Hollywood Drawing

~: Seven hundred and seventy-three - the money-losing movie that holds the Guinness World Record

Hollywood draws 773 - the money-losing movie that holds the Guinness World Record

"Angelina Jolie, Girls\' Generation\'s beautiful and **** Hollywood actress, who you don\'t know, a real Angelina Jolie!

In the past two years, Angelina Jolie\'s related news seems to be the news that she has joined Warner Bros. big projects, except for her scandal with the legendary Hollywood director Wayne Greenber.

So much so that people seem to forget that, from the beauty of Girls\' Generation to the fame of Hollywood, he was once recognized as a "bad girl" in the eyes of everyone, and the most degenerate "Second Generation of Stars"!

In Girls\' Generation, Angelina Jolie was arrogant and frivolous under the haze of a typical native family. The "second generation of stars" was born in Yuhu, his father is the famous Oscar winner Jon Voynter, and his mother is the beautiful actress Malinqi, but Julie does not seem to enjoy the happiness brought by the family.

As we all know, the marriages of Hollywood celebrities are always full of uncertainty, and the same is true of Angelina Jolie\'s family. When she was just 23 months old, her parents were divorced, and Julie and her brother, who were still babies, were sentenced to their mothers.

But her mother was not so dedicated to her. According to the reporter\'s investigation, Julie and her nanny lived on the fifth floor of an apartment for nearly two years when she was a child. And her mother lived on the second floor, her mother almost ignored her, and the communication between the two was pitiful.

As a result, Angelina Jolie, who entered adolescence, became the "rebellious bad girl" we are familiar with. She has a rebellious and perverse personality, loves tight black clothes and purple lipstick, and suffers from depression due to self-abuse. She has also been photographed by the media many times consuming some "contraband". And it can be determined that Julie was already addicted at that time.

Then, the actor\'s father, Jon Voynter, wanted to prevent his daughter\'s decadence and self-abuse by taking her to the movie. But obviously the Oscar winner didn\'t expect that the development of his daughter who entered Hollywood was even more out of his control.

Maybe they\'re both "mentally ill"? Angelina Jolie\'s life in self-imposed exile came across Wayne Greenberg, the Hollywood director of the 1990s. Although the two of them have never admitted to love each other, I am afraid that the whole of North America knows that the relationship between the two is not pure.

However, with her outstanding appearance, **** figure, unruly and charming eyes, and Wayne Greenberg\'s well-known status in the circle, Angelina Jolie transformed herself into "Charlie\'s Angels". With this movie, In just a few months, she has become the "sexy goddess" of countless North American male fans. At the same time, she completely opened up her popularity.

But all this is just the beginning. It has only been a few months since "Charlie\'s Angels" exploded. When people paid attention to the actress again, she changed her body again, and this time she directly became one of the "magic" of the three giants of justice. heroine".

As for why she was able to get the role of Wonder Woman, everyone should have a clear answer in their hearts, because standing behind her is Wayne Greenberg, the second most powerful person in Hollywood in 1998!

Maybe Angelina Jolie is not the first actress to go to the star through Wayne Greenberg, but in terms of the heavyweight role of Wonder Woman, she is undoubtedly the one with the best luck! According to the authoritative media "Variety Show" yesterday, "Wonder Woman" ranked second among the ten most anticipated films released this summer!

However, no matter how splendid Angelina Jolie\'s star career is in the past two years, she is still the bad girl who is "rebellious", "self-abuse" and "addicted to contraband" under the big screen!

According to the rumors about Wayne Greenberg over the years, can we boldly analyze the reason why he loves this "bad girl"? ! Undoubtedly, if all the rumors about Wayne Greenberg are true, then those two guesses such as "the leader of the crew taking contraband" and "female abuse" will indeed be very compatible.

Otherwise, there is no way to explain why a "rebellious bad girl" in reality can successfully play the "Wonder Woman" representing justice..."

Angelina Jolie clenched the "Variety Show" on her hand tightly. As she continued to read it, her fingers pinching the magazine had become bloodless with too much force, and even veins appeared on her wrist. At this moment, she was filled with anger and a trace of fear hidden in her eyes.

"It\'s all premeditated..."

Muttering to herself, she rubbed the magazine into a ball.

No one is born to be depraved, and neither is Angelina Jolie. That\'s right, the reason why she was angry is because in this article in the magazine, everything that was said was true, and even in some respects, it is very conservative to simply say that she used to be a "rebellious bad girl" metaphor.

However, the two years she had been fooling around with Wayne made her seem to have forgotten those unbearable pasts. Now that it has been published in an authoritative best-selling magazine, it is like a little bit of uncovering the scars in her heart, and Chi Luoluo is showing it to the public.

What scares her even more is that in the whole article, it seems that all the targets are aimed at her, but whoever sees this special report will also notice Wayne for the first time.

"Jingle, bell, tinkle."

A burst of phone ringing interrupted Angelina Jolie\'s trance. She threw the bunched magazines aside, got up and sat on the sofa beside the phone, took a few deep breaths, and then raised her hand to pick up the ringing phone.

"That\'s right, I haven\'t read any other newspapers. Yes, I saw that report. It was all premeditated."

From the moment she answered the phone, Angelina Jolie kept nodding her head, occasionally replying a few words, and there was no trace of panic in her tone.

"I haven\'t gone out yet. Okay, I will stay at home and wait for the notice. I promise, I will never go out for interviews easily, and I will never give the media a reason to keep chasing..."

In the Warner Building in Burbank, Nina hung up the phone in her hand and put the mobile phone back in her handbag before looking at the man staring at her.

"She hasn\'t gone out yet, and she hasn\'t been interviewed by any media yet. I have already told her that she will wait for our notice."


Bruce Rosenblum, who was sitting on the sofa, didn\'t swear angrily until then. He glanced at Wayne who was sitting opposite him again, only to find that the other party was still reading the newspaper unhurriedly.

It wasn\'t even seven o\'clock this morning, and when Wayne saw that the news on the market was not right, he hurried to Warner Bros. headquarters. At the same time, Bruce Rosenblum didn\'t have time to eat breakfast, and rushed over in a hurry.

"Bruce, it seems that Disney\'s actions are nothing more surprising."

Putting down the "Hollywood Daily Entertainment" in his hand, Wayne shook his head with a sneer at the corner of his mouth. Obviously, he didn\'t throw away the newspaper until he had confirmed his suspicions at this time, and leaned on the sofa and lit it. a cigarette.

"Wayne, there are some things you don\'t understand." Unexpectedly, Bruce Rosenblum frowned, and his mood was obviously not very good. "Usually, this least surprising method is also the one with the most direct effect. Moreover, such a method is also the most difficult to eradicate."

The premiere of "Wonder Woman" is imminent. What no one thought was that, without waiting for Warner Bros. to make a move, their competitors would take the lead.

As if it was deliberately stuck at this time point, starting this morning, as long as it is in entertainment-related newspapers and magazines, all kinds of breaking news have been published. Although all kinds of news were flying all over the sky, after watching it carefully, Wayne could distinguish the two key points the other party was staring at at a glance.

The first, without a doubt, is the main cast. It\'s not just Angelina Jolie\'s past that has been thoroughly turned over. Including Wayne, Matt Damon and Ben Affleck\'s weird friendship, and so on, have been reported.

In fact, this is nothing, this is the summer season, which means that this is the most brutal battlefield in Hollywood. At least since Wayne entered Hollywood, he has never seen a big production that can be safely released.

Hollywood\'s annual cake is so big, if you eat more, it means others will eat less, so there are other companies in the dark, even if they hurt others and not themselves, they won\'t mind stab you.

But there is no doubt that the focus of the hype on the main creators of the crew is concentrated on Angelina Jolie, who has the most black materials and the hottest topic.

"I don\'t need to know much, Bruce, it\'s enough that you know."

Although he said this on his lips, even if Wayne was not an announcer, he knew very well in his heart. The main purpose of the opponent doing this is to remind the public that the protagonist is a disgusting woman at this point in time when "Wonder Woman" was released.

The protagonist in a film is an actor who is disgusted by the public. Just think about it, you can know how much negative impact it will have on the film.

The film properties of "Wonder Woman" are not as dark as Wayne\'s works a few years ago. The potential audience of this film is essentially the largest movie viewing group in North America, family movie fans.

Just ask, if you were a father, would you take your child and buy a ticket to watch a movie starring "scumbag" on the weekend? This is true no matter where in the world, even a father who is a criminal will educate his children to be a goodman since childhood.

Regardless of the actual effect, at least all parents teach their children this way.

"Don\'t be too optimistic, Wayne."

Bruce Rosenblum shook his head. "Even if we try our best to quell public opinion, it is impossible to be completely unaffected."

"Of course, I\'m mentally prepared, it\'s been many years..." Wayne smiled and waved his hand, turning his head to look at Burbank early in the morning along the wide window. "You know, Bruce, when I was in trouble when I was filming Joker, Jeff once called me, and it was that call that showed me what Hollywood is all about.

So, since then, every film of mine has been prepared for interference from the very beginning. Don\'t think too much, nothing is perfect in this world, all you have to do is to minimize your influence, and then find a way to kick the "troubleshooter" ass! "

In fact, regardless of Bruce Rosenblum\'s emotional disorder, after the internal preview of "Wonder Woman", the film experts in the company gave surprisingly consistent comments. This film is either due to the audience defect caused by traditional concepts, and the market performance is high and low. Or, the film will be a great success far beyond expectations!

As the distribution director of Warner Bros., he was not surprised at all when he saw a lot of ways to hype the main creators of the crew. Just because he is more inclined to "Wonder Woman" completely exploded, the second focus of "Troubleshooters", made him a little emotional.

This morning, all the entertainment media are full of black material to hype the creators, but those media with greater influence have published Michael Bay\'s statement in an interview.

"Wonder Woman looks like a double for Cutthroat Island to me!"

If no one takes the initiative to mention it to the public, there will certainly not be many people who think of Cutthroat Island. This film, to a certain extent, can be called the film with the largest investment before the appearance of "Wonder Woman", with a female as the protagonist.

At the same time, it is also the worst big production in Hollywood history and the worst impression on the audience!

From the fans\' point of view, they don\'t care why Cutthroat Island failed. What a realistic style, the North American history is too short, there is no empathy for pirates, the production company Carlock Pictures has insufficient publicity capabilities, lacks the traditional Hollywood fantasy, and so on.

To this day, this is still one of the worst movies in Hollywood movies that left the audience with the worst impression, almost none. It is also the most expensive movie in history, and it is also not one of them. That\'s right, "Cut Throat Island" still holds the Guinness World Record for the most money-losing film even in the past ten years.

At that time, when this project was filming, it was once the attention of the whole circle. The director Renee Haring was not fooling around. All kinds of large-scale naval battles and other scenes were all shot in real life. He didn\'t know what convergence was. idea.

Carlock Films invested $98 million in the production of this film! But when the film was released, the global box office was only $10.17 million! You must know that the investment of Carlock Films is not limited to that. Including all the promotion and marketing in the later stage, it has lost at least nearly 200 million US dollars!

The result was also very neat and tidy, and without waiting for the film to be released globally, Carlock Pictures directly declared bankruptcy. What makes people even more dumbfounded is that Carlock Pictures, which used to be very popular, was finally acquired by MGM, which had completely fallen...

In stark contrast, there is no doubt that "Indiana Jones", which invested 18 million US dollars and took in 390 million US dollars at the global box office.

Since the failure of Cutthroat Island, almost all Hollywood studios have been analyzing the reasons for their failure. That\'s right, the realism style, pirate culture empathy issues, etc. are constantly being followed up, but the most important thing is to let all film companies remember a lesson, don\'t easily invest in movies with women as protagonists!

Don\'t look at Angelina Jolie today, relying on the popularity of "Charlie\'s Angels", Gina Davis, the heroine of "Cut Throat Island", is no worse than she is now.

Geena Davis was born as a model, with a height of over 1.8 meters, a face that meets the aesthetic standards of the North American public, and her acting skills are also very online. She is not only an Oscar nominee for Best Actress, but has also won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress.

Thinking of this, Bruce Rosenblum looked at Wayne with weird emotions. "It\'s so similar..."

"What?" Wayne turned his head and asked suspiciously when he heard his gurgling sound.

"No, it\'s nothing." Shaking his head vigorously, Bruce Rosenblum tried to shake all the bad premonitions out of his mind at the moment.

Cutthroat Island star Geena Davis is the wife of director Renee Haring.

"Wonder Woman" heroine Angelina - Jolie, the relationship with Wayne is well known!

"Cutthroat Island" heroine Geena Davis, before joining the most expensive female protagonist film in history, was the star of the most outstanding female protagonist movie "The End of the Road".

Angelina Jolie, the heroine of "Wonder Woman", just passed "Charlie\'s Angels" before joining the most expensive female protagonist movie, and gained huge fame...

"Bruce, I know what you\'re thinking."

Shaking his head in disbelief, Wayne certainly thought of this himself. He knows better that Michael Bay will not mention "Cutthroat Island" only once. With the blessing of many media, the other party will definitely mention it repeatedly.

Looking at Bruce Rosenblum at this time, it is clear that this is what the other party wants. That\'s right, whether it\'s creating a protagonist that the public hates, or constantly mentioning a film that makes the public\'s bad impression, UU Reading www. All purpose of uukanshu.com is to let more people give up watching "Wonder Woman" because of them.

A deeper meaning is also here. Those who play this game may have already designed it. As long as you use a little snack, you can find the similarities between "Cutthroat Island" and "Wonder Woman". Although these similarities are suspect, isn\'t "Wonder Woman" yet to be released?

"Shit, even I almost..."

After Wayne\'s reminder, Bruce Rosenblum immediately reacted.

"Hey, Bruce, even if you haven\'t seen the preview of Pearl Harbor, I don\'t believe that everyone in the Warner Bros system hasn\'t seen it..."

As if remembering something, a **** smile appeared on the corner of Wayne\'s mouth, prompting in a mysterious low voice. "Bruce, don\'t you think that Pearl Harbor is more like Cutthroat Island than Wonder Woman?

The same big scene was shot on the spot, the director also had a deadly explosion, the same so-called realistic sea battle, and, I heard that Michael Bay, had a relationship with the "British Rose" because of the play?

As for whether "Wonder Woman" will copy the money-losing miracle of "Cut Throat Island", or whether "Pearl Harbor" will copy "Cut Throat Island" to disappoint fans, it doesn\'t seem to be sure now, what do you think, Bruce? Can we..."

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