Hollywood Drawing

~: 777 - Trend

Hollywood Draw 777 - Trend

There\'s not a lot of information at the beginning of the film surrounding Diana Prince\'s childhood. The process of growing up Wonder Woman in her childhood, the way she was rigorously trained, the introduction to Paradise Island, and the long-legged female warriors that can be seen everywhere on Paradise Island.

The amount of information is not dense at all, but because of the relatively reasonable arrangement and story rhythm, it does not make the audience feel boring. As the beginning of a commercial giant, this is enough.

In fact, what this film tells is the origin of Wonder Woman Diana Prince, and of course, the theme of her life and growth is in front of it.

And if you want Diana Prince to leave this indisputable paradise island, then there must be a reason of sufficient weight. The Cha Cha War, a war suspected to be led by the evil **** of war Ares, is the perfect reason.

Diana-Prince rescued Steve from the sea, followed by a beach battle between an Amazonian female warrior and the pursuers.

When modern hot weapons collide with primitive and wild cold weapons, what is presented to the audience is the first emotional nest of the movie.

Movies are actually a storytelling process. When there is a certain foreshadowing, a collision must be reasonably arranged. In exchange, there were whispers of fans in the theater, and it was precisely this beach battle that was the turning point for Diana to leave Paradise Island.

Next, Diana-Prince took away the Excalibur and other equipment, said goodbye to her mother by the sea, and followed Steve on a boat to the outside world.

The ever-evolving plot sometimes caused a chuckle in the theater, and sometimes a burst of exclamation. On the big screen, this child-like superhero has unknowingly attracted the attention of all the audience. At least the chatter of the fans in the cinema is almost inaudible.

"I\'m very skeptical right now, is this a movie made by Wayne Green?"

Michael Bay, who was sitting in the middle, turned his head and looked at his partner Di Gu said: "From the beginning of the movie, I felt very different, and I just realized, f**k, this "Wonder Woman" Until now, I couldn\'t find the dark style of the Greenberg style!"

Magical and beautiful scenery shots, explosive background music when the action scenes are staged, and more importantly, from the beginning of the film, humorous elements can be found everywhere in the film! If you are a die-hard Wayne fan, you will definitely open your mouth in surprise at this time.

No one can deny that Wayne Greenberg is a genius, a genius within a genius. But as long as you are an individual, you cannot be omniscient.

From Wayne\'s early "Get Out", "Joker" to "Batman: The Dark Knight", which made him famous in film history, most people will naturally give a thumbs up when mentioning these great films , giving all kinds of admiration.

But there is only one thing, Wayne\'s **** movie is well known, that is, in his works, you can find the test of human nature, bloody, explicit large-scale shots, fast empathetic stories, and even top-level spatial layouts. And the transmission of color information, the only thing is that it is impossible to find any funny elements, which does not match his style at all.

And in the early years, many media and critics have analyzed that Wayne seems to have deliberately avoided humorous elements in his works. The more convincing conclusion is that the super genius among the directors is not born with humorous elements.

But no one will think that this is a problem. Even if there are no funny plots in his works, there is still no denying the greatness of these works.

"The elegant composition successfully shows the bravery and tenderness of Wonder Woman. Well, the portrayal of this character is pleasing enough."

Hearing Michael Bay\'s puzzled grunts, Jerry Bruckheimer\'s eyes didn\'t leave the big screen, he just tilted his head to the side of his partner and said, "You don\'t feel wrong, this is not a typical movie. Greenberg movie.

I\'ve carefully studied Wayne\'s films, even Batman: The Dark Knight, which I\'ve watched no less than a dozen times. It can be said that from the spatial layout to the composition habits, he has changed thoroughly enough. The grand spatial layout of "Batman: The Dark Knight", and the epic opera feel brought by it, have all disappeared in such a film.


Speaking of this, Jerry Bruckheimer paused for a few seconds, frowned slowly, looked at Michael Bay beside him, and continued: "Compared to the "Joker" and "Batman" series, this "Magic" There are not too many obscure plots and religious mappings in the "Woman". This is probably the biggest change in Wayne. I found that he would rather use more shots this time to shape the interaction between the male and female protagonists. !

As for the humorous element, it\'s not hard to guess at all. In order to cater to the mass market, we added humorous elements to the film, optimized the main line of the story, and made it more de-complicated. In addition to adding appropriate background music and emotionally provocative fighting scenes, Wayne did the work for this "Wonder Woman". The compromise is huge! "

"For the market? What about Wayne Greenberg\'s artistic pursuits!?"

Michael Bay turned his head and looked at the fans behind him who were watching the movie attentively, and found that everyone had a sly smile on their faces. This shows that all the changes and compromises Wayne Greenberg made have reaped the effects they deserved.

In fact, from Jerry Bruckheimer\'s point of view, there is no doubt that Wayne is still improving. The progress mentioned here is not the progress of film shooting technology, but the progress of definitely letting go of one\'s body, but catering to the needs of the market.

Hollywood has never lacked excellent directors at any time, but with an excellent film, directors who have eaten all their lives are the majority.

People always feel sorry for these directors. After all, there are too many people who have made an excellent work and have never produced a work after that. It is too regrettable.

But Jerry Bruckheimer doesn\'t see it that way. In his eyes, these directors are not aggressive. Holding on to the outdated artistic pursuits in the past, unwillingness to let go of one\'s body and adapt to the rapidly changing market is the main reason for similar situations.

"I really don\'t understand, Warner Bros. should have seen this film long ago, why would they allow him to do this." Michael Bay turned his attention to the big screen again.

In fact, he has a very unique understanding of what kind of movies fans like to watch, and he has always done this before.

But this does not mean that Michael Bay does not have the so-called artistic pursuit of film. He was fed up with the humiliating insults and attacks from film critics, and was fed up with the low professional ratings and all kinds of ridicule, so he held back his strength and wanted to rely on "Pearl Harbor" to prove to everyone, You can also play art yourself.

In his opinion, Wayne Greenberg\'s abrupt change in the style of the film is a compromise of his own skill. It is obvious that just from the perspective of "Wonder Woman", at least a small half of the footage after the screening, this film not only does not have the flavor of DC, but also does not have the dark style of Greenberg.

"If the heroine wasn\'t Wonder Woman, Diana Prince, this would still be a great top commercial film."

Having seen an internal preview before, George Lucas explained to his friends. "I know your doubts, Wayne has brought the "Batman" series of movies to a hall level far beyond the category of comic movies. But first "The Flash", then this "Wonder Woman", It seems that the traces of dc comics are getting less and less in his hands."

"That\'s right."

Steven Spielberg nodded and said with a smile: "You said, is it because of the good results of "The Flash" that Wayne likes this style?"


Unexpectedly, George Lucas shook his head and refused. He looked into his friend\'s eyes, stretched out a finger, and clicked on Steven Spielberg\'s chest, saying, "Because Wayne and you are one Humanoids, all the changes you made to shoot for one reason, and that was for the money."

Seeing his friend\'s eyes slowly widen, George Lucas shrugged. "Okay, let me put it in a better way, it\'s for the market and the fans\' love, ok?"

Steven Spielberg nodded silently, and set his eyes on the big screen again.

For the market, yes, "Wonder Woman" will have a concise storyline, there will be humorous elements that Wayne is not good at, and even a large number of beautiful actresses with long legs, as well as those emotional background music and fight scenes. , in fact, to cater to the tastes of the public.

During the screening of the film, Wayne would turn his head from time to time and use the light of the projector in the dark to observe the reactions of the more than 2,000 audience members behind him.

Overall, his conclusion to the fans\' reactions so far is that "Wonder Woman" is a good answer.

After the post-production work of the film was completely completed, Warner Bros. internal executives, as well as a large number of film experts, had already watched the finished film for the first time. The difference between the film and Wayne\'s previous DC works is quite large, as long as people who have seen the film in advance have discovered this.

But why, Warner Bros. executives, as well as those film experts, will give this "Wonder Woman" high marks, and even turn a blind eye to the missing DC elements in the film?

It can only be said that Warner Bros. executives and film experts are very rational and realistic. Undoubtedly, everyone has more or less thought that the reason Wayne arranged the film this way is because he chose the safest narrative for "Wonder Woman".

In fact, there are executives and film experts who have put forward their opinions during the preview. Their most unanimous evaluation is that this "Wonder Woman" is the most suitable for the taste of the general public among all Wayne\'s previous works. At least, you watch the movie without thinking, and there will be no time for people to have a "black question mark face".

"Aren\'t you afraid that your die-hard fans will be dissatisfied?"

Naomi Watts watched it with relish, and one thing Wayne was right was that this movie, if you put aside her little disgust for Angelina Jolie and watch it from an audience\'s point of view, is really very good. to her taste.

However, when she saw Diana Prince on the battlefield, holding an Aegis and charging against the hail of bullets, she couldn\'t help but turn her head and looked at the man beside her and joked:

"Gene Era"

"Don\'t tell me, those enemies on the battlefield deliberately aimed at Diana\'s shield before shooting! Shit, why don\'t they hit that b***h\'s thigh, do they also like to see long legs Are you afraid it would be a pity to break it?"

"Nami, don\'t say you don\'t understand the rules of filming." Wayne curled his lips helplessly, glaring at the Australian girl beside him.

That\'s right, the armor worn by Diana Prince didn\'t cover the white legs at all, but those bullets and so on, all ignored them, and only hit the shield.

However, such simple and logical bugs abound in every movie, which completely belongs to the category of unspoken rules of shooting. Not to mention the current "Wonder Woman", in a few years, the big-breasted US team will still be the same.

There are many similar unspoken rules, and movie fans naturally won\'t blow their **** out of it.

For example, in normal commercial movies, you will never see scenes of children being **** injured. In action and sci-fi films, there will never be any background passers-by, and a large number of shots killed by injuries will at most only give a number of injuries and deaths through side-by-side attacks.

For example, bullets can never kill the protagonist, but for supporting roles, one is enough...

Especially in superhero movies, or monster movies, the protagonists and villains have super-powerful force at every turn. When they fight, will they not affect passers-by?

What kind of building collapses, you will only see the number of casualties after the event, or the director simply ignores the statement in this regard. And normally, there are no moviegoers who watch movies to compete harshly with these things.

"I didn\'t expect you to make such a big change in style all of a sudden."

Naomi Watts put away her joking face, looked at the man beside her seriously, and sighed: "For the market? Are you really not afraid of your **** movie fans swearing?"

"There will definitely be some different voices, but dc comics change movies, after all, it\'s not dc comics."

Wayne shook his head lightly and explained: "Nami, comic fans may not even account for one-twentieth of the movie audience, I am responsible for the $200 million invested by Warner Bros. Deliberately to please comic fans, the film was made obscure."

Speaking of this, he pondered for a while, and continued: "Also, I\'m sure that the special effects and compact rhythm of the movie will be the general trend in the future, and this will become more and more obvious."

"major trend?"

"That\'s right."

Wayne nodded, did not continue to explain, just motioned to the Australian girl to watch the movie first, this topic can go home and talk slowly.

I am afraid that all filmmakers in this era cannot imagine the changes that streaming media will bring in the future. As far as Wayne is concerned, he still remembers it very clearly to this day. Although the friends around him in his previous life were mostly engaged in the film and television industry, they have become more and more impatient to sit down and watch a movie.

Even many of the young people have been impatient to listen to a song in its entirety! People are pursuing fast rhythm, and even the previous chorus is not needed, just listen to the high nest part directly.

This is an inevitable product brought about by social changes, and it is also an inevitable change brought about by the introduction of streaming media, the Internet, videos, and too fast information, and no one can stop it. In fact, let alone watching a movie patiently, many people don\'t even have the patience to sit down and pick up a book to read.

In this context, the rhythm of the movie is getting faster and faster, otherwise, it will only be eliminated by the times. It is precisely Wayne who understands better that in today\'s relatively slow-paced era, if a movie can simplify the main line, maximize the special effects, and compact the rhythm, the blessing of its success rate can be called a bug.

After all, ordinary people in this era have not been brainwashed by the fast-paced information explosion, right?