Hollywood Drawing

~: Seven hundred and forty-four - men don't like questions

The time has come to the early morning. Although he did not have much expectations for the box office of Shakespeare in Love, Wayne still did not go to bed early, leaning on the reclining chair on the balcony, waiting for the premiere statistics sent by Warner Bros.

The most important reason why this film can be opened in 1,500 theaters in North America is the strong distribution capabilities of Warner Bros.

From this point of view, there is nothing wrong with Harvey Weinstein\'s choice. If Miramax\'s own distribution capabilities are used, the number of premiere theaters will never exceed 1,000.

The Greenberg Manor in the dark, the scattered moonlight makes this densely vegetated private manor more psychedelic.

On the balcony of the master bedroom on the third floor, which was the only bright light, Wayne put the quilt with black tea on the table, looked at the security patrol lights that flickered around the garden from time to time, and took out a cigarette to light it.

It\'s winter in Los Angeles in December, but it doesn\'t bring any chills. A gust of breeze blew into the master bedroom along the balcony, as if there was a hint of sea breath mixed in it, quite similar to the cool autumn atmosphere in a place with four distinct seasons.

Even in winter, the temperature in Los Angeles is around 8 to 18 degrees. There is no real cold winter here. In this coldest season, people just add a thick coat in the morning and evening.

And this temperature is already the coldest time of the year in Los Angeles. As soon as December passes, the temperature will rise rapidly, and in March at the latest, the overall temperature will rise to above 20 degrees, just like skipping directly. In the spring, it is directly into the hot summer.

"If it were me, I would honestly wear the coat prepared by Haila, or put on my pajamas."

Naomi Watts was draped in a thick white bathrobe, and when she came out of the bathroom, her hair had been blow-dried. Feeling the breeze blowing in from the balcony, she saw a man with a naked upper body and only a bath towel on his lower body. He frowned and reminded:

"You\'ve got pretty muscles, but there\'s no other woman here, so dear Director Greenberg, you\'d better respect this **** winter."

As the woman who knows Wayne best, Naomi Watts knows better than anyone that this man will not get sick easily, but once he catches a cold, it will last for more than one to two weeks.

So far, she still remembers the scene when the film crew first arrived in New York during the filming of "Batman: The Dark Knight, and this man took a cold to work."

Turning his head and glancing at the woman walking behind him, Wayne weakly waved his fingers holding the cigarette, nesting in the reclining chair without any intention of moving. The two hadn\'t seen each other for a long time, and the huge war just now, from the bedroom to the cloakroom, and finally to the bathroom, drained the last bit of energy from him.

In a sense, Australian girls can\'t bring him enough freshness, but because of their unparalleled tacit understanding, they can always bring him the most comfortable feeling when it comes to rolling the sheets, especially After not seeing each other for a while.

"If you\'re making an offer for that little Disney singer now, I have absolutely no problem with that."

Looking at the man\'s virtue of smoking lazily, Naomi Watts stood behind the reclining chair, picked up the thick pajamas, and put it on the other side. With an obvious mockery, it also sounded above the man\'s head.

Without even looking at the woman who was already sitting beside him, Wayne\'s eyes still wandered back to the garden downstairs, and he pouted and countered, "Nami, I swear, you\'re more beautiful when you don\'t speak."

"Didn\'t you have an appointment with Zach early tomorrow morning, didn\'t you take a rest earlier?" Naomi Watts rolled her eyes, took the cigarette from the man\'s mouth, and put it into her own mouth for several consecutive puffs.

"I\'m still waiting, even if I already expected the box office results, it won\'t be too ideal..."

Muttering softly, Wayne\'s eyes slowly narrowed, and he reached out to grab the cigarette from the woman\'s mouth and looked at the other\'s face.

After thinking about it for a few seconds, he said casually, "Nami, stay away from Nicole Kidman, you should be able to understand what I mean."

"I can interpret this as, are you going to start interfering in my private life, or even controlling my private life?"

"**k, you don\'t have to listen at all, okay?" He glared at the woman beside him, and Wayne could tell that her rebuttal was not sincere, but instead made a foul language. "You are free, but if I were you, I would never try to refute my child\'s father."

Seeing the woman shrugging, she did not continue the topic, nor did she continue to mention the Mrs. Cruise.

Perhaps in Naomi Watts\' understanding, Wayne said this because she discovered that the person who bought the copyright of "Three Billboards" was her best friend.

In fact, it\'s not because of this. There are many similar things in Hollywood, and there will be a more powerful "Matilda" in the future, who will directly **** away the husband and project of the "girlfriend", and rely on the swan project. Win an Oscar.

The reason why "Matilda" did that was because she accidentally saw the script that "best friend" was reading.

Hollywood is never short of plastic friendships, and there is never a shortage of life-threatening backstabbings between "girlfriends". In this circle, people usually only focus on results, and no one naively pays attention to how the results are obtained. Just like that "Matilda", who still remembers who her "best friend" is in the end? People will only remember her as the Oscar-winning actress.

The reason why she said this is because Wayne clearly knows that when it comes to women\'s extremely complicated thoughts and methods, Mrs. Cruise is simply the top in the circle, which means that from now on, Nicole Kidman is about to start. It is time to sing a big show, and this big show will last for many years once it is sung.

He didn\'t hope at all that the figure of the woman around him would appear in this farce, and there would be a lot of celebrities who expressed their opinions, but even if Nicole Kidman worked hard to create her own victim and affectionate character, she would still become The top few most unseen actresses in North America.

This ranking is very interesting. Until 2013, the North American Hollywood fashion magazine "star" once again made a vote on the "20 most annoying Hollywood stars".

After nearly 100,000 votes from readers from all walks of life, Gwyneth Paltrow finally came out on top, which was considered a success for Nicole Kidman.

There was no further conversation between the two, and Naomi Watts squeezed Wayne hard, nestled in the deck chair, and looked at the somewhat psychedelic garden under the moonlight.

Until a crisp phone rang, the woman reached out and picked up the mobile phone on the table, pressed the answer button, and put it in the man\'s ear.

"Nina, let\'s just talk about the box office, um, I see, rest early."

The entire call lasted less than a minute, without any long-winded and nonsense. After Wayne got the number he wanted, he signaled the Australian girl to hang up.

"How\'s the box office?" Naomi Watts put the phone back on the table, got up, and crossed her long snow-white legs on the wide reclining chair, looking down at the man and asked curiously.

"It\'s not bad, it\'s not bad." Wayne shook his head slightly, stretched out his hand to flick the ashtray in the ashtray, and said casually, "About $4.8 million."

Hearing this number, Naomi Watts frowned instantly. "Just like that?"

"Nami, there are already quite a few."

Looking up at the disappointment on the woman\'s face helplessly, Wayne let out a long sigh and explained, "This is a literary film after all, or a literary film for the Oscars, you can\'t expect such a film , the opening box office is as hot as a commercial film. This figure has met my expectations, at least it shows that profitability will not be a problem.”


Hearing his explanation, Naomi Watts suddenly came to his senses. He has been following the man beside him for the past few years, and unconsciously, his eyes have naturally become higher.

For Oscar-themed essays like Shakespeare in Love, more than 90% of the box office will not be very good, and even more movies of the same type, from the beginning of the release to the official arrival of the Oscars, the number of theaters will remain at the same level. Dozens or so.

From this point of view, the box office of this film is already good. At least according to the scale of Wayne\'s investment, it is almost not a problem to recover the cost in the theater market, and even there is great hope for profitability.

Don\'t look at the box office is not high, it was obtained under the great publicity of Warner Bros. It is foreseeable that the single-day box office of the film in the first weekend will basically not be higher than the number of the premiere night, but this kind of literary film It also has its own unique advantage, that is, the duration of the show.

In the past two years, especially in the hot summer season, the screen life of commercial blockbusters has become significantly shorter and shorter. It seems that all film companies have a strategy. In the first weekend of the release, they try to drive enough potential movie fans into the theater, and after harvesting the potential box office, they will go offline as soon as possible.

Thinking of this, she cast her gaze on the face of the man beside her for the first time. That\'s right, the reason why Hollywood has such a trend, in Naomi Watts\' view, the man around him is definitely one of the initiators, if not even one.

The reason why when the name Wayne Greenberg is mentioned in the circle, it is inevitable to talk about the changes he has brought to Hollywood, because in subtle ways, he has deeply influenced Hollywood from all aspects.

However, literary films have always been outside the category of "getting addicted and dying", especially the literary films that rushed to the awards at the beginning of their release.

Such films usually have a longer screening period, and if they can get bonus awards, the screening time can even last for more than a whole year. Not only that, but there is usually a dramatic expansion of the scale of screenings within a short period of time.

It is also because of the longer screening period, some of the more successful literary and artistic films, the total box office figures that fans see in the end are not low at all.

"When are you going to start producing the novel your mother gave me?"

Thinking of the dazzling Cate Blanchett tonight, Naomi Watts rolled her big blue eyes, looking at the man and finally couldn\'t help but ask.

"To be honest, Nami, I\'m not sure right now."

Without selling off, Wayne said directly: "Since you have read the novel several times, you must have noticed that there are various social problems in North America hidden in it, and more importantly, this story is still advertised with strong feminism.

Therefore, it is not difficult to make such a film at all, but it is rare that it needs the blessing of social background, political trends and other things. Otherwise, even if we shoot it, we will never get the result we want. "

Rather than filming Three Billboards earlier, Wayne actually prefers not to make the film directly. As long as his busiest two years pass, there will be time to grind out an Oscar winner in the future.

In his heart, he didn\'t want Naomi Watts to go the way of Cate Blanchett. Of course, it is good to win the Oscar directly, but the price to pay is likely to be ridiculed by fans and the film circle as "the most watery actress in decades" for many years.

Therefore, he prefers to let Naomi Watts take the orthodox path. First, according to the plan, after he has a first-line coffee position in the commercial field, he will turn his head to star in the literary films that can highlight his acting skills.

It\'s even better not to get what you want in one go. After one or two nominations, getting that little gold medal will make people feel like they deserve it. It would be even more perfect if everyone else felt that the academy owed her a golden statue like Xiao Lizi did.

Of course, no matter how well-planned things are, they can\'t keep up with sudden changes. If this woman\'s obsession with the little golden man is big enough, Wayne doesn\'t mind running the matter earlier.

"Nami, you are so beautiful, this is the biggest obstacle on your way to get the golden statue."

"Thankyou Wayne."

Women\'s brain circuits are always a little different. Naomi Watts completely ignored the meaning of his words, and directly focused all his attention on the sentence that he was too beautiful.

With a helpless sigh, Wayne stretched out his hands and pulled the woman\'s head hard, so that the two eyes looked at each other in the air. "Listen, Nami, if you want to get that statue as soon as possible. The best way, or the only way to have a good chance of success, is to be ugly."

"ikonw, I remember you said this method before when you chatted with Tom Cruise." Naomi Watts nodded and said, shaking off the man\'s hands.

"The nature is the same, and the Academy naturally discriminates against all beautiful actors."

Leaning back on the chair, Wayne said directly: "So, if you want to win the Oscar before the age of 30, the best way to do this is to be ugly and play a lunatic. , psychopaths, serial killers, and other characters that challenge humanity.”

Without any hesitation, Naomi Watts looked at the man and shook her head. "Ha, then I\'d rather wait a few more years."

Self-destruction of the screen image has never been a simple matter for female stars, and there are many influences involved. But even if it is self-destructing the screen image, it is only an opportunity to fight for it. No one can give a guarantee about the final result.

Hearing that the woman didn\'t hesitate at all, he gave a neat answer. Wayne felt that his IQ was insulted, and co-authoring his patient explanation and suggestions, it was completely useless for the other party. "**k, then dispel all thoughts about that little golden man!"

In fact, Naomi Watts understands better than anyone else that as long as she doesn\'t mess around, the man beside her will definitely find a way to help her get what she deserves.

If it weren\'t for seeing Cate Blanchett tonight, she wouldn\'t have the urge to get impatient, after all, she knew something about the big fat Harvey and Wayne\'s plans for awards season.

Looking at the man\'s frantic expression, she stuck out her tongue, licked her lips, and asked with a smile, "Okay, dear, it\'s getting late, can I invite you back to the big bed to rest together?"

"Men don\'t like questions," Wayne waved as he lay motionless in his chair.

"Go to sleep with me!"

"It\'s too stiff."

Trying to suppress the urge to throw a punch at the tough face, the Aussie kept a smile on her face. "Can you go to bed with me?"

"Another problem."

"Ok, I\'m going to bed, I can\'t sleep without you."

"All right..."