Hollywood Drawing

~: Seven hundred and thirty-five - interesting

Hollywood Draw 735 - Interesting is coming


In the public perception of Hollywood actors, the biggest features are their intoxication, chaotic private life, and endless spending.


Although everyone knows that these perceptions of ordinary people are not wrong at all. But in Wayne\'s view, it is still a bit biased to describe Hollywood actors in this way. No one can deny that most of the actors who can become famous have a hard-working side.


In this circle, if you want to become a big star that everyone envy, you want to live a life of intoxication, and you want to maintain a brilliant career, opportunities are indeed very important, but more importantly, you have to work hard. keep trying.


It\'s like people only see Tom Cruise\'s sights and focus on his quirks, but whether he likes to walk around in "thongs" on the set, there\'s no denying that the Hollywood star of the 90s of professionalism.


You must know that Tom\'s reputation in the film crew has always been dedicated and hard-working. Obviously, even if he has become a superstar, he still clearly knows what he is based on.


It can be said that every big star who can become famous has a side that the public can\'t see, just like this little girl named Amanda Seyfried in front of Wayne, although she is only 13 years old, she is already very early. Know the importance of hard work.


This "effort" doesn\'t just refer to filming. From the first day she entered the crew, she would find opportunities, intentionally or not, to join Wayne\'s side. Then he put on the appearance of a little adult, and kept looking for topics that he could talk to Wayne.


"Go, Amanda, I look forward to your wonderful performance."


Looking at the little girl in front of him with amusement, Wayne waved his hand, pointing to the camera about to start shooting, and the white horse being comforted by the staff. Said: "As you just told me, since you have learned how to ride a horse, show it to me? Ok?"


"yep, this is not a problem for me." The little girl looked up at the man in front of her, and replied crisply: "I will definitely try my best, this time at most 3 times, I will let you pass. Want to bet? Wayne."


Picking up the director\'s notebook and flipping through it, Wayne smiled and asked, "Ha, what do you want to bet on?"


"If I perform well, I will pass this riding shot within three times."


Like magic, Amanda Seyfried took out a copy of Time Magazine and a fountain pen from her trumpet costume, and looked at the man with a look of admiration. "Then you\'re going to sign me so I can go back to school and show off to my classmates that I have Wayne Greenberg\'s autograph."


"Ok, that\'s it, go ahead and behave well."


Hearing his words, the little girl clenched her small fists and waved it vigorously in front of him a few times before turning around and walking towards the white horse.


Unlike the average thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl in North America, at this age, most girls already look like big girls, but Amanda Seyfried looks three or four years younger than her actual age. This is undoubtedly a small advantage in the circle.


For a young actress, this was the most embarrassing and difficult age to get a role in, but she was able to rely on this advantage to continue to receive roles that were younger than her actual age.


Looking at the little girl\'s back, Nina was constantly amazed in her heart. She looked at her boss and asked in a low voice, "Boss, if no one taught her this, I definitely wouldn\'t believe it."


"Whether it was taught by her mother, taught by her agent, or simply something she came up with rather precociously." Looking up at the assistant, Wayne smiled and shook his head. "It all shows that this is an extremely smart and hard-working child."


Nina shrugged. "Her efforts are very useful, aren\'t they?"


Seeing that his boss just smiled and waved his hand, lowered his head and lit a cigarette, and continued to write and draw in the director\'s notebook, without saying anything. The assistant knew that Wayne didn\'t hate that little girl to please with a hint of innocence.


Don\'t worry about this little bit of innocence, whether it\'s fake or not, it does work anyway, the little girl has successfully won the favor of this big man in the circle.


All the actors in the entire crew, including the extras from caa, knew exactly what it meant to please the crew leader. But those things that adults can\'t do, were done by a little girl who just arrived a few days ago.


Since the filming started, countless actors have tried their best to get close to Wayne. Their thoughts are very simple. Even if they don\'t get the other side\'s eyes, they should be familiar with each other, right?


In recent years, Nina has long been accustomed to similar scenes, after all, this is the norm in the circle. It\'s just that more than 90% of the actors who were like Wayne\'s side were stopped by her. But Amanda Seyfried\'s age and lovable image have successfully broken through the defense line of her personal assistant. She can\'t let her stop the child, right?


What was even more surprising was that this little girl tried her best to pretend to be a little adult, and tried to imitate the way adults talk, and her innocent innocence, and she really won Wayne\'s favor.


Very important, Wayne\'s goodwill is unquestionably important to young actors like them. Nina is now sure that in the future projects that Wayne has invested in, projects that he filmed, or projects that Warner Bros. produced, as long as there is a scene suitable for that little girl, his boss will think of her and contact her as soon as possible. broker.


In this way, Amanda Seyfried has a big advantage over the large group of peers who are in embarrassing age.


"This child is very smart, it\'s not easy..."


Hearing the assistant\'s muttering, Wayne closed the book in his hand and stood up from the director\'s seat with a cigarette in his mouth. He said casually: "Nina, do you think a little girl who started her own social network at the age of thirteen would not be smart? I like hard-working actors."


After he finished speaking, he turned around and looked at the shooting scene where the final preparations were being made.


The scene that is about to start shooting is not difficult, at least not difficult for a well-trained adult actor. It is just that Diana Prince was riding a white horse running on the grass as a child, and it was shot with a long-range lens.


If all this is put on a young actor, then no one can say how many times it will be filmed. Gilmour\'s proposal was to use a stand-in, and then in close-up shots that needed to show her face, the little girl was on the set to shoot.


However, Amanda Seyfried\'s agent and she all said that they had learned to ride horses and could play by themselves, so Wayne simply agreed.


When this little girl joined the crew, he was actually ready for a headache. As we all know, there are only two factors that are most uncontrollable in the Hollywood crew, one is children and the other is animals.


But in most cases, the uncontrollable factors of children are far more than animal actors. After all, the trained animal actors still follow the trainer\'s command all the time. Children are not so good at talking. As long as they get emotional, adults will all be numb.


Unexpectedly, this little girl\'s performance was unexpectedly good, at least her emotions were stable, and even in the face of constant ng shots, she could adjust herself according to Gilmour\'s requirements over and over again.


"Wonder Woman, Scene 47, Act 1, Begin!"


With a bang, the shooting officially started as the slate started. Everyone was looking at the little **** the horse until the shooting of the scene, which was less than ten seconds, was completed.


Wayne stared at the director\'s monitor and nodded secretly, just as the other party said in a childish voice, she had indeed learned to ride horses, and she rode fairly well, at least more than enough for filming.



Beckoning to call his assistant director, Wayne rubbed one hand on his chin, stared at the little girl who was running back, and whispered: "One more time, let Robert\'s main camera pull the camera slightly again. Go a little further, and I want a clearer scene."


"Ok, I understand." Gilmour nodded immediately and turned to communicate with the camera director and the little actor.


Diana-Prince\'s childhood scenes are not many, but they are very important, especially many scenes involving action or horseback riding. Originally, with Wayne\'s character, there must be places where doubles can be used, and all of them use doubles.


After all, what are you talking about, as long as it involves such a scene, there is no way to avoid bumps and bumps. Not to mention a child, even an adult actor is still at risk of injury when performing action scenes and horseback riding scenes.


But after watching this little girl\'s performance, he didn\'t rush to use the stunt double. If the actor can perform those actions by himself, the effect will definitely be better than using the double in the early stage, and then editing and splicing the picture in the later stage.


"cut! This shot is fine, rest."


After only two uses, Wayne announced the approval into the loudspeaker. Amanda Seyfried looked very excited. When she walked towards the director\'s seat, she proudly raised her little head.


In the end, she got Wayne\'s autograph as she wished, and it was signed on the cover of that "Time Magazine". Along the way, in front of Wayne, constantly showing off with other actors in the crew.


"A meticulously designed show." Gilmour stood next to the director, stared at the little girl who left happily, shook his head and said, "She is using this magazine signed with your name to remind everyone on the crew that Her status in the crew. F**k, I don\'t know who taught her this, this circle is so dirty!"


"Hey, hey, hey, Gilmore."


Picking up his director\'s notebook, Wayne stood up and prepared to go back to the director\'s trailer. He patted his assistant director\'s shoulder with a smile, and said with a smile, "If she doesn\'t have the awareness to use all available resources at any time, she can\'t leave. It\'s farther, don\'t think too much, this circle has always been like this."


Shaking his head gently, Gilmour still sighed at the little girl\'s shrewdness. He just saw it very clearly. The cover character of the "Time Magazine" signed by Wayne is the photo of Wayne wearing a capable suit and looking down at the camera with his arms folded over his chest. This is a powerful and successful man.


And around this photo, there are hundreds of media icons, big and small! That\'s right, the most special edition of Time Magazine in 1996.


In this special edition of "Time Magazine", Wayne and all the media in North America are collectively known as "the figures of the times who moved in 1996".


The fact that she deliberately chose this "Time Magazine" has fully demonstrated the little girl\'s intentions. If there was no adult help behind this, she would not believe it if she killed Gilmour. We all know that from the end of 1996 to the beginning of 1997, Wayne was the most brilliant and most praised by the media.




Since everyone knows that that year he won the Congressional Gold Medal, followed by the Oscar for the best statuette, and then a great movie like "Batman: The Dark Knight" was released, so why can\'t others think of it and start from this aspect To gain Wayne\'s favor?


That\'s what surprises Gilmour, and that\'s why he says it\'s a well-crafted show. At least from his point of view, this little girl has achieved all her goals. Not only has she gained Wayne\'s favor, but she has also improved her status in the crew invisibly.


Even Gilmour dares to swear to God now that in less than two weeks, the gossip tabloids in Los Angeles will publish anecdotes about the little girl and Wayne\'s crew.


A person who can carefully design this drama will never let go of the opportunity for hype. He also knew that his own crew leader never cared about gossip tabloids or even entertainment newspaper reports, and he never explained or clarified.


"It seems that I wasn\'t the only one who saw that Amanda was meticulously "acting", huh?" Back in the director\'s trailer, Nina teased softly as she opened the prepared lunch in front of Wayne.


"You should know me, Nina." Wayne was not surprised at all, but still said with a smile: "I admire such an actor from the bottom of my heart, and will use every available relationship to move forward, look, this child I\'ll be a big star in the future."


Without a trace, Nina pouted, and Nina did not continue to tease. After so many years of close cooperation, she certainly knows her boss. In her boss\'s eyes, she has always appreciated such "hard work", because she knows better than anyone that her boss is also such a person.


"Jingle Bell~"


When the phone rang for a while, Nina stopped what she was doing, picked up her handbag and took out the mobile phone. At the same time, she glanced at Wayne, who was bowing his head to eat, and frowned slightly.


The cell phone that rang was Wayne\'s private number, which was important. You know, this number is generally known only to the closest people, not even the "Wonder Woman" outside and the "Monica Bellucci" waiting in the hotel.


"Hopefully nothing happened..."


He grunted in a voice that only he could hear, and habitually pressed the answer button with one hand over his mouth, followed by silence for more than a minute. It was not until the phone hung up the money that she gently said something to the receiver.


"Boss, it\'s interesting..."


With a thoughtful expression on her face, Nina sat next to Wayne, watching him keep stuffing his mouth with food, and slowly said in a weird tone: "Just this morning, a woman found "Random House" "I want to buy the film and television adaptation rights of two short stories they published in 1988!"


Hearing Miss Assistant\'s words, Wayne was stunned for a moment, and then asked, "What do you mean?"


"The author of those two short stories, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is your mother, Anna Greenberg." Without continuing to sell off, Nina continued: "One of them is called "Three Billboards" !"


"Aha, that\'s interesting."


Putting down the food in his hand, Wayne\'s upper body slowly approached the chair, his eyes also flickering with thought.


This matter, in itself, is strange. You must know that some of the short stories of the year were created by his mother under his "hint" and "inspiration". And at the time, the novels, though published by Random House, didn\'t make any splash in the market.


It\'s been so many years, and it\'s obviously not normal to be targeted now. It makes sense to say that it was targeted by film companies back then. After all, it was just published at that time. It is precisely the film company that has been staring at various publishing houses, but they are staring at bestseller lists.


"Nina, call and ask mom, it\'s really interesting..."


Wayne is very curious now, who is eyeing these things, just curious, but not worried at all. The reason is very simple. The copyright of all publications signed by Anna Greenberg is in the hands of her mother. Contacting the publishing house is tantamount to fussing.


As long as his mother doesn\'t nod, no one can take these things away. He is very curious now, who would be interested in the unknown novels published ten years ago!




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