Hollywood Drawing

~: Seven hundred and thirty-seven - all drama

Filming in Canada was relatively smooth, and due to the good performance of the young actor Amanda Seyfried, the filming task of the crew in Fort Monterey was completed far earlier than Wayne originally planned.

And the most important scene here is the footage of Wonder Woman Diana Prince taking away the Excalibur and other equipment. Precisely these scenes are all one-man shows, and they are basically not difficult, so after the hurried completion of the filming task here, the crew has already set foot on the car to the next location before mid-November.

The ancient city of Matera in the Basilicata region of southern Italy is not a small town, but a relatively well-known tourist area.

Unlike other Italian towns, Malate likes to plant flowers and plants on the side of the road. If you look down from the air, you will find that it is quite simple here, and it is a piece of earthy yellow when you see it. The first impression is that it is a little old, but because of the bustling tourists, this small town is full of vitality.

In general, Marat is actually a small city built along a mountain. The city uses the mountain as a reference, and countless caves and stone houses are excavated. Looking at it from a distance, Malate is like a castle roughly carved out of boulders, which makes people feel like they are in a magic movie for the first time.

The reason why Wayne fell in love with this place was because of the magical nature of the small town, although the local government did not give the crew much time for filming, and in order to protect the building facilities, the crew also signed a rather harsh high compensation. protocol.

But these can\'t be concealed. This small town is a good supplement to the "Wonder Woman" project. In order to shoot the mystery and magic of Paradise Island, no matter how much you pay, it is better than choosing a similar small town to rebuild.

When the crew entered this small town, it was just in time for the rainy season. When Wayne and his group stopped at the entrance of the hotel and got off the bus, everyone was deeply shocked, and at the same time understood why the director team fell in love with each other. this small town.

The reason is very simple. Since it is the rainy season now, when the crew just got off the car, they happened to see the surreal landscape of black clouds over the city.

The indescribable feeling of the season flashed through the hearts of every staff member. Not to mention other things, it was only against the backdrop of the ancient and distinctive buildings of this small town, which made the landscape of the dark cloud overwhelm the city full of shocking power. .

It can be said that there is no need for elaborate sets. It is like a real magical world. The magical landscape that everyone feels unreal is happening in front of everyone\'s eyes.

"God, this is really shocking!"

Angelina Jolie opened her mouth wide and slowly turned her head to look at the surrounding landscape. She no longer cared about the luggage in the assistant\'s hand, she stood there and muttered.

"I only hope now that your performance can also be worthy of the unique landscape here."

Reaching out and patted Angelina Jolie\'s arm, Wayne shook his head, turned and headed towards the hotel. Monica Bellucci, with a pair of large sunglasses stuck on her face, followed behind the man in a low-key manner. Nina finally reluctantly glanced at the surrounding landscape, and followed in with her briefcase that never left her.

There is no time for the crew to waste, and now they are in a famous tourist scenic spot. In order to get the local government to allow the crew to clear the scene, John Gray has exhausted all methods.

In the end, relying on the name of Wayne Greenberg and the influence of Greenberg\'s film production, the city government was reluctant to sign the contract, but the given shooting time was still not ample, at most half a month to 20 days Inside, the function of receiving tourists must be restored here.

Early the next morning, the crew, under the command of Gilmour, started the pre-shooting arrangements in an orderly manner.

Wayne doesn\'t think it\'s the local government that has suffered by clearing and closing this scenic spot for his own crew to film. If it weren\'t for the irreplaceable magical heritage of architecture, scenery, and time, he would be very reluctant, pinching his nose and asking the producer to sign a harsh shooting contract.

On the contrary, in recent years, as long as the project under the name of Greenberg, no matter which country in the world it goes to, will it not be welcomed by the local government?

Everyone knows that as long as the movie has this name on the title, it is destined to have a low number of viewers around the world. Compared with those who spend a lot of effort to advertise and promote their own city scenery and characteristics, the cost of shooting with the crew is lower, and the publicity effect is much better.

The filming process of Wayne\'s crew is actually a huge publicity process. As long as the convenience of the crew\'s work is ensured, then he really doesn\'t mind. When editing the film in the later stage, he will give the local scenery as the background a little more. Two second shot.

Isn\'t this more common than any kind of publicity and marketing? Therefore, not only his director, but also the producer, did not quite understand the idea of ​​the local government.

John Gray and Wayne have been together for a long time, and some ideas inevitably approach him, such as the concept of "creating traffic". At least our producers agree from the bottom of their hearts that the "traffic" in Wayne\'s mouth is worth more than a dollar.

"Gilmore, Gilmore!"

Early in the morning, the street was occupied by rowdy crew members, and Wayne sat behind the director\'s monitor, shouting twice at his assistant director.

Immediately, he shook his head helplessly, grabbed the loudspeaker on the table directly, and shouted the name of the assistant director a few times again. "Gilmore!"

"What\'s the matter, boss?"

Rushing to the director\'s seat, the Mexican gasped lightly and looked at the leader of the crew. "I\'m busy arranging the group performance to practice and take the seat. Damn, let those guys play the residents of the market, and someone...well, what\'s the order, boss?"

The assistant director, who had been babbling, saw Wayne\'s face change from ice cubes to the direction of the robot, and immediately stopped the bits and pieces in his mouth, and looked at him with extremely sincere eyes.

"Come and see this."

A photo of a prop that had been in Wayne\'s hands was pushed directly to Gilmour\'s eyes, followed by his cold question without any emotion at all. "Who made this thing? Shit, didn\'t he realize that Matt Damon in the photo didn\'t look right?

Now, take this **** photo and ask our hero, Mr. Damon, where was he looking? ! now! "

With an embarrassed shrug, Gilmour instantly felt a headache after taking a look at the photo.

Originally, this photo was planned to be placed at the beginning of the film. When Diana Prince in modern society recalled her childhood, the first thing that came to the audience was this old photo of her participating in the war memorial.

There is nothing wrong with the photos taken, and there is nothing wrong with the old ones, which is very consistent with the setting of the age. But in the photo, Matt Damon glanced at Angelina Jolie\'s chest, and it was very obvious.

Gilmour knew what was going on at this time. In fact, it was entirely because the figure that Angelina Jolie had trained and maintained for several months was too eye-catching, especially with the armored suit she was wearing.

To this day, he still remembers that when the heroine tried makeup for the first time, the other party came out of the locker room wearing this armor and battle uniform, and was amazed by everyone present.

Tube top metal armor, with curly hair and a metal headband on the head, in addition to showing the heroic style of the heroine, it is also **** and hot.

It was during that time period that the crew arranged for the actors to take this photo. To put it mildly, I couldn\'t help but peek at Angelina Jolie\'s hot body, not just Matt Damon alone, but the male staff of the entire crew.

Everyone knows what the background of this hot woman is, but even if she is only one of a large group of toys in the eyes of the crew leader, no one dares to do other actions, but everyone is a man, thinking Of course no one is missing.

Gilmour could have sworn it was the same with Matt Damon, but embarrassingly, the direction in which he couldn\'t help his eyes was all betrayed by this photo.

"I will arrange to make a new one as soon as possible." Throwing the photo in his hand, he looked at Wayne, who had already written and painted, and said happily.


Waving at the assistant director, Wayne did not continue to hold on to it. It was just a small problem with the props. The work in the crew was complicated and fragmented, and he did not allow people to make mistakes.

It\'s just that the importance of this prop photo is self-evident. Even the opening route of the entire film story is guided by this photo.

And the person who mailed this photo is also a very important clue in the film. It can effectively trigger the audience\'s passion for watching the movie, and even through such a small photo, it can infinitely raise the audience\'s expectations for "Justice League".

You must know that at the beginning of the film, the car that first appeared in front of the audience was clearly marked by the Wayne Group. The attraction to the audience of the story triggered by this photo that was transported is another matter entirely.

Not far from the director\'s seat, Amanda Seyfried, who played the young Diana Prince, was surrounded by makeup artists. Some people kept putting makeup on her small face, and some people arranged her small clothes. .

"Ha, I heard that you don\'t have much left to play, have you figured out how to say goodbye to your idol?"

Angelina Jolie clasped her hands on her chest, and after being squeezed, the mountain peaks on her chest became more majestic. She looked at Amanda Seyfried, who was surrounded by makeup artists, and asked quietly to the director\'s seat, pursing her lips.

"Have you touched his ass?"

After this period of filming, the little girl has become thoroughly familiar with several key staff members. Coupled with her inherent social **** attributes, there is no obstacle for her to communicate with these adults. .

Angelina Jolie has a question mark on her face. "Aha?"

"My mother told me that Wayne Greenberg\'s **** is very stylish. I\'ve secretly observed it in the past few days, and it\'s really stylish." Amanda Seyfried looked curious and secretly glanced at the same director again. In the direction, he suggested in a low voice: "You said, if I sneaked his **** when I was finishing the project, would Wayne be angry with me?"

"Go on, girl."

Hearing the little girl\'s words, Angelina Jolie almost laughed out loud. She tried to control the expression on her face, but the twitching muscles on her face still betrayed her true emotion of holding back her smile.

"Eon, go for it, Amanda. Now you have this chance to touch the **** of 80% of women in North America\'s dream. Honey, trust me, this will definitely be you in the future, show off to all your friends the biggest talk.”

"But...isn\'t Wayne really not angry?"

Amanda Seyfried raised her little white hand, put it in front of her eyes, and asked in a low voice.

The big eyes rolled back and forth, Angelina Jolie leaned in front of Amanda Seyfried, bent down and said in a seductive voice: "Hey, I swear to God, that feels really good... ."

The little girl suddenly put away all her joking expressions and pouted. "If Wayne gets angry and ignores me, I\'ll tell him that you taught me to do it."

After saying that, he looked at the makeup artist, and after confirming that his look was all right, he turned and ran towards the assistant director who was beckoning to her.


Looking at the little girl\'s back, Angelina Jolie stood where she was, laughing and swearing.

Just now, she had been putting her head down to help Amanda Seyfried put on makeup. Lillian Angie, the makeup supervisor, also laughed. She packed up her makeup, moved to Angelina Jolie\'s side, raised her elbows, and gently touched the other person\'s body. After a while, he laughed and said in a low voice:

"Look, if this happened, plus that kid, the boss might pull out the belt tonight and slap your ass."

"**ko, Lily."

Rolling her eyes without any scruples, Angelina Jolie raised both hands, and in front of the other side, both hands raised their middle fingers together.

In fact, among Wayne\'s core behind-the-scenes team, Angelina Jolie and Lily Angie have the best relationship. For some reasons that are hard to explain, UU reading www.uukanshu. com The marks left on her body after going crazy with Wayne have always been covered up by the makeup supervisor so as not to affect the camera.

On the other side, Amanda Seyfried completely changed her face, just like a little girl, standing quietly in front of Wayne, listening to the other party\'s final exhortation for the performance.

"...Pay attention to responding to the person who greets you, but don\'t stop running, and, don\'t look at the camera in front of you, don\'t even look at it, ok?"

"Ok." Amanda Seyfried said crisply with her hands on her hips, "I\'m not a kid anymore, Wayne, I won\'t make that stupid mistake. Don\'t worry, this long shot is great for me. Simple."

"Then show it to me and get ready, \'simple girl\'." With a wave of his hand, Wayne sat back in the chair and lowered his head to watch the storyboard draft he had drawn again.

"Long takes, it\'s easy, hmmm..."

Seeing that the staff around her were busy, Nina whispered in a weird tone while flipping through fashion magazines.

"Nina! I never really thought of her as a child."

Closing the book in his hand, Wayne smiled and shook his head. "I tell you, just as a creature like a woman, it has nothing to do with age. The more you talk about a simple woman, the less simple this woman is. Because a really simple woman doesn\'t know what simplicity is. "

After he finished speaking, he got up and walked towards the main camera, ignoring the yin and yang\'s strange assistant.

"It\'s all drama..."

Glancing at the back of her boss, and then at the little girl who was ready to shoot, Nina helplessly shook her head and whispered. "In this dirty circle, even the child\'s heart is not pure."