Hollywood Drawing

~: Seven hundred and forty-nine - the value of the film library

【Hollywood Drawing】【】

Bruce Rosenblum\'s trip in London lasted only three days. Except for a deep chat with Wayne when he arrived on the first day, he was busy with business the rest of the time, even leaving When they were in London, neither of them bothered to sit down and talk again.

However, the director of Warner Bros. distribution moved very quickly. In the middle of January, Wayne had just finished filming all the scenes in London. After the disbanding of the crew, a studio about the little wizard was officially established.

This studio did not attract any media attention. If Nina hadn\'t been staring at this matter, I am afraid that even Wayne would have ignored this inconspicuous studio.

Obviously, Bruce Rosenblum, to a certain extent, completely got the female writer at one time. The establishment of the studio means that the promotion work of the little wizard will quickly spread on a large scale around the world. It also means that within Warner Bros., the film adaptation plan of this series of books has been officially promoted.

Throughout the second half of January, Wayne was busy framing scenes in continental Europe, shooting the last bit of footage in the plan, and at this time, the North American awards season also entered the high nest.

Harvey Weinstein took "Shakespeare in Love" and jumped up and down since the awards season officially started. He didn\'t have Wayne\'s subtlety at all. When some things were done, of course, there was no so-called bottom line.

But I have to admit that under his various public relations methods, during this period, he has become the darling of countless academy members. Even on the occasional phone call between him and Wayne, he bluntly stated that everyone has weaknesses or preferences, and all I have to do is grab them and try my best to satisfy them.

To please the powerful members of the academy and satisfy some of their "little hobbies". After all, these powerful figures represent far more than just one vote of their own, but a large vote of other members behind them.

Those are just a few of the Harvey Weinstein PR moves, though. He launched email bombings, phone bombings, and purposefully mailed "Shakespeare in Love" video tapes to thousands of Academy members across North America, and other rude but practical tricks, he never let go.

Don\'t underestimate these little tricks, such as the purposeful mailing of video tapes, which are received together with the video tapes, and a video recorder with exquisite workmanship, but without any brand name printed on it.

Regardless of whether Harvey Weinstein cast a wide net, or he frequently held movie receptions in Los Angeles, there is no doubt that he was trying to spread the name of the movie "Shakespeare in Love" to the members of the academy. ear.

Don\'t doubt, the average age of the thousands of members of the academy is not small, and most of them will not watch the nominated films at all. And the principle of their voting is actually based on the impressions in their minds. That\'s why people keep saying that Oscar voters are all voting with their feet.

Of course, if you want to make "Shakespeare in Love" influential enough, you must be inseparable from the media. This part of the public relations funds have not been saved, because every film with ambitions for the Oscars vigorously promotes its name at this point in time.

Since the beginning of January, many situations have become clear, and Harvey Weinstein has locked in his main competitor for the first time.

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【Hollywood Drawing】【】

"Some movies can be used as a pastime before and after meals, while some movies are destined to become milestones in people\'s memory, and some movies, from the beginning of shooting, have constantly challenged the bottom line of the viewers\' hearts with the cloak of humanitarianism.

If you want to give "Saving Private Ryan" a position, as long as you patiently peel off the humanistic coat of the film, you will find that this is a vulgar and rotten film that Chi Luoluo relies on **** scenes to attract attention. "

"War is always reminiscent of epics, and epics will almost always describe wars. World War II is the largest war in human history so far, and it is also the closest epic to us.

This year\'s popular "Saving Private Ryan" undoubtedly wants to tell the movie audience how cruel the real war is. It\'s a pity that what could have been a classic movie, under the lens of Steven Spielberg, became a vulgar movie that desperately piled **** scenes in order to attract the box office..."

"Forcibly fanning, treating the audience as a fool, this is the most unbearable part of my watching "Saving Private Ryan". The film is nothing new, and the reflection on war is like a forced drama, I have to say , Steven Spielberg is not suitable for shooting R-rated films.

After watching "Saving Private Ryan", the biggest impression to me is that in Steven Spielberg\'s mind, an R-rated movie is equivalent to a large-scale **** scene. I have to say, maybe he really should talk to his friend Wayne about how to make a good R-rated film..."

Overnight, a large number of comments criticizing "Saving Private Ryan" suddenly appeared on the market. The larger media columns were fine, at least there were no names criticizing the director himself.

However, the second- and third-rate movie media are not so easy to talk about. Many comments have gone far beyond the scope of the movie. Not only did "Saving Private Ryan" be described as a movie that had nothing to watch after the opening 20 minutes, it just relied on The vulgar movie with its **** scenes attracts attention, and it also takes aim at Steven Spielberg.

"Gene Era"

It seems that in just a few days, Steven Spielberg has become a "bad film director". The media not only criticized "Saving Private Ryan" from a different angle, but also made more groundless revelations about his private life. , also began to gradually spread in the gossip tabloids.

No one cares if the news is true or false, but it is certain that fans are very curious about the private life of the Hollywood director. This also prompted more and more gossip tabloids to join this sudden media carnival.

"Harvey, I have to remind you, don\'t go too far in some things. Steven is not just like the surface, he has always been a refined and good man."

At the end of January, Wayne, who had just returned to Los Angeles, sat with Harvey Weinstein in a business club in Beverly. The first sentence the two met was Wayne\'s reminder to the fat man.

This kind of method of hiring a lot of sought-after people and trying to kill competitors, even if you think about it with your toes, you all know that this big fat man made it. Although the competition for Oscar was very fierce before, it has never been so disrespectful to smear competitors as it is now.

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【Hollywood Drawing】【】

"Don\'t worry, Wayne."

Sitting on the sofa, Harvey Weinstein said unceremoniously: "I have enough confidence that Steven Spielberg is so upset that he can\'t react for a while. Wait until after the Oscars are over. , what is he doing, I\'m afraid it\'s too late."

Looking at the proud fat man in front of him, Wayne did not continue to mention the good man. In fact, things are not complicated at all. The methods used by this big fat man can be called rude, but the effect is unexpectedly good.

For example, demonizing Steven Spielberg, as long as similar methods are shameless, the effect will be better than imagined.

He vaguely remembered that this fat man started to use this method frequently this year. Not only Steven Spielberg suffered, but Roman Polanski, the director of "The Pianist", was demonized by this fat man to the point of being known all over the world.

Movies are deeply affected by the social environment, especially those that intend to award awards, and the impact will be even greater.

Exactly what Harvey Weinstein did was to artificially create the illusion that a competitor did not conform to the current social ideology.

Demonizing competitors is only a part of this method, and the large group of sought-after players in his hands, as well as the media pages that he bought regardless of cost, the ultimate purpose is to make people think of his competitors when they think of normal people. Disgusting rumors.

Shaking his head gently, Wayne put aside the messy thoughts for a while, looked at the opposite and asked, "Tell me, Harvey, what\'s the hurry to ask me about?"

He just returned to Los Angeles yesterday, and he received a call from the other party early this morning. He had to wonder if something went wrong in the award-winning plan during the awards season.

"Rest assured, it has nothing to do with Shakespeare in Love\'s Oscar trip."

When it comes to business, Harvey Weinstein sits upright in an instant. Even in the private box of the clubhouse, I couldn\'t help but look left and right before I lowered my voice and said, "If, I mean if. Bob and I left Miramac, which was created by me. Si, come out and re-establish a film company, are you interested in investing?"

His words made Wayne stunned for a moment. Before he came, he never thought that this was what the other party said.

Immediately, frowning slightly, he looked at the huge head in front of him and asked, "Are you willing to use Miramax\'s film library? Harvey, what happened?"

"It\'s Disney." Harvey Weinstein shook his head gently and explained: "Since Disney has acquired more and more shares of Miramax, my voice in the board has been gradually eroded.

The same is true this time. The distribution of "Shakespeare in Love" was neither done by Miramax, nor by Disney\'s Bowei Pictures. So, on the board of directors last Monday, that cousin of Disney even questioned me and asked me to give a reasonable explanation why the publisher of Shakespeare in Love was Warner Bros. Shit..."

"So you\'re going to cash out and start all over again?"

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【Hollywood Drawing】【】

"Yeah, who does he think he is? f**k, I\'ve had enough."

Wayne slowly leaned back on the sofa, his eyes gradually narrowing. There is no doubt that because of his appearance, Harvey Weinstein\'s time away from Disney\'s arms has been accelerated.

If he remembered correctly, although the two Weinstein brothers also abandoned Miramax, which they created by themselves, in the end, the time will be delayed by two years.

The rest is easy to say, just like the fat man himself said, Miramax\'s greatest asset is the other party\'s huge brain. But the film library is involved here. Yes, Miramax\'s most valuable thing is the film library accumulated over the years, which normal people would be reluctant to give up.

In the 1970s, the Weinstein brothers founded the film distribution company, Miramax Films. In the early 1980s, Miramax accidentally won the distribution rights of a British film, which, after re-editing, "Another Ball for the Secret Police" became an instant hit in North America.

That is, this unexpectedly popular movie opened the Hollywood road of the Weinstein brothers. Since then, they have focused on independent films and art films, and have made the company bigger and bigger. In this field, as long as these two brothers shot The success rate of the projects is terrifyingly high.

Like later Stephen Gerber\'s "Sex, Lies, and Videotape," "Pulp," "British Patient," "Crazy Clerk," "SWAT Ambition," "Until Dawn," "Good Will Hunting," "Police" Empire, the Scream series, and more.

In total, there must be at least hundreds of small-budget film copyrights, all of which are lying in Miramax\'s film library. Don\'t underestimate these low-cost genre films. These films, only in the video tape market, are Miramax every year. Max\'s largest revenue.

The film library is the real foundation of a film company. Under proper copyright operation, even if the new project of the film company is a loss of money for a whole year, although it will hurt the bones, there is still a chance to turn around.

"Harvey, you really thought about it."

To be honest, Wayne is indeed very moved. He knows that this guy doesn\'t care about his acting style, but in the field of special movies, he has always been an out-and-out genius producer.

"After the Oscars, I\'ll start preparing."

Seeing what was revealed in the eyes of the man on the opposite side, Harvey Weinstein knew that this time the date seemed to have achieved his purpose. "You know, Wayne, my name is still valuable, so there should be no shortage of investors, but I thought of you first."

Wayne smiled and nodded, and said enthusiastically, "Of course, I understand, Harvey, we are friends."

In fact, both of them knew in their hearts that the real value of inviting Wayne to join was not his money, but the meticulous network behind him and the huge platform Warner Bros.

This is more of a test, and Wayne believes that Harvey Weinstein will not leave Miramax easily if he doesn\'t get enough outside support.

Until this time, he figured out a lot of things, the reason why this fat man was so desperate to black "Saving Private Ryan", the reason why he poured dirty water on Steven Spielberg regardless of his face, is because At this time, he already had the intention of leaving Miramax.

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【Hollywood Drawing】【】

It can be said that what kind of results "Shakespeare in Love" can achieve at the Oscars affects the direction of many people and things. Because of this, Harvey Weinstein did his best.

This circle has always been very realistic. Don\'t look at the way Wayne is showing his heart now, as if not investing in the other party\'s new company is like losing 100 million.

But actually? Whenever this fat man messes up "Shakespeare in Love", he will definitely forget everything he said, and even if he loses money, he will find a way to squeeze oil out of the other person\'s fat.

Obviously, both of them know this in their hearts, and to some extent, there are really a lot of similarities between them.

After a simple date, Wayne got in the car and drove in the direction of the manor. The footage of "Wonder Woman" had been filmed, and the thing before him was the post-production of the film.