Hollywood Drawing

~: 754 - The Neglected Box Office Nuke

The latest website: After the Super Bowl, what caused a media sensation and was reported by major media was not the winner, the star quarterback of the Denver Broncos, John Elway, nor the "Wonder Woman" that caused fans across North America to revel. ", but the group of **** and hot "angel models".

The most eye-catching one is undoubtedly Heidi Klum, and the sky-high diamond underwear she wore in front of a global audience that day.

But what puzzled the media reporters was that on the second day of the Super Bowl, when he mentioned the diamond underwear in an interview with reporters, Heidi Klum once said that a mysterious rich man, after the second half of the game , has already bought the diamond underwear.

Sensitive reporters immediately found the Victoria\'s Secret and asked about the price of the diamond underwear.

Although the specific figures were not obtained, the executive swore that the price of the diamond underwear was in the tens of millions of dollars.

When the reporters were sensitive to the gimmick and wanted to further inquire about the buyers, both the "angel supermodels" interviewed and the executives of Victoria\'s Secret were all silent.

Undoubtedly, supermodels and Victoria\'s Secret executives hope to make a fuss with this set of sky-high underwear, and no one wants to miss such a good marketing opportunity. But obviously, the mysterious rich people who bought this set of diamond underwear should have confidentiality clauses with Victoria\'s Secret, which caused them to choose silence when they were interviewed by reporters.

But when less than a week passed and the hustle and bustle on the Super Bowl had gradually come to an end, a reporter suddenly broke the news that the person who bought the sky-high diamond underwear was Hollywood director Wayne Greenberg.

According to the analysis of relevant good people, this possibility is really very high, because on the day of the Super Bowl, Wayne Greenberg himself was watching the game.

What made countless readers even more excited was that he was accompanied by the new "Wonder Woman" Angelina Jolie and "Charlie\'s Angels" Cameron Diaz.

People\'s eyes shifted quickly, and the entertainment tabloids were speculating about who of the two actresses was the ultimate owner of this underwear.

The executive power of paparazzi reporters is absolutely unique in the Hollywood media industry. They know very well that it is useless to block Wayne Greenberg at the gate of Warner Studios. Hollywood actress.

"No, that set of diamond underwear was not given to me, although I yearn for that dream underwear very much." Angelina Jolie admitted unceremoniously when facing reporters: "But I did not get it. That diamond bra. What? Who did Wayne give it to? Then I don\'t know."

Immediately afterwards, Cameron Diaz was also at his doorstep. In an interview with reporters, he admitted that he did not get the diamond underwear.

This is interesting. The answers of the two actresses in an interview undoubtedly proved one thing, that set of underwear was bought by Wayne Greenberg.

As we all know, the name Wayne Greenberg has many symbols in the eyes of the public. For example, the representative of Hollywood directors since the 1990s, the last owner of chivalry in North American society, the philanthropist, the super-rich, the representative of the American dream in recent years, and so on.

But these are not the first things people think of when they mention this name. Usually, when people hear this name mentioned by their friends or the media, the first thing that comes to mind is always the adjective "Playboy".

After years of coverage in entertainment newspapers and gossip tabloids, Wayne\'s name was almost synonymous with Playboy. And usually when a movie without his director is released, the most popular news is which female star he is involved with again.

Even just this year, some more authoritative entertainment media published a sarcastic statement. "The quickest way to find out if you\'re famous in Hollywood is not to look for your name among the stars on the Walk of Fame, but to ask yourself if you\'ve ever climbed into Wayne Greenberg\'s bed."

Another point is very important. As far as the female star who has had an affair with Wayne in the circle, so far, no one has said any bad words about him when facing the media. This is also an unfamiliar one among all Hollywood celebrities. No small miracle.

This is also the main reason why he is often among the top female fantasy objects in North America despite being a **** in people\'s minds.

So the question is, to whom did Wayne Greenberg give that set of sky-high underwear?

No one would believe that he would buy the underwear that was attractive to women but insensitive to men just to put it on for himself to look in the mirror.

Hollywood celebrities have no shortage of quirks. The most well-known example is Tom Cruise, this guy likes to wear thongs on his body during filming, and such gossip is not news for a long time.

But even so, no one wants to believe that Wayne has a transvestite. The public would rather believe that he is secretly addicted to drugs, or likes alcohol and leaf cigarettes, than that he is a transvestite.

So, in the first ten days of January, the most discussed topic in North America was where did Wayne\'s sky-high diamond underwear go? The popularity of this topic is close to the frequently held film awards ceremonies. Many paparazzi reporters are holding back their energy, trying to dig out the truth of this big news that is very unique in the awards season.

"You don\'t understand. A real businessman only earns limited profits. And huge profits just won\'t last long."

When 20th Century Fox saw the small conference room, then CEO Townsend Rothman was casually watching the colorful tabloids while chatting casually with Terry next to him.

"So, don\'t look at those shareholders, all of which are advocating to use a price that ordinary people can\'t refuse to attract Wayne Greenberg and Fox to cooperate more deeply. In fact, Wayne can\'t agree at all."

Terry nodded and glanced at the newspaper on the table, which was playing the big Hollywood detective column: Who is on Wayne Greenberg\'s sky-high diamond underwear. "The cooperation with 20th Century Fox is huge profits. But the close cooperation with Warner Bros. is the long-term practice of real business people."

"That\'s right." Townsend-Rothman reached out and snapped his fingers, smiled and shook his head. The smile on his face revealed a hint of coldness that was not easily detectable.

"Don\'t look forward to the next cooperation, unless there is an irreparable rift between Wayne Greenberg and Warner Bros., otherwise, for at least ten years, he will not cooperate with Fox again, even if he pays more money. It\'s no use."

Is there a rift between Warner Bros. and Wayne? Maybe, but there won\'t be a rift big enough to separate the two sides, because neither Wayne nor Warner Bros. will let things get to that point. It\'s a lose-lose for Chi Luoluo. the winner.

On the other hand, how big of a rift does it have to be for Wayne to be willing to give up his Warner Bros. shares and his DC glory? Even if there is an irreconcilable conflict between the two sides, on this basis, the two sides will do their best to maintain the cooperative relationship.

"boss, so you want to..."

Terry seemed to have suddenly thought of something, with a flash of thought on his face, and whispered, "Using "Star Wars" to...?"

As his voice slowly disappeared, his gaze towards the head of Fox was slowly filled with panic and inconceivable.

"Terry, this is Hollywood."

Townsend-Rothman held a thick cigar in his hand and looked downstairs along the window, where a commercial car had just stopped, and several people were getting out of the car and walking towards the Fox Building.

"So, business is business, and business is just business."

Although he said that, Townsend Rothman\'s face also had a trace of obvious thinking, and he was obviously not sure whether his plan could be implemented smoothly. "Don\'t worry, no matter what we want to do, we want the "Father of Star Wars" to nod. If he doesn\'t nod, we can\'t do anything."

That\'s right, when all the moviegoers in North America are attracted by the new DC masterpiece "Wonder Woman" and the unprecedentedly popular "Pearl Harbor", there is also a movie that can be called the king bomb, which does not reveal any related news.

The new Star Wars has made countless movie fans in North America and around the world look forward to "Star Wars" for 16 years.

Since the release of "Star Wars 3: Return of the Jedi" in 1983 to the present, fans of this series have raised their expectations to the extreme through more than ten years.

During this period, there were countless rumors that George Lucas was producing a new Star Wars, but fans came again and again, but they were all rumored statements from Lucasfilm and Twentieth Century Fox.

This time, when the new "Star Wars" really hit, including Townsend Rothman and other 20th Century Fox executives, everyone firmly believed that even if George Lucas filmed a mess of dogs Shit, as soon as it is released, it will be sought after by fans all over the world.

Holding such a box office nuclear bomb in his hand, Townsend-Rothman is not afraid at this time. The reason why 20th Century Fox did not put advertisements in the Super Bowl is because its name is "Star Wars", it does not need Any advertisement itself is the world\'s largest movie ip, the largest advertisement.

No one knows when this new "Star Wars" will be released, but the biggest possibility is undoubtedly the summer season.

Don\'t look at the speculation about the summer season, but Townsend Rothman is not in a hurry at all. As long as he can convince George Lucas, he is sure to maximize the power of "Star Wars".

When George Lucas and his party entered this small conference room, the two sides went straight to the topic without any chats and nonsense.

"Townsend, this is my last opinion."

Looking at Townsend Rothman, who was smiling like a good old man, George Lucas said without the slightest politeness, "Put away your messy thoughts, I don\'t allow my "star" War, was released with the slightest risk."

"Of course, George, I mean of course."

Townsend-Rothman knows the father of Star Wars very well. After all, he did the release work of "Star Wars 3: Return of the Jedi" by himself. So he did not rush to refute the other party\'s words, but handed over a cigar with a smile and explained with a smile:

"I asked you to come here this time, just to set the release date of "Star Wars" as soon as possible."

In fact, George Lucas knows very well that 20th Century Fox, from its own perspective, definitely wants to use "Star Wars" to fight a beautiful battle this summer.

And a beautiful battle, how can it not arrange a good opponent?

But from his point of view, he didn\'t want to see such a situation at all. Yes, George Lucas\' "Star Wars" is not afraid of any competitors, but if it can be released at a relatively loose time, a fool would want to take a risk with his own film.

What\'s more, through the previous conversations, I discovered that the subtext of 20th Century Fox was actually wanting to go to "Wonder Woman" and "Pearl Harbor"!

These two films, to put it bluntly, neither of them is a fuel-efficient lamp. Needless to say the latter, the title of Exploding Shell has become an alternative guarantee for Hollywood\'s box office in the past two years. Basically, every film can reap very good market results.

As for the former, George Lucas knows Wayne too well. He knows very well that anyone who views "Wonder Woman" with a prejudiced eye will naively think that this is a work that is inherently lacking in audiences. In the end, you will be beaten all over the place to find your teeth.

"The Ronin from Douluo"

Taking a step back, even if "Star Wars" really squeezed into May, and these two films were thrown out, so what?

I am afraid that the biggest possibility is that each of them is affected by the other party, and even if the winner, it will be a **** victory in the end.

There is no doubt that no matter what excuse 20th Century Fox makes, the purpose behind it is to use "Star Wars" as a gunman. George Lucas can become the richest man in Hollywood today, of course, it is not that stupid.

"George, with the attributes of "Star Wars", the best period is of course the beginning of the summer period."

As soon as this sentence fell, seeing George Lucas\'s eyes immediately sharpen, Townsend Rothman raised his hand holding the cigar, signaling the other party to listen to him.

"The beginning of the summer season in May has well-known drawbacks. Over the years, Wayne Greenberg has thoroughly cultivated this season into his personal time period, and has also cultivated countless loyal fans.

But George, you have to think about why even so, there are still films like "Jurassic Park 2" and "Godzilla" a few years ago, which are scheduled to be released in this schedule. Even this year, there will still be no shortage of big productions to squeeze in. "

After saying this, he deliberately paused, and seeing that the other party didn\'t say anything, he continued: "It\'s because the benefits of being released on this schedule are equally attractive.

Wayne Greenberg spent nearly ten years completely eliminating most of the opponents at the beginning of the summer season. As long as we join this season, it means that we will face only one or two strong competitors. Face competitor!

Could it be that our films, in the later hot July and August months, do not have strong competitors? You and I both know that it is precisely because of Wayne Greenberg\'s invisible dominance that the July and August months, which were already more competitive, became more and more crowded.

According to the information Fox has now obtained, it is only Warner Bros., in the past three months of six, seven or eight, stuffed into "Ace Power 2", "King Kong", "Fast Pursuit", and a series of sequels. Movies, Universal Pictures\' "Mu Nai Yin", Disney\'s "Tarzan", "Toy Story 2", "The Sixth Sense", Sony\'s "Fake Dad", Paramount\'s "Runaway Bride".

Waiting for this series of projects, it can be said that all of them are the head projects of major companies. George, this is the news that I only got now. I think it will become the norm when three films with a production cost of over 100 million are released at the same time in one weekend. I think you should know what I mean. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

Townsend-Rothman, a former distribution executive at Twentieth Century Fox, appears confident when it comes to the film\'s release.

According to him, this is indeed the case. Except for the period from May to mid-June, the further back the time, the more crowded this summer slot. At least from this point of view, his statement is completely considering "Star Wars".

"I don\'t want to repeat what I said earlier, Townsend."

No one would have thought that George Lucas\' will was very firm, and even in the face of such a choice considered for himself, he waved his hand without hesitation. "I want to hear about other options."

A trace of astonishment flashed across Townsend-Rothman\'s face. He didn\'t expect that what he thought was the best rhetoric still didn\'t impress the stubborn old man. "Uh... well, I have another suggestion here."

"Just say it."

"It\'s up to you to go about Wayne Greenberg..."