Hollywood Drawing

~: 779 - Simple

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The thunderous applause seemed to lift the roof of the Chinese Theater in Hollywood, mixed with the cheers of fans, star chasing, and whistles. The whole scene once made the security personnel and police officers at the entrance of the screening hall tense. He got up, so that in just five minutes, he nervously checked the situation in the hall several times.

Steven Spielberg and George Lucas got up together, followed the tsunami of chaotic applause around them, and clapped their hands to the main creators under the big screen.

"If you look at it from an ordinary audience\'s point of view, George."

The surrounding sound was very messy, Steven Spielberg approached his old friend\'s ear, tried his best to amplify his volume, and sighed: "This is the best superhero movie I have ever seen so far. ."

George Lucas nodded with a smile, waited for the applause around him to stop, and after the audience lined up in an orderly manner under the guidance of the staff, he sat down and said, "Yes, from the perspective of an ordinary audience, this This movie really gave me everything I wanted to see when I walked into a theater and bought a ticket."

Speaking of which, he glanced at Wayne, who was surrounded by countless people, and the director of distribution at Warner Bros., who was still smiling even though he was pushed aside, and couldn\'t help laughing.

He tilted his head, looked at his friend and continued: "The plot is not complicated at all, it can even be said to be simple and clear, if I had seen Wayne\'s "Wonder Woman" earlier, maybe I would have really considered it and invited him down Participated in the review and revision of the "Star Wars" script.

Steven, to put it bluntly, Wayne can boldly remove the dark style that he lives on, which is something I have never dared to imagine.

Yeah, that\'s what I meant, Wayne taught me a lesson in this, no, maybe a lesson to all Hollywood directors. He used "Wonder Woman" to tell me clearly and bluntly how to have the complete logic of a relatively simple story on the premise of ensuring the scenes, special effects and audition experience.

Tsk, the balance is very well done, the emotional drama is just right, and it has the most universal values ​​of big love and small love. To be honest, even having seen an internal preview earlier, I\'m still amazed that Wayne can make such a big difference. "

Steven Spielberg waved his hand, believing that what George Lucas was saying at this moment was real thoughts and feelings. But even if the time is turned back a thousand times, the other party will not do what he said at this time, otherwise, is it still George Lucas\' "Star Wars"?

But on one point, he completely agrees with his friend\'s opinion. For this "Wonder Woman", his evaluation is simple.

The picture is bright, the story is simple, the colors are gorgeous, and there is no intentional distraction. Even the character of Wonder Woman, Diana Prince, a trace of growth trajectory that Wayne deliberately left, can be regarded as flawless.

Of course, this simple evaluation does not mean that the film is monotonous. At least the expectations of an ordinary movie fan who walked into the theater and bought a ticket to watch a superhero movie can be said to have been given.

Scenes, special effects, emotions, love, and more importantly, compared to Wayne\'s dark and heavy reality-style work before "The Dark Knight", this film is very suitable for watching with friends and family.

There will never be a lack of humor, beautiful scenery, long-legged beauties, and the most anticipated special effects action scenes on the way to the movie.

It\'s just that it can ignite emotions for ordinary audiences, but for those senior fans who admired Wayne\'s dark style earlier, they don\'t know what to think.

"Look, George."

Steven Spielberg shook his head, threw his messy thoughts out of his head, raised his arm and stabbed his friend, and whispered: "I have a hunch, this will be the most controversial film of Wayne\'s entire career, maybe There are countless media outlets now, ready to attack him."

George Lucas pouted, shrugged his shoulders exaggeratedly, and said in a tone full of ridicule, "God, Wayne Greenberg is so talented, he has already started to play the vulgar sugar water Coke popcorn route"

"Hahaha, you."

Steven Spielberg couldn\'t help laughing, reached out and patted his friend\'s shoulder. The two got up together and walked to the creators of the crew, ready to send their routine blessings.

Both of them actually thought that one of the representatives of Hollywood art directors since the 1990s has come up with a super simple popcorn superhero, which is destined to become a point of criticism from many media, film critics and film critics. .

As long as those people have seen this movie, they must be able to understand that this "Wonder Woman" follows the tone of being close to the people. But this does not prevent them, and will definitely give relevant evaluations.

On the other side, Michael Bay and Jerry Bruckheimer, who were wearing baseball caps, obviously did not intend to show up to send their blessings. After the movie was over, the two politely applauded and walked out of the theater with a group of fans.

"A, God, this movie is simply amazing!"

"Thank you, thank you very much for the movie review."

"A, A, of course A, that\'s all of us."

"Thankyou, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Excuse me, will you accompany your family again and go into the theater to watch "Wonder Woman"?"

"Of course, such a good film, I\'m going to go back and call on my friends to watch it again tomorrow."

Listening to the constant communication between the investigator and the fans in front, Jerry Bruckheimer squinted his eyes slightly, turned his head to look at Michael Bay, they both saw deep complex emotions from the other\'s swollen eyes.

Putting aside the others first, as far as the two of them have heard and seen, none of the movie ratings given by more than a dozen fans in a row is lower than A, which is obviously not good news.

"Poor review, a simple and mediocre running account, Wayne\'s lack of progress is so disappointing."

The appearance of different voices caused confusion among the fans who were queuing to leave the venue. The fans in the back stood on tiptoe and looked forward. The fans in front who were ready to leave also turned their heads in unison.

But obviously the fan didn\'t care about everyone\'s attention. He unceremoniously gave a big C- rating on the questionnaire. And without waiting for the investigator to ask anything, he started to complain frantically.

"Compared to Wayne\'s previous works, this "Wonder Woman" has no surprises at all. On the contrary, there are endless logical flaws that make people continue to play. Wonder Woman, who grew up on Paradise Island, is not a human society. Does she know nothing? But she actually knows Turkey and other countries and languages.

Where did the books she read come from? She is on the battlefield, can one person and one shield attract all the firepower? The super villain in the DC universe, Ares, the evil **** of war, is so embarrassed that he is so weak.

Well, Angelina Jolie is beautiful, hot, and cool every time she comes out, but that doesn\'t hide the film\'s many flaws."