Hollywood Drawing

~: Seven hundred and twenty-one - visit the location

The final round of auditions for The Lord of the Rings ended fairly quickly. In fact, most of the actors in this masterpiece have not changed much from Wayne\'s memory version. The biggest change is that the actor who played the fairy princess was changed from Liv Tyler to Naomi Watts.

To put it simply, the South African Diamond is a typical actress with a good figure and good looks. As for the overly glamorous face and temperament, the difference between the character and the fairy princess, as long as the director in charge of shooting is willing, there will be There are countless ways to change these to get the final result you want.

In terms of finalizing the actor contract, John Gray acted very quickly, and there was basically no trouble in the whole process, and the only possible trouble was the salary of Charlize Theron, but the broker of South African Diamonds The man did not open his mouth as a lion, and happily agreed to the $6 million offer made by the crew.

Undoubtedly, this is almost the highest salary in the "Lord of the Rings" crew, but it is definitely not a high price for today\'s South African diamonds.

After all, this is a group show, and the nature of the movie has already been decided. It is impossible to charge a high price for an actor, and it is impossible for the crew to invite such an actor.

The audition for "The Lord of the Rings" has just ended. Wayne didn\'t get any time to rest, and once again plunged into the preparations for "Wonder Woman". Not only did he have to negotiate with the creative team behind the scenes every day, and the filming might encounter The questions and arrangements, but also according to their own habits, draw the storytelling draft by hand.

Time passed by inadvertently, and slowly to the beginning of October, Warner Productions became lively again. The "Lord of the Rings" crew has just moved to New Zealand, and the "Wonder Woman" crew has once again started a large-scale audition campaign.

Compared with the former, there are more actors staring at the "Wonder Woman" project. Everyone knows that this film was directed by Wayne himself, and from the perspective of Hollywood at the moment, the film directed by Wayne himself is the so-called success. Assure.

That is to say, under such a background, all kinds of personal phone calls are frequently made, and there are very few people who can reach Wayne. However, Schwartz, the assistant director who has been in charge of audition work in recent years, has a face that has changed every day. It\'s uglier than the day, and obviously he\'s under a lot of pressure.

"Boss, just before I walked into this office, who do you think I got a call from?"

Compared to the high spirits when he just returned from vacation, Schwartz was quite embarrassed at this time, and he completely lost the style of the assistant director who was in control of the crew. Messy hair, dense beards, and a suit full of wrinkles, the whole person is as sluggish as if he had just worked overtime for three days and three nights in a row.

After sitting down on the sofa, he nodded casually with the others and began to spit bitterness at Wayne. "Pat Kingsley, just called me and was talking about you and Tom\'s names, your relationship with Tom. Damn, and more importantly, she\'s still talking about Nie a lot. Co-Kidman, relationship with Nami, shit!"

Seeing that Wayne didn\'t lift his head and was still writing and drawing in his director\'s notebook, Schwartz\'s face became even more bitter.

Everyone knows that every time Wayne\'s project starts to prepare, he, the hard-hitting casting director, will turn into a sweet pastry that everyone loves, but this time the situation is obviously different, he has already received too many and can\'t refuse phone, and now he feels like a volcano about to erupt under his ass.

In Schwartz\'s opinion, he was completely unlucky to accept these favors, because he knew too much about the crew leader. Relying on some minor characters to mix up the benefits that men understand, Wayne will definitely turn a blind eye, as if he didn\'t see it at all, but if he wants to use his power to stuff some inappropriate candidates into the crew, That\'s totally killing yourself.

"Ha, Schwartz."

Editor Julia turned her head to look at the embarrassed casting director, her eyes flashing with the fire of gossip. "Tell us, which role does our Mrs. Cruise want?"

"Shit, who knows."

Seeing everyone looking at him, Schwartz angrily picked up his coffee, raised his head and took a sip before complaining: "Pat Kingsley didn\'t mention it, I\'m counting on her to be less ambitious now, not to want to Own client as Diana Prince."

His words, coupled with the awkward expression on his face, caused a burst of laughter from everyone in the office. But everyone knows that there is no room for discussion in the role of Wonder Woman Diana Prince, and Schwartz is mostly joking.

The people who can sit in this office and wait for the meeting are basically either the old men in Wayne\'s team, or the old fritters who have been in the circle for many years. So in fact, some people know better, but the benefits are not enough. If the benefits are enough, their boss will never mind changing the heroine temporarily.

So in Hollywood, as long as the project has not officially started shooting, anything is possible. Even if some projects have already started filming, it is not uncommon to temporarily change the male and female lead actors, as long as the replacement can bring greater benefits to the project.

"Luke, I heard that you have squeezed Angelina Jolie\'s salary to the level of third- and fourth-tier actors?"

Seeing that Wayne was still writing with his head down, the team members who had already arrived were not in a hurry. They all knew more or less about his work habits. After teasing Schwartz, lighting supervisor Steve looked at Luke Simmons and asked curiously.

As the producer of the crew, Luke Simmons\' presence is not very strong. Seeing that everyone\'s eyes were looking at him, he shrugged indifferently. "Yes, under a million dollars."

Seeing everyone\'s eyes flickering incredulously, he added another fire. "To be precise, it is $800,000, and this $800,000 is the full salary. Except for the part of the later share mandated by the Actors Guild, it will not involve other income."

"Luke, you\'re getting more and more like a boss, but your heart is so dark!"

"That\'s right, that\'s right, Luke, it\'s so disappointing, you\'ve also become a lackey of capital now."

"F**k, $800,000, you are so embarrassed to put it up, but you can still make the other party willingly sign the contract!"

In the face of everyone\'s complaints, Luke Simmons spread his hands indifferently, and even blew a provocative whistle. "That\'s not all, guys."

Anyway, idle is idle. Luke Simmons and everyone present are very clear that the crew leader sitting behind the desk actually likes to watch them get along in harmony, at least after the work starts. harmonious.

"In the actor contract signed by Angelina Jolie, there are also strict anti-drugs clauses, and even the clauses prohibiting alcohol abuse are clearly marked. Once the actors are affected by things such as alcohol and leaf cigarettes, The normal work of the crew, then the 800,000 US dollars, I am afraid that I will not be able to get it completely in the end..."

After his words fell, everyone did not continue to tease him this time, and instead, several of them began to peek at Wayne frequently.

No one is clear about the relationship between Angelina Jolie and this man, and they are also very sure. If it weren\'t for this relationship, Diana Prince, a character stared by all Hollywood actresses, would not have So easy to fall into the hands of that woman.

The unspoken rules of the Hollywood crew have always been biased towards their own people, which is understandable. But from this female lead\'s salary contract, everyone found out that, as the boss, he really made a business as a business, and a business was just a business.

The thing is very simple, if Angelina Jolie is unwilling to accept the contract, some actresses in the circle are willing. At such a moment, her personal relationship with Wayne was sidelined instead.

It was not the first time for those present to work together. Everyone looked at each other and chose to silently shut their mouths. What happened this time seems to remind everyone once again that the man sitting behind the desk will never hesitate when it comes to his own interests.

"Cough, is $800,000 a low salary?"

Closing the book in his hand, Wayne let out a long breath, looked at everyone and shook his head amusingly. "I want to remind everyone that if you want to star in my project, the actor better not have the purpose of making a lot of money."

That\'s right, basically, for projects directed by Wayne himself, especially the newly added actors, the remuneration is not very worth it. This is the default price to pay. The world is like this, since you want the safest way to gain fame, you have to pay.

"Hey, boss, after all, Angelina Jolie\'s "Charlie\'s Angels" also made more than 100 million dollars at the box office."

The director of photography, Robert, raised his eyebrows exaggeratedly, looking at Wayne behind the desk and complaining.

"Don\'t forget, Robert, "Charlie\'s Angels" was also invested and produced by me."

Chatting casually, Wayne opened the drawer to put away the director\'s notebook, got up, walked out from behind the desk, sat down on the sofa, and lightly lit a cigarette. "Of course I can double her worth, but changing that role to another actor won\'t make much difference. Ok, aside from "Charlie\'s Angels", what else does she have to convince me and Warner Bros. ?"

As Wayne said, although Angelina Jolie is famous now, the main credit comes from "Charlie\'s Angels". Thinking about it carefully, except for this year\'s popular "Charlie\'s Angels", she really doesn\'t have any good films in terms of commercial performance.

In this day and age, if you want to join the DC camp and play an important role, there is only one way to accept exploitation, not only for Angelina Jolie, but also for other actors who will join the series in the future.

If the time is pushed back a few years, Angelina Jolie in the "Mrs & Mrs. Smith" period will not be considered at all. Even if the price is increased tenfold, Warner Bros. and Wayne will agree without hesitation.

But in the end, it\'s only if, apart from the little appeal she has accumulated in "Charlie\'s Angels", she can\'t reverse the strong position of both employers and employees. If you want a film company to join behind the butt, you must first have enough fame and appeal to make yourself a scarce resource in the circle.

At least for Angelina Jolie now, the best way to become a so-called scarce resource is to appear in "Wonder Woman".

"Schwartz, oh, my poor Mr. Assistant Director." Sitting next to the casting director, Wayne took a closer look at the deep bags under his eyes, and shrugged, "If Pat Kingsley goes Call you and keep mentioning my relationship with Tom, then you can let her contact me directly."

It\'s obvious that Tom Cruise must be unaware of this matter, otherwise, with Tom\'s character, he will call the manor directly, or visit the door directly.

The tricks here are quite deep, because the gossip tabloids and entertainment media are full of news about the conflict between the Cruise and his wife. Maybe other people will watch it for fun. After all, this pair of golden boys and girls has always been the focus of ordinary people in North America, but Wayne does not. He is very clear that if there is no accident, the contradiction between the couple has already been. Pretty big.

From the perspective of God, Pat Kingsley\'s buttocks are obviously sitting crooked, and he has always been the one who has been pulling sideways in the dark. This well-known agent in the circle and the combination of Mrs. Cruise continued to consume Tom\'s influence for more than 20 years.

At least Wayne remembers it very clearly. In the one or two years after the divorce, Nicole Kidman starred in the movie as a victim, and the results were not bad, but it basically became a long time later. The box office is poisonous, so there is the famous scene of "happy past with Tommy" every time in public.

If nothing else, the short time is a few months, and the long time is a little more than a year. The golden boy and the jade girl will officially begin to separate. So at this point in time, it seems quite interesting. It is difficult to say whether Pat Kingsley is paving the way in advance through the relationship with Tom.

"Hey, Schwartz, if I were you, I\'d just put a red sofa in the audition room, tsk tsk tsk..." Seeing the casting director\'s bitter face still, black aunt editor Julia, He waved his fist fiercely, and began to come up with strange ideas in a strange tone.

"f**k, don\'t hurt me."

Schwartz first looked at Wayne, then rolled his eyes at Julia helplessly. "Boss, if you are interested in Mrs. Cruise, I will set up a red sofa for you..."





this! ? Cough cough cough. "

Originally, Wayne was still happy for everyone to chat, but Schwartz didn\'t expect Schwartz to target himself again. He didn\'t come up with a cigarette, and he choked with tears.

"Wow, the boss was moved to tears. Schwartz, it seems you have a good idea."

"That\'s right, Schwartz, no wonder you can sit firmly in the casting director\'s fat shortage. It seems that you know Wayne."



! "Wayne put the cigarette pestle into the ashtray, and raised the **** at the same time with both hands.

"Okay, that\'s the end of the joke." His eyes circled around everyone in the room, UU read www. The smile on his face gradually subsided. "Let\'s talk business."

Following his words, everyone put away their smiles and looked at him together.

"Schwartz, if there are any more favors calls that you can\'t refuse, then simply agree to them all, provided that you have to go through auditions round by round, ok?"

The casting director nodded in relief. "Ok, I understand."

This is the best way to deal with it, and it is also the only way to take into account everyone\'s face. Even the actors who signed up for the audition through their relationship knew very well that this was a project with a production cost of 200 million US dollars.

"Wicks, the connection with the special effects team of Industrial Light and Magic..."

Before he could finish speaking, Weeks Hart nodded immediately. This was not the first time he had done this work, and almost every time he had docked with ILM. "I follow up every day to make sure that all the required special effects models are in place before the film is officially launched."

"I\'m going out this time, and I\'ll be back in two weeks at most. If you have any questions, please call me as soon as possible, okay?" Looking at the core team members in the house, Wayne said solemnly.

Everyone agreed together. "no problem."

This filming is different from the past. "Wonder Woman" will be filmed in multiple locations, and the crew will travel to many countries and regions. Just in Italy, you have to go to a location. If Wayne doesn\'t go around in person to make sure that there is no problem with the location, he will definitely not be completely relieved.

After arranging the work related to the crew, he and Luke Simonsi got on a special plane to Italy the next day.