Hollywood Drawing

~: Seven hundred and thirty-three - transition

Hollywood Draw 733 - Transitions


"The pyrotechnics team is already on the set outside London, Wayne, you\'d better speed up your work in Italy, there\'s so much to deal with. And, for release time...  ."


Wayne was leaning against the head of the bed with his mobile phone, listening to the chatter of Bruce Rosenblum on the other end of the phone. With one hand, he reached for the cigarette on the bedside table with difficulty, and after pulling one out of his mouth, he reached for the cigarette with difficulty again.


The long white and slender arm appeared in front of him, picked up the lighter with a "click", lit it and placed it in front of his cigarette.


Glancing at Monica Bellucci, who was still in a state of confusion, Wayne moved the cigarette in his mouth a little bit forward, took a sip and at the same time nodded to the naked woman and muttered:


"Thank you, God, Monica, you are so beautiful."


"Ha~" Monica Bellucci covered her mouth with one hand and yawned. "you are welcome."


"Hey, Wayne, thank you for what? I\'m talking to you... uh..." Bruce Rosenblum\'s puzzled voice came over the phone, and then he seemed to think of something, He stopped for a moment and said half of the words. "Aha, I called you so early, did I disturb your nature?"


"f**k, let\'s continue talking about business." His eyes left Monica Bellucci\'s upper body with difficulty, and Wayne squinted, staring at the sunlight coming in from the window. Dazzling, dazzling, refreshing.


"Bruce, Warner Bros. fireworks team, um..." He pondered for a while before continuing: "What I need is to try to restore the battlefield scenes of World War II, so in "Wonder Woman", There is absolutely no way to use exaggerated explosion effects for visual impact. I will let John communicate with them again.”


On the phone, Bruce Rosenblum answered happily: "Of course, Warner Bros. will give enough support to the fireworks team."


Until now, Wayne\'s team does not have his own pyrotechnic team, which is related to the type of film he shot before, basically involving small-scale blasting scenes, all using the pyrotechnic team from Warner Bros.


You must know that although the explosives used for filming are primarily aimed at visual effects, they are, after all, extremely dangerous items and occupations.


Therefore, even if there is no professional pyrotechnician and pyrotechnic team in hand, Wayne is not willing to randomly recruit a vote of people to form. The professionalism of this thing is too strong. If you don\'t play well, it will be a major accident. In addition, there are not many blasting scenes in his films, so he simply uses the professional team within Warner Bros. all the time.


Precisely in the film "Wonder Woman", there are a lot of scenes of the World War II battlefield. Not surprisingly, the fireworks team of Warner Bros. has rushed to the Warner Studios outside London to prepare.


And because of Wayne\'s requirement to restore the real World War II battlefield as much as possible, this requires the pyrotechnic team to conduct continuous experiments to find a more suitable blasting effect and explosive ratio, which must require the strong support of Warner Bros.


"Warner Bros.\'s branch in the UK has fully coordinated with the City of London to support the filming of the crew and has signed a contract."


Bruce Rosenblum continued to communicate with Wayne about shooting arrangements across the phone. "The two most important points are all done. When you bring the crew to London, the World War II weapons and equipment needed for shooting will be lent from the London Military Museum, including the tanks you specified.


And most importantly, the City of London has already helped to get in touch, and when you need it, the UK will send a troop of about 600 people to assist you with the relevant shooting and framing work..."


Listening to the arrangement on the phone, Wayne stared at the sunlight streaming in through the curtains and nodded contentedly.


In fact, neither the army nor the old-fashioned World War II weapons and equipment, or even the imitative World War II blasting methods, are not the protagonists of this movie.


This "Wonder Woman" has only one protagonist, and that is Diana Prince. With Wayne\'s current global popularity and the attention Warner Bros. attaches to him, when he proposed to restore the truth as much as possible, he still got the most praise. good fit.


Although Warner Bros. is very clear internally, these preparations that cost a lot of manpower and material resources and related relationships are just background boards in some films, and no one dares to ignore his request.


"Wayne, the British government has provided a lot of facilities to the crew, including the police force to help clear the scene and close the streets when urban scenes need to be filmed."


Listening to Bruce Rosenblum\'s words on the phone, he became a little hesitant, and Wayne knew that the local municipal government definitely did not provide these convenient services unconditionally.


He didn\'t mind at all. Equivalent exchange was the norm, so he pointed directly to the receiver and asked, "Tell me, what do they want the crew to do?"


"The city government and the British representative have two requests." Seeing that Wayne was not unhappy, Bruce Rosenblum continued: "The first point, all the lower-level handymen, assistants, and related temporary workers in the crew. , must be hired locally.”


Holding his mobile phone and nodding silently, Wayne was not surprised.


You know, when the crew arrives on the set outside London and joins with the team there, there will probably be at least nearly 300 people. And that\'s not counting the need for temporary hire of handymen, temporary workers, extras that need to be hired locally, and the army provided by the British government.


To ensure the livelihood of so many people, just three meals a day can provide countless benefits to the local area. There are also workers who need to be hired locally, and there are jobs that can be created invisibly. I don’t know how many.


"Second point, they don\'t want to have scenes in your films that are "bad" for the UK. You know, they need to show fans around the world to see their gentleman side, as for the rest, then.... .."


"Ok, I understand, this is not a realistic film of World War II, don\'t worry." Wayne smiled knowingly, he had already thought of the realistic scenes in "Saving Private Ryan", which made many sensitive people aware of the film. How great is the influence.


Especially when a film is marketed around the world, let alone deliberately smearing it, many countries cannot accept it even if it is a true restoration of the historical and ecological scenes of the year.


As for the Empire on which the Sun Never Sets, the so-called gentleman\'s spirit, everyone knows exactly what is going on. Under that gentleman\'s face, there are precious qualities such as plunder, colonization, weakness, bullying and fear of hardship. Up to now, all that remains of the Empire on the Sun is the "gentleman" character from ancient traditions.


"So, you don\'t have much time." At the end of the conversation, Bruce Rosenblum finally warned: "It\'s better to speed up the action at hand, "Superman" still has the opportunity to choose the release date, "Superman" "Wonder Woman" has not had this kind of flexible treatment since the day the project was launched."


"I understand, I will speed up my work in Italy. Let\'s do this first. If you have anything, you can call me at any time."


Just before Wayne was about to hang up, he suddenly thought of something and joked into the microphone again: "Bruce, I hope you can call Nina\'s work number next time, then I will thank you very much, to me Respect for private life."


"Aha, ok, you continue to enjoy."


Hanging up the phone, Wayne threw the phone on the bedside table, leaned against the bedside with a cigarette and started to meditate.


Bruce Rosenblum is actually right to remind him that he really doesn\'t have much time at all. Not to mention the "Superman" that is still waiting, even the "Wonder Woman" that is being filmed, it is quite a challenging job to complete the production by May next year.


That\'s right, other films still have the opportunity to choose the release date, but "Wonder Woman" doesn\'t. Because of the reasons in the past few years, the DC superhero films produced by Greenberg have been hung up, and fans have become accustomed to seeing them at the beginning of the summer season.


He couldn\'t easily break the brand effect he had built up over the years, as well as the movie-watching habits of fans.


Therefore, at the beginning of the project of "Wonder Woman", Warner Bros. has already announced the release date. Mid-May, the traditional release date for Wayne\'s work.


As Warner Bros., the director with the most brand effect and the film with the most brand effect, no one will tolerate the unexpected appearance of overdue and delayed release, including Wayne himself.

"Dear, do you want me to accompany you?"


After seeing Wayne answering the phone, he glanced at the time, he lifted the quilt, got out of bed, and walked towards the bathroom. Monica Bellucci tilted her head and asked in a low voice.


"No, taking a shower with you will definitely delay today\'s work. God, you don\'t know how beautiful you are." Wayne smiled and shook his head, opened the bathroom door and walked in. After a while, the sound of taking a shower came from inside.


For Monica Bellucci, she was not carried away by the praise of men at all, especially after glancing at Angelina Jolie, who was still sleeping.


At most, this man just talked about it. In fact, only two women understand that the more beautiful and **** he is in front of him, the more rude he will be treated.


But it\'s all his own choice. At least choosing this young, handsome, and reputable man is better than accompany those old perverts who are potbellied, and it may not be rewarded.


"Help to wake up our \'Wonder Woman\' and tell her that if she\'s late, I\'ll ask her to apologize to the entire crew of 200 in person."


In less than ten minutes, Wayne walked out of the bathroom while wiping his hair. He threw away the towel on his head, picked up the Xiku that Nina had prepared in advance and put it on his body. He didn\'t care about Angelina Jolie, who was still sleeping, and just pointed to Monica Belle before going out. strange.


"A heartless man, isn\'t it?"


Covering her mouth and yawning, Angelina Jolie reluctantly lifted the quilt and walked towards the bathroom under the gaze of another woman. Obviously, she didn\'t want to get any response from the Italian woman.


Looking at this hot American girl, Monica Bellucci\'s eyes narrowed slowly. Thinking of the madness last night, she still clearly remembers how playful and open this woman was.


Especially on the opponent\'s back, the bruises and slap marks are very obvious. But she didn\'t look down on each other at all, and she didn\'t have any contempt at all. She knew better than anyone else that there was no difference between herself and this woman.


And relatively speaking, this woman is more ruthless than herself, and she is more eager to pursue her goals.


Another day of boring and piecemeal filming began. The entire crew only spent more than a week, and the enthusiasm of the staff has gradually faded. But this also means that everyone has switched from the vacation state to the work state in the shortest possible time.


The reason why Wayne has the confidence to complete such a huge and complex project in more than half a year is because of this mature behind-the-scenes team. The source of his confidence is this group of teams that skip the run-in state and directly enter the tacit working state.


The big action scene on the beach is coming to an end. With the hard work of the action stunt team, the large-scale and multi-person war scene has ended. Now, there are only a few action scenes of the hero and heroine.


However, when shooting these scenes, everyone discovered a situation, the action supervisor who temporarily directed the shooting couldn\'t direct the two male and female protagonists!


At first, no one noticed anything special. After all, in this crew, in addition to Wayne, the first-ranked beast of power, the male and female protagonists are also important figures in the top ranks. Even to a certain extent, Angelina Jolie and Matt Damon are more important than several assistant directors.


This is the most common situation in Hollywood. In order to reflect their status in the crew and to reflect the strict and strict class in the Hollywood crew, it is normal for the hero and heroine to look at people with white eyes.


But when the morning time passed, not even a complete shot was taken, which was very abnormal. So slowly, the staff also discovered that there is no other reason, it is simply that in the eyes of the hero and heroine, as the action supervisor of the temporary command, he has no power to command them unscrupulously.


"Dear Ms. Julie, Mr. Damon, can you also share with me, what happened to you that made you laugh enough!"


Originally, when this happened, the producer should have come forward to control the scene. But when Nina reported the situation to Wayne, who was making the shooting plan in the director\'s trailer, he appeared directly on the set.


With his icy face like a robot, and the questioning without any emotion, the way Wayne stood beside the action guide made everyone shrink their necks in an instant, including the hero and heroine who were smiling just now.


"Eon, answer me, Ms. Julie."


Wayne unceremoniously stretched out a finger and touched Angelina Jolie\'s forehead directly. This move is actually quite insulting, but no one, including Angelina Jolie herself, dares to refute it at this time.


"Answer me, you and Steve, who was rescued just now, hid behind the rocks and watched the clansmen fight for you, and watched the clansmen and outsiders fight, why are you able to laugh!?"


"The Point Guard Is Here"


Looking at the man\'s fingers close at hand, and the other\'s face without any emotion at all, Angelina Jolie said loudly, "Sorry, Wayne."


"Sorry, Director Greenberg..." Matt Damon shrugged and whispered together.


"Gentlemen and ladies, I think you got the apology wrong!" With that said, Wayne took two steps back, leaving the somewhat bewildered action supervisor in place.


Angelina Jolie and Matt Damon looked at each other, and they both read the meaning of each other\'s eyes at the same time. In fact, they didn\'t expect that, seeing that the crew\'s scene on the beach was about to be completed, Wayne would come out and help control the scene.


"Sorry, Thompson."


"Sorry, Thompson."


Without any hesitation, the two nodded to the action supervisor in front of them, expressing their apology.


"Continue shooting, the day after tomorrow at the latest, we will rush to the next location." Seeing that the action supervisor took over their apology, Wayne waved his hand and said to the surrounding staff.


As his words fell, the scene seemed to come to life suddenly, and all the staff bowed their heads and prepared for the shooting.


No one felt that the hero and heroine lost a lot of face when they bowed their heads to the action director, because including the two star actors who just apologized, they knew that this is Wayne\'s crew, this is Wayne\'s territory, and Wayne is the inside of the crew. The only tyrant who does not abide by the rules, no one wants to easily fight his authority.


Even John Gray, who is a producer, still can\'t, unless someone wants to be kicked out, and then there is a high probability that he will never find a job.


"Boss, you actually know better than anyone else that doing this doesn\'t make much sense at all."


After returning to the trailer again, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Nina saw Wayne rubbing his forehead, opened the director\'s notebook again and began to write and draw, and said softly, "They are the hero and heroine, they are the crew of the cast. Even if you ask them to apologize for the existence of the most important ones, it won\'t change that fact."


"Maybe at least make the shooting go smoothly for two days!"


This is a common phenomenon in Hollywood, of course Wayne knows it very well. Not to mention Angelina Jolie and Matt Damon, even within their own behind-the-scenes team, the class is still very clear. Just like in Wayne\'s absence, the camera director is the undisputed core of the team.


My importance and power are greater than yours, so I will naturally look down on you, unless one day, you surpass me in importance and power. This is Chi Luoluo\'s law of the jungle.


After two consecutive weeks of filming, the beach finally returned to quiet, leaving only a trace of being trampled by horses and staff.


The huge convoy of the crew hit the road again, heading for the next location, Monte Castle in Puglia, southeastern Italy. Along with the crew, in addition to Monica Bellucci, who was sitting in the director\'s car, there was also a young actor named Amanda Seyfried who had just arrived from North America.


The young actor came very timely. In Wayne\'s shooting plan, a large number of childhood scenes of Diana Prince will be filmed at Mount Castle. And the scene where Diana-Prince obtained items such as the Excalibur before leaving Paradise Island will also be shot in this castle.


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