Hollywood Drawing

~: Seven hundred and two - Rough means

Today\'s Hollywood seems to be in a hurry and full of stars everywhere. Whether it is a big star, a big director, or a producer, everyone seems to have packaged themselves as social elites, or packaged them into extremely high-quality people. Charity rich.

However, not only in North America, but all over the world know what kind of virtue Hollywood is in private. The film-related practitioners here are the hardest hit areas for patients with various sensitive personalities. They are promiscuous, drug addicts, and alcohol abusers, and they do everything they can to find spiritual stimulation.

But after all, on the surface, these people are all polite in public, and they always maintain the same demeanor as "life idols" when facing the media and movie fans.

According to the understanding of normal people, as a person has more and more money and more and more status and power in the industry, he will definitely become more and more tolerant, and he will become more and more like a successful person. There is no shortage of proverbs to describe this aspect in the East and the West. For example, there are many similar words such as "poor scheming, rich conscience".

The fact is, among most sensitive personality practitioners in Hollywood, being careful, looking at people’s dishes, unscrupulous, and praising the high and the low is their way of survival. Today’s Hollywood is not bad, at least most of them still have to be embarrassed. , trying to maintain a decent public image.

But let the time go back twenty or thirty years, that is, the "golden age" that the group of academy old men and the veterans in the circle miss, the scene is much more chaotic than it is now.

Alcoholism, drug addiction, promiscuity, etc., which are reported by the media today as news reports, are not considered a problem in the "golden age". , because at that time, the big guys in the circle could do whatever they wanted.

Coincidentally, Bruce Rosenblum entered the industry in that era, growing from a small producer to a well-known producer, film company manager, film marketing master, and one of the top six Hollywood giants. executives. Don\'t look at this as a polite social elite, but some things are really engraved in the blood of people of their time.

In some places, I\'m afraid Wayne himself is reluctant to admit that the reason why he has a temper with Bruce Rosenblum and the former Warner Brothers CEO Kevin Tesuhara is because of the two of them. , more or less with the traces left by the "golden age" of Hollywood.

Especially Kevin Tesuhara, this guy completely changed his fate because of Wayne, otherwise he would have been re-elected as CEO of Warner Bros. several times until he was finally played "nonsense" by Mi Rabbit.

Just want to go. After several times in the entire Hollywood film circle, he is also the biggest person who has been played by Mi Rabbit. To be fair, Harvey Weinstein\'s status is not comparable to him, but Harvey Weinstein Stan is more arrogant, more hated and more famous.

This is a top Hollywood tycoon who dares to take the heroine of Wonder Woman to make deals with actresses, just to satisfy his dark hobbies.

Looking back at Wayne, it is easy to find that although he is much younger than Bruce Rosenblum and the others, he rarely has such marks on his body.

In other words, he has a strong "old-school" Hollywood style, which makes many people in the circle puzzled. After all, his age is there, whether it is personality or behavior, it should be classified into "Milk stinky pie" is right.

Due to the competition in the early years, the media once slammed him for not respecting women, and even having violent and abusive tendencies. Naturally, in the end, it didn\'t matter, but many people in the circle knew very well that 99% of the contents of the media broke the truth.

Just like the countless practitioners in the current circle, they don\'t believe that he never takes drugs or smokes leaf cigarettes. A top Hollywood tycoon who likes to play with women and is sadistic in pursuit of mental stimulation, if he doesn\'t stick to these conventional ways of playing, he is really in hell.

"Boss, let me remind you."

It was past midnight. Inside a pure black Cadillac business car, Nina\'s brows were furrowed, and the boss who approached her solemnly said in a low voice: "My personal suggestion is to go back to the manor right now! There is absolutely no need to look at it. This kind of boring thing, it\'s good to know the ending?!"

From the perspective of Miss Assistant, tonight, the two men, my boss and the director of Warner Bros. distribution, acted like two children. They made a hasty show at the premiere reception of "The Matrix 3: The Matrix Revolution", then left the hotel mysteriously, got into the car in the dark, and drove from Beverly to Inglewood.

The car stopped at a corner of the street. From the car, the main entrance of a townhouse could be clearly seen, and these two Hollywood powerful men were lying in the dark like two children playing pranks. , staring at the door of the villa with interest.


Hearing Miss Assistant\'s reminder, Wayne raised his hand and touched his round head back and forth, feeling the childishness of his behavior.

"Boss, even if you go back and have fun with Charlize Theron, it\'s better than watching this kind of boring trick." In the darkness, Nina pouted, then seemed to realize something, turned her head to the last of the commercial car In the direction of the platoon, he whispered, "Sally, you know what I mean, and I didn\'t mean to disrespect you."


Know, yes, I


Charlize Theron\'s answer came from the darkness, but even if you can\'t see the woman\'s expression clearly, you can guess that she is probably not very comfortable now.

Today\'s South African Diamond is no longer the underage model who first entered Los Angeles. With the help of the "Matrix" trilogy, she is now a hot new generation of actresses in North America.

In fact, as early as the end of the third filming of "The Matrix", Wayne made it clear to her that neither of them owes anyone anything. To put it bluntly, this is a deal. Charlize Theron gets the fame he wants. When the deal is over, the tacit smile and wave of both sides is the most common practice in Hollywood.

But this South African diamond is not stupid at all, it\'s like he didn\'t hear his words at all, just like this time, when he saw him leaving the hotel in a hurry, the South African diamond also followed at the first time, but he didn\'t expect to come Here it is.


In the darkness, Sergey, sitting in the passenger seat, muttered in a low voice.

With his murmur, the entire street instantly lit up, with at least six or seven police cars connected, silently breaking into the street with their police lights on, directly blocking the townhouse not far away.

"f**k, and DEA?"

Not only a group of heavily armed detectives from the Los Angeles Police Department appeared in front of the villa, but the sharp-eyed Sergey also discovered that there was another violent law enforcement agency in North America: DEA.

Bruce Rosenblum\'s voice sounded. "Of course, if you want to play, you have to play a little more exciting."

The whole process was quite quick. Before the owner of the villa could react, DEA and the detectives opened the small iron door of the villa and rushed in like a swarm.

The whole process took less than five minutes, and the reporter named Vitaly Seyduk was pressed out by two heavily armed policemen. With the light from the police lights and the villa, he could clearly see his face. several ugly scars.

"You can\'t do that, m***he

f**ker, i asked to see my lawyer, who gave you **** the right to break into me...oh


god! f**k

you, God, no, no..."

The reporter named Vitaly Seyduk kept spitting out swear words, but as a strong DEA agent slapped his fist on his stomach, the whole world was cleansed, and only the right was left. The hiss of the walkie-talkie, and the faint retching.

"Is this what you call \'wailing\'?"

Hiding in the commercial car at the corner, Wayne glanced at Bruce Rosenblum, to be honest, he really didn\'t think there was any surprise in this drama, and even felt that he wasted his time.

It seems that Nina is right. With this time, it would be better to go back to the manor earlier and have fun with South African diamonds. At least he is now very sure that the wailing of the ugly memory is far less pleasant than the voice of the South African diamond.

"Don\'t worry, this is just the beginning." Bruce Rosenblum shrugged and said: "There are a series of fun things waiting for this little reporter, I swear, he will regret coming into this world. ."

As soon as he finished speaking, a DEA agent ran out of the villa with a large bag of white items in his hand.

The moment everyone saw those white objects, everyone seemed to be nervous. The two middle-aged DEA agents even pulled out a large-caliber pistol without any hesitation. They firmly held Vitaly Sai. Duke\'s forehead.

"Huh" Sergey, who was sitting in the front row, whistled, turned his head to look at his boss, and explained, "This kid is finished, and the DEA found such a large bag of \'gu\', \'ke\' and \'alkaloid\', After entering the DEA gate, I\'m afraid I will be squeezed out. Shit, depending on the situation, it must be four or five kilograms, tsk tsk tsk..."

"Want to go over and say hello?"

Completely ignoring Sergey\'s ridicule, Bruce Rosenblum reached out and stabbed Wayne, and asked Nunu, a stupid former reporter, "If you want, we can talk to him over there. ."

"Bruce, damn, where did you get those things!"

When he saw the big bag of white powder, Wayne\'s hair stood up immediately. From childhood to adulthood, he saw countless people who made himself into a pile of **** because of this stuff.

That\'s right, even his core behind-the-scenes team members have a leaf smoke from time to time, but the two are completely different concepts. Basically, if you stick to this thing, no matter how successful your life is, it will be slowly and completely destroyed.

"Hey, hey, man, don\'t be nervous, it has nothing to do with me, we\'re just some boring spectators."

Bruce Rosenblum\'s current expression made Wayne\'s mind come up with a term, "enthusiastic rising sun crowd".

Like this kind of rude method, as long as you have been in the circle for a long time, you have more or less heard of it. It\'s just that similar brutal methods happened more often in the "golden age" of Hollywood, and of course, it is not without them now.

It can be said that there is no technical content at all, but it is so habitual, even if you are a big Hollywood star, you will still fall down on it.

"Let\'s go back."

Taking another look at the former reporter, who was already completely stupid, slumped on the ground and pointed at by two large-caliber pistols, Wayne shook his head tastelessly, raised his hand and patted the driver\'s seat back twice.

"Don\'t you want to continue to look at it?" Bruce Rosenblum said with a gloomy smile on the corner of his mouth, and said with great interest: "It\'s just opened a small head, and the interesting thing is coming... here. "

Before he could finish his words, the whole street became lively. Cars, motorcycles, and vehicles, with their headlights on, barged in. Dozens of excited-faced media reporters and paparazzi holding cameras instantly surrounded the cordon. The flash of the cameras was crazy enough to illuminate the front yard of the entire townhouse.

"Hmm, isn\'t he the incarnation of a righteous \'Don Quixote\'? Then let him turn from a resistance fighter to a notorious drug \'dealer\'!"

This is quite ironic. Some time ago, this reporter looked like a hero, standing on the TV to appeal, but now he is paralyzed on the ground, being photographed frantically by dozens of reporters.

"go, go, go."

Following Wayne\'s instructions, the car quietly turned around in the dark and left the street in this middle-class neighborhood. Bruce Rosenblum was still muttering. "It\'s a pity, I should have gone to say hello to him before the reporter came. If I did something wrong, of course I have to pay the price..."

Wayne can think of the ending of that guy now. Such a large bag of powder found by the DEA is destined to peel off a layer of skin in that extremely violent institution. And the group of reporters and paparazzi who are afraid that the world will not be chaotic will definitely spread this matter to the whole of North America in the morning.

It can be said that he shattered his image first, and then shattered his spirit. DEA, that place can be said to be more terrifying than the FBI, and it should also crush his body!

In the eyes of people in Hollywood movies, those FBI agents are simply synonymous with omnipotence. That is, one of the four most notorious intelligence agencies in the world. It is only in the degree of violence, and it is completely incomparable to the DEA.

Because DEA is not only rampant in North America, but also has 92 foreign offices in 70 countries around the world, with more than 10,000 employees, including more than 4,600 domestic and foreign agents and 800 intelligence analysts and so on.

In layman\'s terms, to a certain extent, this agency is comparable to the violence of the IRS.

"It seems that this guy has made a lot of money and has not squandered it, so he continued to live in prison..."

Looking at the lively scene behind him that was moving away, Sergey turned his head and continued to tease.

"Well, it\'s been arranged inside, trust me..." Bruce Rosenblum heard his teasing and said in a low voice, "This time he\'ll definitely fly."

The car returned to the parking lot of the Four Seasons Hotel in Beverly in the dark. Wayne and the others returned to their cars, said goodbye to the director of distribution at Warner Bros., and drove towards Mulholland Road.

The atmosphere in the car was very strange along the way. No one spoke. When they were about to reach the manor, Nina sighed and said, "Boss, Anthony Pellicano has been staring at him, as far as I know. , he has been abandoned by Sony Columbia, and there is absolutely no idea of ​​suing us, in fact, there is absolutely no need to do so."

After no one had troubled Wayne, he was still at ease as if nothing had happened. Of course, Nina would stare at the potential trouble maker. Since working with Anthony Pellicano many years ago, this aspect of the business has been watched by the eyes of Hollywood.

To put it bluntly, this is just a small person. The meaning of the assistant is very clear. There is absolutely no need to create a hidden danger for yourself because of such a small person.

"Just pretend it never happened."

Wayne shook his head. In fact, what happened tonight was more boring than he thought. Bruce Rosenblum\'s methods are too crude to be aesthetically pleasing. "Don\'t think too much, we\'re just a spectator."

Compared with this little episode tonight, what is more eye-catching is undoubtedly "The Matrix 3: The Matrix Revolution", the final work of this trilogy, although it is still an 18-ban The R-rated film, however, immediately gained the enthusiasm of countless die-hard fans after it was opened in advance.

Wayne has full confidence in the film, which is quite different from what he remembers. The explosion of the first part of "The Matrix" in memory, the strong cyberpunk style, and the dialogue full of philosophical speculations have all become the praises of film critics.

It is against this background that the Wachowski brothers (brother and sister) were completely fooled by film critics. Therefore, when the last two films of "The Matrix" were released, the reputation of one film was lower than that of the other, and there were even many fans who shouted.

These two directors only remembered the praise of film critics for philosophical speculation, but ignored the elements that really exploded as an R-rated film. That is the unique cyberpunk style, the action scenes and special effects that make fans feel cool to the core, which are completely ignored. This is the original intention of a sci-fi commercial film, and the latter two are more and more filmed.

But in the hands of Zack Snyder, there is no such concern at all, and Zach strictly abides by Wayne\'s requirements for the film. There will be philosophical speculations that make the film bigger, but it\'s just an embellishment. The theme of the film is still the special effects and action scenes that make fans feel too good.

With the reputation accumulated from the first two films, the success of the third film will come naturally, so Wayne is not worried about the box office performance at all. On the contrary, Charlize Theron, who came out of the bathroom, had a strong interest in his eyes at this time.

"When did you bring this costume back?"

Sitting on the lounge chair on the balcony, Wayne gently scratched his chin with one hand, tilted his head with interest, and carefully observed the South African diamond from top to bottom.

At this time, Charlize Theron is like Trinity in the movie. The whole body is wrapped in a tight black leather jacket. With a pair of high-heeled boots of the same style, women exude coolness from top to bottom. Scumbag **** and hot.

"I knew you would like it."

The South African diamond slowly approached the balcony step by step. She was not in a hurry at all, and deliberately let the man look more carefully. "I contacted a prop company and made it myself. It\'s very different from the one in the movie. Honey, do you want to find it yourself? What\'s the difference between the two?"

"Good idea, Sally."

Damascus sat on the reclining chair, Wayne tilted his head and lit a cigarette, and hooked his fingers at the woman who was slowly approaching. "I have to say, you really suit this look, um, cool and hot and sexy. e

on, let me check, what\'s the difference..."

In this woman, Wayne discovered that she was different from other beautiful girls in Hollywood, or, in other words, a unique advantage of South African diamonds.

Several times in the entire Hollywood actress circle, her cool and beautiful queen temperament is absolutely unique, and it is difficult to find a second one. Different from the common silly and sweet characters of actresses, Wayne prefers to let her use her unique temperament to the extreme.

Charlize Theron is also very smart. When the first film of "The Matrix" was filmed, she discovered that men were obsessed with her look.

There has never been a shortage of beautiful girls in this circle. A powerful Hollywood director faces countless temptations every day. Therefore, if a man wants to maintain a long-term infatuation with him, he must let the other party always find something new. This is the only way she and her agent have negotiated.

Now it seems that it works very well. On the night of the premiere of "The Matrix", Wayne was faced with a unique and exciting game, playing completely forgot the time, and fell asleep with the South African diamond in his arms until he was exhausted.

When he opened his eyes again, the sun had passed through the balcony and directly shone into the big bed in the master bedroom. UU reading www.uukanshu. Com opened his eyes. The first thing he saw was the traces left by the crazy game last night. The special Trinity ultra-thin leather jacket was torn and thrown everywhere, but the South African diamonds disappeared.

"f**k, you\'re playing too much!"

He was habitually leaning on the head of the bed. When Wayne reached for the cigarette, he felt a pain in his waist.

After lighting a cigarette, he recalled his unique experience last night, and he couldn\'t help but wonder, this woman who had been trained in dance and modelling, refreshed his cognitive limits again and again.

Picking up his watch from the bedside and taking a look at the time, Wayne shook his head helplessly. It\'s almost eleven o\'clock, and it looks like Charlize Theron has already rushed to the Santa Monica Commerce Plaza to participate in the promotion of "The Matrix".

"Nina, Nina!"

"Good morning, boss."

With Wayne\'s voice shouting, the assistant lady pushed open the door of the master bedroom and walked in. Seeing a messy battlefield, Nina reached out and pushed her glasses, shrugged and said, "I understand, the master bedroom I clean it myself, and I will never let Hela and the others come in."

"Smart girl, your bonus is about to arrive, work hard, girl."

Not caring about the fiery eyes of Miss Assistant at all, Wayne put on a pair of home-sized shorts and walked towards the bathroom while teasing. "Hei, dear Ms. Klein, if you keep staring at my strong abs, the bonus is likely to get further and further away from you..."

"You\'re an asshole, boss."

"Thank you

you! "
