Hollywood Drawing

~: Seven hundred and fifty-two - wipe your disgusting drool.

UPDATE: After the "Wonder Woman" trailer ended, none of the executives in the Disney offices cared about the halftime show that had already begun.

Even if Shaka-Kahn, the blues soul music queen, appeared, it didn\'t let the executives take a second look. The Super Bowl organizers\' ingenious tribute to the classics, whether it\'s soul music, salsa, or swing music, have all been ignored by this group of old men.

"F**k, Warner Bros. is so shameless for the box office of \'Wonder Woman\'."

An executive from Disney\'s distribution company, Bowei Pictures, frowned and kept swearing. "I\'m sure that such a shameless marketing strategy can only be done by the b***h of Bruce Rosenblum, that son of a bitch, he has always been very good at taking opportunities to market... ..”

No one thought there was anything wrong with his constant foul language, not even Disney chairman Michael Eisner.

Even if it wasn\'t to maintain his image, he wanted to yell at the TV.

Everyone present, including Michael Bay, who was so confident that he wanted to face Wayne face-to-face, actually knew very well that Disney dared to spend so much money to make "Pearl Harbor", and the fundamental reason was "Saving Private Rui" The war movie market opened by "En", and Michael Bay\'s excellent market control.

And the earliest, the reason why Disney executives promised Michael Bay, this "Pearl Harbor" will be released in May at the beginning of the summer, and it will even collide with Wayne Greenberg\'s new work. The reason for the announcement is the attributes of "Wonder Woman".

Don\'t look at the good market results of "Charlie\'s Angels", but no one can deny that in a commercial project with huge investment, having an absolute woman as the protagonist is naturally weak in terms of audience.

Over the years, the movie giants that have survived in Hollywood have long had a set of perfect market rules. Among the most untouchable points, there is the creation of a commercial giant around a female protagonist.

Don\'t look at the increasing popularity of women\'s rights and minority rights over the past few years, but in the film industry, it is still a Chi Luoluo patriarchal society. This point will never change with the trend of social thought. When the film company really thinks it has to change one day, it must be a choice made by the market.

The reality is like this, I am afraid even some ordinary movie fans can think clearly that a commercial action movie starring a male will definitely not lack the pursuit of female audiences.

But whether a commercial film starring a woman can be sought after by male audiences is really uncertain. The term sense of substitution is not just a simple talk. A movie with women as the absolute protagonists naturally shields most male fans because of the problem of sense of substitution.

But even so, there are still women who make up half of the population, aren\'t they?

This is also a special phenomenon in the film industry. For example, the talk show "The Oprah Winfrey Show", which is purely targeted at female groups, has not lost the number one rating of the talk show because the audience is middle-aged women. the throne.

But such a thing never works in the film industry. All major Hollywood film companies have their own market research departments, and some survey data are never secret.

It is precisely in the survey of all film companies that a movie with an absolute female as its selling point is not paid by female fans. This is the reality.

When male fans watch movies starring male stars, they can naturally be brought into fantasy through the same gender. When female fans watch movies starring male stars, there is also no gender barrier barrier, because in the 100-year development of world movies, the protagonists have always been male subjects.

Why does Hollywood not get paid for equal work? Even though feminism has spread all over the world in the past two decades, is this still common? Why does Hollywood talk about appeal, most people think of Tom, Depp, and Little Plum for the first time?

The root cause is that Hollywood studios have always been so realistic that it\'s purely male stars who can make them more money. This is a capitalist society, and whoever can make money for the employer can take more remuneration from the employer and take away higher treatment and status.

It can be said that the glamorous female stars in front of the people are the auxiliary status in the general perception of Hollywood practitioners, and their role has always been the icing on the cake.

Why did Michael Bay want to go head-to-head with Wayne Greenberg in the first place? It is because "Wonder Woman" has congenital defects, otherwise he is not really stupid, and he is not stupid enough to fight against the lunatic who is known as the representative of Hollywood directors in the 1990s.

Not only did he think so in his heart, but Jerry Bruckheimer, the producer and project sponsor, and the executives of Disney all had similar ideas in their hearts more or less. It was just such an idea that he would never understand. Just say it.

But looking at it now, it\'s clear that Warner Bros. also knows the shortcomings of "Wonder Woman", and they are also trying their best to make up for it. This is one of the three giants of justice, and one of the core characters in DC movies and comics that cannot be bypassed.

So, the little easter egg at the end of the "Wonder Woman" trailer appeared under Wayne\'s editing.

"Wayne Greenberg played a good game."

Taking a sip of the cold coffee, Jerry Bruckheimer frowned and said, "Justice starts with her! Justice is coming! Assemble all the superheroes! He was about to tell the audience directly with a loudspeaker, "" Wonder Woman was the beginning of Justice League."

That\'s right, if some male audiences really don\'t want to watch a female movie from the bottom of their hearts, I\'m afraid they don\'t want to miss it, who made this "Wonder Woman" already Chi Luoluo before it was released It hints to the audience that this film has a lot to do with the Justice League.

Even as a producer, Jerry Bruckheimer can now assert that this "Wonder Woman" is definitely not like the Easter eggs in the trailer, and there won\'t be too many scenes about the Justice League in it. Selling dog meat has always been the most important part of the self-cultivation of Hollywood producers.

"Jerry, since he made Joker, Disney has created a separate file for him."

With his head tilted to light a thick cigar, Michael Eisner glanced at the TV. Although the underwear catwalk has already begun in the professional football stadium, he believes that no one in the office will be interested in these models. He looked at Jerry Bruckheimer and said:

"His profile has gotten thicker and thicker over the years, and trust me, other studios must have done the same. I\'ll tell you, Wayne Greenberg, don\'t look at his work, it\'s full of darkness , depression, unease, and **** cruel scenes were not lacking in the early days, but this person..."

Speaking of which, he seemed to be hesitating what adjective to use, and deliberately pondered for a while.

"Don\'t be deceived by his appearance. Compared with his apparent identity, judging from his actions in the past few years, he is more like a film businessman than a film director."

Michael Eisner described him as a businessman, and none of the people present felt that it was a derogatory term, more like a rare compliment.

There is no doubt that the highest-ranking practitioners in this circle have never been those glamorous big stars, nor the brokerage companies that claim to control most of Hollywood. From the beginning to the end, the producer alliance has stood at the top of the pyramid for decades, in other words, the capital behind the film.

In Michael Eisner\'s tone, it is not difficult to hear that when he talks about the name Wayne Greenberg at this moment, he rarely puts the other party on an equal position with himself. Such an attitude is rarely seen in Disney emperors.

"Two weeks."

Michael Eisner turned his head and looked at Michael Bay, who had just calmed down and said, "Wonder Woman was released two weeks ahead of our Pearl Harbor. With these two In a week, I think the enthusiasm of the fans attracted by "Justice League" should be almost exhausted.


Mike, you should know the point of Disney doing this, even if we come out two weeks after the Wayne Greenberg movie, you can\'t take it lightly, it\'s also an uphill battle. "

Michael Eisner has no doubts about the quality of "Pearl Harbor". After all, the hot scenes in the trailer just now, as well as some scenes that have been edited, all show that these are the things the other party is best at and can attract the box office the most. .

He prefers to take the initiative to avoid "Wonder Woman" for two weeks as a wise choice to avoid losing both sides. There is absolutely no emotion of escape.

"That\'s right, Mike."

Seeing Michael Bay\'s silence as always, Jerry Bruckheimer also said: "It doesn\'t matter if it\'s two weeks late, as long as you can get some advantages in the head-to-head battle with Wayne Greenberg, Then this Pearl Harbor will be your Hollywood masterpiece."

"I see."

Michael Bezantou looked around a few executives and nodded silently.

Jerry Bruckheimer\'s subtext, of course, he knows that no matter how good his past box office performance is, from inside and outside the Hollywood circle, to the media to the public fans, no one will really compare him with the great Wayne. - Greenberg put them together for comparison.

This is precisely an opportunity, regardless of external factors, only the market performance of the film can ultimately determine the director\'s status. In terms of how to attract fans, Michael Bay admits that he will not lose to Wayne Greenberg.

"You guys continue to watch the game, and I\'ll go back to the post-production studio to continue editing the film."

Simply saying goodbye to everyone, Michael Bay stood up directly, left the chairman\'s office, and walked towards the elevator.

While waiting for the elevator, he followed the window of the Disney headquarters and looked in the direction of another Hollywood movie giant in Burbank, the Warner Bros. headquarters building.

"Look, this time I not only want the fans to be satisfied, but also those movie critics who are like shit, shut up their stinky mouths together..."

With a soft grunt, Michael Bay lifted his legs and walked into the elevator. At this time, his heart was filled with tremendous pressure and excitement that made him want to shiver.

Yes, of course he knows that, as his old partner Jerry Bruckheimer said, this is an opportunity that no one else can ask for, and this is also an opportunity for him to make great strides to improve his status in the circle, of course he is not prepared to miss it.

And this "Pearl Harbor" is his most satisfying work over the years. For this project, for the first time, he held hundreds of millions of dollars in funds, for the first time he was not restrained by the producer, and for the first time he was completely According to his inner thoughts, after shooting all the footage, no one will have more confidence in this film than him.

In fact, there are some other small grievances in it. When Michael Bay first prepared "Pearl Harbor", the protagonist chose Ben Affleck.

Through "Good Will Hunter", he saw some temperament in the actor, and it is not difficult to see that there is absolutely no problem with the actor\'s acting skills.

What makes people feel incredible is that Ben Affleck\'s agent unceremoniously declined his audition invitation. It is even more clear that his client is preparing for Wayne Greenberg\'s new project "Superman", and it is completely impossible to join such a film.

It stands to reason that when the names of Michael Bay and Wayne Greenberg are put together and let the actors in the circle make a choice, I believe that more than 99% of people will choose the latter without hesitation. The project, after all, the Hollywood King of Darkness\'s ability to hold people up has been second to none since his debut.

Who doesn\'t want to be the next Will Smith, the next Nicolas Cage, or even the next Christian Bale?

But even so, Michael Bay\'s heart is still not very comfortable. What he is holding in his hand is a war movie with Hollywood\'s top investment scale. He secretly vowed that through this "Pearl Harbor", he will prove to everyone that it is not only the explosion that plays the role of explosion all the time.

I will also tell everyone that when he really intends to let go of the explosive transformation, he will never be worse than that dark lunatic!

"Angelina Jolie is absolutely beautiful, God."

Unlike Disney\'s executives, Ronald Prince in Lakewood didn\'t care about the "Pearl Harbor" that appeared earlier, especially "Wonder Woman". After the trailer appeared, his eyes were directly locked on Angelina Jolie.

"You bi**h, wipe the disgusting saliva from your mouth."

Seeing her boyfriend look crazy, staring at the TV and muttering to himself, Rebecca rolled her eyes in disgust. "

"f**ky*u, how can there be saliva?"

Leonard Prince thought he was really drooling, and when he reached out and touched it, he realized that he was tricked by his girlfriend. He looked at his girlfriend with embarrassment, shrugged and changed the subject: "Do you think it will appear in Wonder Woman? Superman."

"Who knows, it should be..."

Glancing at the TV again, Rebecca\'s mind was obviously no longer here. She simply ignored her boyfriend and got up and walked towards the computer in the bedroom.

After watching the trailer, she has a lot of ideas and wants to communicate with people.