Hollywood Drawing

~: Seven hundred and fifty-three - sky-high bra

The latest website: This year\'s Super Bowl is destined to be remembered by people. For the first time in its own trailer, the DC series of movies has revealed the news about the "Justice League" and the superheroes will be united together. This short The 30-second short trailer ignited movie fans across North America just after it was broadcast.

And it can\'t be ignored. The "Pearl Harbor" trailer, which appeared first, also attracted the attention of a large number of fans. Michael Bega\'s epic World War II, and the obligatory frenzied explosions, keep fans excited.

After watching the trailer of the Super Bowl halftime movie, for fans, this summer season can be said to be highly anticipated, but also slightly disappointed.

Because DC\'s "Wonder Woman" this year is actually only the second most anticipated movie by fans, and the one with the highest ranking, unexpectedly did not release a trailer, nor did it release any related news.

This little regret has little impact on a large number of fans. At least this year, the new DC movies they are looking forward to are still the same as in previous years, and they will meet everyone early in the summer. The surprise in the "Wonder Woman" trailer was far greater than they expected.

But this is just the beginning. What makes the audience watching the Super Bowl all over North America and even the world excited is the next halftime show.

In fact, the nostalgic tribute session of the Super Bowl organizers did not achieve the effect they expected, and the performance guests they invited heavily did not drive much Super Bowl ratings.

But as soon as the next performers came on stage, according to statistics from a post-event data survey company, in just one minute, the number of viewers watching the Super Bowl around the world skyrocketed.


Sergey, like a man and a bear, stood on the edge of the VIP box, looked at the 26 models who appeared in the center of the Super Bowl, and couldn\'t help but exclaim. "Heidi Klum is incredible! She\'s like an angel!"

No one thought his words were exaggerated, at least the men in the box were all thinking the same thing as him at this moment. Everyone\'s eyes were locked on Heidi Klum in the center of the venue, admiring this unprecedented **** show.

"Look, Wayne."

Kevin Tesuhara looked around and felt the fiery emotions of hundreds of thousands of people in the entire stadium. He took out two cigars and handed one to Wayne.

He came to the stadium today without an assistant, but his suit pocket was like an open warehouse, and he took out a spray gun, a cigar cutter and a series of other things from it.

"This time, Warner Bros. and you, the strategy of putting "Wonder Woman" on this year\'s Super Bowl for marketing is undoubtedly making a lot of money. But after this big show by this group of models, starting next year, the Super Bowl The cost of advertising will rise to a sky-high price. I don’t know if Hollywood studios will be so happy to pay at that time.”

"Will do."

Taking the cigar handed over by the other party, Wayne skillfully removed the outer plastic wrap, took the cigar cutter again, and patiently cut off the cap, while directly asserting:

"Would you like to make another bet? I bet that no matter how staggering the advertising costs of the Super Bowl will rise next year, there will definitely be no shortage of movie companies to support. On the contrary, they may have a headache by then, which one should they accept the check."

Others should wait until the event is over to find out through the media, but Wayne is completely different. In his last life, he had read the videos of the halftime show several times. Man, everyone wants to see this big show called Victoria\'s Secret going to the world.

That\'s right, the models invited by Victoria\'s Secret before this show are not well-known. Their characteristics are that they all have young, sexy, and gorgeous hot and tender bodies. They wear Victoria\'s Secret underwear and make a blockbuster, which instantly makes people adrenaline. The element has surged, and the eye-catching attributes are bursting.

Victoria\'s Secret\'s strategy has always been like this before. With a star endorsement fee of a few tenths, or even a few hundredths of the money, you can achieve unexpected publicity effects, saving money and being efficient.

But this big show has completely changed the business strategy of Victoria\'s Secret, and the reason is Heidi Klum, who is being appreciated by a global audience.

Since the end of this Super Bowl, the endorsement model of Victoria\'s Secret has been called the "Victoria\'s Secret Angel", and the brand and the model have become a symbiotic relationship. Angels bring huge traffic to the brand, strengthen the brand\'s **** temperament, and the brand provides the angels with a "one step to the sky" way to become famous!

The main reason for supporting Victoria\'s Secret executives to change their business strategy is because of the unexpected joining of Heidi Klum, which made the ratings of this Super Bowl unparalleled.

According to statistics released by the media after the event, the viewing rate of this Super Bowl far exceeded that of previous years, and the number of people watching this game accounted for a quarter of the world\'s total population! There is no moisture in it, but countless data research companies swear and claim that more than 1.5 billion people watched this Super Bowl!

What is even more surprising is that the time period when the ratings surged began when 26 "angel models" appeared on the stage.

"Wonder Woman movie trailer, plus this unprecedented lingerie show."

Kevin Tesuhara opened his mouth and exhaled a large cloud of green smoke with the aroma of fruit wood. He shook his head and said with a smile: "It\'s just the extreme of "sexy marketing", I have to say, Bruce Rosenbow Rum\'s luck is really good."

"Luck, sometimes more than anything, isn\'t it?"

Wayne shrugged, tilted his head to look at the radiant Heidik Rum, and muttered softly.

As the CEO of Time Warner said, Bruce Rosenblum, as the distribution director of Warner Bros., is also personally responsible for the formulation and implementation of the announcement and distribution plan for "Wonder Woman". This time, even if he does nothing later, he will It will be a huge success because of this "sexy marketing".

This has brought him a huge prestige to win the position of the next Warner Bros. CEO, regardless of whether it is because of luck, he will encounter this century "sexy marketing" by chance.

In the past ten years, the biggest title of Wei Mi is the originator of **** marketing. It can be said that since the day of birth, the gene to please men has flowed in the blood of Wei Mi. After this big show, the brand will start running wildly on this road, using the **** label to conquer the women of an era. consumer.

Why make Wonder Woman in the first place? Wayne may not have thought about taking this ride. You must know that the story timeline of "Wonder Woman" is actually behind "Superman".

Elements such as muscle, speed, passionate collision and confrontation on the court, combined with the **** and glamorous beauty of the Victoria\'s Secret Angels, stimulated the moment of hormones and evoked the original desire of 1.5 billion audiences around the world!

In conjunction with Heidi Klum\'s interpretation of the new millennium fantasy diamond Bra, which is worth 10 million US dollars, the most difficult "lust for power" for human beings includes "wealth and sex" in addition to "power". The Victoria\'s Secret Show has become a pronoun of **** and fashion in the minds of men and women around the world!

What Wayne wants is this ride. Don\'t look at Warner Bros. and him. They have tried their best to solve the problem in the hands of "Wonder Woman", and even the means of releasing the information of "Justice League" in advance are not stingy. used out.

However, there is one biggest worry that has always lingered in his heart, lingering like a dream demon. Therefore, he wants to use all the external conditions that can be used to increase the market influence of "Wonder Woman".


When the 26 "angel models" finished their performances and the game started again in the second half, Wayne waved and called the assistant lady. Under the suspicious gaze of the few people beside him, he directly ordered: "After the game, you can contact the senior management of Victoria\'s Secret and say that I want the new millennium fantasy underwear made of diamonds."

"Okay, boss."

After hearing his words, whether it was Angelina Jolie or Cameron Diaz, the eyes of these two women instantly burst into intense light.

They first glanced at each other, and then looked at the man beside them with fiery eyes.

Even Kevin Tesuhara saw this scene and turned his attention away from the game, looking at Wayne with some playfulness, wondering what he would do with this flashy, but very attractive to all women underwear.

In his opinion, Wayne is still too young. In this circle, who doesn\'t know what these actresses are? The reason why these two women are willing to go to bed with Wayne is definitely not because of some shit-like love, except for a tacit transaction, it is a transaction.

Why spend so much money on that dazzling lingerie if it\'s a deal you\'d love to do? To tell the truth, at least in Kevin Tesuhara\'s heart, no Hollywood female star is worth the price, and they are not his wives.

Seeing that all the people around him were looking at him, especially the eyes of these two actresses, full of Chi Luoluo\'s desires, Wayne believed at this moment that if they had the ability, they would definitely consider taking the underwear directly.

He raised his eyebrows helplessly, ignoring the longing in the eyes of the two ladies unceremoniously, and said to Nina who had turned around, "Then help me choose a suitable box, wrap this set of underwear, and wait until the little one. For Fendi\'s birthday, for Nami."

"Understood, boss."

Nina nodded, even the assistant lady, who usually doesn\'t show her emotions very much, had a clear look on her face at this time. This shows that she must have been guessing just now, who her boss will give this high-priced dress to.

Now that the answer has come out, there is no doubt that even though Wayne said so many sweet words when facing these two actresses, in fact, in his heart, the woman who really regarded him as his own has always been the one who accompanied him all the way. His Aussie girl.

As for why it was given on Fendi\'s birthday, it is better to understand. He is thanking Naomi Watts for bringing him a "little angel" in his life.

When his voice just fell, disappointment rose in the eyes of the two actresses at the same time. It\'s just that Wayne didn\'t care about the two\'s thoughts at all, and turned his head to chat with the Time Warner CEO again in a low voice.

Even until the end of the game, he didn\'t mention this high-priced underwear, which made the two actresses\' emotions not too good.

When the Super Bowl ended and Wayne and the others all left, Kevin Tesuhara folded his arms over his chest and stood by the box without moving, staring straight at the hundreds of thousands of people who were exiting.

"Boss, the car is ready."

Not long after, his secretary came over and reported in a low voice, waiting for his decision to leave.

"f**k! How is that possible?"

Kevin Tesuhara waved his fist in annoyance, which startled the secretary, and then heard him keep on dripping. "sonoftheb***h, did the Atlanta Falcons\' quarterback eat *****, why is it worse than a pile of shit, f**k, this watch is raised..."

The secretary heard that the boss kept making foul language. Although he didn\'t know what was going on, he could make the head of Time Warner, who is usually known for his stability, angry, but he knew that he should pretend that he didn\'t see anything now. Head silent.

But it\'s not hard to hear between the lines, it should be the Atlanta Falcons\' loss, which caused the opponent\'s violent anger, or annoyance.

"After going back, go to rent a big yacht..."

Shaking his head angrily, Kevin Tesuhara turned around and walked towards the VIP aisle outside the box while giving orders to the secretary in a low voice.

"Forget it, I\'ll borrow a yacht myself. You help me find the contact information of Heidi Klum\'s agent, and he said that there is a private party, and his supermodel client needs to sign a non-disclosure agreement to attend, let him They made a price! f**k, **** quarterback, I\'m going to bleed a lot now."

The secretary nodded and agreed in a low voice. "No problem, I\'ll contact you when I get back to the hotel."

Speaking of this, he still felt a bit of depression. But in the land of North America, even if it is a verbal gambling contract, it must be executed according to the contract. When it comes to the elites of their social status, credit is far more important to them than money.

Even compared to a contract in black and white, this kind of verbal gambling contract is more binding, and no one wants to consume their own credit value for a little money.

As Time Warner\'s CEO, Kevin Tesuhara knows all too well how much Wayne could make in the previous year.

Not to mention the share of the "X-Men" cooperating with 20th Century Fox, only the box office share of "The Flash", and the third installment of "The Matrix", "The Matrix", "The Matrix" invested by Warner Bros. and Greenberg Studios together. In films such as Charlie\'s Angels, the other party will get an astronomical profit share after a while. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

It was precisely because he knew that Wayne was not short of money that he would make this bet. He knew it. Although Wayne was the absolute main quarterback of the school team when he was in school, since he entered Hollywood, he has been busy spinning like a spinning top, and he has no time or mind at all. Focus on football again.

No matter how this bet is played, his chances of winning are huge. Besides, before the game started, he was very optimistic about the Atlanta Falcons. Now with such a result, he believes that many gambling companies will lose money.

But since he lost, although he was a little annoyed, it was not that he could not afford to lose. On the contrary, his handwriting is bigger, and he directly wants to invite Heidi Klum, as it is to connect the friendship between the two people. After all, he had noticed just now that Wayne looked at the supermodel with a possessiveness that only men could understand.

"Hope that b***h broker, don\'t make a sky-high price..."

Before the secretary closed the car door for Kevin Tesuhara, the music heard the other party\'s gurgling sound again. At this time, he could only continue to act dumb and silently opened the passenger\'s door.