Hollywood Drawing

~: Seven hundred and fifty-one - justice strikes

"f**k, **** game, every year."

In the living room of a single-family house in Lackwood, a famous middle-class neighborhood in Los Angeles, Ronald Prince angrily smashed the beer bottle in his hand on the coffee table, cursing the first half of the Super Bowl that just ended. Contest.

As a football fan since childhood, he has been looking forward to this North American event every year, but more than 90% of his expectations are destined to be wiped out as the game progresses.

Just like the just-concluded first half, the reason why the Denver Broncos were able to lead the Atlanta Falcons with a slight advantage was entirely the result of extremely conservative tactics on both sides. This kind of game is extremely boring, and it is completely unwatchable.

Strictly speaking, a similar phenomenon exists in all of the four major sports leagues in North America. The overall value and popularity of the nba have risen very fast in recent years, but when the finals arrived, even as local fans in Los Angeles, many people felt that the game was far less entertaining than the regular season.

"Rebecca, give me another beer."

Shrugging his shoulders to his girlfriend next to him, Leonard Prince struggled to put away his emotions affected by the game. "The best is coming, honey, in the Hollywood movie trailer, do you think "Wonder Woman" will be the first to appear?"

"Land, shut your stinky mouth for me."

Sitting next to him is a mixed-race girl, with chocolate-colored skin and a **** and hot body, which all indicate that at least one-third of this girl is of African descent.

Contrary to the atmosphere of the professional players\' arena, it is also a different feeling for the audience sitting in front of the TV while watching the game.

The mixed-race girl Rebecca, also a seasoned football fan, was equally annoyed by the dull first half of the game. But compared to this year\'s Super Bowl, she pays more attention to the annual Hollywood movie trailer time, because she is a senior movie fan.

She reached out and handed a bottle of beer to her boyfriend, her eyes didn\'t leave the TV, she glanced at her boyfriend\'s expression very quickly, and said unceremoniously: "Don\'t think I don\'t know, you heard that there will be a Victorian at the halftime show this year. A secret model, the wretched expression on her face can\'t deceive anyone at all."


Ronald Prince shook his head helplessly, unscrewed the beer, and looked up to think about how many gulps he had poured into his mouth. Obviously, he didn\'t seem to be entangled in this issue. You know, those are a group of hot models wearing only underwear. When they see them on TV, I am afraid that there is no man who is not excited.

Even if these models are definitely not as enjoyable as the late night channel shows, it\'s two completely different feelings, isn\'t it?

Seeing his girlfriend staring at the TV intently, he murmured in a low voice with the strength of his drink. "Always accuse me, don\'t think you don\'t know, every time you see a Wayne Greenberg magazine cover, you act like a can\'t wait b***h..."

"What?" Rebecca turned her head when she heard his cooing sound, quickly glanced at her boyfriend, then turned her eyes to the TV, and asked suspiciously, "I didn\'t hear what you said."

"Nothing, I said I hope this year\'s Hollywood movies can give us enough expectations."

"yep, it\'s hard to say the rest, but Wayne\'s "Wonder Woman" will definitely not disappoint."

She is full of confidence in "Wonder Woman", and it is not difficult to hear from her tone, and she is also extremely looking forward to this film.

That\'s right, she likes Wayne\'s movies. She has been in love with Wayne\'s movies since she accidentally saw it when "Joker" was released a few years ago.

It\'s just that in the past two years, she still has some regrets in her heart. In Rebecca\'s view, the great Wayne Greenberg should not have added it to his films in order to please more ordinary people. There are many commercial elements, and the rich dark style should not be weakened.

Therefore, in the understanding of her and a large number of fans around her, in the past few years, "Batman: The Dark Knight" can excite them. But even Rebecca herself knows that there are too many commercial elements in "Batman: The Dark Knight", which is sought after by countless people around the world.

Why can\'t the clown win outright? Why does no one push the button out of selfish humanity when the two ships are holding each other\'s bomb remotes? To put it bluntly, the reason why the so-called brilliance of human nature will appear in the end is not to consider the values ​​of ordinary people.

"Listen to me, Rebecca, I think we can rejoin Wayne\'s fan organization, I heard that every time Wayne\'s new movie comes out, the members of the fan organization are now the first to get the early movie. ticket......"

Seeing that the TV began to enter the commercial time, and it would take a while for the movie trailer to enter, Ronald Prince put down the wine bottle in his hand, put his feet on the coffee table in front of him, looked at the back of his girlfriend and said:

"And as long as you rejoin the fan organization, you can follow them to watch movies with them. I heard that you can still get Wayne\'s autograph and, if you are lucky, have a chance to have dinner with Wayne Greenberg. . . …”

"I said, shut your stinky mouth, Rand!"

Hearing her boyfriend\'s proposal, Rebecca turned her head and glared at him fiercely. But then, she sighed helplessly.

"I won\'t go back, it has changed, it has become uncomfortable, and it has become disgusting. Daisy\'s b***h has turned an organization that everyone has the same goal into into a single organization. The **** business, the business has become a tool for her to make money, and the name is raised."

In fact, Rebecca and her boyfriend were once a member of the fan organization, and they joined it very early.

But over time, the fan organization began to call on more members to participate in the event, and when the well-organized internal conditions began to attract more passers-by and fans to join, Rebecca simply brought a group of people around her with the same beliefs. The fans backed out.

She always believes that the fan organization should not be a money-making tool for the leader. It is a platform for all fans with common interests to sit down and exchange views on an equal footing.

But everything finally became too fast. In the current imdb discussion group, Rebecca\'s speech is basically invisible. No way, some of her views on Wayne\'s movies made many fans feel unhappy, but those who are more familiar with it are very clear that this is a **** movie fan.

"here we go!"

Ronald Pulis patted his girlfriend\'s arm, causing Rebecca, who was in deep thought, to focus on the TV again.

Contrary to everyone\'s expectations, when the advertising time for those well-known companies passed and the time period for the Hollywood movie trailers came to an end, the first to appear was not DC\'s masterpiece "Wonder Woman" this year.

A dim and peaceful farm scene first appeared on TV. An old-fashioned fighter jet crossed the sky, and the scene of the hero and heroine kissing in the sea appeared as the fighter\'s perspective switched.

Immediately afterwards, the bright and beautiful old-fashioned dance party, the World War II troops filled with the sense of the lake, and the flying pictures of the old-fashioned fighter jets covered with snowflakes were constantly switched with the voice-over. Just a few seconds passed, and it was clearly expressed that this is the attribute of an epic war film of World War II.

In less than ten seconds, the footage on the TV changed dramatically, a large group of fighter jets flew in the air, and bombs were dropped from the old fighter jets. The movie camera followed the bomb’s perspective, swooping down to the ground, and with a bang, it exploded in the crowded buildings.

The first explosion sounded, and the shocking firelight directly covered the TV screen, making all the audience watching the TV feel an unparalleled shock.

There was no time for people to react, and the camera switched again. In the last second, there was a huge explosion on the ground. In the next second, more bombs appeared on the warship on the sea like dumplings. The explosion was clearly shown to everyone from different perspectives.

At this point, it\'s not just fans like Rebecca and Ronald who are watching the Super Bowl halftime trailer. In an office at the Disney headquarters in Burbank, the media capital, several middle-aged and elderly men in suits and ties were also staring at the TV screen.

"Mike, you\'re a genius, God, there\'s no way to describe this explosion."

Hollywood gold medal producer Jerry Bruckheimer, watching the unprecedented explosion scene on TV, slapped Michael Bay on the shoulder beside him.

"Jerry was right, you did a great job."

Disney Chairman Michael Eisner, who had been staring at the TV, also looked at the director with approval. Although there was a hint of arrogance in his tone, anyone could hear that he was very impressed with the film. The war movies that Disney invested heavily in are very satisfied.

Several executives present know that what Michael Bay is best at is to create explosions, and it is precisely his means of creating explosions that can always attract the attention of the public.

Through the short trailer on the TV just now, you can find that this time in "Pearl Harbor", he used the big explosion scene that he is best at. Because he has very sufficient funds, the explosion scene this time is better than all the other\'s previous films. Everything is grand.


After the last huge explosion, a warship completely sank to the bottom of the sea in the camera, and the full thirty-second trailer came to an end. And along with the final scene of the freeze-frame picture, a few lines of letters appeared on it:

"Pearl Harbor", directed by Michael Bay, will be released on May 27th.

After the end of this hugely invested World War II epic trailer, everyone applauded the silent Michael Bay, and they are now all convinced that this work has a great chance to compete with the king of the beginning of the summer. Flip your wrist in the front.

"Mr. Eisner."

This is Michael Bay\'s first official speech today. He looked at the Disney Emperor and asked with a very serious expression on his face: "I remember the earliest, Disney promised me that this "Pearl Harbor" will be released on May 13 I hope to get a reasonable explanation for why the release date is temporarily changed."

"Why change the release date."

Looking at Michael Bay\'s somewhat ugly face, Michael Eisner slowly put away the smile on his face, and his eyes gradually became sharper.

"Why change the release date... Ha." Before Michael Eisner could continue, he glanced at the TV dimmed, and then pointed to the TV screen under the watchful eyes of several executives. "It\'s because of this."


Michael Bay turned his head to look at the TV, and the picture that appeared on it immediately grabbed all his attention.

Like Wayne\'s countless previous trailers, the TV screen went black at first, less than a second passed, and two huge letters appeared in the middle: DC. At the same time, an electronic background sound with a strong sense of rhythm appeared in everyone\'s ears.

"Have you never met a man?"

A man\'s voice-over sounded, and the dark screen became brighter. Angelina Jolie, with a hot and **** figure, with a very cool back, jumped down from the cliff to the sea.

This shot is quick and brief, but it also clearly conveys the necessary information to everyone watching. What\'s more, this cool but **** and powerful back has instantly attracted the attention of all men.

"What about your father?"

"I don\'t have a father!"

The voice-over expresses very clearly that this is the dialogue between the male and female protagonists, and on the screen from near to far, the paradise island is completely displayed in an instant. The beauty here is suffocating, just like a fairy tale or a magical world.

"It was Zeus who gave me life."

The voice-overs are still coming. At this time, as long as the audience watching the TV, they have clearly learned that the person who is speaking is Wonder Woman Diana Prince.

"What is your mission?"

The camera on Paradise Island flashed faster and faster, and the picture of Meng turned around. The one who appeared on the TV was still the Wonder Woman, but the costume was completely different from when she appeared on the stage.

At this time, her tight-fitting battle armor, especially the low breastplate and ultra-short battle skirt, as well as the arm guards on her arms, made everyone watching TV shine.

The camera zoomed out again, and people found that she was in the middle of the black and smoky battlefield, and her raised arm just blocked a bullet that was shot at her.

"End this war!"

This time it was the actor\'s answer, and at the same time the picture was given to Matt Damon in an instant.

Wars, planes, all kinds of pictures are flashing faster and faster. The electronic background music is also more and more rapid with the switching of the screen.

"If no one else is willing to protect the world, then I will come forward!"

Bang, a loud noise overwhelmed the background music, Angelina Jolie\'s long hair was flowing, holding the Divine Sword and Divine Shield in both hands, slammed through a wall and flew down at the enemy.

Next, the whole picture is centered on Wonder Woman, she is fighting on the battlefield, she is wielding the mantra lasso, she is running in the middle of the battle field, taking down one enemy after another.

I have to say that Angelina Jolie, who has undergone several months of strict shaping in her youth, has become the drooling target of countless North American men in an instant, whether it is her face or her body armor.

The long, white and straight legs while running, the majestic and delicate face that cannot be covered by the low breastplate, as if this trailer is just to highlight how beautiful Angelina Jolie is. It\'s hard to look away.

It was at this moment that more than 20 seconds had passed in the trailer, and the **** Valkyrie on the screen was constantly showing off her fighting skills.

Suddenly, a hoarse male voice sounded.

"Who is this lady?"

Diana-Prince\'s answer was also very succinct.

"You\'ll know right away!"

The two extremely short conversations ended, and the background music also came to the highest nest at this time.

The TV went dark again, all the sounds stopped abruptly, the logo representing Wonder Woman slowly appeared in the darkness, and a line of huge letters also rose together:

"Wonder Woman", justice begins with her!

On May 13th, justice strikes.

DC, Wayne Greenberg works!

Several executives in the Disney office breathed a sigh of relief together. From the very beginning, the trailer for "Wonder Woman" quickly and unknowingly tightened everyone\'s nerves through the pictures and background music. , until then, they suddenly realized.

And just when everyone thought the trailer was over, no one thought that the TV would turn on again, and the footage of UU reading www.uukanshu.com was given to a museum office. At the same time, the conversation between the two came out of the camera.

"Diana, I need help, a great crisis is coming to Earth."


"I just killed the scouts sent by Steppenwolf, believe me, a huge crisis is imminent!"

"Clark, how do you want me to help you?"

"Assemble all the superheroes, I need your help!"


The speed of the conversation between the two was extremely fast, no more than two or three seconds, but the camera had been fixed on the desk of the museum without moving at all, but the brief conversation revealed enough information.

That is, at the moment when the trailer of "Wonder Woman" ended, all the DC fans in front of North American TV sets were all in a carnival.