Hollywood Drawing

~: Seven hundred and thirty-one - globe flower?

Time slowly passed through October, and when it came to November, Wayne was filming "Wonder Woman\'s spare time, and he was also constantly communicating with other project teams he invested in, keeping an eye on the relevant progress."

And even in distant Italy, a trend in North America still affected most of the crew. It seems like overnight, everyone is talking about stocks, or Internet company stocks.

Even Wayne overheard a large number of staff chatting when the crew was resting. In their mouths, the North American Internet stock market seems to be full of beautiful knives. Just find any Internet company to buy it, and then there is nothing left. Sit back and make big bucks.

"Inform Colin Howard to exchange all the stocks in Google, Microsoft and other companies in my hands for fruit as soon as possible."

In the trailer of the director of the Italian beach studio, Wayne took advantage of the lunch break, and suddenly ordered Nina: "Hurry up."

The assistant lady opened her mouth in surprise. "What?!"

In recent days, the shares of North American Internet companies have skyrocketed, which has almost become the norm, and there is a trend of getting more and more crazy.

Not to mention other people, even the low-level handymen in the crew, the chat content is filled with a lot of topics about stocks, which shows how profitable they are.

Her own boss chose to do it in reverse at this point in time, so Nina couldn\'t help but want to rush up, ruthlessly peeled off her own boss\'s face to see if it was parasitized by an idiot below.

"Nina, don\'t forget."

Seeing the surprise on the assistant\'s face, she froze in place for a while, and she didn\'t even notice that the fashion magazine she was flipping through fell to the ground. Wayne shook his head helplessly, put down the sandwich in his hand, stretched out a finger, and shook it left and right in front of the other party\'s eyes.

"I never thought about making money from the stock market. The biggest reason why I bought shares in companies such as Google was to preserve the value of funds."

Nodding thoughtfully, Nina\'s glasses, hidden behind thick glasses, turned back and forth, hesitated for a few seconds, but couldn\'t help her curiosity, and asked, "Boss, do you think it\'s very dangerous now? ?"

She still remembered that when Wayne first entered Hollywood, part of Wayne\'s salary was used to invest in the stock market, and the operator was Colin Howard, the son of the Greenberg family accountant old Howard.

After this part of the money was thrown into the stock market that year, his boss never paid attention to it again. Even if he took out a loan to buy a manor or invest in Warner Bros., he never made an idea of ​​this part of the money.

Facts have also proved that with the speed of making money from your own boss, you don\'t need to make this money idea at all. Whether it was the loan from the manor, or the loan from the Warner Bros. stake, it was nothing in front of him making money as fast as a money printing machine.

Right now, when the stock market is growing wildly, the boss of his own has actually done the opposite. He wants to sell shares that no one else can grab, so he chooses to replace it with that fruit company. There is no doubt that the other party saw a crisis that others did not.

"Trust me, Nina, it\'s not just me who senses danger."

Mentioning this, Wayne tapped his fingers lightly on the table and said mysteriously: "It\'s like a balloon, everyone is blowing into it desperately, no one wants to stop, even if there are a small number of people , has already noticed the danger of balloon explosion, and will pretend to be stupid to the end.

I even think that most people know the danger, but they are extremely confident that there will definitely be someone behind them who will take their place and continue to blow the balloon desperately. "

After thinking about it, Nina couldn\'t help but suggest: "Boss, I personally analyze that this crazy growth trend will continue for at least a few years! Are we..."

"Nina, I said that my funds are for value preservation, and there is absolutely no need to take any risks to increase value." J shook his head firmly, and Wayne emphasized it again. "Go and inform Colin Howard. I remember that there were not many shares purchased that year, and I should be able to take a stand soon."

In fact, in the early 1990s, the fundamental reason why he chose to buy shares in Gu and Oracle was to leave a way out for himself.

Back then, even he himself didn\'t know whether he could continue to be smooth sailing in Hollywood. After all, as long as he wasn\'t a fool, he could understand that in this circle, talent didn\'t even count as shit. If you want to continue to be successful, you rely on chance and luck in the early stage.

At least buying those shares back then would allow Wayne to live a decent life when he failed completely and was completely abandoned by the production company.

Looking at it now, this part of the insurance is obviously superfluous. Not to mention other things, just holding the shares of China Brothers and the film copyright of Greenberg Studio can not only ensure that he can live his life without lack of money, but even It can also guarantee that little Fendi will not have to worry about money since he was a child.

"Boss, I have to remind you that this money is probably much more than you think!"

His boss may not care about this money, but as a personal assistant who controls his entire net worth, he will not ignore this money.

Nina still remembers that since 1995, with the popularity of the mosaic browser, the Internet began to attract public attention on a large scale. Of course, those who are also interested are those old money, investors in North America, and the vampires who control the world\'s finance on Wall Street.

Therefore, since 1995, the shares of Internet companies have slowly grown, especially the shares of three major technology industry companies.

Including Internet network infrastructure companies, such as word. Internet tool software companies, such as scape. And the most important and visible portals, such as Google Yahoo, are all on the fast lane.

Especially Yahoo, since its first public offering in 1996, the price increase has been unreasonable, even bystanders will be shocked. It is precisely the companies that Wayne invested in these three major Internet sectors.

Nina recalled a little, and continued: "I remember that Colin bought Microsoft and Oracle, about 10 million US dollars in stock at your request, and then successively bought shares in Google, Apple, etc.

Boss, if you choose to cash out the money that you invested in the stock market one after another that year, the total value is not expected to be less than 100 million US dollars! That\'s not even counting a small portion of Apple\'s stock. "

"Don\'t take out the money." Wayne shook his head directly. Although he was surprised by the money, he had no intention of cashing out. "All of them are replaced by Apple shares, and continue to hold them in your hands."

"Ok." Although she didn\'t understand the boss\'s actions, Nina nodded. "I\'ll let Colin know after lunch."

That\'s right, Wayne was at the bottom of the society in his last life, and he was also an ordinary person with a very small circle of friends. It can be said that all the information about Internet companies he learned came from the increasingly convenient We-media, but in fact he didn\'t know which of them was. value.

And the reason why he chose to invest in Microsoft and Oracle back then was because Lid and Madman were so famous, so famous that in the subconscious of countless people, Lid was always sitting on the throne of the world\'s richest man. Of course, there is a more famous person, that is Joe Gang.

Now has come to the end of 1998, the time when everyone\'s eyes are red and staring at the Internet shares. Wayne knew that this situation would continue for more than a year, until there was a "bang", the balloon exploded, and then countless people would line up on the top floor of the Empire State Building, jumping down like dumplings.

He couldn\'t remember the Internet century bubble, the exact time when it broke out, let alone how much companies such as Google, Microsoft, and Oracle lost in this bubble, but he always remembered that even if it was the moment before he slept to death , the supply chain master Cook, is still harvesting the world\'s leeks with fruits.

Therefore, Wayne\'s choice is very clear, that is, to sell other shares and replace them all with more insurance Apple.

There is a piece of information that is very telling, that is, Amazon, the current star Internet company, has a market value of about 50 billion US dollars. And this company, he remembered that the market value before he came here was twenty times what it is now!

Amazon is like this, presumably Google, Microsoft and the like will be stronger.

But Wayne\'s purpose is not to gamble. Even if he knows that these companies have slowed down after the Internet bubble for ten years, and even the scale of development is even larger, he does not need to gamble. Because this is no different from buying at the peak and then being locked up for ten years. At least in the ten years when the Internet company is slowing down, this part of the money can\'t be moved.

If we analyze it from the perspective of God for a long time, these star Internet companies not only have not been shaken fundamentally in this bubble, but also are obviously underestimated compared with their later scale.

But in the short term, these companies are clearly overvalued. Stock market investment is afraid of buying with a short-term holding mentality for the reason of being optimistic about the long-term value. It is a tragedy and a feast of horror movies.

In fact, not only Wayne understands, but there are many people who have also thought of it after seeing the increasingly crazy Internet stock prices. Such an endless and fast blowing of the balloon must have a day when it will explode.

It\'s just that 99.99% of the people feel that they are the "instance", and someone will definitely take over their shares in the end. There are never one or two people who hold such a fluke mentality, and there is never a shortage of people all over the world.

If we look at the entire history of the United States, we can find that this country has never had any great plans. It is all about taking a step by step, and then constantly relying on the technological breakthroughs made by the top elites to continue its life.

The relative national conditions also represent the thinking of people on this land, that is, there is no long-term plan, and it can even be said to be short-sighted. Because they always believe that even if something bad happens, there will be elites who suddenly jump out to solve the problem.

This is the thought that has been rooted in the hearts of ordinary people in North America for hundreds of years, and it is also the value exported by the elites of North America to the ordinary class.

The essence of similar values ​​is to prevent ordinary people from uniting.

Everyone knows that in this world, ordinary people account for more than 99% of the total, and there are only a few rich people in the elite class. The meaning of similar values ​​is to make ordinary people believe in such universal values ​​and help them. Holding the bottom line will protect ordinary people when they need help.

As an "elite", they should also abide by the rules of the existence of such universal values, and cannot infringe upon the rights and interests of most ordinary people.

But what is the real situation in the world? Throughout the history of North America, plunder and oppression have not disappeared, but they have been replaced by "capital" in many beautiful ways to continue to achieve.

The rapid arrival of the Internet stock boom, and even the crew in Italy, are talking about which Internet stock is going up the fastest. Wayne folded his arms and stood at the door of the director\'s trailer, as if he saw a group of figures in darkness, standing behind countless ordinary people, silently waving the sickle in his hand at high speed.

After the lunch break, the crew continued to film the choppy action scenes, rather chaotic scenes, on the beach, and Wayne was thinking about everything related to the film.

He knows that the "Wonder Woman", which was a great success in his memory, was actually shot by a female director, so in the handling of many scenes and stories, he can stand on the female perspective without any obstacles. One of the reasons for the unique charm of female lead movies.

Speaking of it, the situation that the female director faced at the time was completely different from what he is now. When it comes to Patty Jenkins, if there is no "Wonder Woman", she is, in the subconscious of most people, a director of literary and artistic films that is too pure to be pure.

On the other hand, Wayne is completely different. Although he also has a strong artistic attribute, from the day he entered Hollywood, it became clear that this young man also cares about business achievements while taking care of art.

Therefore, when he was filming "Wonder Woman, the purpose was not so pure, and the degree of freedom obtained was not comparable to that of a female director who was eager to transform.

By comparison, Wayne lived in an era that created both benefits and risks for the film. The good thing is that in the late 1990s, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. It was still the mainstream idea of ​​commercial films, and it was also the idea that was best accepted by movie fans.

Risk, of course, is perspective. This "Wonder Woman, Wayne has hardly made any major changes, so to a certain extent, without the blessing of universal feminist thinking, it will definitely make some male audiences feel disgusted.

The current situation is actually quite similar to when he made "Joker." It is rarely seen now, so all the scenes revolve around a woman, and the movie with a big heroine with a production cost of up to 200 million US dollars has never appeared at all.

What Wayne has to face is the strange gaze that fans will definitely have at the beginning, and then find a way to make fans accept this type of setting.

And all his confidence comes from the fact that this is a character that is familiar to countless people, and the character is extremely in line with the tastes of movie fans in this era. At least in Diana Prince, he designed it that way.

But there is also a special character, that is the superman Clark in the back. In fact, from the previous films, he has already given enough hints.

Wayne will mercilessly set the tall and big person off from Superman, then find a weakness for Superman, and drag him from the **** position at the beginning. Whether it\'s the environment in which he grew up, or other designs, at least fans must see the humanity in Superman.

This step is undoubtedly preparing for the Justice League, otherwise, once it is overtaken, everyone else will become dispensable. Especially the extremely popular Batman, compared to Dachao\'s invincibility, this superpower is a "thief rich" hero, and will definitely be set off as a dispensable little girl, or a cheerleader.

On the set, the action scenes of Diana Prince were being filmed. For these scenes that he was not good at, Wayne did not express his opinions easily, and he relied on the action director and stunt team to direct them. And only when he encounters a performance that makes him dissatisfied, he will come out from behind the monitor.

"Boss, there is news that I don\'t know if it is good news."

Seeing that the crew was about to call it quits, and when today\'s filming was over, Nina hung up the phone with her mouth covered, and approached Wayne to report in a low voice.

Wayne asked casually, "What\'s wrong?"

Nina shook her head slightly in Angelina Jolie\'s direction. "A European actress is coming to visit your class, ha, the globe flower you call it, I hope she and Angelina Jolie, a hot hot girl, don\'t fight in your suite Do you want me to give advance notice and send our Wonder Woman back to her room?"

"Earth Ball? **k, you mean Monica Bellucci?"