Hollywood Drawing

~: Seven hundred and thirty-two - the most seductive movie character of all time

Monica Bellucci, like a peach that has just ripened from the inside out, is wearing a pair of simple light blue skinny jeans and a pure white t-shirt, with a curious look on her face , broke into this rather chaotic beach set.

In comparison, her popularity is not high, but relying on her extremely simple life dress, she has attracted the attention of all men since she entered the studio.

Monica Bellucci, who is used to seeing such scenes, doesn\'t care about the eyes of the crew, whether it is praise or Chi Luoluo\'s gaze.

While following behind the assistant director Schwartz, she curiously observed the crew of the film, while thinking in her heart, how to reconnect with that man this time.

Today\'s Monica Bellucci, even in her hometown of Italy, has not developed smoothly, and one of the things she regrets most now is running back to Europe from Hollywood and missing a little bit of what she finally built up. people network.

"Hi Monica, long time no see."

Wayne never cared about other people\'s eyes. When he saw the woman following Schwartz, he opened his arms generously and hugged him.

Monica Bellucci showed a charm different from North American girls, with a chuckle at the corner of her mouth. "Long time no see, Wayne."

Observing the woman in front of him, Wayne nodded secretly, with a playful meaning in his eyes that men understand.

The current Monica Bellucci is undoubtedly her best age. This woman is different from traditional European and American women. Instead, as she grows older, her temperament becomes more and more fascinating.


After a simple exchange between the two, Wayne saw the other\'s eyes wide open, and curiously observed everything around him, especially the staff packing equipment, the venue, the main actor who was removing his makeup, and the reporters surrounding the actor. .

He lit a cigarette, stood beside the woman and asked casually, "How is it? Is it very different from the filming scene in Europe?"

Nodding lightly, Monica Bellucci said directly: "I thought the crew of The Matrix was already huge and complex, but I didn\'t expect your crew to be even bigger. There are not so many traditional European film crews. The crew is involved, and most film directors have multiple roles.”

Wayne certainly understood what the woman said about the situation.

Don\'t look at the birthplace of the world\'s eighth art, the world\'s eighth art, on this continent of Europa, but to be serious, the location of the world\'s film center has gradually shifted to Los Angeles since the 1970s and 1980s. .

A very important point is commercialization. Under Hollywood\'s more and more complete commercial framework, the film industry is basically divided into countless professional categories in detail. Professional people do professional things, which has become a general consensus. .

But in Europe, which has gradually lost the last glimmer of film glory, it still stubbornly follows the ancient tradition and continues to shoot films with obvious "artistic" attributes.

This kind of movie, let alone movie investors, even ordinary movie fans know that they basically do not make money, so the investment obtained is relatively difficult and much less. Wayne believes that no director is willing to have multiple roles, working in a small workshop-like crew is actually forced.

"Want me to show you around?"

The huge team of the crew drove away from the beach studio. After the car started, Monica Bellucci rolled her big eyes twice, looked at the man beside her, and suggested, "If your time permits, I can take you everywhere. Go, there are places in my hometown that are very beautiful."

"Forget it, my work schedule in Italy this time is very intensive."

Putting down the director\'s notebook in his hand, Wayne counted the shooting time and shook his head. He turned to look at the woman beside him, and asked curiously, "Why are you calling to visit my class, um, I mean, how are you doing? know I\'m in Italy."

"Hey, Italy has entertainment media too."

Monica Bellucci resisted the urge to roll her eyes, looked at the man\'s tough and handsome face, and asked bluntly, "Don\'t say you don\'t welcome me."

"How is that possible?" With an exaggerated shrug, Wayne deliberately moved his head to the face of the woman beside him, and then, under the gaze of the other side, gently pressed it to the woman\'s ear, and praised in a low voice: " You\'re unbelievably beautiful, and trust me, there\'s no man who doesn\'t welcome you."

Everyone is an adult. After a simple trial, the two of them all tacitly accepted the relatively ambiguous distance, and the strangeness that has not been seen for a long time quickly disappeared from the two of them.

In fact, Wayne understands very well that the few days they spent together in Los Angeles was a pure transaction of Chi Luoluo. Women pay for the body that interests them, and get a valuable opportunity to appear in Hollywood. Although the role of "The Matrix" is not big, it is not so easy to get.

The end of the transaction means that there is no longer any other entanglement between the two, as the rules of the game for adults have always been.

And Monica Bellucci also deeply understands this truth, so after filming "The Matrix," she never contacted Wayne. Both sides got what they wanted, which means that the deal is a happy one for both parties.

Under normal circumstances, there is no need for contact between the two.

It was precisely this woman who took the initiative to find the door again after so long, and Wayne had already guessed something.

Unless he is a fool, he will believe it because of the so-called reminiscence. To put it bluntly, there is nothing old to talk about between the two of them, and some are just between adult men and women, so pure that they can\'t be purer.

"So, you want to go to Los Angeles to take another chance?"

After the car door was slammed shut, and the two got off the car in the hotel parking lot, Wayne turned back and chatted with the woman beside him.

"Yes, Wayne."

The woman didn\'t hide anything, walked slowly beside the man, and said directly: "I\'m 34 years old this year, and I don\'t have much time to waste."

While waiting for the elevator, Wayne deliberately looked at the woman beside him again from top to bottom. To a certain extent, this woman\'s appearance and figure are definitely the most resistant type.

Especially compared with traditional European and American women, she seems to have received the love of God. You must know that the youth preservation period of North American women generally declines rapidly after the age of 30, but on this woman\'s body, not only did the body not lose shape, but even the most common wrinkles did not appear.

Monica Bellucci, who is 34 years old, seems to have just arrived at her most beautiful age. Just simply wearing a light makeup and wearing the most ordinary clothes in life, she has almost become the most perfect fantasy object in the hearts of all men.

When they walked into the hotel lobby and waited for the elevator, they only saw the eyes of countless men, all of which were hidden or blatantly placed on her back, and they knew how attractive this woman was to men.

Wayne found that some of the men who looked at Monica Bellucci had their eyes straightened when they were checking in, and some of the newspapers were turned upside down when they were waiting for the elevator at close range. More staff inside the crew had a natural expression on their faces. The feeling of envy that men know.

After boarding the elevator, he thought for a moment, then turned his head to look into the woman\'s eyes. "Well, Monica, if you want, you can go to Los Angeles to contact me in June or July of next year. No way, before June and July of next year, my work plan will be extremely intensive."

"Next year?"

A faint smile instantly bloomed on the woman\'s face. It was obvious that she had initially achieved what she wanted. The rest is nothing more than paying the price in advance.

Not caring about Nina, who was in the elevator, and Sergey, who was tall and tall, Monica Bellucci didn\'t even think about it. The Italian shoot is not over, I will always be with you.”

Nodding slightly, the corners of Wayne\'s mouth lifted slowly, he likes sensible women. Especially the woman next to her, she is so sensible that it is impossible to refuse. Since it is a deal that both sides acquiesce in, she will simply show the only bargaining chip neatly, and will never hesitate.

As for why he proposed next year, it was entirely because he knew better than anyone that this woman was infinitely close to the movie that made her world famous.

The second film, the director of "Paradise Cinema," I\'m afraid has now finished "The Pianist at Sea." Then there is no doubt that the "Beautiful Legend of Sicily" that made this woman become Earth Ball has a high probability of being prepared by the other party.

"The Beautiful Legend of Sicily" was released for two thousand years, and the shooting time should be next year. And this Italian "Earth Ball Flower" will also become completely famous in the year when she is 36 years old.

Wayne didn\'t want this movie, or the role of Malena to leave this woman because of his influence, so he pushed the time to next year.

At that time, if this woman still has a yearning for Hollywood, of course he will not refuse to give her a chance. And a Monica Bellucci, who has already become completely famous, is never as valuable as it is now.

Of course, there is Wayne\'s bad taste and feelings in it, "The Beautiful Legend of Sicily, this is a film that has affected countless teenagers around the world. Some people have also commented that this is a film that a man wants to watch.

The character who can be called the most seductive movie in history and the most seductive woman in history by countless men, of course he doesn\'t want to disappear because of his own influence.

To this day, Wayne still remembers that the "Beautiful Legend of Sicily" he watched when he was a teenager was a version that had been castrated for at least half an hour because of its unrestrained scale. It wasn\'t until I started working in the film industry that I saw the original on a website.

"Are you surprised to see me?"

Pushing open the door of the presidential suite, Wayne and his party just entered the room, and they all saw Angelina Jolie sitting on the sofa. She stared at Monica Bellucci at first sight, and then saw the expressions of everyone, and said generously:

"Don\'t forget, I haven\'t been back to my room since I came to Italy."

Sitting on the sofa and picking up a cup, Wayne poured a cup of black tea on his own, completely ignoring Monica Bellucci, who was a little embarrassed and cramped, and looked at Angelina Jolie opposite. "I have a friend who came to visit the class and thought you would go back tonight."

"I have some character issues that I would like to discuss with you."

Knowing for a long time what kind of virtue the man in front of her is, Angelina Jolie was not surprised at all, but stared at Monica Bellucci with great interest, and said frivolously: "Aha, it seems that you are tonight. It will be very hard, not only to guide me to act alone, but also to have new friends join in."

Monica Bellucci frowned slightly, she now has a strong urge to turn around and leave, but looking at the provocation in the other woman\'s eyes, she did not feel embarrassed, and sat directly next to the man in silence .

Wayne\'s eyes kept wandering back and forth between the two women, and the corners of his mouth began to slowly smile. That\'s right, he originally thought that Angelina Jolie would take the initiative to return to her room after seeing Monica Bellucci to avoid any embarrassment.

But now it seems that directing one actress is not interesting at all. Especially Angelina Jolie, this woman\'s style has always been on the line, with three people together, she has not experienced it in Los Angeles.

And Wayne also found that there was such excitement in Angelina Jolie\'s eyes, which was interesting.

But Monica Bellucci looked straight at Wayne, this face like a ripe peach, I am afraid that no man can not be moved. Without any hesitation, he didn\'t even bother to eat dinner. After nodding to the assistant, he immediately took the lead and walked to his bedroom.

There is no doubt that the aesthetic he was most used to was the soft and graceful oriental beauty. It\'s just that with the environment he has been in contact with since childhood, he now appreciates the three-dimensional and tough faces of European and American women.

It is precisely these two kinds of beauty that exist relatively in Monica Bellucci\'s body. Wayne didn\'t hide it at all. He couldn\'t wait to get close to this kind of beauty. Besides, he also believes that men who are not attracted to Monica Bellucci and Angelina Jolie must be very crooked.

"Hey, I remember, didn\'t I make a special set of Wonder Woman armor for you? Go and put them on, I want to check carefully whether you have integrated into this character... ."

"eon! Monica, you are really favored by God, your body is like a work of art, tsk tsk tsk..."

Nina helplessly walked to the door of the master bedroom, reached out and closed the door that was not yet closed. She and Sergey were both normal young men and women, but they definitely didn\'t want to hear some other strange movements.

In particular, she knew too much about her boss\'s virtues. The presence of those two women together would only make this guy more excited, and there might be something going on at that time. The soundproofing of the hotel is very good. After she closed the door tightly, she and Sergey let out a long breath.

"Uh, Nina. It seems that you don\'t need to call the bosses for dinner, right?" The Russian-born Bear Club specifically urged in front of his room, "But don\'t forget to bring me something to eat, ok?"

"Damn, I won\'t forget."

Nina let out a foul language weakly, and while walking to her room, she frantically complained: "In that shit-like game you played, Mario saved his princess and gave some gold coins on the way! Every day only knows to let me bring food, and never gives me a cent.

And the three people in the room, I can swear now that after they tossed for a long time, they will definitely remember to find something to eat, and they will also prepare it together..."

Hearing her muttering, Sergey raised his hands and shrugged. "Nina, don\'t take my words for nothing, ok?"

"Go back to your room and play games."

"ok, ok."