Hollywood Drawing

~: Seven Hundred and Seventy Four - The Ultimate Trailer

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The beginning of the summer season, if there are no various celebrity scandals, it seems that this is not a complete summer season.

Fans have become accustomed to this for so many years since Hollywood entered commercialization. If there is a careful observation of movie fans, you will also find that the stars who have scandals are usually the main characters of upcoming or already released films.

No matter what era, blind movie fans still occupy the majority, and these people usually give up watching a certain movie because they hate a certain star.

It\'s just that this feeling of disgust comes mostly from publicity and hype in the media, as well as the words of family and friends around me. Maybe today they are still swearing that they will never buy tickets to watch the works of a certain star who hates them. If the tone of the media changes tomorrow, their decisions will also change.

And this is the fundamental purpose of publicity and marketing. The public always has a herd mentality.

In the early morning of May 11th, Warner Bros. suddenly released another trailer for "Wonder Woman", which is different from the previous trailer with a maximum of 30 seconds. This time, Warner Bros. The trailer released on the big screen on the streets of the district is three minutes long.

The three-minute trailer, carefully edited by Warner Bros. and Wayne, was an instant hit across North America.

In the center of Santa Monica Plaza, a famous business district in Los Angeles, on the 24-hour non-stop advertising screen of the building, Dior\'s fashion advertising blockbuster was suddenly interrupted. Afterwards, the low-pitched electronic music, through the loud speakers around the square, gradually overwhelmed the chatter of everyone present.

This is the most prosperous area in Los Angeles. Whether it is a check-in tourist or a passerby, they are all attracted by the electronic music at this time.

In the center of the square, the people talking in low voices slowly raised their heads in confusion, looking for the source of the sudden music.


An African-American girl raised her head and immediately noticed that the huge screen in the square where the advertising blockbuster had just been playing was pitch black now. But then, when a low drum beat began to appear in the sound of electronic music, the huge screen in the square instantly lit up.

At the same time, the girl\'s mouth grew, and the moment she saw the picture, she involuntarily exclaimed.

"God, this is. Wonder Woman?!"

"what? what the hell"

"Look at the commercial screen!"


More and more people raised their heads, and in a sound of exclamation, they put their eyes on the advertising screen.

On the huge screen that turned from black to bright, accompanied by the music of isshewithyou, the first thing that appeared in front of people was a battlefield. The camera used a long-range method to clearly capture the ruins of the entire battlefield and the environment of continuous artillery fire in less than three seconds.

Immediately, the camera quickly moved closer, directly locking on a figure that was out of tune with the surrounding environment. Slowly moving up from her long white legs, first the leg armor, the battle skirt, and then on a ball of rope around her waist, deliberately stopped for about a second before continuing to move up.

The whole process was very fast, as if there was no time for the audience to think, a bullet shot directly at the woman in the camera in front of everyone\'s eyes in a high-speed slow motion mode. …


"What did she do?"

Until then, the picture on the big screen suddenly accelerated. Amid the exclamations of people, Wonder Woman raised her arms, blocked the bullets shot at her, and began to follow the rhythm of the music in the background. Jump forward quickly.

Each shot lasted no more than two seconds. She seemed to be unaware that she was tired and kept fighting. The editing speed of the footage is getting faster and faster. With the background music, more and more people feel their blood boil and stare at the big screen.


An unexpected thing happened, the constantly changing scene stopped abruptly, and the volume of the music in the back was instantly reduced. The camera finally freezes on the front of the fully armed Wonder Woman, giving her a clear close-up of the battlefield.

Without waiting for people to catch their breath and not allowing the audience to think, the final frozen shot, like a long period of time in a short period of time, gradually turned into a grayish-yellow photo.

In this old group photo taken on the battlefield, many people have found familiar faces. Not just Wonder Woman Angelina Jolie, but by her side, Matt Damon, who is rising to fame.


"God, it\'s Bruce, Bruce Wayne!"

Here, Wayne uses the most common message to imply that the camera zooms in on Christian Bale\'s eyes, and the next shot is to clearly tell the audience that this is the picture in his memory.

Bruce Wayne, who was wearing a pitch-black bat armor, leaned against the corner of the dilapidated building in a state of embarrassment. A laser hit him, and the embarrassed Batman had obviously given up his resistance and looked directly at the incoming laser. Prepare to die.


A woman in a Valkyrie armor descended from the sky, just like when she resisted bullets on the battlefield at the beginning of the film, crossed her arms, and rescued Bruce Wayne with a roar.

"No, Clark, no, you can\'t do that!"

In the blink of an eye, a tall and strong figure in Mohu in the distance floated in midair and looked at the woman with her arms crossed.

This is the last picture in this memory, and then, the camera switches again, and the center point becomes Wonder Woman again.

Accompanied by the increasingly high back music.

She smashed through the castle with a shield in hand, fighting an enemy non-stop. This is like showing her fighting skills in all directions. Her strong, brave, and **** body gives everyone an illusion of strength.

From beginning to end, the enemy who fought Wonder Woman was not given a face by the camera. But before the trailer ends, the hints given are obvious enough. The other party is Ares, the **** of war, who is Wonder Woman\'s number one mortal enemy and the number one villain in DC Comics.


Angelina Jolie in the picture shouted and waved her fist under everyone\'s attention. The trailer just ended here, and the super-burning back music that resounded in Santa Monica Plaza also came to an end.

"ohmygod! ohmygod!"

The African-American girl who first looked up to watch the trailer kept mumbling to herself while shaking her boyfriend beside her. "Did you see it? Did you see it? She\'s Wonder Woman, ohmygod, who cares who she is in real life, we can\'t give up on this movie. Damn, she\'s so cool, so cool! "…

"It\'s so handsome, it\'s the first time I feel that a woman can be so handsome!"

"If only the movie could be seen today"

There are constant discussions around, there are many couples and friends like the African-American girl and the others. As long as people who see this trailer, will undoubtedly not be overwhelmed by the super-burning picture, they will be very excited.

The ultimate trailer has caused a stir all over North America. The publicity team led by Bruce Rosenblum personally ignored it at all. The media smeared Angelina Jolie, although most of the so-called revelations can actually be said to be true.

As he told Wayne, no matter how much Warner Bros. PR, it\'s impossible to eliminate the impact.

So he simply set the target directly on the film itself. Some of the scenes in this final trailer were originally planned to be included in the Easter eggs of "Wonder Woman", and they were nothing more than to increase the influence of the series, so he chose to release it in advance and did not get Wayne\'s be opposed to.

Meanwhile, Angelina Jolie reappeared on a talk show, and while promoting the upcoming "Wonder Woman," she was inevitably asked some questions about herself, Wayne, and even the film. controversy.

"Everyone has a rebellious period, doesn\'t it? I\'m so glad I met Wayne, he told me long ago when we met that if you really love the profession, you should mature. A bad girl is cool though , but it\'s never cooler to be a female star!"

"What? Will Wonder Woman be the next Cutthroat Island? I don\'t think so, in fact, a friend of mine who had seen the preview of "Pearl Harbor" As I said, Pearl Harbor is more like Cutthroat Island.

Want to hear what he has to say about the film? "Pearl Harbor" is a war movie under the guise of it, but it\'s actually a love triangle. As for more, I\'m sorry, it\'s not convenient for me to disclose more, I suggest that after the film is released, these are left to fans to evaluate. "

On May 12, the day before the premiere of "Wonder Woman", as one of the hottest names at this stage, Angelina Jolie was filmed by the paparazzi during a dinner with her actor father. down.

From the many disclosed photos, there is a chat and laughter between the two people. Angelina Jolie has taken off her high-definition dress. Whether it is from the dress or from the plain face, it is more like a very An ordinary girl who is attached to her father\'s love.

And just after the dinner, many paparazzi once again surrounded Jon Voyant. Facing the questions from the paparazzi, the Oscar-winning actor happily accepted the interview.

He told everyone that he was glad that his rebellious daughter had matured, and vowed that he would attend her daughter\'s movie premiere to express his full support for her.

"Hey, she\'s just the most ordinary girl. Your excessive demonization has caused her a lot of trouble." This was the last roar left by Jon Voynt.

The news in the media is very chaotic, some are reporting on Angelina Jolie\'s prodigal son, some are reporting on all kinds of black material before her, and some are hyping "Pearl Harbor" and "Cut Throat Island". Similarities, even some media, deliberately went to Michael Bay\'s door, asked for the evaluation of the adjective "dog blood love triangle". …

All kinds of news are flying all over the sky. Warner Bros. and Disney are full of firepower to promote their own films, while throwing dirty water on each other.

It is against this background that the final sprint before the release of "Wonder Woman" is coming to an end, and a new North American summer weekend is about to kick off.

Repeating the summer seasons in previous years, basically every weekend, there will be a number of films with production costs of more than 10 million US dollars released. Even some of the more popular weekend schedules have become the positions that super blockbusters are grabbing.

But in early May, when the summer season started, the entire North American theater market fell into a vacuum. Many movie fans and film critics have discovered that from May to now, there are only a few small-budget independent films, and even one with an investment of more than ten million US dollars cannot be found.

In fact, everyone knows why, no matter how much talk about Wayne Greenberg, it can\'t change a fact. That dark lunatic, it took nearly ten years for UU reading www.uukanshu.com to completely establish his power at the beginning of the summer vacation.

It was not that no one tried to challenge him, but looking at the results over the years, it seems that under what circumstances, it was Wayne Greenberg who finally won.

Some people even came out and said that a common feature of Wayne Greenberg\'s films is that no matter what kind of competitor he encounters, he will be the big winner in the end. What\'s more outrageous is that his big winner always takes everything.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with saying this. In recent years, it can be said that the only one that has been squeezed by Wayne\'s films and has successfully achieved dazzling box office results is only one "Jurassic Park 2".

But what does this mean? Explain that Steven Spielberg is not as good as his friend in controlling the market? Or does it mean that Steven Spielberg is doing so well that for the first time, Wayne\'s film doesn\'t take everything?

No one is stupid enough to talk to Steven Spielberg about it, at least until now.

On "Wonder Woman", Warner Bros. invested 200 million U.S. dollars in the production cost alone, and the number invested in the announcement and distribution will never be lower than 50/50 of the production cost.

It can be called an investment like a century gamble. Of course, they want to reap an excellent box office result, and they will not be stingy with the expenses of holding the premiere.

At 5:00 p.m. local time on May 13th in Los Angeles, a big show that claimed to cost three million US dollars was officially staged at the Chinese Theater in Hollywood. Since the afternoon, a large number of fans and reporters have gathered here, regardless of whether "Wonder Woman" has been controversial during this time, but they are here to witness the premiere of the film.


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