Hollywood Drawing

~: 718 - that's not a problem for me!

Hollywood has never lacked internal care, and is willing to take care of its own people. This is the nature of human society. Perhaps success through relationship will be criticized in other regions, but in Hollywood, such things abound, and the practitioners have never been restrained.

It can be said that this kind of thing has never stopped. Actors who can get internal care are always more likely to get opportunities that ordinary people can\'t get, and it is easier to achieve success.

For example, Will Smith and his son after the 21st century, such as the Hanks father and son, such as Steven Spielberg\'s large group of godchildren, and the deep-rooted Coppola family.

In particular, the Coppola family has always had a well-recognized analogy in the circle: the Coppola family is to Hollywood what the Dickenny family is to North American politics. This image metaphor basically sums up what is called the ceiling of the movie circle family.

And just because of the surname Coppola, the opportunities Sophia can get from Hollywood are far beyond the imagination of other related practitioners.

This is a woman who could make her screen debut in "The Godfather" when she was still a baby. She used her strength to tell many actors in the circle that when the old lady is acting, you still don\'t know how to play mud!

When she grew up, Sofia Coppola simply starred in "The Godfather 3", playing the protagonist\'s beloved daughter Mary, but her dazzling family background made the media around the world wear more harsh filters when watching her performances. After the release of "The Godfather 3", she was criticized by the media and fans all over the world, and she was scolded to the core.

If this matter is put on an ordinary actor, there is a high probability that he will be abandoned by the production company, and the road to the big screen will come to an abrupt end.

After all, Sofia Coppola at that time had the adjectives "worst newcomer of the Golden Raspberry Awards" and "worst supporting actress in the history of the Golden Raspberry Awards". As long as there were media reports about her, a large area It\'s all negative information.

But did this affect her later film and television career? No, since the road to acting doesn\'t work out, let\'s just turn behind the scenes. In fact, if you look at Sofia Coppola\'s film and television career objectively, it is definitely a proper script for the heroine of the entertainment industry, and even the script for the heroine does not dare to write it like this.

As a woman, in a male-dominated business society like Hollywood, she won 9 gold medals alone. Not to mention other things, someone who has worked hard for many years to get a small golden man\'s earth ball grass, I am afraid that he has already cried and fainted in the toilet. This is the advantage of being taken care of in the circle.

There are countless similar things and people, just like Gwyneth Paltrow, whose debut work is Steven Spielberg\'s "Captain Hook", even if it is a cameo starring in a supporting role, all those who join are famous. Big projects, cooperating actors are all kinds of first-line stars.

There is no doubt that the reason why "Little Pepper", whose acting skills have been complained about, is able to keep brushing his face in big productions is that people in the circle are willing to give his godfather Steven Spielberg a little face.

Therefore, Hollywood elders are more willing to take care of their own people. Don\'t think that Hollywood directors will be embarrassed to praise their own people. Although this is a commercial society, everyone is following the most basic rules of the game, but human feelings are always inevitable.

Actors with privileged relationships may not be able to become big stars because of their invisible care, but they will get a fairer performance opportunity because of their hidden invisible care.

This is important because by showing the ability to perform the role, they are tantamount to standing out from their competitors. Even if someone performs better than them, the final candidate for the role will most likely be them. The world is so cruel.

Wayne is not exempt, and even acts more recklessly. At least in his current position in the circle, no one will point fingers at some of his actions.

"Yin En, you did a good job. Let\'s go here. Our cooperation last time was quite pleasant."

In the center of the audition room, nearly sixty-year-old Yin En-McLean smiled, not annoyed by the interruption of the performance, and quietly looked at the producer who spoke in person, obviously he had understood the hint .

"Well... go back and wait for the news, Yoon Eun."

Even in front of the audition room staff, Wayne didn\'t hide his optimism about the actor. He remembered very well that last time this old guy performed very well in "X-Men".

"Thank you, Mr. Greenberg."

Yin En-McLean bowed slightly and gestured politely before turning around to open the door of the audition room and walking out of the corridor.

"Yon-McLean\'s acting skills are outstanding, his image is also very good, and the most important thing is that he is cheap enough..." When the audition room was quiet again, John Gray, who was sitting on the side, looked at the resume in front of him , whispered a tick on it.

Just now, Wayne interrupted the performance of this old actor, which has already explained a lot of problems. John Gray is not a newcomer who does not understand the world.

The most important point is that Yoon-McLean\'s acting skills are not a problem, and all aspects are in line with the character\'s setting. Choosing him will not hurt the interests of Warner Bros.

"Sorry, I\'m late."

The door of the audition room was pushed open, Charlize Theron nodded and thanked the staff who opened the door, and apologized to everyone after entering.

Wayne glared at the woman fiercely, then ignored the apologetic eyes of the South African Diamond, and turned to look at the camera in front of him, without any intention of interfering with the audition process.

"Ms. Theron, is it convenient to show your figure?"

Peter Jackson, who was sitting in front of the audition, shrugged and started the audition according to the process. When facing actresses, especially the actress who auditioned for the role of Elf Princess, there is no doubt that the first thing is the appearance.

"OK, wait."

After calming down a little, Charlize Theron took off his jacket without any hesitation, wearing only relatively tight jeans and a T-shirt, constantly showing his figure to the camera.

As the South African diamond stood in front of the camera, Wayne, John Gray, including Peter Jackson, all felt their eyes light up, and then frowned together.

As a professional model turned actor, coupled with the best age, Charlize Theron is very good. In fact, in the trilogy of "The Matrix", she has perfectly reflected her own advantages, such as long legs, slender waist, and exquisiteness, especially the movie shape of black tights, which fully interprets what it means to be cool, sassy, Gorgeous and sexy.

Compared with the period when "The Matrix" was just filmed, she has matured a lot at this time. At least when facing the camera, she knows how to maximize her own advantages.

"Peter, you go on."

Looking at the woman in front of the camera, Wayne frowned, leaned back on the back of the chair, and gave Peter Jackson a low voice. Immediately after that, he looked away from the camera he was just staring at. He grabbed a cigarette rather helplessly, lit one, and looked at John Gray next to him.

The producer from Warner Bros. shrugged, and after finding his gaze, whispered, "You found out..."

"I took it for granted." Wayne nodded, and took a swig of a cigarette with some depression.

"Wayne, I have to say that Charlize Theron has a great figure and there is absolutely no problem with his appearance, but..." No matter what the other party thought, John Gray chose to speak directly. "She is very beautiful. Even if she is placed in the whole circle, her appearance conditions are first-class, but Wayne, Charlize Theron\'s temperament and this face are too cold and glamorous!"

Yes, when the South African diamond stood in the camera, it really surprised everyone. She is tall and hot, and she has a very good sense of camera. Coupled with her background as a professional model, she has a sense of sight that can greatly add to this figure even in ordinary clothes.

However, with her beautiful, delicate and recognizable face, her appearance is very cold and glamorous, plus her own queenly temperament, she is out of the setting of the curtain star princess.

It\'s not that she is not beautiful, on the contrary, she is definitely a top-notch actress in the circle. However, the elves in people\'s impressions, especially the elf princesses, will definitely not be so cool and glamorous, which is completely opposite to the first impression most people have of elves.

With a wry smile, Wayne shook his head helplessly. In the early stage, he only considered Charlize Theron\'s appearance and acting skills, and he would definitely be able to play the role. He didn\'t expect that the advantages of this face would become disadvantages once it came to the camera. .

"My opinion is that it can be tentative."

After carefully observing Wayne\'s face, seeing that the other party was just smoking a cigarette in silence, not even looking at the woman who was auditioned by Peter Jackson, John Gray thought about it for a moment, and then suggested through gritted teeth: "We\'re looking at other candidates. , and finally decide who the Elf Princess will be given the role."

The cooperation between them began several years ago, so John Gray knew Wayne very well, and knew that in the other\'s heart, he still wanted to take care of his own people as much as possible.

From the beginning of their cooperation, he basically played the role of an invisible man. At least when faced with Wayne\'s decision, he never raised any objection, even if he held the power given by Warner Bros. For the first time in so many years, today John Gray offered a different opinion.

Seeing the anxiety on the producer\'s face, Wayne also sighed secretly, waved his hand and said, "Do as you said, then continue to see."

In fact, John Gray and Peter Jackson, as well as the two assistant directors in this audition room, several assistant directors and crew members, have long understood that the reason why the audition of the Elf Princess was moved to the afternoon is because in the Wait for this South African diamond.

Coupled with the relationship between Charlize Theron and Wayne, there have been countless versions of the entertainment tabloids gossip, and no one is stupid enough to guess this.

"Ms. Theron, thank you very much for coming to this audition." Peter Jackson glanced behind him and saw that the two producers who could call the shots didn\'t say anything. He could only look at Charlize Theron and said: "The crew will notify your agent of the results within three days after the audition ends."


With a crisp response, Charlize Theron felt very good about herself, she felt that she played very well, and with the face of that man, she didn\'t think anyone could be more suitable for this role than herself.

Before leaving, she deliberately glanced at the producer\'s location, but did not get any useful information. Although she had some doubts, she opened the door and walked out.

The moment she came out, Nina, who was sitting on the rest bench, closed the fashion magazine in her hand, tilted her head to look at the South African diamond and asked, "How is your performance?"

"do not know......"

Recalling the entire short audition process, Charlize Theron shook his head slightly and said uncertainly: "I\'m not sure what Wayne means, he didn\'t give me any hints during the audition."

"There\'s no reason..."

Nina was stunned and muttered to herself.

"Go back to the office and wait for him." The assistant lady reached out and patted Charlize Theron\'s arm, and took the lead in walking towards Wayne\'s office. "You should know the boss. As long as your acting skills meet the requirements of the role, no one can take this role away. Don\'t worry."

"It\'s better..."

No wonder Nina was a little surprised. She is the person who knows Wayne the most, and she is very aware of the "value" of South African diamonds in the eyes of her boss.

And in comparison, Charlize Theron definitely has some unknown special feelings in the eyes of his own boss. The assistant knows better than anyone else that this special feeling comes from the sensibleness of this South African diamond, and also from the fact that she was still a minor when she fooled around with Wayne!

Although Nina couldn\'t understand this kind of special, she knew that it was because of this, at least she had always been sure that when her boss looked at Charlize Theron, it wasn\'t all the kind of eyes that looked at interesting "toys".

Just as the two were chatting and walking, another actor who auditioned for the Elf Princess pushed open the door and walked into the audition room.

Standing in front of the camera, Liv Tyler looked at the opposite side for the first time. In the center of the front row was the director Peter Jackson. The director was flanked by two assistant directors, and at the corners of the room, there were several crew assistants. .

Her gaze skipped the few people in front of her, and she found her target with ease. Sitting behind the director, the two producers, Wayne and John Gray, who were chatting in a low voice, she knew of these two, It is the person who can really decide who this role belongs to.

After the previous rounds of audition, Liv-Taylor understood that there were not many opponents left. When the audition entered the final round, the more important thing was not acting, but the actors who could be retained by the crew for this round. Basically, it will not be a problem. There is no doubt that the crew valued the characters more, and various other factors.

"Please introduce yourself." Peter Jackson said casually when she saw that she was ready.

"I\'m Liv Tyler, from Portland, Maine." Facing the final round of auditions, Liv Tyler was very confident at this time. She was particularly convinced that if the interference of off-field factors was excluded, she would Definitely the right person for this role.

"In 1994, I participated in the first film "Silent Trap", in 1995 I starred in the comedy film "Empire Files" with Renee Zellweger, and in 1996 I starred in two projects, "Stolen Incense" and "The Unstoppable Miracle, and then starred in "The Secret of Love" in 1997..."

Listening to the woman\'s self-introduction, Wayne looked down at the other party\'s resume, looking at the other person\'s resume with his head down. Judging from the brilliance of the job resume alone, this woman was undoubtedly the first.

He has a good accumulation of performances, and he is very solid step by step. There is another point that caught his attention. It is clearly shown on the resume that Liv Taylor is one of the 50 most beautiful people in the world selected by "People" in 1997!

And "Peerless Heavenly Tribulation", which was released this summer, made this woman even more noticeable. Wayne looked away from the resume, raised his head and looked at the other person carefully, sighing helplessly in his heart.

According to his aesthetics, it is completely incomprehensible that this woman can be one of the 50 most beautiful people in the world. After so many years of adaptation, his aesthetics have basically tended to the normal European and American standards, so he can appreciate the three-dimensional facial features of European and American women, but he has never been able to appreciate this long face.

Even those blue gem-like eyes and **** lips, in Wayne, all the advantages are all covered up by this "pig kidney face".

However, the others at the scene did not deviate from Wayne\'s thoughts. After listening to Liv Taylor\'s self-introduction, John Gray was obviously interested. He directly passed Peter Jackson and cleared it. Clearing his throat, he said:

"Miss Taylor, I need you to describe your understanding of the curtain star princess in a few simple sentences."

Peter Jackson also nodded. With such a solid work history, this woman has a reason for them to continue to understand regardless of which aspect.

Liv Tyler took a covert glance at the producer\'s position. Obviously, he had already made preparations for the audition. He slowly put away the expression on his face, and raised his chin slightly, revealing a pair of pure beauty and nobility. The temperament, facing the camera during the audition, said:

"Do you still remember the scene when we first met? Years have passed, and you didn\'t worry as much as you are now. Do you remember what I said to you? My heart remains the same, I would rather spend my life with you than not A lonely man lives forever..."

"Excellent performance, Ms. Taylor."

John Gray patted his palm twice, first complimenting himself without hesitation, then turned his head and looked at Wayne beside him. Coincidentally, Wayne also looked over, and the two nodded slightly, and both saw a trace of satisfaction in each other\'s eyes.

Obviously, this woman has undergone a lot of preparations, and the non-physical performance just now was quite exciting. Although no emperor played with her, it did not affect the temperament she expressed.

Although he still couldn\'t get the beauty of the other party in his heart, since the other party had made sufficient preparations and performed well, he simply put aside the prejudice in his heart and said for the first time, "Miss Taylor, please take off your Tops and jackets, show your body to the camera."

The moment Liv Tyler heard Wayne speak, resisting the surprise in her heart, she took off her jacket without any hesitation.

Almost at the same time, Wayne and John Gray\'s eyes were all on the picture in the camera. The woman in front of her has very white skin and three-dimensional features, especially her lips, which are full and sexy, and has long black and thick hair.

Under the camera, the tall figure is ups and downs, and the expression is confident and elegant. After he deliberately ignored the long face, he had to admit that this woman\'s own conditions were indeed quite good.

Wayne waved to the director, Peter Jackson nodded slightly, stopping Liv Tyler from continuing to show his body. "Okay, Ms. Taylor, please bring your personal belongings. The audition results will be notified to your agent within three days. Thank you very much for coming to this audition."

Liv Tyler seemed a little unwilling, and wanted to continue to show some of her strengths, but following Peter Jackson\'s words, she still grabbed her jacket, and finally glanced at the two sitting behind. The producer turned around and opened the door to leave.

It wasn\'t until the woman left that Wayne twisted his neck hard, looked at John Gray who wanted to say something, shrugged, picked up a pen, and put a circle on Liv Tyler\'s resume.

Seeing his actions, John Gray breathed a sigh of relief. He knew the other party\'s work habits and drew circles, which meant that the actor had entered the pending area. After the audition was completed, he would most likely be discussing with himself and the director.

"There is another potential candidate." Peter Jackson looked at the two behind him.

Wayne waved his hand and said casually, "Go on."

In Hollywood, there will never be a shortage of all kinds of beautiful girls, but there are basically no unknown people who can enter the final round of auditions for the "Lord of the Rings" crew.

The woman who walked into the room again was an old acquaintance with Wayne. Although the two had met quite a few times in the past few years, compared to those other actors who had worked with Wayne, the relationship between this woman and him was not the same. Not very hot.

"Hi Wayne."

It was Uma Thurman who walked into the audition room, and she said hello to Wayne first.

Wayne nodded equally politely. "Hi, Uma."

It doesn\'t matter if there is any unpleasantness between this woman and Naomi Watts, and whether Uma Thurman greets him or not, he didn\'t interfere with the audition process, and still sits back without a word, eyes wide open. Staring at the camera until the audition was over and Uma Thurman left.

"Tell me what you two think."

Looking at the three-point resume on the table in front of him, Wayne Kacha lit a cigarette and beckoned to Peter Jackson, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com relaxed and leaned back in the chair, asking in a low voice to the two people beside him.

"I\'m more optimistic about Uma Thurman." Since he allowed himself to talk about his ideas, Peter Jackson was not polite, looking directly at the two producers and said: "She is more slender and obviously more in line with the public\'s fantasy of elves. ."

Although he knew that he had no decision-making power, he still looked at John Gray after saying that, wanting to get his support.

But it was destined to disappoint Peter Jackson. John Gray had his own ideas. Under his gaze, he raised his eyebrows and said, "I\'m more optimistic about Liv Tyler, she is the most well-prepared of all of us who auditioned. , and her performance is very in line with the character setting of the elf princess..."

After finishing speaking, the two looked at the man behind Qing Yan together. It was obvious that if the other party kept his opinion, Liv Tyler would most likely be given this role. After all, Peter Jackson only has the right to advise, and John Gray is the producer of the film.

Wayne, who was just smoking a cigarette, gave an answer that was beyond everyone\'s expectations. "Very well, then choose Charlize Theron."



Ignoring the surprise of the two, Wayne looked directly at Peter Jackson, and asked in a seemingly relaxed and natural way: "When shooting, use the light to cover up, and then put some thought into the makeup, Peter, tell me, you Can it be done?!"


Peter Jackson nodded subconsciously, and then quickly responded louder: "I mean of course, this is not a problem for me! Leave it to me."

After he finished speaking, he turned his head cautiously and looked at the very ugly-looking producer John Gray beside him. He almost couldn\'t suppress the hilarity in his heart and his cheerful laughter.