Hollywood Drawing

~: Seven hundred and seventy-eight - cheers

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Diana Prince was born a powerful hero, her father was Zeus, king of the gods, and her mother was Hippolyta, queen of the Amazons.

The DC Justice Big Three have gradually spread their fame all over North America and even the world since the birth of their comics, so to a certain extent, the origins of these three people can be said to be well known.

For a human being to become a great person in a certain field, it takes a long time to learn and grow, so what about a superhero? And a superhero whose backstory everyone knows.

The movie is still being shown. Whether it is the guests who came to the platform, or the ordinary movie fans in theaters all over North America, they all discovered a very interesting phenomenon after the movie was shown halfway through.

This "Wonder Woman" has changed the profound and serious attributes of DC works in the hands of Wayne in the past. Wonder Woman is indeed powerful, but the emotional clues between her and humans are full of sparks, and in terms of weight, it has An invaluable balance.

That\'s right, the line in which Wonder Woman grew up in the film is the most straightforward universal value in society. Being a superhero has never been about how powerful you are, whether you are invulnerable, but about your courage, dedication, love, and hope for a better world.

Diana-Prince went to the forefront of the war with Steve in person. Slowly, she experienced the power and cruelty of human warfare, and in the process, gradually understood the meaning of being a superhero.

The movie has come to the second half, Diana and Steve sneaked into General Ludendorff\'s reception. Diana suspected that the general was the incarnation of the evil **** of war Ares, and wanted to find an opportunity to kill him. If so, then The war will end.

Everything came so quickly, and on the general\'s order, the army fired gas bombs at the town that had just been dropped. In an instant, the entire town was covered in poisonous gas, and all the civilians became victims.

At this time, Diana-Prince was so angry that she chased after a military base according to the signal. Facing the general whose body had been strengthened by inhaling poisonous gas, Diana easily killed the opponent with little effort.

But although the general was dead, the gas bombs were still being fired and did not stop. The soldiers of the military base are still preparing for war in an orderly manner.

If you look at it from here, the general seems to be joking. Diana fell into self-doubt. Is this general not the incarnation of Ares, or does human beings have evil that cannot be erased?

"I killed her, but everyone is continuing. Killing the God of War can stop the war?" Diana faced Steve who was chasing, her face was full of confusion.

Steve also looked at the gas bombs that were still being fired, and said quickly, "This is exactly what we need to do now, we have to stop the gas bombs as soon as possible, hurry up."

"No, all this should stop."

"Diana, we don\'t have time to go into detail."

"The fighting should have stopped, why are they continuing?"

"No, Idontknow, Idontknow" Steve didn\'t know what to say, stuttering as he explained. "Maybe, maybe humans aren\'t all good. With Ares or without Ares, that\'s their nature."…

There was a fierce quarrel between the two, which had a great impact on Diana\'s beliefs. Everything she worked so hard to do, now it seems, has never been able to stop the war from continuing, and it has not stopped human beings from Cannibalism.

Now she is deeply confused. She thinks that what her mother said to her is right. Human beings are not worthy of her saving at all. Human nature is evil.

It was at this moment that the real Ares appeared, the one Sir Patrick who had funded them. He told Diana about his ideas, telling Diana that human beings are evil, and he just lured out the greed and desire of human beings.

"I\'m not your enemy, Diana, only I can truly understand you. And I\'m the only one who truly understands human beings, as you do now. Humans have always been and always will be, weak, cruel, selfish, and they can do it. anything terrible.

I have always wanted to show the gods how evil the human beings created by my father are, but they refuse to admit it. So I am going to destroy them."

"I am Diana Prince from Paradise Island, daughter of Hippolyta, and I am here to complete her"

Facing the real Ares, Diana did not hesitate, raised the sword and stabbed it directly.

An unexpected thing happened, Sir Patrick just raised one hand and easily blocked the Divine Sword.

"The divine weapon to kill?" Diana looked at the destroyed divine sword in her hand and fell into deep doubt again.

"My child, this is not the real God-killer, you are!" Sir Patrick explained calmly: "Only a true **** can kill another true god! Zeus, put him and a child of the Amazon Queen To stay is to keep the weapons against me."

"No, you liar, I order you to tell me the truth!"

Diana-Prince is also the daughter of Zeus. In fact, he and Ares are half-brothers and sisters, and they are also a true god.

Obviously, Ares hopes that Diana can stand on his side and join hands with him to rebuild a new world after seeing the ugliness of human beings.

The final scene of Gaochao came, and there was no more low-pitched laughter in the whole theater. Everyone at UU Reading www.uukanshu.com was engrossed in staring at the big screen, and no one wanted to miss this most important scene.

"You have to help me destroy them, Diana, or you will die!"

Ares took off Sir Patrick\'s skin and became a real **** of war. Judging from the scene, it is clear that Ares has the upper hand at this time, and he makes an ultimatum while fighting Diana.

"Kill him, Diana!"

"eon, Diana."

Suddenly, in the second half of the theater, there was a burst of shouts from female fans.

When Wayne was sitting in front of him, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Before he could turn his head to look back, more fans shouted involuntarily, and then they also sounded.

It was precisely here that the big screen shot was given to Steve, the so-called corner in the whole film. This time, he successfully focused the audience\'s attention on himself.

He grabbed the plane full of poison gas and flew straight into the sky by himself. At high altitude, a time bomb exploded, and with his own life, he saved the people who might have been killed by the poison gas. …


Diana, who witnessed all this with her own eyes, let out a piercing roar and was completely angry.

Ares is still tempting Diana to kill Dr. Gas, trying to completely defeat Diana\'s willpower. Fortunately, at this critical moment, Diana thought of Steve, and her heart was full of love at this time.

"Diana, I have to go. No, it has to be me, Diana, I\'ll save today, you\'ll save the world. I hope there\'s still time, Iloveyou."

Ares saw that the situation was wrong, and a lot of lightning was attracted from the air, all of which shot at Diana. The unexpected situation happened again, and the same arms crossed posture reappeared, but this time, Diana not only successfully blocked the attack of the lightning, but also absorbed the energy of the lightning.