Hollywood Drawing

~: Seven hundred and thirty-eight - you just walk over

Far away in Italy, the "Wonder Woman" crew is about to send off the first official cast member, Amanda Seyfried, who played the role of young Diana Prince.

The crew specially prepared a small farewell party for her, in the hotel restaurant where she lived. While Wayne and the assistant director were exchanging filming plans, the little girl got her wish and smuggled Wayne\'s **** after he turned around.

And the scene of Amanda Seyfried tilting her head and looking at her hands made the scene awkward. But as everyone heard it, the phrase "Angelina Jolie is lying, doesn\'t feel good at all" in her mouth made everyone laugh out loud.

"Why do you all laugh like that?"

An angry Amanda Seyfried, with a small face like a bun, looked at the people around her who threw weird smiles at her, and said angrily: "In this world, who can refuse Wayne Greenberg? I\'m a woman too! Well, I\'m just super curious..."

"eon, Amanda is right, hahaha...sorry." Angelina Jolie held up the beer bottle in Wayne\'s irritated eyes and said bravely. Just halfway through, she couldn\'t help laughing when she saw the little girls huddled together.

There is a cheerful atmosphere in the hotel restaurant, everyone is enjoying a rare moment of relaxation, and after tonight, they will devote themselves to tedious work again.

With a bottle of beer in his hand, the camera director, Robert, staggered to Wayne\'s side, winked at him, raised his eyebrows and whistled.

After attracting the attention of many people, he looked at Wayne with a smile, raised the wine bottle in his hand as a microphone, and asked, "Boss, as we all know, all women in North America have a little bit of a crush on you. Ideas. Can you talk to us about how exactly you did it?"

"That\'s right." John Gray echoed loudly on the side, tilting his head and coaxing: "Wayne, you have to talk to us about how to attract so many girls. God, even children are being You are attracted, haha..."

"Hey, hey, hey, guys."

Without waiting for Wayne to speak, Gilmore, who thought the matter was not big enough, raised the bottle in his hand and shouted: "Quiet, guys, quiet. Let our dear Mr. Greenberg teach us how to attract Those girls, I swear, he must have a knack that no one knows."

Shaking his head helplessly, Wayne waved to Nina, took the cigarette and lit one in his mouth. He looked at the booing staff around him and took a big puff of his cigarette.

"Yeah, Gilmour guessed right, there\'s a trick to it."

Since it was by sending Amanda Seyfried to finish the party to relax, he didn\'t have a serious face anymore. He simply looked back and forth at the old men in the group with a mysterious face, holding his cigarette fingers and swaying in front of everyone\'s eyes. Shaking. "Want to know what the trick is?"

"Eon, boss, don\'t give a shit."

"**k, is there really a trick?"

"Ha, I guess the boss will tell us because he has money."


Everyone held up the wine bottle and shouted, but most of the staff really believed Wayne\'s nonsense, and their eyes showed curiosity.

"Ok, ok." Wayne shrugged, shook his head with a laugh amid the roar of the crowd, and shouted, "I don\'t know if this trick will work for you, but I\'ve been doing it since I was a kid. ."

"Um..." He deliberately paused, and under everyone\'s curious gazes, he scratched his chin with his cigarette fingers, as if he was thinking about how to express it.

It was not until he had satisfied everyone\'s appetite that he nodded with satisfaction, raised his head and drank a large sip of beer, spread his hands, and said:

"The trick is actually pretty simple, if a pretty girl comes in my sight, I just walk over and she\'ll take me on a date. Sometimes they\'ll take me out for the night without even having to say it myself, you know. Yes, that\'s the trick."

"I knew it was so!"

"No, boss, you can\'t do this..."


All the men seemed to be fed a mouthful of Xiang, but there was no way to refute it, because what Wayne said, everyone believed it to be true. The trick to attracting girls is to try a hundred spirits on the other side, and it will become a shit-like method on them.

Looking at the crowd who waved their hands and shook their heads, turned their heads to continue the carnival, Wayne shrugged his shoulders deliberately, and put on an expression of "I told you the trick, but you can\'t do it".

A few minutes later, producer John Gray came to him, stood by the window with him, looked at the magical street scene of the small town, and whispered: "Don\'t tell me, like Angelina Jolie and your room. That Italian female star was caught by you with this trick."

"Okay, John."

Wayne turned to look at his senior, raised his hand and patted his shoulder. "I\'ll tell you a way. If you really like butterflies, then you\'d better not chase after them. All you have to do is plant flowers."

After he finished speaking, he ignored the thoughtful producer, turned around, found the little figure in the crowd, and walked over directly.

"Well, it\'s for you."

"Guarding the silver bracelet?" Amanda Seyfried raised her hand to cover her mouth in surprise, raised her head, and looked at Wayne with an expression full of disbelief.

"Yes, this is your commemoration of joining "Wonder Woman, and it is also a reward for your outstanding performance."

Putting the silver prop guard bracelet on the girl\'s hand, Wayne lightly rubbed the girl\'s hair twice and said with a smile, "I have a suggestion for you, Amanda. If you want to continue walking in this circle, then Before the age of eighteen, you should polish your acting skills, but there are not so many child roles for you to play.

You\'re a smart kid, you should understand what I\'m saying, ok? "

"Yep, thanks, I\'ll remember your words."

Amanda Seyfried rubs Wonder Woman\'s silver guardian bracelet, and even though it\'s just a filming prop, you can tell she really likes it.

"I\'ll take a plane with my mother tomorrow and fly back to Los Angeles." The girl looked up at the tall man in front of her and said playfully, "This is the last time I\'ll harass you, Wayne, even though the man\'s **** feels bad. …”


"Hey, Wayne, don\'t swear in front of children." Angelina Jolie hugged Amanda Seyfried from behind and reminded in a mocking tone.

The three found a corner and sat down. As night gradually fell, the atmosphere in the hotel restaurant became more and more enthusiastic. Basically, the crew of the crew were all on the spot, and everyone was using the name of ending the party for Amanda Seyfried to release the fatigue accumulated from work.

In the corner, seeing the beer bottle in Wayne\'s hand, Amanda Seyfried bit her lip hard and asked in a low voice, "Can I try the taste of alcohol too? Please, Wayne."

"No, your mother will kill me."

Shaking his head firmly, Wayne saw the desire in the girl\'s eyes, but he didn\'t want to make trouble. Even if he liked this smart little girl again, he definitely didn\'t want to leave any mess afterward.

Dare to give a minor alcohol, as long as it is reported by the media, it is properly negative news. In private, Amanda Seyfried doesn\'t care whether he drinks or not, but at least in public, he\'s definitely not looking for trouble.

"My mother has already gone back to her room to rest."

Muttering softly, the girl\'s eyes rolled back and forth, staring at Angelina Jolie beside her again, and she released a longing look to the other party.

"Don\'t look at me, I won\'t give you any alcoholic beverages." Angelina Jolie shrugged and said she couldn\'t do anything. "Drink your milk well, this stuff is for you."

Amanda Seyfried grabbed the milk in front of her, gulped fiercely into her mouth, and turned to look at the man beside her, her big eyes flashing.

Thinking of leaving Italy and flying back to Los Angeles tomorrow, she thought for a moment and asked hesitantly, "Wayne, why do you treat me differently? Don\'t deny it, although the agent and mother have given me a lot of ideas to please you, But I\'m not stupid, I try my best to please you every day, I don\'t know how many and why..."

Seeing the serious look on the girl\'s face, Wayne laughed dumbly. Compared with girls of the same age, this little girl feels much smaller. At this time, under the light, her eyes glowed and she was staring at herself nervously. She must have plucked up the courage to ask this question, and she should be very uneasy.

"Why?" He stretched out his hand naturally and stroked the little girl\'s hair. "Why do you think so, it may also be because you are so attractive that you are deeply attracted to me."

"Come on, there has never been a rumor in the circle that you are a pedophile. If there were rumors of this, my mother would not rest assured to keep me here."

Amanda Seyfried rolled her eyes, accidentally seeing Angelina Jolie who was watching a good show next to her, she pouted her lips covertly, looked at the man again, and asked curiously, "Wayne, have you ever made a formal contract? girlfriend?"

Wayne asked in surprise, "Why are you curious about this?"

"Please, fans across North America are curious, okay?"

Seeing not only the little girl looking at her, but even Angelina Jolie on the side, her attention was drawn to this topic. He waved his hand and said casually, "Ok, haven\'t you read the news? Halle Berry."

"I said, am I a fool?"

After hearing his answer, two women, one big and one small, all pouted, obviously not believing his nonsense.

No one has been hanging out in Hollywood for a day or two. The so-called official girlfriend of that year, just think about it, you will know what is going on.

A few years ago, Wayne\'s influence was not so great, and the projects he filmed did not have such a high degree of attention. In order to promote the movie and create a topic of public opinion that fans are talking about, celebrity splits and splits are just the most conventional means of publicity.

"Okay, let me think about it..."

He raised his head and took another gulp of beer. Wayne was so poor that he didn\'t expect to have a formal date with any girl. From childhood to adulthood, the only person who has been close to an official girlfriend in this life is probably Naomi Watts.

But according to the most common North American thinking, even if they already have children, as long as there is no formal date and no formal relationship between male and female friends, they are still single.

"Should have never had an official girlfriend." Seeing the two women staring at him, Wayne said helplessly.

"I remember there were media reports."

Angelina Jolie was equally curious about his past. Thinking of the reports she had read before, she raised her eyebrows and said, "It says above, you were the quarterback of the school team for the first two years of your studies at USC. I still remember it to this day, it seems that you had a cheerleading girlfriend."

Leaning back on the chair with his upper body relaxed, Wayne said casually, "You\'re definitely watching tabloids. According to this statement, the entire cheerleading team is all my girlfriends."

Hearing his words, the two women, big and small, looked at each other and felt helpless. That\'s not what they wanted to hear.

From middle school to university in North America, there is no shortage of **** and hot cheerleaders in any school, and cheerleaders with blond hair, just like the standard configuration. They are the people of the school, which also means that they also like to have **** with the people of the school.

But everyone knows that it\'s not love at all. Today they may be in the football player\'s bed, and tomorrow they may be crawling into the basketball player\'s dormitory.

"Seriously, Wayne, maybe, you should officially have a girlfriend. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

No one knew what Angelina Jolie was thinking, and suddenly said such a suggestion.

"If it was ten years ago, it was still possible." Wayne shook his head and said indifferently: "But now, to have an official girlfriend? Haha."

His meaning is obvious, let alone girlfriends, even ordinary friends, with his current status and power in the circle, are basically impossible to make.

Those around him, whether men or women, are more for various desires. Even for the two women, Naomi Watts and Nina, he didn\'t dare to draw conclusions easily, whether it was love that tied them together, or interests.

But there are also advantages to this situation. Relationships are always the most unreliable thing. Just as long as the common interests do not change, the probability of breaking a close relationship will be infinitely close to zero.

So as he became more and more successful, Wayne never expected to make any friends. Since they are not friends, the standard of measurement is only interest.

Looking at the noisy crowd under the restaurant lights, Wayne\'s eyes gradually narrowed, he shook his head vigorously, stood up and said to Amanda Seyfried: "Go back early to rest, if you envy their carnival, If you yearn for alcohol, then look forward to becoming an adult soon.”

"Goodbye, Wayne." Amanda Seyfried knocked off the man\'s large hand that stroked her hair, waving playfully and winking. "I hope to have the opportunity to cooperate with you in the future, and have a role that suits me. Don\'t forget me."

"Ok, learn to act well." Wayne nodded and agreed. "Goodbye, Amanda."

From the moment he left the restaurant and followed the man back to the room, Angelina Jolie looked at him with a trace of intangible thoughts hidden in her eyes.