Hollywood Drawing

~: Seven hundred and seventy-two - it's like a Double from Cutthroat Island!

Hollywood draws 772 - it\'s like a double for Cutthroat Island!

The publicity about "Wonder Woman" is in full swing. Disney also plans to start intensive large-scale publicity for "Pearl Harbor" a week later, in early May.

Inside Hollywood film companies, big and small, it is rare to maintain a tacit understanding this year, that is, try not to confront the work of the lunatic Wayne Greenberg in the same schedule.

Even "Pearl Harbor", which was decided to be released two weeks later than "Wonder Woman", did not dare to take it lightly when looking at this nominal competitor. There are indeed all kinds of bad views of "Wonder Woman" in the outside world, but the words of those critics have never been taken seriously by Disney executives.

"2950, ​​this is already the largest opening scale that we and the theater alliance have been able to win, and..."

Los Angeles, Burbank, in an office at the headquarters of Pubweis Pictures. Danny Gross, CEO of Bowei Pictures, frowned slightly as he looked at the Disney Emperor sitting on the sofa with a golden knife.

"and many more!"

Without waiting for the other party to finish speaking, Michael Eisner waved his hand and asked solemnly, "And what?"

"And the scale of this opening depends on the performance of "Wonder Woman" released in the first two weeks. If the market performance of "Wonder Woman" is still as strong as Wayne Greenberg\'s dc predecessor, then it will be very It may not be able to squeeze out the scale of more than 2,900 paintings."

After speaking, the expression on Danny Gross\' face became calm.

During this period of time, he has been in constant communication with the high-level executives of AMC, Imperial Cinemas and the artist chain in the circle on the issue of the opening scale of "Pearl Harbor".

It is a pity that none of the top executives of these theater companies have given a precise word. Once he asked more times, the answer he got must be "We will abide by the distribution contract signed with Bowei."

That\'s right, Bowei Pictures has indeed signed distribution contracts with all major theater companies. However, as long as the insider knows, there is a very loose flexibility in the number of screens and even the number of theaters in the contract.

This is the focus of his constant communication with the executives of the theater company. As Disney\'s most important head project this year, if the scale of "Pearl Harbor" cannot be guaranteed, it will become a joke in the circle.

Michael Eisner suddenly asked: "How many theaters does "Wonder Woman" open in North America?"

"Around 3,780, this number may be higher."

In today\'s era, although North America is building and renovating modern multiplex theaters on a large scale every year, professionals have a weight in their hearts to achieve such a huge screening scale.

This shows that no matter large or small theaters, even theaters specializing in art films, or some independent theaters in remote towns, have also joined the team to show "Wonder Woman". Not to mention anything else, just talking about the scale of the show is terrifying.

In the late 1990s, the total number of theaters in North America was completely incomparable to that in the next ten years, even though this land has always been the world\'s largest ticket warehouse. More than ten years later, a popular film with a medium investment or above can easily have more than 3,500 or 4,000 openings. In this era, it is obviously completely unimaginable.

"A group of mercenaries are raised by words."

Hearing the report from the CEO of Bowei Pictures, Michael Eisner had a rather ugly expression on his face, and exclaimed in a low voice. He raised his wrist and glanced at the time, and warned in a low voice. "I will call the theater company in person. I will not disclose this news to Jerry and the others for a while."

"Okay, boss."

In fact, in Michael Eisner\'s heart, he never really cared about Michael Bay. He really trusted and cared about Jerry Bruckheimer, the producer of "Pearl Harbor".

Whether outsiders or in the eyes of Disney\'s internal staff, he is an out-and-out tyrant.

Especially in the past two years, after Disney fell into internal turmoil, many of his behaviors seemed illogical on the surface, and because he controlled the board of directors, these seemingly overbearing decisions were often voted.

But Michael Eisner has always understood in his heart that the person who can really bring Disney a lot of revenue now is Hollywood\'s gold medal producer Jerry Bruckheimer.

Unlike other traditional producers, Jerry Bruckheimer is like Spielberg and Wayne Greenberg among the producers. He understands market demands extremely well, and is a generalist, proficient in a series of work such as screenwriting and production.

The most important thing is that Jerry Bruckheimer\'s production speed is extremely fast, not only can he guarantee that one or two works will come out a year, but also can maintain a terrifying success rate. Producers like him are the greatest wealth of a large film company and the most desired long-term partner.

As for Michael Bay, Hollywood has never been short of directors who can win the market.

Regardless of how brilliant Michael Bay is today, even the executives of the production company have full respect for him. But once he misses one day, the production company loses money, and the status in the circle will decline rapidly, or it can be called a cliff-like decline, and no one will care about it quickly.

That\'s the conventional wisdom among traditional studio executives, and that a gold-medal producer like Jerry Bruckheimer usually gets the success it deserves with any suitable director. But let Michael Bay leave Jerry Bruckheimer and try, there is a high probability that there will be no film company, offering him a super salary contract of 20+20.

Before the crew members of "Pearl Harbor" arrived, the CEO of Bowei Pictures hesitated for a while, but still looked at Michael Eisner, his tone was full of uncertainty and said: "Boss, I In the past few days, we have communicated with a number of theater companies and found some issues worthy of our attention."

Michael Eisner lit a thick cigar, tilted his head and asked, "What?"

"Through the communication with those high-level people, I guess..." Danny Gross said as he recalled: "I guess there should be more than one major film company that is putting pressure on those theater companies to target us. "

"Danny, you should have thought about this since the day when the top management of the three major theater companies didn\'t have a clear attitude towards us!"

Unexpectedly, after hearing his guess, Michael Eisner sneered, and with a thick cloud of smoke, looked at Danny Gross and glared. "I will discuss this matter with the theater company in person. If you keep an eye on the promotion and marketing of "Pearl Harbor", you don\'t have to worry about communicating with the theater company."

Immediately, the office was silent again.

Buffalo Pictures, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Disney, sounds like it has a lot of glory, but in fact, the degree of freedom obtained by the CEO is not even as high as that of the director of the distribution department of Warner Bros. Of course, there are special circumstances here, which are also related to the original intention of Bowei Pictures.

In the earliest days, the reason why Disney established Pwell Pictures, and chose such a neutral name that would not have any association with Disney, was for distribution. Disney invested in the production of those films that did not conform to the brand image of "Disney Family Fun". work.

A gender-neutral name that does not associate with the parent company can be said to protect Disney\'s brand image and lay the foundation for the diversification of Disney\'s production.

But with the passage of time, Bowei Pictures is also expanding rapidly by coincidence, such as today\'s Touchstone Pictures, Miramax Pictures, Hollywood Films, and other medium-sized film companies. Both of their parent companies are Bowei Pictures.

It is precisely these excellent medium-sized film companies, each of which has been producing very good works in recent years. Under the uninterrupted blessing of excellent works, as the distributor of all the films of these subsidiaries, it is expanding at a terrifying speed.

It is embarrassing that the executives of the six major Hollywood giants and the three major theater companies in North America have not given equal treatment to the CEO of Bowei Pictures. When it comes to Bubba Films these days, people still just say, "Oh, Disney\'s distribution department."

In fact? The size of Bowei Pictures may not be comparable to that of the parent company Disney behind it, nor to the other five Hollywood giants, but he is far larger than all medium-sized film companies in size.

It is also for this reason that Danny Gross has no way to communicate with the theater alliance at all. In the eyes of those high-level theater companies, they only recognize Michael Eisner, and do not give him an equal opportunity to talk.

"Sorry, are we late?"

The office door was pushed open from the outside, and Jerry Bruckheimer, followed by Michael Bay and several "Pearl Harbor" creators, entered the office together.

"No, it\'s still early."

Michael Eisner showed a smile, looked at Michael Bay\'s wrinkled suit, and joked: "It seems that you have encountered a lot of trouble."

"Mike was surrounded by reporters in the parking lot." Jerry Bruckheimer explained, and the several people greeted each other and took their seats, directly bringing the topic to business.

There is no doubt that the main creators of "Pearl Harbor" came to the headquarters of Bowei Pictures together for the publicity plan of "Pearl Harbor".

"Ms Beckinsale."

As the person in charge of the publicity of "Pearl Harbor", Danny Gross briefly introduced the relevant plans, and immediately looked at the heroine of the crew. "Would you mind continuing to stage a drama with director Michael Bay?"

It has to be said that Hollywood has become one of the regular means of major distribution companies to use the main creative hype of the crew. For no other reason, simply because doing so is one of the cheapest and most effective ways to maintain heat.

"I personally don\'t have a problem."

This new "British Rose" from England, after finding that everyone was looking at him, did not hesitate, just glanced at Michael Bay, nodded and said: "But I have to go back and discuss with the agent, You know, Mr. Gross, I have a very restrictive contract with the agency..."

No one asked Kate Beckinsale if she had an official boyfriend in private, and the answer she gave apparently didn\'t care about this issue.

"Ok, I hope to get an answer as soon as possible."

Nodding with satisfaction, of course Danny Gross knows that basically every actor will sign similar restrictions with the agency. For example, public love is not allowed, certain remarks are not allowed, and so on, these are actually for the consideration of the actor\'s career, not the simple harsh requirements of the brokerage company.

It\'s just that whenever he looks at this "British Rose", he can\'t help but curse Michael Bay\'s peculiar aesthetic in his heart.

You know, this "British Rose" starred in the film as a **** beauty who caused two men to fall in love at first sight! But the reality, at the first sight of Kate Beckinsale, made Danny Gross feel awkward. There is no other reason, it is simply because the lady\'s **** are too small.

What is the image of a **** beauty in the hearts of the general public? First, it must be blonde, and then it must have a **** and hot body. Otherwise, why would you let the two male protagonists fall in love with you at first sight? Certainly not with the help of Yima Pingchuan\'s chest. Well, although it is not flat, but at most the level of a normal person, it is definitely not related to **** and hot.

In his opinion, except for her qualified face, this lady Beckinsale failed to meet the standard of commercial giant female vases.

Finally, after exhorting some of the main creators, he looked at Michael Bay, rolled his eyes, and said, "Mike, do you mind if we talk about it individually for a while? I have some plans for the promotion of "Pearl Harbor" here. Might need your opinion."

Michael Bay, who had been silent for a while, nodded happily after being stunned for a moment. "Ok, no problem."

About less than an hour later, everyone else in the office had already left, including Jerry Bruckheimer and Michael Eisner, who also got up and left together. In the entire office, only Danny was left. -Gross and Michael Bay.

"Mike, I believe you have also seen that various posters, trailers, and even extended topics about "Wonder Woman" are flooding almost all media platforms. So, why don\'t we take advantage of the popularity of our opponents?"

Danny Gross\'s voice was slowly lowered, while Michael Bay\'s brows gradually wrinkled under the other party\'s words.

"As soon as Kate Beckinsale\'s side is okay, I\'ll make arrangements for you as soon as possible...you just need to..."

"As long as you are sure to do this, it can increase the box office of "Pearl Harbor" and increase the popularity of "Pearl Harbor". UU reading www.uukanshu.com" After ten minutes, Michael Bay nodded.

"Okay, I\'ll cooperate with your publicity plan..."

Things went quite smoothly, and Kate Beckinsale contacted Bowei Pictures that night. Then on the next morning, Michael Bay\'s agent, along with Kate Beckinsale\'s agent, walked into a conference room of Bowei Pictures.

A contract with a non-disclosure clause, signed in the presence of two brokers. It clearly stated when Michael Bay and Kate Beckinsale made their relationship public, when they held hands and kissed in public, and even when they moved to live together and when they broke up.

Time moved quietly and inadvertently, and three days later, after the last media preview of "Pearl Harbor" ended, in front of numerous media reporters and film critics, Michael Bay and Kate Beckinsale held hands to accept it. interview.

The relationship between the two instantly attracted the attention of reporters, but compared to this relationship, when reporters asked the two about their views on "Wonder Woman", their answers directly detonated the next day. of public opinion.

Michael Bay told reporters that Wayne Greenberg was overwhelmed by the uninterrupted success, and he didn\'t have much pressure on the upcoming "Wonder Woman". "How about \'Wonder Woman\', in my opinion, it\'s like a double from Cutthroat Island!"

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