationship with many actresses.

To put it in a very realistic and particularly ugly way, it is that such bright and bright female stars in front of them, in front of these top Hollywood bosses representing capital, can hardly get the eyes of equal treatment.

Even Angelina Jolie is now sure that even if she, like Julia Roberts, goes to the end of the star road, and the salary rises to 20 million US dollars, she will still not be able to get equal eyesight with these two men. Status, this is reality, unless one day oneself also becomes part of capital.

I\'m afraid Julia Roberts has seen this through, and will try to move behind the scenes to become a producer. The rest is hard to say, but what is certain is that at least the producer can get rid of the status of the film company\'s money-making tool and make himself a part of the capital.

The two actresses sat in the VIP private room, curiously watching the atmosphere of the stadium in the heat. Sergey, who came to watch the game for the first time, simply left his seat and walked to the front, from time to time. He also whispered excitedly with Nina next to him.

"Would you like to go for a walk in the locker room?"

Glancing at the two actresses inadvertently, Kevin Tesuhara winked at Wayne and lowered his voice to ask. "Trust me, man, if you put aside the blessings of fame and other factors, those models are definitely more exciting than the female stars in the circle."

"never mind."

Although this proposal was very exciting, Wayne waved his hand and refused directly.

In the dressing room of female models, I believe that most normal men are very curious and definitely yearn for it. If he had just entered Hollywood, Wayne would not refuse this temptation, he would definitely take a tour with great interest, and he might even fantasize about whether he could have some wonderful stories with those female models.

But over the years, he has become less interested in the entertainment and fashion circles. Everyone knows that these female models, especially the angels of Victoria\'s Secret, don\'t care about being watched when they change their clothes. These are just professional routines for them.

And this just illustrates the most basic phenomenon in the fashion circle. After a simple understanding, it can be found that the chaos in the fashion circle stinks more than the Hollywood like a cesspit. Some of the parties in the Hollywood circle are called large-scale play, and for these models, it is just an appetizer.

"Unfortunately, I thought you would be interested in those angels."

Kevin Tesuhara shook his head, spread his hands, and grunted regretfully in a voice that only the two of them could hear.

"I heard that someone on Time Warner\'s board of directors has submitted a proposal to buy my studio now?"

The reason for today\'s date is that Wayne wants to chat with the head of Time Warner in person. Yes, of course he is interested in beautiful women, but compared to his huge life plan, beautiful models can be put later.

"Ivy Nevo, this guy has a great investment vision."

Hearing this question, Kevin Tesuhara was not surprised at all. He knew better than anyone that there were no secrets in Time Warner\'s board of directors, and a little bit of trouble could not be concealed from several senior executives of Warner Bros. Now that the higher-ups at Warner Bros. know about it, the man beside him will surely know too.

"As far as I know, he should have noticed your film studio because of a Warner Bros. executive. Wayne, you know, the "Matrix" trilogy created a very bright spot for Warner Bros. Revenue figures. And the weight of Warner Bros. in the Time Warner group, I think you should be clear.”

Nodding silently, Wayne glanced at the other party and asked in a low voice, "Is there any problem with you?"

"Don\'t worry, there will be no problem."

Kevin Tesuhara waved his hand indifferently and explained, "Everything will go according to plan."

As Greenberg Studio produces more and more projects, the results are more and more bright, and attention is the norm. If the top executives of Hollywood studios don\'t even have this sensitivity, it means that there is something abnormal in this circle.

But Wayne has long been prepared. In any case, his ultimate goal is to sell himself to Time Warner, but the more time goes back, the stronger the capital in his hands.


The conversation between the two was drowned out by the sudden loud noise at the scene. Wayne turned his head and looked outside, only to find that the Denver Broncos and the Atlanta Falcons had completed their warm-up. This can be called the North American Spring Festival Gala. The hot "show" began to be staged officially.

He simply didn\'t continue drinking and chatting with Kevin Tesuhara, and focused his attention on the game that had already started.

This is also the first time Wayne has watched the Super Bowl live since he was a child. One thing he has to admit is that in terms of the fiery atmosphere of the scene, it is far from what he can feel when he is in front of the TV.

Fans cheered for their home team like crazy, some fans sang neatly, and some fans put up huge posters, as if at this moment, everyone in the stadium was integrated into the frenetic atmosphere. Even Wayne had the urge to shout along.

"Would you like to take a small bet?"

Kevin Tesuhara disregarded his own image. He forcefully removed the tie around his neck, reached out and patted Wayne on the shoulder, and asked loudly in his ear. "eon, man, did you choose to support only that team?"

"Denver Broncos."

Wayne didn\'t include the lake either. Pointing to the dark blue uniform off the court, he said, "I\'m picking the Denver Broncos. Their quarterback, John Elway, is a genius."

"Well, it looks like I can only choose the Atlanta Falcons." Kevin Tesuhara shook his head and glanced sideways at Wayne. "What about the bet? Whoever loses, throw a private party for the other party, how about it? Invite the private party of the "Victoria Secret Angels"."

"Ok, it\'s settled." Wayne nodded and said loudly to the man beside him: "If you win, I will not only throw you a private party with your friend "Angel", but I will also borrow it for you. Tom Cruise\'s mega yacht, we\'re going to sea for this party!"

The two men stretched out their right hands at the same time, gave a high-five in the air, then smiled together, and set their sights on the ongoing game.

Wayne knew very well that the successful Hollywood circles had long since lost interest in the ubiquitous dance floor and ordinary parties with the best music.

In the eyes of the public, under the flash of media reporters, these celebrities are decent people. The people who come in and out are all kinds of luxurious places, living in mansions with millions of dollars, and even the decorations on the red carpet can become the objects that ordinary people are eager to imitate.

But behind the flash, the private parties of these celebrities are crazy, with all kinds of novel ways to play, which can definitely make people experience what is the best mental stimulation.

The crazy atmosphere of the professional football stadium made Wayne want to shout indulgently. Below, he simply agreed to Kevin Tesuhara\'s bet, at most a little more money, at least he was right. Such a crazy private party is also very curious.

Anyway, there are professional party companies in Hollywood. As long as they can afford the money, let alone the angels of Victoria\'s Secret, they can even contact you with some popular actresses in the circle. The biggest feature of these companies is that the degree of confidentiality is very strict, which is the main reason why celebrities in the circle choose them.

"f**k, stop him, you are raised by the word, high school students are smarter than your bi**h..."

Less than ten minutes later, Kevin Tesuhara was angry and slapped his thigh hard, accompanied by his crazy swear words.


Wayne threw his fist hard, and just now, Denver Broncos quarterback John Elway, cleverly deceived all opponents with a fake, and then a precise long pass allowed the Denver Broncos to successfully reach the goal. It\'s definitely a good start that couldn\'t have been better.

When he was on the scene, he knew why those fans were crazy, but they were actually infected by the atmosphere of the scene. Today\'s game, if sitting in front of the TV to watch, I am afraid that Wayne will still feel boring, the tactics of the two teams are very conservative.

After all, on such a big stage, no one is willing to take risks easily, and the teams that can go to the Super Night are all rushing to the final championship.

But as an audience, watching it live and watching it in front of the TV are simply two completely different feelings. Here, I can\'t feel the dullness brought about by conservative tactics at all. Instead, I will play with the performance of my supporting team, and I will always be emotionally tense.

What followed was a more joyful roar. Even if the work pressure is usually high, in such an occasion, infection can temporarily make you forget all your troubles. UU reading www.uukanshu.com free your throat to your heart\'s content.

There weren\'t many points between the two sides, and the Denver Broncos kept their lead to end the first half. Immediately, people were indeed roaring even more crazy, because next, it was the most important part of the halftime performance.

The first person on the stage was Shaka Kahn. Don\'t look at her like a fat black lady, but when she appeared, all the audience on the scene shouted her name wildly.

As a well-deserved super queen in the rhythm and blues soul music industry in North America, she is the queen of funk across racial cognition. At this moment, no matter what skin color people are, they all give their enthusiasm to this black fat lady.

What made everyone on the scene even more excited was that they saw a group of models who were about to take the stage. These models were only wearing **** and hot underwear, waiting for their debut after the performance.

Unlike watching the show live, in the living rooms of countless households across North America, the TV set entered advertising time a little earlier.

At this time, the eyes of countless people were all staring at the TV screen that was instantly black. They knew that the "Wonder Woman" they had been waiting for would appear in front of their eyes soon.
