Hollywood Drawing

~: Seven hundred and one - "The Matrix" wraps up for the premiere

Wayne leads the core creators of "X-Men", constantly traveling between major cities in North America. With the increase in the show time of the film, the cheers received by several main actors from fans are also increasing rapidly. .


Everywhere, there will be a large number of movie fans at the airport, cheering around the main actors. There is no doubt that the most popular here is Hugh Jackman, the actor of Wolverine. The explosion of "X-Men" has made him a hot supernova in the eyes of fans.


And Halle-Berry and others have also successfully relied on this film to continuously appear on the pages of major entertainment media, and their fame skyrocketed in a short period of time.


The reason why all this happened is closely related to the box office performance of "X-Men". Since the first weekend of its release, it has cut more than 70 million US dollars in the North American theater market in three days. After the working day, the performance of "X-Men" is also impressive.


Basically, everyone in the circle knows that the reason why the box office of "X-Men" is so high in the first weekend is that there are a large number of die-hard Wayne fans in it, and there are also a large number of fans of superhero movies. These have been used by Wayne for several years. The group of movie fans cultivated by time has become the main body of the first wave to enter the theater to watch movies.


What people want to see more is whether the performance of "X-Men" is still strong after the first weekend, when these Wayne\'s basic stocks are almost consumed.


Because for a commercial film with an investment of over 100 million yuan, the support of the fan economy alone is far from recovering the cost, let alone making a profit. If a movie wants to be a big success in the theater market, it must continue to attract enough passers-by and fans to go into the theater to buy tickets to watch the movie.


The reason is very simple, the guarantee that Wayne, or other first-line superstars in the circle, can bring to the film company is always only the lower limit of a film. And if you want to keep the box office going up, you must let more people enter the theater on the basis of guaranteeing the lower limit.


After the arrival of Monday, the single-day box office of "X-Men", as expected by the outside world, ushered in a slash-like slump. It reported a box office of 9.55 million US dollars in the North American theater market that day, compared with last Sunday\'s 1865. million dollars, down nearly 50 percent.


But this achievement did not usher in the cynicism of the media, because everyone knows that the box office can be reported to be close to 10 million US dollars on weekdays, which is enough to prove the popularity of "X-Men". The drop rate is so high, entirely because the box office in the first weekend was too explosive.


Now, no one can guarantee whether this "X-Men" can build another successful superhero series in addition to the DC series of superheroes. But just by looking at the release performance of a film, it can be said in advance that this is an extremely successful commercial film, and it is an undeniable fact that "X-Men" has become the hottest film in the current theater market.


This film has attracted too much attention, and the major mainstream film companies in the circle are watching silently. The theater alliance led by the three major theater companies is actually watching the film\'s box office potential, but they are the first-hand. Information gainers, respond much faster.


After Monday\'s day, all major theater companies have basically increased the amount of "X-Men" films in a tacit agreement. And it also pushed the number of more than 2,800 theaters when "X-Men" opened to a super-large screening scale of more than 3,000.


For movie fans, the whole first half of August is a happy one. As long as you walk into the theater, there will be no shortage of blockbusters that will make your eyes shine. Although "X-Men" has the largest screening scale, the strength of other films should not be underestimated.


Although under the scale of 20th Century Fox\'s generous publicity, "X-Men" has occupied almost all the mainstream media pages, but its performance in the theater market depends on the quality of the film after all.


There is no doubt that the quality of "X-Men" is excellent, but the quality of other films is not bad. Monday\'s "X-Men" led the way with $9.55 million, followed by "Saving Private Ryan" with $5.09 million, followed by "Born to Be" with $3.98 million, "Ace Vs Ace" "$3.54 million, followed by films such as "Peerless Heavenly Tribulation", "Ghost Hunting Festival", "Booming Cannons"...


On Tuesday, a similar situation was still happening. "X-Men" reported a box office of $9.78 million, "Saving Private Ryan" $5.25 million, and "Born to Be" $4.07 million. It can be said that in addition to the leader "X-War" In addition to "Police", there are also a lot of films that performed well at the box office.


It\'s just that "X-Men" has been firmly leading the North American box office trend. In the following working days, it earned $8.58 million on Wednesday and $8.23 million on Thursday. By the time the release came a full week, the total North American box office had reached $109 million! For a time, the entire North American media was shouting that the wolf was coming.


In essence, this is a commercial blockbuster in the guise of a superhero. Whether it is filming or special effects arrangements, it tends to be well-behaved and not make mistakes.


But it is such a commercial blockbuster, which coincides with the time when fans are becoming more interested in superhero movies, but it has drawn a rare and beautiful box office chart.


With the arrival of a new weekend, "X-Men" finally ushered in a serious competitor, directed by Vincent Ward and starring Robin Williams, Cuba Godin Jr. and others "Dream Come True".


In fact, no one is really optimistic about this film released by Polygram, which can snipe the already popular "X-Men". The content of "Dream Come True" is not like the name of the movie. It tells the story of the protagonist Chris, who, after the death of his wife Anne, bravely went to **** under the guidance of the messenger of **** and rescued his wife...


The relatively old-fashioned story, coupled with the relatively mediocre plot design and special effects, let alone "X-Men", even "Saving Private Ryan", which has been released for three weeks, is probably no match at all.


Twentieth Century Fox and Wayne also think so. The development of things did not surprise everyone. After entering the rest day again, starting from Friday morning, "Dream Come True" did not cause "X-Men" any trouble.


Although the box office performance of "X-Men" continued to decline, after Friday, it ushered in a small rebound again. It received US$12.55 million that day, and it continued to hold the throne of the single-day box office champion. In second place at the box office on Friday was "Saving Private Ryan" with $7.67 million, and "A Dream Come True" with $6.53 million.


Three days after the entire weekend, "X-Men" reported a box office receipt of $39.04 million in North America, and it won the weekend box office again without any accident. So far, the total North American box office of "X-Men" has reached 149 million US dollars, and at this time the film has only been released in North America for ten days.


In the following week, the box office trend of "X-Men" began to decline rapidly, taking four working days of $4.52 million, $4.75 million, $4.21 million and $3.95 million respectively.


However, this is the normal trend of the commercial film market. After the hottest screening time has passed, the subsequent box office will definitely depend on time to slowly grind.


No one will think that the market performance of "X-Men" is unsuccessful. If you look at it from another angle, this film can be said to occupy a complete two-week period in the fiercely competitive summer season. Wen - Spielberg\'s "Saving Private Ryan" has only dominated this schedule for more than a week.


With the arrival of a new weekend, the X-Men journey is destined to come to an end. Because another sci-fi movie "The Matrix", which is worshipped by fans in North America and even the world, will be released on a large scale this Friday.


Twentieth Century Fox\'s attention has also begun to shift. They know that it is a rare success for "X-Men" to dominate the North American summer season for two weeks. Therefore, on the same weekend, 20th Century Fox will "x-Men". "Men" was sent overseas, and the film will start an overseas screening tour at that time.


In the producer contract signed by Wayne and 20th Century Fox, there was no mandatory requirement for him to participate in the overseas promotion tour. After all, his time was too precious, and he was able to squeeze in more than two weeks to participate in the North American promotion. Very rare.


On Thursday, August 20th, at 7 p.m., the premiere of "The Matrix 3: The Matrix Revolution" officially kicked off at the Beverly Kodak Theater. As a key collaboration between Warner Bros. and Greenberg Studios, the publisher, Warner Bros., offered $3 million for the premiere.


The red carpet scene can be described as star-studded. Even if it is placed in the entire North American film history, this sci-fi masterpiece is definitely ranked first, and it will officially come to an end tonight. Therefore, the fans on both sides of the red carpet were very enthusiastic, and the atmosphere at the scene was almost out of control.


Especially when the main actors such as Charlize Theron walked on the red carpet in a uniquely cool movie dress, the security personnel responsible for intercepting the fans immediately became small boats in the sea, facing the madness The group of movie fans, holding hands, struggled to resist the impact of the crowd.


Fortunately, the organizer, Warner Bros., had anticipated it and contacted the Los Angeles Police Department early. After a large number of police officers arrived, they gradually controlled the fanatical fans.


"F**k, am I not dazzled? There are at least two hundred Neos, shit, and dozens of Trinity in this theater tonight!"


Due to the rush of time, when Wayne took a flight from Toronto, Canada, and returned to Los Angeles International Airport, the red carpet here had already begun, but fortunately he arrived before the official screening of the film.


At this time, the audience entry in the screening hall was coming to an end, and the creators of "The Matrix" had already sat down in the first row of seats.


It\'s just that when Wayne showed up with Nina and the tall Sergey, he once again became the focus of most people\'s eyes.


"I thought you couldn\'t make it back."


Not caring about the gazes of others, Zach Snyder was full of joy, opened his arms enthusiastically, and gave Wayne a hug. After hearing his ridicule, he didn\'t forget to shrug and respond. "We were also taken aback when we saw the costumes of these fans.


Boss, I suggest that the creators must get more bonuses from Warner Bros. and you, and look at the movie peripherals all over the fans. God knows how much Warner Bros. and you have made! "


"Well, if the ending of "The Matrix" is good, I\'ll send you a vacation trip." Wayne patted Zach Snyder on the shoulder, turned around and nodded with the other creators.

Before he sat down, he whispered to Zadao mysteriously: "But even if I\'m willing to give this bonus, you won\'t have time to go on vacation, Zach, get ready for a busy mind."


After finishing speaking, Zach Snyder, who had a happy face, sat directly in the middle of the first row, turned his head and glanced at the thousands of enthusiastic fans behind him again, shook his head, and muttered in an unbelievable tone: " Damn, it\'s only August in Los Angeles, aren\'t they really hot?"


No one can give him an answer, but this undoubtedly shows from the side how popular the peripheral sales of "The Matrix" are.


Almost 80% of the fans are wearing a pair of dark sunglasses on their faces or chests. There are also some fans who are not only wearing a black trench coat, but also heavy black leather boots on their feet, and the temperature in Los Angeles in mid-to-late August, just wearing a T-shirt is sweaty...




After the lights in the theater began to gradually go out, Bruce Rosenblum and Sergey switched positions and sat beside him. "The North American box office of the X-Men, to date, has surpassed $160 million! Congratulations, you\'ve made another great franchise start!"


"No, no, no."


Hearing the compliment from the Warner Bros. distribution director, Wayne smiled and stretched out a hand, patted the other\'s arm lightly, and said in a low voice, "Bruce, your tone doesn\'t sound like you\'re congratulating me.. …”


That\'s right, the two compliments from the other party just now didn\'t mean anything to him, but more like a resentful woman worried about being abandoned, or a jealous girl. It\'s a pity that the director of Warner Bros. distribution is over fifty years old, and he is still a middle-aged white man with a fat body. When he thinks of this, he unconsciously shudders.


"Well, **** Townsend-Rothman, he really made a good deal this time."


Who knew that after Bruce Rosenblum was exposed, he simply threw the mask aside and said angrily, "Twentieth Century Fox made a lot of money this time! I hope it won\'t become our main competitor in the future."


Wayne agrees with this point. The "X-Men" project currently has over 160 million box office in North America, and it is destined to become one of the top ones in the annual box office list. This is not the most important thing, because "X-Men" is not just a single film, the subsequent sequels are the projects that make 20th Century Fox big money.


As far as the box office is concerned, he is actually very surprised to have the current performance, because in his vague memory, although the first movie of "X-Men" was considered a great success, the box office is definitely not so high, it is undoubtedly special. The time point created the extraordinary performance of "X-Men".


"Don\'t worry, even if the follow-up development of "X-Men" goes smoothly, it is impossible to compare with DC Universe." Without any hesitation, Wayne gave the other party a reassurance. This sentence came out of his mouth, and the persuasiveness was top-notch.


"You\'ve made a bad head that all Hollywood studios are excited about, Wayne."


The movie on the big screen has officially started, and everyone is watching intently, but Bruce Rosenblum doesn\'t seem to care at all, instead he pulls Wayne and chats in a low voice. "The overseas results of "X-Men" are not bad. Now many companies with superhero copyrights have already been eyeing you. Look over there..."


While speaking in a low voice, he raised a hand covertly and pointed to a person sitting in the middle of the third row by the light on the big screen.


"Paul? He didn\'t give up yet..."


Following Bruce Rosenblum\'s hand, Wayne squinted to see Sony Columbia\'s new CEO, and sighed in a low voice the first time he found Paul. "A very persistent big man, isn\'t it? Bruce."


"yep." Bruce Rosenblum shrugged, shook his head in the direction behind him, and joked: "Actually, many of us are wondering what conditions Paul has prepared to impress you, the master of superhero movies. ."


Hollywood has a lot of film companies with superhero copyrights, at least more than ordinary people imagine. With the fire at the beginning of "X-Men", there is no doubt that these film companies with copyrights have set their sights on Wayne.


But there is a problem that lies in front of all the film companies, that is, what to use to impress him, which has almost become a century-old problem.


"Hey, man, do you think Sony Columbia will offer you a similar salary contract with Twentieth Century Fox for that little spider?"


"That\'s not enough to impress me."


Facing Bruce Rosenblum\'s temptation, Wayne unceremoniously pouted and said directly, "Whoever thinks I\'m short of money has made a mistake."


Nodding thoughtfully, Bruce Rosenblum glanced at the man beside him in the dark, using the light on the big screen.


There is no doubt about the fact that there is no shortage of money. At least in terms of income, Wayne\'s income for directing a DC superhero is no less than that of directing other companies\' films, so why does he pay for that? strength? Therefore, a producer contract like 20th Century Fox is definitely not enough to impress him.


Paul or the executives of other film companies are not Townsend Rothman who personally gave Wayne the opportunity to enter Hollywood. Everyone knows that the reason why he is willing to take over "X-Men" is that he is still in his twenties. Century Fox\'s favor, on the one hand, is entirely directed at Townsend-Rothman\'s acquaintance.


In a social system like North America, money will only flow to people who are not short of money like Wayne, and love will only flow to people who are not short of love like him. There is almost no room for debate, as long as he is willing , half of the beautiful girls in Hollywood will peel themselves into a big white sheep and line up to send them to him.


On the contrary, things like suffering will always only flow to those who can endure hardship. This world is so cruel and realistic. And only money can change that.


"Unless Sony Columbia gives me what I want, then I might think about it, otherwise..."


With a smile on the corner of his mouth, Wayne shook his head. "Otherwise, even if they pull the money with the cash truck, they still can\'t knock on the door of Greenberg Manor."


The two smiled together. They both knew that Sony Columbia wanted to satisfy Wayne\'s appetite, and the odds were infinitely close to zero.


Just like Wayne\'s previous life, a desktop cleaning master, Brother Crow, once said, \'When you eat just to fill your stomach, the meal loses its original taste. And when you’re not hungry at all, meals are meaningless.” Coincidentally, he is not very hungry now.


In the darkness, Bruce Rosenblum rolled his eyes, turned to look at the man beside him, and asked in a low voice, "By the way, Nina should have reported to you, right? About the new CEO of dc. …”


"I said it."


Wayne nodded and said nonchalantly, "I believe, then you and Jeff can handle this. Also, Bruce!"


As he spoke, he turned his head and stared earnestly into the eyes of the director of distribution at Warner Bros., with doubts in his tone that seemed either true or false, and asked:


"When did the CEO of DC Comics play a role in the executive office of Warner Bros.? Is there something wrong with my memory? Isn\'t the CEO of DC Comics a character? I\'m curious, Bruce. If you can\'t resolve it with Jeff, I can give Kevin a call directly."


As soon as he finished speaking, Bruce Rosenblum\'s expression changed immediately. This is indeed the case. Including the previous dc meritorious executive president Diego Harris, this character is basically a **** when facing Warner Bros., and he cannot and has no chance to have his own ideas at all.


And to allow Wayne to say such a thing, obviously in the opinion of Warner Bros. distribution director, this is a kind of distrust of himself and Jeff Robinoff, big or small. If it is because of the special idea of ​​the CEO of dc comics, the head of Time Warner needs to be shot, and then Wayne will not be the only one who will have this kind of mistrust.


"When I go back, I will discuss with Jeff and settle this matter as soon as possible~www.novelhall.com~ You can rest assured, Wayne, the DC Cinematic Universe will never be influenced by Jim-Lee!"




Unexpectedly, Wayne\'s face changed quite quickly, and in the next second, he put aside all his sharp edges and nodded with a warm smile. "Find a time, we have to talk about dc-related things as soon as possible. Before October, the film must start preparatory work."


"The First Clan"


Bruce Rosenblum secretly breathed a sigh of relief. "No problem, I\'ll tell Jeff what you mean when I go back..."


"Watching a movie, watching a movie, Zach did well, didn\'t he?"


Today\'s Wayne is very different from the Wayne seven or eight years ago. It\'s like his attitude towards the CEO of dc. When it is reasonable, he is more reasonable than anyone else, but if someone will affect his work plan, when it is unreasonable, he will directly talk about his strength!


There was silence between the two for a long time. Bruce Rosenblum suddenly patted his thigh, turned around again, with a cold smile on the corner of his mouth, and whispered to Wayne, "By the way, I\'ve prepared it for you. A small gift."


"What? Gift? What gift?" Turning his head in surprise, Wayne asked.


"The wailing of a young reporter..."




