Hollywood Drawing

~: Seven hundred and forty-six - rubbing the beauty of the heat

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The most common pastimes in Hollywood circles are crazy parties, alcohol, neuro-narcotics, and those leafy smokes that make people feel high. At least for most practitioners in the circle, these are a good way to let them forget their troubles.

If you have higher pursuits, you can also stop for a few months and go on vacation to beautiful places around the world.

But none of this has anything to do with Wayne, as if work is the best pastime in his life, and even during the three days in Los Angeles, he spends most of the time dealing with work non-stop. The rest of the little free time was also left to the growing little Fendi.

From the preparation progress of the "Superman" project, to the project jointly invested by Greenberg Studio and Warner Bros., and even the just-released "Shakespeare in Love", all kinds of things keep him busy like a robot.

After three days, Wayne had to temporarily divert his energy from miscellaneous matters. He took Nina and Sergey with him again and boarded the plane to London. There are still hundreds of crew members waiting for him to continue to complete the rest of the work.

Without any rest, he arrived at the Warners Studio in the suburbs early in the morning the next day.

The annual Christmas is coming soon, and the crew will have to suspend filming again. Although everyone has to spend this traditional festival in a foreign country, they must at least give everyone a few days off.

Even if he were a vampire-like capitalist, he couldn\'t drive the entire crew to work on Christmas Day.

"I\'m not the **** of war, Diana, I\'m the **** of truth. Humans, who stole the world from us. Day by day, they\'re destroying it, and I\'m the only one who sees through it all.... .."

In a small room in the studio, the scene being staged is the beginning of the battle between Wonder Woman Diana Prince and Ares, the **** of war.

Like the villains in all commercial movies, Ares, the **** of war, still can\'t get rid of his stubbornness. When facing Wonder Woman, Taotao kept telling his own ideology.

The scene of this scene is relatively simple. In the simple background, several cameras are shooting the two people in the middle from different angles.


While Ares, the **** of war, was still talking about his past, Wayne rudely stopped the sound, breaking the tranquility of the entire shooting scene.

"David, pay attention to your emotions." He was holding a megaphone in his hand, and he didn\'t show any emotion to the actors. In front of countless staff, his voice was as cold as ice cubes just taken out of the refrigerator.

"The past you are talking about and the emotions you show in your eyes are completely separate performances. I need you to continue to adjust yourself. You have fifteen minutes, otherwise, I will keep shooting this scene. ."

David Thewlis, who played Ares, the **** of war, shrugged and said his fifth apology since the morning. As a result, Julie handed the coffee and walked towards his chair with his head down. "Sorry, Director Greenberg, I will adjust it as soon as possible."

Just as Wayne called to stop, several assistants who had been standing outside the camera immediately wrapped the prepared cotton clothes around Angelina Jolie. It can be seen that the moment she heard the call to stop, her whole body was shivering.

Now they are in the British Isles. The climate here is completely different from that of Los Angeles. Especially when Christmas is just around the corner, the temperature outside London is at most three degrees. A filming of the heroine is a very big test.

"I\'ve been on a lot of crews, and among all the veteran actors, David Thewlis is the least savvy I\'ve ever seen."

Letting go of the camera in his hand, the head of the camera crew, Robert shook his head, leaned in front of Wayne who was sitting behind the director\'s monitor, and whispered, "No, my adjective is wrong, it should be about forty years old. As an actor, I\'ve never seen him so vulnerable to outside influence. Shit, **** weather."

"Okay, Robert, these are just little questions."

Faced with such a situation, Wayne could only pat his camera director\'s arm.

As Robert said, the native British actor, early in the morning

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Many people have seen the reason for frequent ng.

There are a large number of veterans in various departments in the crew. In fact, since the actor filmed the first scene, some people have already discovered the problem, including Wayne, who has been sitting silently in the director\'s seat. Quite simply, Angelina Jolie put too much pressure on him.

It\'s not the pressure of acting, but the attitude that the heroine Angelina Jolie showed to her performance opponent during the first ng due to the existence of bad weather.

In the entire studio, only her heroine suffered the most, even though they all worked in the studio, but in the entire huge Warner Studios, no studio was equipped with thermal insulation measures. Over and over again, her attitude would be damned if she had a good attitude.

The crew has always been a small society with amplified emotions, where classes are extremely distinct. Precisely for a crew of more than 200 people, all kinds of small frictions are not uncommon. Everyone is an adult. It is impossible for Wayne to pull a veteran actor and patiently help him explain the drama and help him adjust. mood.

In the adult workplace, people without relatives or reasons should understand that the crew leader will only make choices, not education.

Maybe it was freezing enough, or maybe she saw something. Angelina Jolie was wearing a padded jacket and holding a cup of steaming coffee in both hands. Emotional David Thewlis.

The two whispered softly for a few minutes. Although they didn\'t know what they talked about, the effect was very obvious. In the subsequent shooting, the actor finally let go of many concerns and successfully finished the long shot.

"What are your plans for Christmas?"

Taking advantage of the noon break, Angelina Jolie got into the director\'s trailer, picked up a pair of fast food, clumsily picked up the food from the lunch box on the table, and turned to look at the person who was digging into the food. man.

"Stay in the hotel pull room." Wayne muttered.

"Hy?" Angelina Jolie raised her head, looked at Nina beside her, and asked in disbelief, "Don\'t tell me, on Christmas day, you also have a lot of work for yourself. I want to invite you out for a walk."

"That\'s right."

Facing the woman\'s invitation, Wayne put down the fast child a little tired, raised his hand and rubbed his forehead, and explained: "We have to speed up some work progress, of course, I know that the filming progress is fast enough now. already."

"Then why not take the opportunity to rest for two days..."

"Hey, Angie, you can rest, but I can\'t."

With a sound of Katcha, Wayne lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and said with the blue smoke: "I have to take advantage of the two days when everyone is resting, and edit a trailer as soon as possible. That\'s one of the reasons why I shot you and Ares before Christmas."

Angelina Jolie nodded thoughtfully, looking at the man in front of her. "Super Bowl?"

"Yes, Super Bowl."

Compared with the Super Bowl in previous years, Wayne is actually more concerned about the upcoming one. He is very clear that as long as he can appear in the Super Bowl halftime commercial this year, the effect will definitely be much better than in previous years.

In fact, since the Super Bowl in 1993, the halftime of the game has been changed from the old-fashioned lining up to the performance of the most well-known entertainment figures of the year. Since this Super Bowl, people generally refer to the halftime period as the Super Bowl. Halftime show.

If you count the impressive ones, there are definitely many well-known commercials, and great performances are mentioned. For example, in 1992, Cindy Crawford starred in the commercial for Pepsi, which is one of the most representative.

Cindy Crawford was the dream lover of all North American men. She drove a Lamborghini to the gas station in the advertisement and bought a can of Pepsi in front of the vending machine.

The clever thing is that the audience had always thought that the two little boys staring at her on the side of the road were obsessed, but it turned out that they were fascinated by the new packaging of Pepsi. Collect two of the three major elements of advertising: children, beautiful women, plot and reversal.

It is such a simple but classic plot that makes Cindy Crawford and PepsiCo

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Let\'s go together, completely out of the circle. At that time, even ordinary people who didn\'t pay attention to fashion were still fascinated by this **** woman. This was a typical win-win plan.

Next, I have to mention the Super Bowl halftime show in 1993. As soon as the great J appeared, it ignited the entire stadium. Without the creation of the year, the Super Bowl halftime show may not have reached the attention and height it is today.

At that time, Jackson was still at the peak of his popularity. The NFL invited him to the halftime show, ushering in a new era in which halftime shows invited entertainment stars to perform. He kept standing still on the stage, which not only satiated the audience\'s appetite, but also became the most classic scene of the Super Bowl halftime show.

Later, he performed well-known works such as "" and "horld" one after another.

Compared with the previous years, although the Super Bowl halftime show in the past two years has more influence and more big stars on the stage, it seems to have entered a strange circle, with halftime performances and halftime commercials. None of them were as popular as those two years ago.

When it comes to other things, maybe Wayne can\'t remember it too clearly, but the Super Bowl halftime show in 1999, he remembers it very clearly, because in his previous life, he had watched this performance video many times.

That\'s right, in this year\'s Super Bowl, the "angels" of Victoria\'s Secret put their show on the football field. As soon as these angels in **** underwear appeared, they ignited the enthusiasm of the whole world again, and successfully pushed the discussion of this Super Bowl halftime show to the top.

That is to say, because of this century show, the ratings of this year\'s Super Bowl have exploded. Wayne is definitely not willing to miss such an opportunity. At that time, the trailer of "Wonder Woman" will also be spread to all TV audiences around the world along with this halftime show with explosive ratings. Such an opportunity is too rare.

For the first time, the influence of Victoria\'s Secret Angels will spread from North America to Europe and the world. Beautiful women, especially those who are **** and attractive enough, will be the focus of the crowd no matter what time they are placed.

It is precisely this group of angels who are very different from the traditional models in people\'s impressions. They are not so thin that they are so sick that their ribs are exposed. Instead, they are undulating and very hot. In terms of appearance conditions, it is naturally more in line with male aesthetics.

According to the appearance in his memory, Wayne said in all fairness that these angels are not inferior to most Hollywood actresses in terms of appearance and body. So he will never let go of this opportunity to gain popularity. To a certain extent, the particularity of the film "Wonder Woman" is very suitable for this popularity.

In commercial films, a vase heroine is usually required to show off her figure. This is the valuable experience that Hollywood film companies have summed up in decades of operation.

It is precisely this "Wonder Woman" that not only meets this condition, but even directly replaces the absolute protagonist with a **** and hot woman. Such a special existence is naturally suitable for taking advantage of this year\'s Super Bowl halftime show. The group of "angels" ignited global public opinion.

Just like what the famous marketing expert "sheeped a sheep" did, how to make a popular product in a frenzied era? The most important thing is two points. First, it is easy to get started. Second, it\'s hard to let go.

What is the most accessible news channel in this era? TV set. What is the most difficult thing for a man to let go? That\'s right, she\'s a beauty.

No one has stipulated that the marketing of a movie cannot rely on beautiful women. Besides, the protagonist of "Wonder Woman" is a **** and hot beauty. Commercial movies must be operated with sufficient commercial means, which is understandable in Wayne\'s view.

As Wayne said, in order to edit a 30-second trailer as soon as possible, when Christmas came at the end of December, the crew took a holiday at his announcement, and he himself plunged into the hotel. The temporary pulling room in the middle of the school, cooperated with the senior Julia to start the work in this area.

The 1999 Super Bowl will be held on the last day of January. UU reading www.uukanshu.com does not have much time left for him. Fortunately, the work in this area has already been carried out. The benefits of a dedicated editor.

He never left the hotel for the entire Christmas period, and his efforts with Julia and the ILM staff were not in vain at all.

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After all, on the first day of the official arrival in January, the thirty-second trailer of "Wonder Woman" was handed over to the staff of Warner Bros.

Next, with the end of the crew\'s short vacation, the tedious filming work was once again entered. Fortunately, the actual shooting of this film is extremely extreme, and it has always been ahead of the shooting plan.

Wayne predicts that if they move fast, they will be able to return to North America before the official Super Bowl to witness the show of the century.

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