Hollywood Drawing

~: Seven hundred and thirty-six - the story of a large collection of sharp contradictions in North American society

"Yes, besides you, who else has noticed the novel your mother gave you?"

Listening to the man\'s question, which kept coming from the phone, Naomi Watts\' big eyes rolled slightly. While looking at the novel on the table that she didn\'t care much about, she replied in a low voice to the microphone: "A lot of people have seen it, and I\'ve been watching this on set all this time."

Until the call was hung up, she didn\'t specifically point out anyone, instead, in the calmest tone, she asked clearly what happened.

Just before this happened, she really didn\'t care about the novel. As we all know, not only the major Hollywood film companies, but also special personnel are watching the major bestseller lists, even many small and medium-sized film companies, independent film producers, and even some highly sensitive practitioners in the industry, also Are staring at it from time to time.

Whenever a publishing house publishes any valuable novel, it will definitely be the first time that relevant film and television professionals will find the original author or publishing house.

Even if the studios don\'t have a plan to shoot it, they don\'t miss out on adaptations they think are worthwhile, which has long been a habit in Hollywood.

Large-scale film companies are called copyright monsters for this reason. Basically, as long as books, games, or even a piece of outstanding social news related to film adaptations, they will be bought out of film and television adaptation rights, and then thrown into the company\'s copyright library. , waiting for the day it was made.

And when Naomi Watts got the "Three Billboards," she knew that the novel didn\'t cause any commotion when it was published. Not to mention the bestseller list, the smooth publication is all because of the good relationship between Anna Greenberg and Random House.

Who knew that after ten years, some people would be interested in this novel, just after they got it.

No need to think about it carefully, Naomi Watts has already guessed who it is, and the high probability is Nicole Kidman, who went to the crew to visit the class that day. Contacting the state of the joke between the two, if it wasn\'t for the news from Wayne\'s side, she really didn\'t expect the other party to do this.

Because she remembered very clearly that at that time, Mrs. Cruise had no interest in the novel at all, and even made a few jokes.

"Wayne said that this kind of thing doesn\'t need investigation at all, and it doesn\'t need evidence..."

Standing on the balcony on the third floor of Greenberg Manor, Naomi Watts rubbed the novel "Three Billboards" in her hand, but she looked outside the manor, and looked at Tom Cruise half a block away Home direction, muttering to himself.

At the same time, in the living room of the villa where Naomi Watts was looking, Nicole Kidman was also stroking this short story.

"Pat, over at Random House, didn\'t you want to take the opportunity to open your mouth?"

"Probably not."

Pat Kingsley, who was sitting opposite, frowned and shook his head gently. "Our bid is not low, but the person in charge of Random House still said that all the copyrights of this novel are in the hands of the original author, Anna Greenberg."

Don\'t say that Nicole Kidman didn\'t believe it, thinking that Random House was trying to take the opportunity to raise the price, even Pat Kingsley didn\'t believe it at the beginning.

According to the general rule of publishing novels, normally, even if the publishing house does not have the full copyright, it will hold a part of the copyright. So did the epic masterpiece "The Lord of the Rings" from many years ago, as did Stephen King\'s novels, which have been favored by Hollywood studios in recent years.

North America often breaks some news, the descendants of writers, because of the copyright proceeds of the novel and the publishing house, this kind of thing can be said to be not uncommon. But soon, Pat Kingsley gave an explanation.

"Anna Greenberg was a producer and a screenwriter more than 20 years ago. She had a long-term cooperation with Random House at that time. And, Nicole, these novels can be said to have nothing in those days. Influence, otherwise, other film companies would have come to the door long ago.”

"Is it possible to find someone to buy the film and television adaptation rights of the novel from Anna Greenberg?"

"You can try, but don\'t get your hopes up." Pat Kingsley shrugged. She had read the novel, and of course she understood why her client was suddenly so persistent. However, after the people she sent to Random House returned without success, they no longer had any hope of winning the copyright.

Seeing what her client wanted to say, she explained again: "Nicole, although Anna Greenberg has been out of this circle for more than 20 years, you must know that she is a complete insider, and there is no such thing as being abused. Possibility of Lake Alley.

And since she gave the novel to Naomi Watts, it means that she, the original author, knows the value of this novel better than anyone else. The intention here is obvious. It is because Naomi Watts gave birth to a daughter to the Greenberg family without getting a marriage commitment, because she is also a woman. It is because of this. "

Just two days ago, Nicole Kidman was very fortunate. She was fortunate that she remembered the name of the novel, and then she didn\'t forget it. When she came back, she found the novel of that year.

"Because after her daughter was burned to death by the tip of a gun, the real culprit has not yet been found. The victim\'s mother erected three billboards and shouted and questioned the police chief from the air. From this, the whole story went out of control... ."

Looking at the novel in his hand with some regret, Nicole Kidman sighed in admiration. "I have to say that the original author is a screenwriter, how much influence will it have on a story.

This story is really suitable to be adapted into a movie. It is full of dramatic tension, and links are linked to promote the escalation of the conflict. The characters are three-dimensional and real, and what is even more rare is that the transformation of the characters is extremely logical. Even the two protagonists who are incompatible with each other and finally become a grasshopper on a boat is also reasonable. "

Nodding involuntarily, Pat Kingsley felt the same way after reading the novel. This is a story that is very suitable for adaptation into a movie, although there are many coincidences in the story, which seems a little deliberate. But under the absurdity of black humor, it can be completely accepted and empathized by readers.

It took most of the night to read the novel. During the process, she laughed, cried, and felt shocked and regretful. You know, as one of the most senior and successful practitioners in the circle, Pat Kingsley has not encountered a story that can make her empathize for a long time.

What is even more rare is that this story is completely told from the perspective of women, and at the same time, a series of metaphors and thoughts are integrated into this beautiful story.

The success makes people feel good after watching it, and it is worth analyzing.

So she didn\'t hesitate to help Nicole Kidman to buy the copyright. Pat Kingsley and his client almost subconsciously thought that as long as the story is well shot, no matter when it comes out, it will be Oscar\'s favorite. The kind of "artistic" expression.

It can even be said that Oscar\'s favorite artistic elements all exist in this novel and are subtly blended together.

The first is the issue of violence. The heroine is a victim of domestic violence. The identity of her ex-husband is a former policeman and a perpetrator. From the identity setting alone, there are countless places that can be reminiscent and worth discussing.

And violence, pervading every aspect of the story. The heroine attacked the dentist, set fire to the police station, the police abused black people, beat up advertisers, and even the heroine\'s mother expressed that she wanted to return to the era of slavery, as a proper verbal abuser and instigator of violence .

The second is the religious issue. The godfather came to persuade the hostess to remove the billboard, but the hostess used the metaphor of gangs to join the law to attack the godfather. This satirical storyline directly points to the increasingly serious phenomenon of godfather pedophilia in society.

There is also the issue of race. In the story, the police brutally abused black people, and various plots also clearly pointed out the widespread discrimination against black people.

As well as the complex issues of military privileges, ethnic minority issues, etc., it can be said that the sharp contradictions in North American society are all subtly combined by this story. Then, because of these sharp contradictions, it promotes the escalation of the conflict and promotes the progress of the story.

Anyone in the industry who is ambitious and sensitive enough to see this story can\'t help but think of Oscar. It\'s hard not to impress the middle-aged and elderly Oscar judges when such a film is shot, and it\'s hard for people to directly reject the temptation of political correctness.

"Nicole, do you remember what Tom said about Wayne?"

The sound of Pat Kingsley\'s opening interrupted the contemplation of the novel between the two. She looked at Nicole Kidman and whispered:

"Tom has said more than once that Wayne Greenberg himself, the biggest copyright monster other than the Hollywood Six, wants to acquire copyright from his family, which I don\'t think is possible at all. Also, More importantly, Anna Greenberg is not short of money."

"I want this story, and you should know what I mean."

Staring straight at the agent, Nicole Kidman\'s tone was very firm. "I want this story, Pat."

As the person who understands the conflict between the Cruises best, Pat Kingsley certainly understands what the other means. Especially recently, the two are arguing about separation. If this news is known to the paparazzi, tomorrow\'s entertainment headlines will be again.

It\'s clear that Nicole Kidman is already preparing, preparing to leave Tom Cruise and ditch the title of Mrs Cruise. Just aiming for Oscar and having a career of your own is the best preparation.

And between the star couple, Pat Kingsley\'s **** was also sitting crooked from the very beginning, so he thought everything from Nicole Kidman\'s point of view.

"Nicole, listen to me." After thinking for a while, Pat Kingsley turned his head back and forth sensitively and observed the entire large living room. After confirming that it was only the two of them, Didi continued to say, "If you can\'t solve the problem, then go directly to the person who created the problem!"

"You mean, Nami?"


Nicole Kidman widened her mouth and asked in surprise, "You mean, Wayne Greenberg?!"

"Can\'t you?"

Pat Kingsley looked up and down at his client, his eyes ranged from the long white and straight legs, all the way to the waist maintained by a strict diet, to the extremely delicate face that completely covered the aesthetics of the East and the West, and the white Glowing skin.

She is most aware of the advantages of her clients. Compared with the rough skin of traditional western women, her clients are completely the opposite. The whole body is as white and delicate as milk.

As if whispering, Pat Kingsley\'s voice was so small that only two people could hear it. "In some ways, you are more in line with Wayne Greenberg\'s aesthetic than Naomi Watts and others!"

"No, Pat."

For the first time, Nicole Kidman recalled some memories that were not very comfortable. "Pat, Wayne once rejected me."

The two women had never considered Wayne\'s relationship with Tom Cruise at all. They were all very aware of the impact of this matter. Similar things were too common in the circle. And through rumors in the circle, the Hollywood King of Darkness is not a good thing at all.

As long as the other party can be moved, the other party will not consider any **** friendship. Once a man is on top, he will become the small head and dominate the big head.

"Nicole, according to my analysis, Wayne has been reported by the media for those eccentricities, or abnormal hobbies, which are most likely to be true. Think about the rumors in the circle, as long as we find the right way, it is possible. ..."

"No, no, Pat, if you do..."

"Think about what would happen if Wayne Greenberg directed The Three Billboards himself?"

Pat Kingsley knows her clients too well. She knows better than anyone that once Nicole Kidman is ruthless, she can\'t wait to treat herself as a person.

Obviously, her words worked, and Nicole Kidman fell silent in an instant after hearing this huge temptation.

"The tale of three billboards, plus the style-fit Wayne Greenberg, just think of those two things. Recalling the first two days Naomi Watts was on set, UU read www. The so-called Oscar-winning joke on uukanshu.com is definitely not a joke now.

And the difficulty of this matter is **** the Hollywood King of Darkness, let the other party start this small project immediately after finishing the dc work, and let himself play the heroine!

Even at this moment, Nicole Kidman has calculated the shooting time of "Three Billboards" through her own experience. There is no doubt that it is very feasible. The scene of this film is simple and the investment is very small. As long as the other party is willing, it can be produced in time.

"Pat, what do I need to do?"

Seeing Nicole Kidman\'s eyes slowly firming up, after hearing what she asked, Pat Kingsley already knew that the other party was mentally prepared.

"First of all, let\'s not treat Wayne as a normal person, and then, you must not treat yourself as a normal person!..." Pat Kingsley\'s voice gradually became lower, and finally it reached a low level. Like mosquitoes buzzing.

"That\'s it, to stimulate the beast nature in his body, this kind of thing, as long as there is the first time, there will be countless times. Nicole, he will care more about his face than you, this Mrs. Cruise called existence. The meaning becomes very big!"

Nodding silently, since Nicole Kidman had already thought of leaving Tom Cruise, she no longer cared about this marriage that was on the brink. As long as it can bring benefits to herself, she doesn\'t mind trying anything.

"But Wayne Greenberg is still in Italy..."

"He will always come back to Los Angeles, at least the Oscars, he will always be there." Pat Kingsley said softly: "Don\'t worry, this is not something that can be done in a day or two, I will help you when the time comes. Look for opportunities to create established facts..."