Hollywood Drawing

~: Seven hundred - self-recommendation

"One of the most unlikely things to happen in Hollywood would be Wayne Greenberg filming something other than Warner Bros, but it just happened..."


On a flight from Boston to Phoenix, Halle Berry quickly unbuckled his seatbelt and changed positions with Nina after the plane stabilized. Pick up the newspaper you bought before getting on the plane, and read it to the man who is thinking while looking out the window.


There has always been a very interesting phenomenon around Wayne. The people who can read newspapers for him are almost the people closest to him.


Normally, this matter is Naomi Watts\' job. If the Australian girl is not with him, she will be replaced by an assistant lady. Harry-Berry struggled to get the job from Nina.


"After only one weekend of release, "X-Men" easily won the North American box office of 70 million US dollars. According to the latest information released by the authoritative third-party forecast company, the North American box office of "X-Men" is very likely. It\'s going to be close to $200 million..."


The voice of Black Pearl reading the newspaper was clear, almost everyone in the cabin could hear it clearly. Director Brian Singer, who was sitting not far away, had an undisguised smile on his mouth, and his eyes were fixed on the figure looking out the window at the white clouds.


He knew very well that even if there was not much information about him in the media and all the flash was given to Wayne, that was just a marketing strategy of Twentieth Century Fox to attract more people into the theaters and put Wayne Green on the scene. The appeal of the name Berg has been brought to the extreme from the very beginning.


It is an indisputable fact that he is the film director of "X-Men", especially after he participated in the TV show yesterday, he had a phone call with 20th Century Fox\'s CEO Townsend-Rothman, and the other party was already talking inside and out. He hinted that if there are no major surprises, the director of the follow-up sequel to the film will still be him.


From the very beginning of the "X-Men" project, 20th Century Fox has not concealed it at all. This is a big plan for a long-term sequel project.


And the longer the production cycle, the more beneficial it is for the main creative team. Whether in terms of fame or monetary income, they will roll upwards with the start of the sequel.


In fact, Brian Singer doesn\'t communicate much with Wayne. He just works strictly according to the script and plan of the other party. The two are not familiar with each other, and naturally they are not friends.


But what he envied the most was the status, the rights, and the achievements the other party gained in Warner Bros. As a Hollywood film director, no one does not envy Wayne Greenberg\'s freedom of shooting, and just now, there is a best opportunity in front of Bryan Singer.


As long as the first part of "X-Men" meets the expectations of 20th Century Fox, the second part will probably be put on the agenda as soon as possible. And with the successful foundation laid by the first part, at least the success rate of the follow-up second part is still very guaranteed.


More importantly, he knew better than anyone that in the twentieth century, he held the outline of the film advance made by Wayne in his hands. The preciousness of this thing is second to none in front of all Hollywood film companies, and all he has to do is to start from the first "X-Men" and win the right to direct this series for a long time.


Then, as long as you follow the outline plan for the follow-up, it will be fine to shoot one by one slowly. And Brian Singer himself estimates that it won\'t take long. As long as the second film continues to be successful, his name will be closely associated with the "X-Men" universe.


This is his purpose, and Wayne has made the perfect example for all Hollywood directors. As long as one film is successful, Brian Singer is very confident that he can also obtain the filming freedom that Wayne has now obtained at Warner Bros. on the "X-Men" series of 20th Century Fox. Not to continue to exist as a crew shooting tool.


Unlike Bryan Singer, Avi Adela, the film\'s actual producer, has been silent since the beginning of the campaign.


Even if the box office of "X-Men" greatly exceeded expectations in the first week, everyone in the entire crew couldn\'t hold back their smiles, and the calmness on his face never disappeared for a single second. No one knew what he was thinking, but from the moment he got on the plane today, he watched Wayne silently the whole time.


Slowly, Avi-Adela\'s eyes narrowed, as if he was making a choice in his heart, and he grunted in a voice that only he could hear. "Time is running out..."


"Reborn Financial Giants"


This is Hollywood. No one will look at Harry Berry\'s behavior in a strange way. At least everyone in the crew knows that this black beauty with a delicate face and a hot body has never stayed in a hotel arranged by the crew. Room, from day one, she blatantly moved into Wayne\'s presidential suite.


Even at this moment, this black pearl was reading the newspaper in front of everyone, and blatantly trying to find a way to send the body that was not wrapped in a few pieces of cloth to the man\'s body.


At least it is clear to everyone that if an actress wants to become famous and succeed in this circle, she must be hard enough with herself, let alone be embarrassed. If you want to face, then you simply don\'t come to Hollywood to chase your dreams, it\'s never suitable for pure girls to live here.


"Hi, Harry."


About five or six minutes passed. Avi Adela deliberately waited for today\'s newspaper to finish reading before standing up from his seat and leaning over to Wayne\'s side. He greeted politely and said to Harry-Berry: "Excuse me, Harry, I think I have to interrupt you, something to talk to Wayne alone."




First, she glanced at the man beside her. The black beauty saw Wayne nodded lightly, and then stood up from the other side reluctantly. Holding the newspaper he bought, he politely nodded with the producer of the "X-Men" crew, preparing to return to his seat.


"Avi, what\'s the matter?"


Just as Avi-Adela sat down, Wayne turned his head to look at him, shrugged his shoulders and joked: "If what you want to talk about is not as attractive as that black beauty, I will definitely sue Townsend severely. A state."


Turning over and shrugging at the mocking man, Avi Adela shook his head with a smile. He knew that the other party was joking.


At least since the "X-Men" project was established, he has given Wayne enough respect. Although the specific work of the crew is done by himself, when the film was released, he silently became a transparent person again. It\'s as if the filming of "X-Men" was not deeply involved.


The smart actions of smart people have kept Avi Adela\'s relationship with each other quite well. He knew better than anyone that the young old man beside him seemed like a good talker, but in fact he was not very easy to get in touch with. He could make the relationship between the two sides progress to the point where they could make jokes, which had initially met his expectations.


"Ha, do you need me to help you call her back?"


Spreading out his hands to the man beside him, Avi Adela whistled, put on an expression that men can understand, and said in a low voice, "I can wait a little longer and wait until you\'re done" Live "Come and talk again."




The two men looked at each other with smiles on their faces. Wayne beckoned to Nina on the other side of the aisle, compared a finger to a cigarette, and then put away the smile on his face and asked, "Tell me, Avi, what exactly do you want to talk about."


Avi-Adela did not speak in a hurry, but waited for the assistant to hand over a cigarette, and after the other party lit one, he gradually became serious, and said after deliberation: "Wayne, I heard that your Greenberg works. In the past two years, will you start multiple projects in a row?"


Hearing this question, Wayne was obviously stunned for a moment. Glancing at Avi Adela without any trace, he secretly wondered what the other party\'s purpose was by lowering his head and smoking a cigarette.


He originally thought that the other party wanted to talk about "X-Men" and the follow-up sequels in advance. One thing Avi-Adela is right, he really appreciates this smart producer, and he also knows that if it wasn\'t for his appearance, it was this guy who led the Marvel Studios, which was on the verge of bankruptcy, Successfully fought a turnaround.


"That\'s right, my film studio will start producing multiple film series with Warner Bros. starting this year."


Nodding lightly, Wayne directly admitted this. These are not secrets in the circle. After the successful cooperation of "The Departed", "The Matrix" and other films, Greenberg Studios and Warner Bros. are proving this. After the profitability of this model is improved, the number of film productions will definitely increase.


By smoking, he observed the other person indifferently, trying to understand the purpose of asking these questions.


"Wayne, I heard..."


Avi-Adela looked directly into his eyes, and said with a very serious expression: "Greenberg Studio holds a lot of copyrights of amazing superheroes, right?"


coming! Wayne frowned slightly, but nodded anyway. "You know, Avi, I like to collect superheroes. Greenberg Studios holds basically Marvel\'s second- and third-rate heroes, and yes, I like them, so I bought them."


From the perspective of the current era, the prices he bought for those copyrights were absolutely all market prices, and he didn\'t take advantage of Marvel Comics. Although when buying Iron Man and Black Widow, Jimmy took advantage of the surprising debt problem and put some pressure on the bank to draw loans, but in terms of the purchase price, it is actually a good conscience.


This thing really depends on who you compare it with, just those bought by Greenberg Studios, and putting them on other film companies is a small joke.


There are countless superhero characters under 20th Century Fox, but to put it simply, there are copyrights to all mutants, all Fantastic Four series characters, all characters of the Shia Empire, and all characters of the Skrulls. .


The number is so large that if you think about it carefully, you can understand how terrifying it is. However, the copyrights of so many superhero-related characters were all taken by 20th Century Fox, and they did not cost much. Of course, there are also reasons for getting it earlier.

Sony Columbia\'s Little Spider series and Universal Pictures\' Green Fatty series were also obtained in this context. It is certain that there were not many film companies that took advantage of the surprise.


"Wayne, let me be straight."


After listening to his answer, Avi-Adela thought for a moment, or decided not to continue detours, and asked directly: "Does your Greenberg studio need an executor in charge of film and television production? "




When he heard this question, Wayne was obviously taken aback. He didn\'t even notice that the cigarette ash in his hand had fallen on him.


"I\'ve been very interested in superhero movies since you filmed the first DC superhero." Avi-Adela leaned on the seat and began to explain: "After this "X-Men" My work experience, I have some special thoughts about Marvel superheroes."


"Hey, hey, hey, etc." Wayne stretched out a finger, shook it back and forth between the two, and asked curiously: "I guess, Twentieth Century Fox, or Townsend-Rothman , you must be regarded as the future head of the "X-Men" universe? What the **** do you think?"


Twentieth Century Fox owns the rights to Marvel Heroes, too many to count. It is obvious that Avi Adela has a much brighter future in Twentieth Century Fox.


Looking back at Greenberg\'s studio? Although there are several second-rate and third-rate hero copyrights in hand, even if a comic like Iron Man, according to the rules, the copyrights of related characters are packaged together in the hands of Greenberg Studios, I am afraid it cannot be compared with 20th Century Fox.


It\'s totally unreasonable for people to randomly come up with a relatively well-known series, such as the Fantastic Four. The number and popularity of the relevant hero copyrights can instantly kill everything in Wayne\'s hands.


Another very important point is that the so-called Greenberg Film Studio has not been expanded since the day it was registered. Until now, it is still a small office leased in Delaware.


Strictly speaking, this is still a standard shell film company, with only one part-time black auntie operator as a regular employee.


Similar to the operation of other Hollywood stars, the main purpose of this office in the early stage was to use the Delaware local government\'s policy on film companies to reduce taxes for Wayne\'s previous remuneration.


Although in recent years, Greenberg Studios has begun to frequently invest in film projects with Warner Bros., but to put it bluntly, the main office space, office staff, and all work related to the project depend on Warner Bros., and this has not changed. The essence of a shell film company.


In particular, Wayne knows better than anyone that a small film company with an empty shell is of course no problem to exist, even if this company holds many very profitable film rights. Because in the eyes of everyone, Greenberg Studios is more similar to the existence of Warner Bros.


Once there is an idea of ​​expansion and expansion, it means that the ceiling is a medium-sized film company. As long as it is separated from the Warner Bros. system, a group of wolves will rush forward and chew up the bones of Greenberg Studios.


This has nothing to do with Wayne\'s personal assets. This is the industry standard of Hollywood. What about the Big Three of DreamWorks? Not to mention Steven Spielberg, David Geffen is the top leader in the music industry, and one of the top billionaires in North America.


The remaining Jeffrey Katzenberg has a bigger background. He is one of the brilliant founders of Disney animation and the top figure in the Hollywood animation circle.


Just like these three billionaires, plus the existence of top leaders in their respective professional fields, aren\'t they still "nonsense" run by the six giants? There are countless similar things in Hollywood, and there are many latecomers who want to challenge the six giants, but play themselves as six subsidiaries.


The financiers behind Lionsgate are a group of vampires from the famous Wall Street, and the son of Larry Ellison, the richest man in North America, who still paid a lot of tuition in Hollywood and failed to develop in the end. Own company.


So, with the backing of media giants like Warner Bros. and Time Warner, Wayne\'s head twitched, so he couldn\'t control his ambitions and make Greenberg Studio\'s dream bigger.


And in his future plan, he doesn\'t need to take the hardest road at all, and he should let Steven Spielberg go for such a challenging life struggle.


"Wayne? Wayne."


"I\'m sorry, I lost my mind." Shaking his head vigorously, Wayne took a sip of the cigarette in his hand, gestured, and said apologetically, "Go ahead, I\'m listening."




Avi-Adela let out a long sigh and said, "I\'ve already seen the X-Men universe plan you did for Twentieth Century Fox. Personally, I prefer to let the two Tenth Century Fox chose to start with individual characters, slowly paving the way, and after accumulating enough popularity and word of mouth, all the achievements will be exploded through a film assembly.


Just like what you did on the dc series, it\'s a pity that the group of executives and shareholders of Twentieth Century Fox only wanted to reap short-term benefits, so they chose to shoot "X-Men". "


Having said this, Avi Adela paused for a while, then continued with a tentative tone: "Wayne, since your studio also holds the copyrights of several amazing heroes related characters, Why not put this Marvel Cinematic Universe plan directly into Greenberg Studios for implementation?


Trust me, Wayne, I know enough about superheroes, especially Marvel superheroes. And during the filming of "X-Men", I modified the plan you provided for 20th Century Fox, and yes, it was modified according to the superhero copyright in your hand! "


Seeing that Wayne just smoked silently and didn\'t say anything, Avi Adela\'s tone was obviously a little hurried.


But when he noticed the undisguised admiration in the eyes of the other party looking at him, he immediately gritted his teeth and said, "I just need a chance for a movie, Wayne, believe me. I, if I were the director of film and television at Greenberg Studios, would only need a chance at a movie..."


"I need to think about it, Avi."


With a wave of his hand, Wayne interrupted him and said with a serious expression: "We both need time to think about it. So, after the "X-Men" publicity work is over, you bring your own plan, and we alone Make an appointment to have a good talk."


"Okay, I\'ll wait for your call."


Knowing that his goal had been achieved, Avi Adela nodded happily, got up and changed positions with Harry Berry.


There is one thing Wayne believes that only he knows in this world, and that is the Marvel Universe in his mind. Avi Adela is one of the main builders, and can even be said to be one of the most important people! There is absolutely no problem with the ability.


However, it is obviously unlikely that you want to copy that Marvel universe, but it is still very possible to make several successful movie series based on the copyrights of some characters in your hands.


As long as his plan goes well, then Warner Bros.\' distribution system can gradually become the exclusive distribution channel for the project in his hand, which provides the greatest guarantee for the feasibility of this matter.


When Wayne explained Avi Adela\'s self-recommendation process to Nina in its entirety, the assistant lady firmly gave her opinion.


"Promise him, boss, we don\'t lack the money to give him a million-dollar salary. Copyright means nothing if you put it in your hands. My opinion is, let Avi Adela toss for his dreams. , as long as his plan can pass the review of your eyes, it will give him the greatest creative freedom.


Even, we can take advantage of the abundant cash flow in our hands to find a way to acquire some amazing movie copyrights! Of course, the premise is that the plans made by Avi Adela can pass your own review. I believe that no one in Hollywood can compare with your vision in terms of film projects! However, these are not the most important..."


Listening to Nina\'s suggestion, UU reading www. uukanshu.com Wayne asked: "What\'s the most important thing?"


"Once Avi Adela\'s plan can be successful, this is our retreat!" The assistant lady rolled her eyes, she couldn\'t believe that her boss didn\'t think of this.


There was a long silence between the two, and the topic was never brought up again, because both of them knew that Wayne was already tempted. Yes, once Avi Adela\'s plan is successful, it will not only greatly increase his voice within Warner Bros., but also make Warner Bros. no longer dare to act rashly.


Wayne is not stupid at all, he certainly understands what virtue capital is! Once the surprise plan of his own studio has really achieved results, there is no doubt that he also has the right to flip the table with Warner Bros.!


I am afraid that as long as a movie is successful, everyone in the entire Time Warner system will understand that if there is another incident like "Black Catwoman" that provokes Wayne\'s end, I am afraid that the card table will really be thrown off. , let\'s just stop playing.


The reason is very simple. DC has been unable to leave him in recent years, and no one can guarantee whether DC superheroes will continue to succeed after leaving Wayne. It can be said that the tragedies of the Superman series and so on that killed and sealed the movie can still be vividly remembered.


Who knew that after Wayne really flipped the table, would he bring another successful superhero universe into the arms of the other six giants? At least 20th Century Fox would definitely be willing to take out a part of the company\'s equity in exchange for his participation.
