Hollywood Drawing

~: Seven hundred and nineteen - if you have your life, you can earn your life and spend it!

Several times in the whole of Hollywood, there has never been a large-scale production crew that is harmonious. The operating principle here is that power is limited and money is the first. Therefore, after the era of large-scale studios, the industry standard of a producer-centered system has been formed.

But a crew with a small group of dozens of people and a large group of hundreds of people is completely a small society that brings together all kinds of people. Therefore, the struggle for power in each crew is an inevitable situation, especially between the director and the producer, the battle for the right to speak is an eternal theme.

Don\'t think that John Gray is easy to talk about. He himself represents the absolute power given by the management. Perhaps when facing Wayne, he is indeed a pseudo-producer who will only do his work silently and cooperate with the director\'s creation. But if the collaborator is replaced by Peter Jackson, he will naturally become the most common powerful power beast in the circle.

It was none other than Wayne and Warner Bros. who gave him power. They needed John Gray to control the crew to ensure that "The Lord of the Rings" would not be overrun by Peter Jackson\'s temperament. Overdue, direction confusion and other signs of error.

From the beginning of the preparation of "The Lord of the Rings" to the present, it can be said that the big fat man in New Zealand has already had enough of the restraint of the producers, but he has no choice but to compromise. As long as he wants to continue to be the director, he must Working under the constraints of a producer.

At least before he achieves a higher status in the circle, no matter which business project he goes to, he will face the same situation.

Therefore, even when the two of them faced Wayne together, they all tacitly showed a considerable degree of harmony, but their relationship in private was still not harmonious. Not to mention friends, it\'s not even an ordinary colleague relationship. After all, Peter Jackson wants more voice and greater creative freedom, which is inherently in conflict with John Gray\'s own work.

After enduring it for nearly a year, Peter Jackson felt a burst of relief from the inside out when he saw John Gray\'s liver-like face.

The atmosphere in the entire audition room was very strange. Wayne, the investor and producer of "The Lord of the Rings", had no expression on his face, leaning on the chair and smoking a cigarette silently. Another actual crew leader, John Gray, looked like a piece of pig liver, as if he hadn\'t reacted for a while, his face was full of surprise, disbelief and other emotions.

Director Peter Jackson, as if he was about to hide the coursing on his face, quietly sat back in the director\'s seat, bowing his head and flipping through the actor\'s resume in front of him.

The two assistant directors of the crew, one of them carefully adjusted the camera, the other desperately gestured to several other assistants with his eyes, and the interconnection conveyed some information like watching a good show.

"Ok, well, you\'re right, Wayne."

It took dozens of seconds to pass, John Gray seemed to want to understand something, suddenly let out a long breath, looked at the man sitting quietly smoking, and said, "I will contact Charlize as soon as possible - Theron\'s agent to negotiate."

"Well, the principle remains the same, John."

No one expected that Wayne would completely ignore John Gray\'s face, tap the cigarette with his finger on the table twice, and commanded in a commanding tone: "I don\'t care how you talk about it. , but the main creator who wants to join the "Lord of the Rings" crew has only one standard, obedient, professional, and willing to accept the salary offered by the crew."

"I see." John Gray responded with his head down. "I will convey your meaning to the company in its entirety."

"That\'s your business!"

After all, this is not a contest for the right to speak. According to common sense, Wayne should give John Gray a certain amount of respect. Even if he wants to show the authority of his position and management, he should show it in private. After all, there are many staff in the audition room.

Hollywood has never had an airtight wall. Everyone in the house has already guessed it. I am afraid that tomorrow, this little episode will spread to the entire crew, the entire Warner Studios, and even the entire Los Angeles.

But no one thinks Wayne is doing wrong, and no one will accuse him. No one can deny it. When he wants to turn his face and don\'t recognize anyone, more than 99% of the practitioners in the circle must be willing to do so. Bowing his head, this is the truest manifestation of class in Hollywood.


Hearing Wayne\'s cry, Peter Jackson tried his best not to make his happiness too obvious. He turned his head to look behind him and shrugged, signaling that he was listening.

"Continue to audition, followed by..."

"Legolas - Green Leaf!"

No one can guess what Wayne was thinking, why he beat John Gray lightly and not hard during the audition, but the effect was very significant. In the subsequent audition work, the producer of Warner Bros. People, more and more low-key up.

The drowsy audition work lasted a full day, and this was less than half of the work, and similar work continued for at least two or three days.

After the day\'s work ended and the two producers left, the atmosphere in the audition room seemed to come to life suddenly. The assistant director Mark Ashton, who had been in charge of the camera, packed the camera equipment and looked at Peter - who was beside him. Jackson.

"Boss, why did you say Wayne Greenberg..."

"Who knows." Peter Jackson shrugged and said casually: "The thoughts of these big men, normal people can\'t guess."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk." Another assistant director, Richard Barker, whistled suddenly. "Yeah, who knows when the big guys will turn their backs, don\'t they?"

On the faces of several people, they all had schadenfreude smiles. Obviously, no one wanted to see that the producer John Gray, who had always been very strong, was deflated.

"Seriously, boss." Closing the camera\'s lens cap forcefully, Mark Ashton put away the smile on his face and asked suspiciously, "Isn\'t John Gray Wayne Greenberg\'s old partner? ? Why still..."

Hearing the assistant director\'s doubts, Peter Jackson shook his head with a smile, and said in a low voice, "Remember, a partner is a partner, and a partner is not a friend! These are two very different relationships, don\'t confuse them. !"

Let alone a partner, even if the two sides have a good friendship in private, once their own interests are involved, the face will still show no mercy.

Peter Jackson is very clear that, according to various rumors in the past, Wayne is by no means a gentleman who is easy to talk. He may be able to show a smile to the crew, but that doesn\'t mean he is easy to get along with. More rumors have always shown that Wayne Greenberg has always been a domineering tyrant.

Deputy director Richard Buck pouted and said yin and yang: "Mark, don\'t forget Wayne Greenberg\'s nickname in the circle."

"The black pearl in the crown of Hollywood movies?"

"f**k, it\'s a lunatic in the dark!" Shaking his head helplessly, Richard Buck burst into foul language.

Mark Ashton frowned, glanced at Peter Jackson, and murmured: "I don\'t think John Gray would hold back like this, you don\'t forget how domineering he was to us in New Zealand. Look. Well, he will definitely complain to Warner Bros., I\'m afraid it\'s not necessarily what\'s going on..."

"Come on, Mark."

Hearing his muttering, Peter Jackson showed a smile on the corner of his mouth, but the smile was full of sarcasm. "Do you think Warner Bros. would risk offending Wayne Greenberg for one of their top executives? Also, don\'t forget that John Gray was the producer of The Lord of the Rings because of Wayne nodded, his power, who do you think gave it?!"

The gossip and gossip in the audition room will naturally not be heard by John Gray, but there is one thing that the assistant director of "The Lord of the Rings" said right. The producer called Warner as soon as the work ended. The phone number of a senior executive of the brother.

No one can deny that his first task in the crew is to ensure that the interests of Warner Bros. are not threatened.

However, the result was not satisfactory. In the face of John Gray\'s rhetoric, a Warner Bros. executive on the phone only left a sentence. "If you think that "The Lord of the Rings" will listen to you in its entirety, it will have a higher success rate than listening to Wayne Greenberg\'s opinion, I will help you communicate with Wayne. Otherwise, do your own work!"

Things spread quite quickly, and Nina had already heard about it as soon as Wayne had just returned to the office.

"Boss, did you beat John?" After packing Wayne\'s personal belongings into her briefcase, the assistant lady glanced at Charlize Theron on the sofa and asked seemingly casually. .

"He needs to figure out his position!" With a wave of his hand, Wayne obviously has no desire to continue talking about this, and sat down on the sofa, ready to wait for Nina to pack up and get off work.

He took out the cigarette in his pocket, lifted Erlang\'s legs to light one, raised one hand, and rubbed it **** both sides of his forehead. He also felt dizzy after a whole day of audition work.

Charlize Theron behaved very sensible, stood up and walked behind him at the first time, patted off the big hands on both sides of the man\'s forehead, and let the other\'s head rest on his chest, white fingers, kept massaging the man \'s forehead.

"How are you feeling? Are you feeling better?"

At the same time, it was the crisp sound of South African diamonds.

Wayne closed his eyes and mumbled, "Well, that\'s a good way..."

"Clang, clang, clang."

Just as Nina packed up everything and was about to say to the boss that she could leave, the office door was knocked softly. She tilted her head suspiciously, glanced at the two people on the sofa, and took a few steps to the door and opened the door.

"...Sorry, Mr. Greenberg needs to rest. If you have something, you\'d better talk about it tomorrow. Ok, if you insist, wait a moment."

The assistant lady obviously had no intention of letting the door open. After talking to the person on and off, she turned her head and looked into the office. "Boss, Ms. Liv-Taylor, would like to invite you to dinner."

"Aha, interesting..."

Sitting on the sofa, Wayne narrowed his eyes and waved to the assistant without hesitation. "Just say I have an appointment, next time."

"Mr. Greenberg, sorry, Mr. Greenberg, I have something very important to talk to you about."

No one expected that Liv Tyler squeezed Nina away and squeezed directly into the office. Then he didn\'t look at Charlize Theron behind the sofa, his eyes were fixed on Wayne, and he said eagerly: "Mr. Greenberg, I want to talk to you about the elf princess..."

"Ms Taylor."

Wayne\'s expression didn\'t change, he squinted at the woman who came in, and before waiting for the other party to finish speaking, he simply refused: "The audition results, the crew will notify your agent within three days, it\'s off-duty time now, ok? "


When Liv Tyler heard his words, she tightly clenched the corner of her shirt with her right hand. It could be seen that her complexion changed several times in an instant. Obviously, she did not expect to be rejected so neatly at all. At least before walking into this office, she was still very confident in her face and figure.

"Excuse me, Mr. Greenberg, may I have a few words with you alone."

After speaking, she glanced nervously at Nina and Charlize Theron, and finally turned her eyes back to the tough face on the sofa.

"If you have something to say, just say it, I have an appointment later."

Squeezing out the cigarette in the ashtray, Wayne frowned slightly and said unceremoniously.

Gritting her teeth hard, Liv Tyler\'s lips squirmed a few times, and she looked at the other two women in the room again, she seemed to make up her mind, looked at Wayne and said, "I need this role, Mr. Greenberg, want to I know what it takes to get this role."

"No, no, no, you misunderstood, Ms. Taylor."

Shaking his head helplessly, Wayne pointed at Nina and motioned to the assistant to take the briefcase and prepare to leave. "There is no red sofa here, ok? As for this role, the crew will make full and comprehensive consideration. I respect you very much, and I hope you can respect me too. That\'s it."

This does not match the rumors in the circle! Liv Tyler only had this thought at this time, and it kept pounding in his head. Even when she was politely invited out of the office by Nina, and then stared blankly at Wayne and his party leaving, her mind was still full of doubts.

It wasn\'t until the agent got close to her that Liv Tyler regained his senses and for the first time had doubts about her figure and face. At the same time, a deep sense of frustration and humiliation rose from the bottom of her heart.

"How about Liv? Do you need me to book a restaurant? What time did you and Wayne Greenberg make an appointment..."


A sharp **** came from Liv Tyler\'s mouth, which startled the agent, and then before the agent could react, she raised her foot and stomped on the ground a few times. "sonofab***h! f**k! We give up this role!"

The agent opened his mouth in disbelief. "What!?"

"I said, let\'s give up this role!" With a stern look at the agent, Liv-Taylor turned and walked out of the studio.

A tram drove towards the gates of Warner Studios. Wayne sat on it and closed his eyes, while Charlize Theron and Nina kept mumbling their opinions on fashion.

During the period, the South African Diamond has secretly cast her eyes on the man more than once. In fact, in her heart, she is also very suspicious of what the other party has just done. From what I know about this man, he is no different from most of the big stars and big guys in the circle, all of them are monsters with strong hormone secretion.

In fact, this is a common phenomenon in Hollywood. Not only Wayne, but also some famous and powerful practitioners in the circle have extremely chaotic and absurd private lives.

In Charlize Theron\'s view, the only difference between this man and other powerful figures in the circle is that he has not been indulged in a private life that has hollowed out his body and still maintains a strong energy. She knew that Wayne had beaten the producer of "The Lord of the Rings" before and had just rejected Liv Tyler, the big beauty, basically all for himself.

But without waiting for her self-movement to last long, the tram had not left Warner Studios, and the man once again revealed his true nature unexpectedly.

"Nina, call the manor and tell Nami, we won\'t go back for the night tonight, er... just say the crew needs to work overtime for some things."

Hearing Wayne\'s words, Nina and Charlize Theron looked at each other, resisting the urge to roll their eyes, took out the mobile phone, and prepared to call the manor.

Just when she was about to make a call, the mobile phone in her hand suddenly rang. Looking at the two people beside her, the assistant pressed the connect button and immediately put her mouth to her ear. After about ten seconds, she whispered into the phone. "I see."

"Boss, Angelina Jolie called and asked if you would like to have dinner together." She glanced at the South African diamond first, and then she looked at Wayne and reported in a low voice.


Hearing this news, Wayne opened his eyes closed and rested, tilted his head and thought for a while. Immediately afterwards, he noticed Charlize Theron beside him, and the corners of his mouth began to rise involuntarily, revealing a chilling smile.

"Tsk, tell her, let her prepare an extra dinner..."

After he finished speaking, he didn\'t care about the changing face of the South African diamond, he closed his eyes again, and started to close his eyes again to rest, maybe it was not necessarily to recuperate.

For Wayne\'s private life, Nina has always been an accomplice, but this time, she couldn\'t help but look at the South African diamond with a pitiful look before she raised the phone and started making arrangements.

If possible, Charlize Theron would like to shout "I want to get out of the car" to the man beside her now, but she just changed her face and made no other statement.

Until she left the Warner Bros. Studios and drove in the direction of Santa Monica in a Rolls-Royce Phantom, she was just in her heart, madly cursing the man beside her as a devil. No way, in less than ten minutes, she felt like she was on a roller coaster.

The gratitude and emotion for Wayne a moment ago were all trampled into the soil at this moment, and the only thing left was helplessness.

The Rolls-Royce Phantom drives smoothly in front, and the speed is not particularly fast. There are always two motorcycles behind the car. Sergey has long been used to it. If they go out one day, there are no fly-like paparazzi behind them. , may be the moment to really worry.

The car entered Santa Monica and stopped in front of a small technological villa, and the two motorcycles behind it also stopped.

The paparazzi were not afraid at all. They stood a dozen meters away from the door of the villa, frantically pressing the shutter of the camera hanging around their necks, wanting to take some eye-catching pictures.

"F**k, Wayne Greenberg, this guy is so **** happy!"

The photo was taken for a short time. A white paparazzi crouched on the side of the road and spat **** the ground. Just in front of their eyes, the Hollywood tycoon put his arm around the waist of actress Charlize Theron, and the other hand unceremoniously wrapped his arms around Angelina Jolie in front of the door, kissing each other on the face. After taking a sip, he entered the gate of the villa.

There is no man who does not envy such a life, even the paparazzi who survive by secretly photographing celebrities.

"When you become a big star, go to envy such a life." Another paparazzi was also full of jealousy, looked down at the camera, and said casually.

"Shit, can\'t I just think about it now?" The paparazzi who just spoke simply sat down, took out a pack of cigarettes from his trouser pocket, tilted his head and lit one. Then he looked at the villa with envy on his face, although the door was completely closed, he couldn\'t see anything now.

"If I become a big star, I will definitely buy a big house like this, invite dozens of models every day, hold crazy parties all night, alcohol, beauties, yes, there are also female stars... .."

"Hey man, wake up."

The paparazzi who looked at the camera shook his head, reached out and patted his companion sitting on the road on the shoulder. "It\'s better to think about it now, will the big media be interested in what we just photographed at UU Reading www.uukanshu.com."

"It\'s hard." The paparazzi sitting on the ground smoking again spit out a big mouthful of saliva, and said with a sullen face: "If there were other big stars, such photos would definitely sell for a lot of money, but that\'s Wayne Greenberg, Who in North America doesn\'t know he\'s a playboy, and it\'s probably nothing new to publish, unless..."

"Unless what?"

The reporter sitting on the ground made a furious statement. "Unless we can sneak in and take pictures of him smoking cigarettes or something!"

"f**k, if you have life to make money, you have to have life to spend!"


The two looked at each other, and at the same time dispelled the eagerness in each other\'s eyes. Basically, those in their line of business can see these Hollywood bigwigs more clearly, and many gossip has spread more widely. But they know better that more than 90% of the so-called gossip in the circle is true.

The first was the big Russian bear who shot and killed a certain stupid robber in the New York Bank. They were all very sure that as long as the guy found out his intentions, the other party would shoot them without hesitation. They don\'t look like a bonus source for that big guy.

More recently, another reporter Vitaly Seduk, who was on the TV and swearing to rant about Wayne Greenberg, was suddenly caught by the DEA and has been completely silent until now. Remember that little reporter? No, this is what makes countless peers like them feel fearful.

"Shit, just hang out at the door all night, Wayne Greenberg doesn\'t care about taking pictures in person, I hope I can take some more explosive pictures tomorrow morning..."

"It can only be this way."