Hollywood Drawing

~: Seven hundred and twenty - characters

"Through interests, the relationship that is closely combined is very stable. It can even be said that the degree of stability of the combination of interests exceeds the so-called family, friendship and love!

But you must always remind yourself in your heart that once there is a conflict of interests, this most stable relationship will collapse in an instant, and the fragile will not give you time to react..."

The midnight breeze blew into the bedroom along the balcony, and at the same time blew away the blue smoke exhaled by the man. On Wayne\'s round hair standing upright, there are still water droplets from the shower just now, his feet are on a small log coffee table, and his upper body rests in the chair leisurely, looking at the night sky.

"You were in the audition room today, beating John Gray lightly and hard."

Looking at the man who was talking, Charlize Theron was also wearing a bathrobe, and while wiping his wet hair with both hands, he asked curiously, "Is it because of this?"

"Maybe, I know..." Wayne shrugged and glanced back at the South African diamond, his eyes involuntarily wandering around where the other person\'s bathrobe was uncovered.

"According to the rules, you should show respect to the producers of the crew." Although it was himself who ultimately benefited from this incident, Charlize Theron shrugged and grunted in a low voice.

No one can deny that Wayne can\'t stay on the "Lord of the Rings" crew every day after all, and in the end the person in charge of this crew will be John Gray. That\'s right, everyone knows her relationship with this man, and there is a high probability that she will not be inexplicably troubled at work.

But there is one thing that cannot be denied, that is, when the producers of the crew keep a distance from you, most of the staff in the huge crew will also keep their distance from you. In a vaguely isolated environment, working for at least a few months is definitely not a good shooting experience.

"That\'s how things tend to be, Sally." Wayne waved his hand indifferently, switching his legs up and down, and after adjusting to the most comfortable position, he said with an unquestionable tone: "The rules are being established. At the same time, it creates a huge temptation for those who violate the rules."

He was also dazzled by overnight fame. Charlize Theron was in the crew of "The Matrix", and the big names flew up. At least in the face of the Italian female star, she also has all kinds of small tricks at her fingertips. It\'s just that the crew is "The Matrix", and everyone, including Zack Snyder, has maintained enough respect for her.

But after she became famous, even though she was very inflated, she never forgot what those people respected. To put it bluntly, those people respected the man standing behind her.

Every actor who can be successful can\'t be really stupid, Charlize Theron recalled what happened today, still shook his head helplessly, looked at the man beside him and said, "Dear, I didn\'t get caught by three "The Matrix" is completely dizzy!

So, I don\'t believe that if you take off your clothes and sleep with you honestly, you will be able to make jokes for me in the face of more than 300 million US dollars of investment! "

"That\'s impossible to say, Sally. In my opinion, your hard work is fully worthy of the reward." Wayne\'s voice was filled with a sense of mystery that was either true or false, and there was also a hint of ridicule. "If I were you, I would continue to perform well. Maybe the big director next to you will get you a rare "little golden man" to play with when he is happy."

After speaking, he ignored the South African diamond with disbelief, turned his head slightly, and looked at the other woman on his right. The same dress, the same snow-white bathrobe that was casually draped over her body, Angelina Jolie Much bolder than Charlize Theron, giving the bathrobe no chance at all.

"Hey, can you stop looking at me like that?"

Feeling the gaze from the man, Angelina Jolie raised her head and happened to be looking at Wayne. She twisted her body slightly on the chair, as if she suddenly felt uncomfortable there, and frowned slightly unnaturally.

"Damn, we just went a little too far..."

After grunting softly, she involuntarily looked at the other woman, wondering if the South African diamonds felt the same way.

"Huh, you\'re so beautiful now." Wayne shrugged, not intending to avert his eyes at all, and even raised the corners of his mouth with interest. "I have to say, you\'re hot and fascinating."


Angelina Jolie raised her head, opened her **** lips slightly, and gave the man a kiss in the air. Immediately, he rolled his eyes and joked, "If only you could be so gentle when you roll the sheets."

Speaking of the world war just now, the two ladies pouted unnaturally at the same time. In fact, they both knew in their hearts that they must not believe this man\'s sweet words. This is an out-and-out rude beast.

Facing the woman\'s complaints, Wayne had a pleasant smile on his face, looked at the night sky outside the balcony without hesitation, and smoked the cigarette in his hand leisurely.

No one can understand him. Only in this calm time will he continue to strengthen his confidence in walking down. Think about it, one is long-legged, glamorous, and charming, the other is hot, explosive, and curvy. Whenever these noble actresses in the eyes of ordinary people are manipulated by themselves, they can give him the heart to slack off. Add endless power sources.

Wayne is actually a normal person, and he also has the slackness that normal people have, but he knows better that he can get all the reasons for what he is now, and will always maintain his original intention.

"Dear Director Greenberg, when will I join the group."

Glancing at the script on the log coffee table, and then looking at the man with a comfortable face, Angelina Jolie rolled her eyes a few times and asked seemingly casually.

"Come on, don\'t worry." Hearing the woman\'s question, Wayne tapped the cigarette\'s fingers on the arm of the chair, his smile unabated. "Why, are you in a hurry? If I were you, I would never have such an idea, Angie, believe me, the filming process of this character will be more difficult than you think."

"You know, I\'ve been working on the script."

Pointing to the script of "Wonder Woman" on the coffee table, Angelina Jolie glanced at Charlize Theron inadvertently, then immediately retracted her gaze and looked at the man beside her seriously. "Equestrian, fencing, body building, fitness, movement training courses, I have never stopped, in order to be able to play this role well."

"I hope you can still have such confidence after the official start." Wayne smiled and spread his hands, also looking at the script on the table. "Since you have carefully studied the script, you should know the particularity of this character and this project. Believe me, Angie, after the official shooting begins, the severity of my performance will definitely exceed your imagination!"

He could see that this woman was not lying. The script of "Wonder Woman" had obviously been read countless times, and the situation had also been pondered countless times.

"Aha, how harsh? I\'ve heard it before, you\'ve never been a grumpy one on the set."

In the face of the man\'s frivolous tone and the eyes that patrolled back and forth on her body, Angelina Jolie didn\'t think much about it. She clearly understood what attracted her the most, and under the man\'s gaze, she stuck out her tongue and lightly licked her **** lips.

Looking at this delicate face at its peak, Wayne suddenly remembered something, with an imperceptible tyrannical smile on the corner of his mouth, and muttered something. "Well, if there is a private jet now, you can definitely understand what a real temper is..."

"What?" The woman looked at Wayne with a puzzled face.


Don\'t look at herself, Angelina Jolie has always been very honest, but Wayne knows better than anyone that this is a crazy woman, if she hadn\'t stabbed herself, this woman These are the craziest, most rebellious times.

It was hard not to remind him of some news, this woman, but someone with a temper, grabbed her head on the private plane, and slammed into the wall frantically. It can be said that she punched her own daughter-in-law, kicked her eldest son, and finally poured spirits on her face, soaked the plane carpet, and lost more than 20,000 dollars to the airline.

It can be seen from this aspect that this is never a peaceful woman. Then again, there are no good people in this circle. Wayne\'s face was skipped by the breeze from the beach in Santa Monica, and he took a long puff of cigarettes. He knew even more that he was not really a good thing.

"Go to rest early, I have to get up early tomorrow to go to the studio."

He swayed the cigarette in his hand, stood up from the chair, turned around and walked towards the big bed in the bedroom.

Seeing him get up, Charlize Theron looked at the other woman and followed in silence.

"You go to bed first, I still want to blow my hair."

Looking at the man\'s back suspiciously, Angelina Jolie shook her head and turned her gaze to the script on the table again. Now she doesn\'t have a trace of sleepiness, and she thinks more about "Wonder Woman".

It was a very different script, and he saw the difference when he saw the full story for the first time.

Since she was a child, she has been hearing and seeing large and small projects in the circle, and it is because she discovered the difference in this script that she felt intense excitement. Desperate study and training all stem from this, and now she just wants to join the group and start shooting as soon as possible.

First of all, this is a big heroine drama that is too pure to be pure, and it is a drama in which all the shots revolve around the heroine. Just because she knows Hollywood movies, Angelina Jolie understands its preciousness.

This year\'s "Charlie\'s Angels", on the surface, is also a female-dominated film, but the three leading actors all understand that this is a commercial film made entirely for men. The biggest selling point of the film is still the faces, figures, and hot and **** action scenes of the three protagonists.

As some film critics have criticized, a commercial film supplemented by a story and mainly selling meat. The audience is still male fans, and the perspective of the film is no different from other successful commercial films.

"Wonder Woman" is completely different, this is a typical big heroine story, the heroine saves the man, and the heroine saves the world. Such a huge investment in a big female protagonist commercial film has never appeared in the history before Hollywood.

When the agent called her and made it clear that Warner Bros. offered the film an insulting $800,000 salary, Angelina Jolie didn\'t hesitate and yelled at her agent on the phone" Damn, promise that **** pay!"

Only after reading the script can you know what this project means to the actress. If someone else took the shot, she might have hesitated, but when the director was Wayne Greenberg, there was no need to hesitate at all.

This is the heroine of Wayne Greenberg DC\'s latest masterpiece! Still a great heroine movie that has never been seen before! The whole movie is a big heroine project that serves the heroine!

Just because she knew Hollywood very well since she was a child, Angelina Jolie understands even more that good acting skills, beautiful face, and hot body in Hollywood are all important, let alone the appreciation and support of big people.

She is very sure that as long as this "Wonder Woman" maintains the results of Wayne\'s previous works, she will be an instant hit. Not the red of Charlize Theron, but the red of Christian Bale, DC superhero is a universe, and the follow-up story is basically impossible to bypass Wonder Woman Diana Prince.

"This character is so special..."

Looking back at the man who had fallen asleep on the big bed in the bedroom, she muttered to herself. "All the hard work is worth it, it\'s all worth it."

In fact, even Wayne himself began to question the script of "Wonder Woman" in his heart. At the end of the 1990s, if such a movie with a big heroine and a feminist nature was released in advance, could it achieve ideal market results?

No one can deny that all the heroine films in his memory appeared in a special social context. The large-scale awakening of female consciousness, the Mi Rabbit frenzy, the evolution of several feminist organizations, etc. After entering the 21st century, the entire European and American society can be said to be undergoing constant changes.

When the time went back to the late 1990s, without the influence of social background, Wayne naturally still groaned in his heart.

But the arrow is on the line. He must take this risk. The only source of confidence that can give him is his patience in the past few years. He has initially cultivated a DC storm. Without the influence of Marvel movies, global movie fans have demand for DC movies. huge.

Obviously, in a film like "Wonder Woman", the most important thing is not the story, the logic, or even the essential special effects.

Most importantly, in Wayne\'s eyes, there is no doubt about the characters! The storyline, the pacing of the film, even the logic and special effects, are actually all in the service of the characters.

He still remembers that as soon as the news that Gal Gadot was about to play Wonder Woman came out, he was questioned by fans and the media. In line with people\'s impression of Diana Prince.

That is to say, when "Wonder Woman" was officially released, most of the audience and media reporters ~www.novelhall.com~ walked into the theater with prejudice.

But the result is that the film\'s reputation has risen rapidly in a short period of time, and the box office performance has also been rising all the way. It is precisely this character-centered production method that fully explains to fans that if Wonder Woman really exists, it is like this in the movie.

If you look at the online comments carefully, you will find that the fans who leave the most comments are almost all "I admire Gal Gadot\'s figure and the plot the whole time? Who would pay attention to the plot, just staring at the long legs." Saliva!" "If looking at Tom Cruise\'s movie, his face is worth the ticket price, then Wonder Woman just looking at Gal Gadot\'s legs is definitely worth the price!"

That\'s right, the whole "Wonder Woman" is character-centric, and Wayne is really reluctant to change the plot and settings. The same is true for the film that will be shot by him. This will be a completely character-centric, 360-degree film with no dead ends, to show how beautiful Angelina Jolie really is.

In fact, Wayne is more obsessed with "Wonder Woman" than anyone else, after all, he once watched those long legs and swallowed. It\'s a pity that the Israeli actor is still too young now.

It was precisely when I saw this film that it was an unprecedented all-round, dead-end, slow-motion film that showed the beauty of the heroine. Angelina Jolie couldn\'t wait more and more. She knew better than anyone that once such a film was obtained Success will drastically change your position in the circle.

"Wayne Greenberg! You made this script so special!"

Looking at the night sky in Santa Monica outside the balcony, she clutched the "Wonder Woman" script tightly in her hand, and her eyes flashed with the unique ambition of an actress. "The tradition of screenplays is story-centric, but you\'re boldly character-centric..."