Hollywood Drawing

~: Seven hundred and forty-five - candidate

In the early morning of Los Angeles in December, a thick layer of dew hung on the grass and various plants in the garden, and the ground was a little damp.

With a towel hanging around his neck and wearing a relatively loose home tracksuit, Wayne jogged out of the garden in the face of the newborn sun.

Since Greenberg Manor is located on the top of the mountain, when the sun comes out, a thin layer of fog begins to appear in the sky.

Wei Wei was panting, Wayne hadn\'t exercised properly for a long time, and his busy work took up all his time, but even so, he didn\'t get fat like most of the directors in the circle. Compared with the time when I just graduated, not only did my stomach not rise slowly, but it was also a little thinner.

"m, boss."

Zach Snyder, who was wearing a thick coat, stood by the small fountain in front of the main building, slammed the door shut, and waved hello to Wayne who was jogging over.

"Good morning."

Wayne stopped with a smile, wiped his forehead with the towel around his neck, and slowly mixed his breathing, and the two walked to the living room of the main building together. "Zach, how long has it been since you shaved your **** beard."

Reaching out to touch the beard on his face, Zach Snyder shrugged, apparently not discussing his own beard. From October to the present, he feels that he has been so busy that he has no time to care about his beard.

Perhaps in terms of body shape, he and Wayne are really similar. Unlike directors in the circle who get fat when they are busy, they all have a thin body. The only difference is the hairy beard on Zack Snyder\'s face.

"Let\'s have breakfast first, and we\'ll talk after we finish eating." After coming to the living room, Wayne took the lead and walked towards the dining room without stopping.

Taking off his thick coat and handing it to the housekeeper Hela, Zach Snyder nodded, whispered "thank you", and followed the man in front into the restaurant. He got out of bed early in the morning, and his stomach was protesting wildly.

In Los Angeles in December, people usually wear a thick coat when they go out in the morning. When the time comes to noon, they take off the coat and turn into a short-sleeved or long-sleeved T-shirt.

Throughout the year in Los Angeles, it is also the only month in which women will not wear skirts when they go out. When the temperature rises at noon, only take off the jacket to keep the vest warm.

Before and after Christmas, there will be a few days of relatively cold and dry weather in Los Angeles, and it is only in the days around Christmas that people will selectively wear one piece when they go out to exercise in the morning and evening. Down vest.

One of the important reasons why this place can become an entertainment capital is that there is sufficient sunshine all year round.

"Ben\'s figure is great."

Sitting at the dining table, Zack Snyder swallowed his sandwich and chatted casually about the preparations for the Superman crew. "He\'s now the fantasy object of the entire crew, all the female staff, and he\'s strong enough to turn a bull head-on."

Wayne nodded with a smile, raised his head and took a sip of milk, leaned back in his chair and shrugged, "Ha, this is the first good news I heard this morning."

"Zach, how strong are you?"

Before the two could continue talking, Sergey walked in with a huge body. "Stronger than me?"

"No." Zach Snyder spread his hands helplessly, looked at the Russian-born bear who was leaping, and said with a wry smile: "No matter how much you train, you are still within the scope of normal people, you are born with this size. , are not comparable at all.”

"Ha ha..."

His words caused a burst of laughter from Wayne. Just like what Zack Snyder said, even though Ben Affleck is over 1.9 meters tall, he is still within the scope of a normal person. It doesn\'t feel like a Kodiak brown bear turned into a sperm.

On the other hand, Sergey, this guy is over two meters tall, and because he keeps exercising all year round, he doesn\'t look like a normal person with a strong body. Even wearing a black custom suit, when facing this guy head-on, it still gives the illusion of being stared at by a beast.

"Boss, Fendi brought it back. She took the little servants upstairs to find Nami."

Pulling out a chair with a smile, Sergey stopped joking and gestured to the housekeeper Hela to get him something to eat.

Early in the morning, he drove straight to Ventura County, and just picked up Little Fendi from the farm. Wayne doesn\'t have much time left in Los Angeles, and he\'ll be heading to London in two days to continue filming, so despite the fuss, he still wants to get together with his daughter.

He waved to Sergey, indicating that he knew. Picking up the napkin on the table, he wiped two random hands on his mouth, and his eyes turned to Zack Snyder again.

For a movie, the production cost of up to 200 million US dollars can overwhelm the entire creative team, which is for sure. Not to mention now, even if the money is put in 20 years later, it will still be the top big production in Hollywood.

It\'s just that the trend of big investment in Hollywood movies came to an abrupt end because of the economic crisis and money shortage. It was also after the economic crisis that Hollywood started a movement to limit star pay.

However, even if the investment of "Superman" is so large, it is destined not to occupy too much of the actor\'s salary ratio, and even more than 70% of the money will be used for the production of the movie. The special effects shots of various big scenes can be called big money-burning pits.

In fact, as long as sci-fi movies are involved, special effects rendering cannot be a small project. "Wonder Woman is actually okay to say, starting from the film "Superman", DC is destined to enter an era dominated by special effects.

According to the current era, Wayne estimates that the production of "Justice League" may require tens of thousands of computers in the post-production work, and the rendering time will not be less than tens of millions of hours.

It looks scary, right? In fact, this is still limited to the level of special effects in this era, in order to produce relatively top screen special effects.

Remember the movie "Alita Battle Angel," which exploded in the summer of 1990? This sci-fi movie, written by a truck driver, used more than 30,000 computers in post-production, and it took more than 400 million hours to render before it presented the top visual feast at that time on the big screen.

Of course, limited to this era, Wayne cannot be as extravagant as James Cameron, who invested nearly nine million pixels in one eye of Alita. After all, as Hollywood\'s most expensive director, truck drivers don\'t even know what a budget is.

It can be used as the end of the first stage of the dc universe. "Justice League is destined to be impossible. Everything is based on the top conditions of this era, which is the most basic method.

"Superman, as the most important film before "Justice League", although it will not pile up special effects like a life-threatening, but strictly speaking, this film can definitely be regarded as the beginning of DC\'s great special effects.

Therefore, in the project of "Superman", starting from the audition and recruiting actors, the crew was destined not to hire big stars. Except for Ben Affleck, the absolute protagonist, other actors must be cheap and how to come, so as to save for special effects rendering provide sufficient funds.

"For the heroine, are there any specific requirements?"

After a simple breakfast, the two sat together in the living room. Zach Snyder opened his briefcase and took out a large pile of actor resumes, all with a photo on them.

This time, while Wayne is in Los Angeles, we must decide on a scope of use for all the main characters. It is best to decide on specific and interested candidates, so that the crew and producers can contact the other party\'s agent in advance.


"What?" Zach Snyder raised his head in surprise, stopped sorting his resume, looked at the man across the sofa, and asked, "Apart from being beautiful? Are there any other requirements?"

"Zach, beauty is the only requirement for a film like "Superman." Wayne tilted his head, reached out and picked up a few actor resumes, and said calmly, "Don\'t think that a qualified vase It’s easy to find, what I need is beautiful, and it must conform to the mainstream aesthetics, preferably most people’s aesthetics.”

After speaking, he suddenly paused before continuing: "By the way, the requirement for the heroine is to be beautiful, but not hot, you should understand what I mean."

Zach Snyder nodded. "Ok, I understand."

Seeing Wayne flipping through the resume in his hand, he explained: "These are all selected by me and Charles. You\'d better delineate a few candidates so that Charles can get in touch with their agent as soon as possible."

Reaching out a cigarette from the coffee table and lighting it, Wayne checked the photos one by one, carefully watching each resume.

As he said, although the heroine is a vase, in this circle, the rarity of a top vase is even higher than those of actresses who are famous for their acting skills. Combined with the background settings of the film, it is not easy to find one that meets the standards.

"Amy Adams..."

When he turned to the actor\'s resume, his hand stopped, put the cigarette between his fingers into his mouth, directly pulled out the resume, and put it aside.

"and many more?"

Suddenly, Wayne stopped, and he tapped the resume in his hand twice, signaling Zach Snyder to watch.

"Jessica Alba." Zach Snyder glanced at him, immediately understood what the other party meant, and explained: "She sent her resume to the crew through James Cameron\'s relationship. I\'ve investigated it, don\'t look at it. Her skin is chocolate-colored, and she\'s actually white, with no African-American ancestry.

Her father is Mexican-American, and her mother is Danish, Welsh, and French, and Charles and I agree that she is beautiful..."

"Brush her off."

Wayne shook his head and gave his decision directly. "Zach, I don\'t care what kind of blood she is, but her skin color does not meet the requirements of the crew. The heroine must be a pure white person, pure enough to look white enough, ok?"

"Okay." Zach Snyder nodded in understanding.

Now, not twenty years later, on such a huge project, Wayne simply can\'t take the risk of using a mixed-race actor who is not white enough, even if Jessica Alba is beautiful enough.

Even if her complexion is white enough, he probably won\'t choose such a heroine, Jessica Alba looks too sweet. This is undoubtedly a personal advantage, but it does not match the setting of the Superman heroine.

As a matter of fact, Wayne has always been willing to follow the mainstream trend of society. After all, the primary goal of a movie is to make money. As long as it is beneficial to the box office, he doesn\'t mind the use of a large number of ethnic minorities, but it is not ten or twenty years from now. , People\'s mainstream aesthetic is white.

He still remembered that in a previous life, someone said that Disney was on the road to political correctness, and it was gone forever. In the later stage of development, even its fairy tale characters have become the first year color matching.

I\'m afraid Pinocchio has been thinking about it for a whole year and can\'t understand why there is a bald black fairy with a blue fire. I am afraid that seeing a dark bald black fairy, normal people don\'t even have the idea of ​​making a wish. And what is the "daughter of the Black Sea" little loach, I heard that the distance from the left eye to the right eye costs several hundred yuan for a taxi.

By the way, there is also the "Black Blood Princess" who redefines "white as snow", Disney has simply played political correctness. But to make money, don’t think that Disney’s executives are so sympathetic to African-Americans, and the only reason they can make a knife against the famous fairy tale characters under its former banner is that the black ones can sell tickets.

Zack Snyder brought a lot of resumes, especially actors who are interested in leading actresses, and there are many actresses who are familiar to Wayne.

This photo of Jessica Alba made him sound a very interesting phenomenon. Some Hollywood stars, no one knows why they can be red to purple in the East. The interesting thing is that these stars are far less famous in North America than they are in the East.

Just like this Jessica Alba, because of the sweet smile that summed up the aesthetics of the East and the West, in Wayne\'s memory, the popularity is like a Hollywood first-line actress.

In fact, even when she was at the peak of her most brilliant performance, she was barely classified as a second tier, and this was before and after she finished filming "Sin City." That is to say, Jessica Alba has never received a top salary, let alone a top salary, she has not even received a first-line actress salary.

There are many similar ones, such as Natalie Portman, the role of Matilda, whose influence in the East is unparalleled. There is also Nicholas Cage, the period when the most prolific and rotten pieces of this product fell, was also the most popular period in the East~www.novelhall.com~ In addition to the "Earth Ball Flower" in Wayne\'s mouth, in fact Monica Bellucci\'s fame has always been limited to Europe, but who made Malena in the East, is the fantasy enlightenment of countless teenagers.

"That\'s it, the heroines are Amy Adams and Winona Ryder for the time being."

Wayne threw the other resumes aside, patted the two specially selected ones, looked at Zach Snyder and said, "Let Charles talk to Winona Ryder\'s agent first, if the other party asks for too much remuneration. , then choose Amy Adams directly."

"Okay, I see." Zach Snyder put away the two resumes, nodded and agreed.

For these two choices, Wayne\'s idea is very simple. Winona Ryder is the first choice, but this actor, who is about the same age as himself, has already made a name for himself in the circle a few years ago. What about "Edward Scissorhands, "Alien" In such films, you can see the figure of this actress.

What\'s more, she has also been nominated for Oscar performance awards. Generally speaking, such actors will not be paid too low to join commercial films. The probability of expecting her to take the initiative to reduce her salary is very low. This is the atmosphere in the circle. Once she takes the initiative to reduce her salary in a commercial project, it will be difficult to call out a high price if she joins other similar projects in the future.

As for Amy Adams, it\'s still a newcomer now, at least not yet emerging in the circle. The actress is at her best age, no matter her face or temperament, she is more in line with Wayne\'s requirements for a heroine, and the price is definitely not high.

Afterwards, the two briefly discussed the candidates for other roles. Zach Snyder stayed until about 11 a.m. before putting the selected resume back in the briefcase. After rejecting Wayne\'s lunch invitation, he hurriedly drove into the car and left the manor.