Hollywood Drawing

~: Seven hundred and thirty-four - as if you can't see

Hollywood Draw 734 - As Unseen


Time is slowly approaching November. While filming "Wonder Woman", Wayne is also constantly communicating with Los Angeles and other places through Nina, always keeping an eye on the progress of several projects he has invested in.


Gradually approaching the end of 1998, the most striking information now is the seemingly endless upward momentum of Nasdaq. Behind the carnival of North American investors, many people also saw the crisis and the unpredictable state of the stock market. At this time, it has nothing to do with Wayne.


Colin Howard, an accountant and investment advisor, immediately emptied his Internet company stocks after receiving a call from Nina.


Whether it\'s Google or Microsoft and Oracle, these stocks are absolutely hot in the market right now, and it\'s happening fast. The only thing that makes people feel helpless is that fruits are also in demand, and Colin Howard can only slowly absorb the scattered stocks on the market.


No one can deny that since the gang leader Joe was kicked out by the fruit company, and then Hollywood relied on Pixar to fight a turnaround, he has re-entered the fruit business again, which has brought confidence to countless investors.


As far away as the "Lord of the Rings" crew in New Zealand, the preparatory work has entered the final stage, and a large number of actors have been trained for a period of time. According to Peter Jackson\'s plan, the film will officially start shooting after the Oscars.


The filming of the "Fast Pursuit" project has already started, and "King Kong", directed by Roland Emmerich, has also held a launch conference in the near future. Not to mention the attention brought by Naomi Watts, it is just the controversy brought by Roland Emmerich, so that the film has been caught in a media discussion before it is produced.


No way, from the preparations to the press conference, all the information obtained by the media shows that this is still a monster movie with a huge monster as the absolute protagonist of the screen, which is easily reminiscent of the "Godzilla" movie. ".


In fact, monster movies, like zombie movies and mill horror movies, have always had a lot of fans in North America, and there are also a large number of monster movie fans.


It can be seen from the fact that Universal Pictures likes to make this type of film and is still making this type of film, it can be seen that the fans\' pursuit of monster films is not low.


But so far, the only film that has really caught fire is undoubtedly Steven Spielberg\'s "Jurassic Park." In addition to this film series, other follow-up productions have basically all failed, and the market results achieved are not ideal at all.


Just like this year\'s "Godzilla", this huge investment monster made Roland Emmerich fall into a big trouble, and almost completely exhausted his previous credibility in the film company.


Hollywood has always been a very realistic place, when you can make big hit movies that bring huge benefits to the studios. Then there is no doubt that you are the darling of the entire studio.


But when you have hundreds of millions of dollars in investment and you haven\'t even made a splash in the market, they will abandon you without hesitation. And it will not give you the chance to turn over easily, because no company will believe that your next film will be absolutely successful.


Hollywood directors with ups and downs in their careers are definitely not Western scenes in the circle, but after some people fail, they completely disappear from this circle. After some people fail, they can patiently look for opportunities and return to the mainstream market again.


However, there is also a director type that makes all Hollywood film companies have a headache, and the representative person is Ridley Scott.


This product is like a scratch. If it hits it, it is basically a good movie that makes a lot of money. If it doesn\'t hit, the film company that can make a fool of it doesn\'t want it, but the status of this product is not low in the circle.


For today\'s Roland Emmerich, "King Kong" is his hope to turn around in one fell swoop. Although the salary signed on the director\'s contract does not meet his worth at all, except for "King Kong", a project with a large enough investment , he couldn\'t find a better choice.


Even though it has entered November, the sunshine in Los Angeles is still hot, but the warm sunshine is still blocked from the studio after all. In the largest soundstage of Warner Bros. Studios, the "King Kong" crew has been conducting special shootings here since the start of the film.


"I didn\'t expect that a movie could be shot like this..."


When Nicole Kidman walked into the studio, she found that everyone\'s attention was on the performers. She had made an appointment to visit Naomi Watts\' class, and when she saw the actor who was performing, she muttered in a surprised tone.


The staff leading the way heard her sigh, turned around, put a finger in front of her mouth, and motioned her to keep quiet.


When Nicole Kidman was led to Naomi Watts by the staff, he found that the "girlfriend", who was also from Australia, was also watching the actor performing a special performance in the crowd.


"Great job, Andy, let\'s take a fifteen-minute break!"


It was not until the shouting of the film director Peter Jackson that the quiet atmosphere was broken in the studio, and the staff began to move at the same time to check the equipment on the actor.


"Hi, Nicole."


Naomi Watts waited until the end of the filming, and turned around to find her "girlfriend" standing beside her. "Sorry, I was so fascinated just now, when did you arrive?"


"Hi, Nami. I just arrived not long ago."


Nicole Kidman greeted her, took a chair handed over by an assistant, and sat beside her fellow Australian. However, her eyes still drifted to the actor just now from time to time, and her eyes were full of curiosity. "Nami, is this the rumored motion capture?"


Nodding, Naomi Watts said, "That\'s right, it\'s actually the first time I\'ve had a close encounter with this."


Since the great success of "The Flash" this year, motion capture, the filming technology used in the film, has begun to enter the attention of people in the circle.


For many people in Hollywood, they have only heard of this shooting technology and have not seen how it is shot, so Nicole Kidman is particularly curious.


"You know, since Wayne has used this technology extensively, it\'s like opening a door for many directors." Seeing that the other party was very curious, Naomi Watts shrugged and explained:


"Roland Emmerich also chose motion capture. After all, with the partnership between Warner Bros. and Industrial Light and Magic, the entire special effects team of Industrial Light and Magic was able to join the crew. Pay attention to those patches on Andy, those In fact, it is a sensor that can capture all his movements into the computer."


Nicole Kidman smiled and shook her head. "Don\'t tell me this actor is playing the gorilla."


"That\'s right, you guessed it right! Andy is playing the gorilla." Naomi Watts leaned back on the chair and smiled as she said that. "Can you imagine? In the film, I have to be held in the hands of such a virtual gorilla many times."


"Trust me, Nami." Nicole Kidman put her handbag aside and looked up and down her "girlfriend". "It\'s better than being in the hands of a real gorilla."


They are all insiders. After listening to some explanations, Mrs. Cruise already thought of the benefits of such shooting. At the very least, time-consuming special effects modeling is eliminated, allowing this exaggerated gorilla to be synthesized directly on the computer.


The studio was crowded with dozens of staff walking back and forth, all working around the director\'s team. It can be seen that director Roland Emmerich is constantly having some kind of communication with the team members of Industrial Light and Magic.


Looking at everything in front of her, Nicole Kidman quickly discovered the abnormality, that is, in this small rest area of ​​her "girlfriend", no one came to disturb her. It can be said that in the entire busy studio, Naomi Watts was surprisingly quiet except for the two waiting assistants.


There is no doubt that no one is aware of her relationship with Wayne. Even ordinary people in North America know that she gave birth to a little princess for the Greenberg family. Therefore, when she entered the crew of the project invested and produced by Wayne, she was naturally one of the highest-ranking ones.


In the eyes of many staff members, one of them can be removed, because once there is some conflict, everyone believes that the producer of Warner Bros. will not hesitate to stand beside this woman and shout.

This is the influence of Wayne Greenberg. Nicole Kidman is very familiar with this feeling. In her own body, the same scene appeared a few years ago. After all, although the title of Mrs. Cruise is not Nice to hear, but definitely useful.


"I heard that this project was specially made for you by Wayne?"


Looking back on the face of the woman in front of her, Nicole Kidman laughed and teased: "Tsk, tsk, Nami, this is a big project with an investment of more than 160 million US dollars, it seems that Wayne is really good to you. Heart."


It seems to be a joke between friends, but Naomi Watts is not a fool and sweet, she has grown a lot in the circle these years. In particular, she has keenly heard some sour meanings from the other party\'s ridicule.


She suddenly remembered a word that Wayne said by chance, "Friends are always afraid of your bad life, but they are always afraid of your good life".


So far, she still remembers that when she first arrived in Hollywood, the other party did provide her with some small help, but at that time, the other party was the aloof Mrs. Cruise, the absolute core of all Australian gangs.


"Nicole, you should be clear about the nature of men like them."


Shaking his head helplessly, Naomi Watts had no idea of ​​showing off at all, but said in a weak tone: "Do you think I am worth $160 million? Even I know that no woman is worth that much money. , To put it bluntly, Wayne invested in this project because it could make him money.


As for the rumors from the outside world, why did you write the script for me, invest for me, or ask Warner Bros. to come to a professional team, just listen to it, don\'t take it seriously. "


There is a sentence that instantly hits Nicole Kidman\'s empathy point, and that is what kind of man "their" is.


There is no doubt that "them" refers to the successful bigwigs in the circle. Wayne Greenberg belongs to this category, and Tom Cruise also belongs to this category. Even Will Smith, who was picked up by Wayne, also joined the circle.


Thinking about the constant conflicts with Tom in the past few months, Nicole Kidman felt a deep sense of malice.


And as far as she knows, there is also such a situation between Will Smith and his wife. They basically play their own way, and no one will disturb the other.


Nicole Kidman shook her head full of self-deprecation, and said casually, "Oh, Nami, is there really no dedicated man in Hollywood?"


"Yes, and there must be quite a few." Naomi Watts put away her smile and said seriously: "But those men are likely to be losers. We all know that within this circle, a successful man is in the end. How much temptation to face."


"This society is so unfair to us women!" Nicole Kidman said one after another: "To be honest, Nami, I can\'t figure out how to maintain the harmony between the two. relation."


Thinking of the news that has been frequently reported in entertainment newspapers since then, Naomi Watts understood what the other party meant. The conflict between Brother Tom and Mrs. Cruise has almost been hyped up by the gossip tabloids.


Looking at the dazzling best friend who was still beautiful in front of her, Naomi Watts whispered, "As long as you can\'t see it, it\'s not going to happen."




"This is just a piece of advice I\'m giving you, Nicole. As long as it\'s something you haven\'t seen with your own eyes, treat it as if it didn\'t happen at all. This is a helpless choice to maintain a harmonious relationship. Of course, the premise is that you still want to maintain the relationship between the two. Harmony among people."


Nodding silently, Nicole Kidman did not continue the topic. Of course, she knew that doing so would maintain the marriage, and most of the marriages between celebrities in the circle were maintained in this way.


But she really couldn\'t do it. Nicole Kidman knew that she could develop better and have bigger ambitions. Perhaps Mrs. Cruise has had enough of this title now. Every time she hears someone call her that, she will feel a wave of disgust from the bottom of her heart for no reason.


Shaking her head vigorously, Nicole Kidman put aside her messy thoughts for a while, looked at the only woman in the busy studio, and asked, "Forget it, stop talking about this, I see you in the crew. It\'s easy, has Little Fendi picked it up?"


"No, still at Greenberg Farm in Ventura."


Speaking of her daughter, Naomi Watts\' face naturally brought a smile. "The little guy likes to stay on the farm, where any animal can let Fendi play all day. And Wayne also hopes that Fendi can stay on the farm for a few more years to avoid premature exposure to the spotlight.


You know, compared to me and Wayne, the new parents, Reuben and Anna obviously know how to accompany their children to grow up. Unlike our unqualified parents, their grandparents are more loved by their children. "


Sometimes Naomi Watts is also wondering, according to traditional North American thinking, there is absolutely no obligation to help children take care of children. But as a Jewish family, neither Ruben Greenberg nor Anna Greenberg felt that Little Fendi disturbed the rhythm of their lives, but loved the little granddaughter very much.


Speaking of the little guy, Nicole Kidman sighed sincerely: "No, trust me Nami, when Fendi grows up a bit, you will know how lucky you are to be born in such a family."


In fact, both women know that it is not how lucky they are to be born in such a family, but how lucky they are to have such a father when they are born.


As the only descendant of the Greenberg family, it can be said that since the time of ignorance, 99% of the problems that have plagued mankind for a lifetime have been solved, money. Just with Wayne\'s ability and speed to make money, even if this child grows up, even if he is a loser, he will probably live without food and clothing for the rest of his life.


"Hey, you\'re not reading the script of "King Kong"?"


When the two women talked about their children, the atmosphere was much warmer. When the chat was in full swing, Nicole Kidman suddenly discovered that the script that had been spread out on the table in front of each other was not the "King Kong" that was being filmed. .


"Uh huh, you say this? This is a novel published by Wayne\'s mother, Anna Greenberg, in her early years."


Seeing the "best friend" looking at the unfolded novel, Naomi Watts didn\'t think too much, she naturally picked it up and put it in the other\'s hand. "Back to the farm this time with Fendi, given to me by Wayne\'s mother."


Speaking of this, she seemed to think of something interesting and said with a smile: "When Anna gave it to me, she swore to tell me that Wayne would use this cold and cruel novel to get me all the actresses. The actress who everyone wants. UU reading www.uukanshu.com hahahaha..."


"God, did she tell you which year is the Oscar winner? Hahaha."


Hearing Naomi Watts\' words, Nicole Kidman naturally laughed and laughed, and the two women burst into laughter for a while. As senior practitioners in the circle, they know better than anyone that the Oscar winner has always been the most competitive award, no one.


And the Oscar winner is also one of the most uncertain awards. Especially for actors like them who are too sweet and beautiful, they are naturally discriminated against by the Oscars, which makes it even more difficult to win awards.


""Three Billboards"..."


Glancing at the name of the short story, Nicole Kidman secretly memorized it in her heart, and then put the novel on the table, showing no interest in watching it at all.


"Where shall we go shopping in the afternoon?"


Seeing that lunch time is coming, Naomi Watts has no plans to stay. She just explained to the assistant of the crew and took Nicole Kidman on the tram to walk outside the studio. .


"The Exotic Land Reclamation of Vegetable Skeletons"


"I heard that Chanel has a new autumn product..."


"Ok, let\'s go to Chanel first."


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