Hollywood Drawing

~: Seven hundred and fifty-five - finally here

The latest website: Since the beginning of January, the awards season has completely become the theme of Hollywood. With the holding of major awards ceremonies, the popular Oscar films this year have naturally been born.

In this period of the overall high nest of the media industry, the only one who can grab a place in the preview of various awards and the analysis of the winning of popular movies, I am afraid no one would have thought that it would be hiding in Warner Studios and have not been interviewed by the media at all. Wayne.

"Nami called me from New Zealand and asked me about the diamond bra."

Taking advantage of the break, Nina and assistant Lily pushed open the door of the editing room with seven or eight cups of coffee in their hands. After distributing coffee to the members, she sat next to Wayne, shrugged and said casually:

"Nami asked me to tell you that if you bought that diamond bra, it wasn\'t for her. Then she\'d definitely take little Fendi and run back to Australia for a three or two-month vacation."

"This stupid woman."

Shaking his head with a smile, Wayne glanced at the editor Julia next to him. Several people, including Gilmour, all showed playful laughter.

"Hey, boss." Gilmour put down the coffee cup in his hand and joked loudly with an exaggerated expression: "How would you choose between your lovely daughter and that set of sparkling underwear?

Eon, if it were me, I would never let a woman get her wish easily. My daughter would be taken on vacation for a few months at most, but that unique diamond underwear is really gone without it, isn\'t it? "

"That\'s right, Wayne."

Julia, who became stronger and stronger, stretched out her hand and put her arms around Wayne\'s arm. Under the gazes of everyone, she said with the same exaggerated tone: "Dear junior, I am completely different from those female stars, and I am not greedy at all. As long as you lend me that diamond bra for a week, I\'ll consider dating you tonight, okay?"


In the restroom of the editing room, everyone burst into laughter, even Nina, who had been stern in front of outsiders, kept raising her eyebrows at her boss at this time.

"Man, I remind you very kindly." Luke Simmons spread his hands, made a twisted look, and said to Wayne amid the laughter of the crowd: "Wayne, this may be yours. The only chance in my life to date Julia, if I were you, I would definitely seize it."

In the ridicule of everyone, Wayne tilted his head and lit a cigarette. In front of everyone\'s eyes, he held out his hands with a cigarette in his mouth, and then raised his middle fingers on both hands, facing several people back and forth. Shaking.


"Are you sure you don\'t think about it again? Wayne."

Julia, who was dark-skinned and roughly the same size, looked at Wayne with a sad expression.

"No, Julia." Shaking his head without hesitation, Wayne suddenly pointed at Luke Simmons and said in a seductive tone, "However, I can give this precious opportunity to Lu. Gram, if you can get Luke tonight, I\'ll lend you that diamond bra for a week."

Luke Simmons blinked and turned his head slowly and stiffly, just in line with Julia\'s eyes. When he found that the eyes of the editor, who looked like a black aunt, were shining with heartbeat, the coffee in his mouth almost spit out.


"Hey, hey, hey, Julia, no, no, no..." Everyone looked at Luke Simmons amusingly, stammering and trying to explain something. "You know, I\'m definitely not your favorite, Julia, listen to me, don\'t be impulsive and force a man to date you, it\'s against the law..."

"You little bi**h..."

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Gilmour grabbed Julia\'s arm firmly, Luke Simmons didn\'t hesitate, turned around and opened the door and rushed out.

At least he knew very well in his heart that if the combat power was really calculated based on body size, there was no one in this room who could put them in Julia one-on-one. The weight of this black girl has increased dramatically in the past two years. In an emergency, it is more important to escape first.

"Okay, joke time is over."

Raising his wrist and looking at the time, Wayne put away the smile on his face and clapped at everyone. "Ok, there\'s still a lot of work waiting for us, come on, get moving."

Because Julia, who was mainly in charge of editing, followed the crew to observe early in the morning, not only did she sit in the drawing room with Wayne every night, but she had already started to make the editing plan before the filming was completed.

Therefore, when the editing of "Wonder Woman" officially started, in just over half a month, she has strictly followed the plan and completed the first rough cut.

And when Wayne walked into the editing room again, they officially began the second round of fine-cutting work. Compared with the large amount of preparations done in advance in the first rough cut, starting from this editing is the beginning of the really tedious and headache.

Relatively speaking, their work progress is not fast, and at most they can just keep up with the plan. There are many reasons for this, but the most important one is Wayne\'s fickleness.

Sometimes he had a hard day\'s work, but when he was about to get off work at night, he would have a whim, overturn the results of the whole day\'s work, and then take Julia and Gilmore and others, ignoring the labor law and start working overtime, according to the new The idea is overturned.

Of course, in Wayne\'s crew, it is always happy for the workers outside the core team behind the scenes, at least they never have the opportunity to participate in such unreasonable overtime.

As he said to Julia and others, he never asked a few people to accompany him to work overtime, but none of the core team members were fools. With such a good opportunity, 99% of the behind-the-scenes staff in the circle, Even if they can\'t ask for it, they certainly don\'t want to miss the rare learning opportunity.

After several times throughout Hollywood, how many behind-the-scenes workers can have the opportunity to participate in the post-production work of a project costing 200 million US dollars? It can be said that such valuable learning opportunities are very rare in that era.

"The rhythm isn\'t right, Julia."

Looking at the scene that had just been spliced ​​together, Wayne frowned slightly, looked at Gilmour at the side for the first time, and said unceremoniously, "Turn off that **** music, and turn it off now!"

"What\'s the matter, boss?"

Guillermo turned off the music, looked at him in surprise and asked.

Even Julia, who has been in charge of editing, looked at him with an inquiring mood. At least the scene of Wonder Woman rushing out of the battlefield just now, she felt that there was no problem, all were spliced ​​according to the other party\'s ideas.

"The rhythm is wrong, be quiet for five minutes, let me think about it."

With that said, Wayne took a few steps back and sat in his chair. He grabbed the cigarette on the table, lit one, and looked outside along the window, his eyes gradually narrowed.

The two of them have cooperated with him not once or twice. Seeing him enter this state, they looked at each other and shrugged helplessly at the same time. The members of the core team knew that once the crew leader lit a cigarette and narrowed his eyes, it meant that his mind was thinking very fast.

The clip they were editing just now was not complicated at all. It was Diana Prince who stretched out into the battlefield, untied her hair under the gaze of the surrounding soldiers, took off the coat of ordinary people, and turned into Wonder Woman and walked into the middle of the raging battlefield. .

A seemingly simple lens has a lot to express. It is precisely this scene that is also responsible for arousing the excitement of the fans, especially when it is accompanied by the muffled background music.

According to common sense, there is no problem with Julia\'s handling method, but Wayne himself always feels that something is wrong, or the rhythm is wrong.

Rhythm, it\'s something that is formed on an editor\'s subconscious level. The most common and most common method for a senior editor to find the rhythm of the picture is to lay a piece of music underneath, and then on this basis, cut the matching footage.

Just like the music that Gilmour turned off just now, the music itself is the soundtrack in Wonder Woman, which is being edited for this scene.

Movies are a kind of audition enjoyment, especially modern commercial blockbusters, whether they are sci-fi, suspense, or action movies, if you want to bring the audience into emotions, make the audience empathize, and stimulate the so-called "refreshing" emotions of the audience, all of them are inseparable. Start the soundtrack guide.

The same is true when editing action shots. The most common practice of the editor who presides over the editing is to let the rhythm and layering of the music itself become the dominant rhythm of the picture editing.

This is a customary way of editing action scenes, or the rhythm of important scenes, but it is not the only way.

"Julia, like Diana Pulis incarnated as Wonder Woman, walked into the battlefield where there was a lot of war, and such a big panorama should not stay for more than a second."

Before finishing a cigarette, Wayne sat up in his chair and looked at the editor, Julia. Discussions like this have been going on since I started editing, and this time was no exception.

"You mean..." Nodding thoughtfully, Julia looked at the man in front of her and murmured, "The panorama of Diana Pulis stepping into the battlefield needs to be left open for the audience. Long viewing time? Right?"

"That\'s right!"

While thinking, Wayne said his new request to Julia again. "In such a special big panorama, the amount of information contained is large enough, and the range of performance that can be reflected is large enough, so don\'t worry about the **** background music, let\'s lengthen this scene. I remember this material , I shoot long enough."

Julia nodded. "Ok, leave it to me."

The reason for such a change is not that Wayne is overturning the editing rules and the rhythm of action scenes. But now sitting in the editing room and presiding over the post-production work, his perspective on the issue has quietly changed.

One of the film\'s big selling points, and arguably the biggest selling point, is how Angelina Jolie looks when she puts on a full outfit.

So no matter what his requirements for editing are, in fact, it has always been around, how to show "How beautiful Angelina Jolie is" in 360 degrees.

There is no doubt that after the cooperation between the makeup artist, the cameraman, and the lighting engineer, the Wonder Woman who finally appeared on the big screen is far beyond the imagination of ordinary people. This is the magic of the movie.

Looking at Julia who was busy at work, Wayne, who was standing behind, folded his arms over his chest, and instantly fell into memory.

So far, he still remembers very clearly that, no matter which media from the East or the West, every time the most **** and hot woman in the world is selected, the name of Angelina Jolie will basically appear on the list. He even remembered that there were multiple Western authoritative media that selected Angelina Jolie as the sexiest woman in existence.

It\'s easy to overlook one thing here. When the media was making the selection of the sexiest woman in the world, Angelina Jolie had actually passed the peak of her appearance.

And what is the peak period of her appearance and figure? That\'s right, it was from the mid-to-late 1990s to the 2000s, but her undisciplined private life, coupled with her rebellious personality, were the main components that occupied this peak period of beauty.

Then there was the "Prodigal Son" that was loved by fans around the world. At that time, Angelina Jolie began to engage in charity, and frantically began to adopt children, which also led to her and Pitt\'s illegitimate marriage, which can be easily forgiven by the public.

In the first two years, when Angelina Jolie frequently broke the news of adopting children, the attitude of the public and the media was actually the same, and they were viewed with suspicion. After all, this is a bad woman who broke up the "Rachel" family. Who knows if she wants to use charity to cleanse her?

But with the passage of time, people gradually accepted her transformation. At least compared to those charity that only stays in words, Angelina Jolie is really helping the weak.

It is against this background that she is still one of the representatives of the adjective **** and beautiful in most people\'s minds.

Angelina Jolie, who has met Wayne early today, at least has a very good point, that is, her chaotic private life and rebellious character are all put away because of her desire for fame and fortune. Not only that, but she also patiently shaped her body, and finally had this external condition that amazes everyone.

Exactly what Wayne wants to do is to do his best to show this **** image at his peak to fans all over the world in this film.

Under this premise, even violating some of the rules of normal editing is only a small problem. After all, in addition to the popularity of DC, this film, UU reading www. After the official release of uukanshu.com, the biggest selling point is Wonder Woman herself.

"Wayne, is this okay?"

"Ok, no problem, you did a great job."

Before getting off work, Julia patted Wayne awake, and after the other party nodded in satisfaction, she breathed a sigh of relief. No matter how tossed, at least I can go home on time today.

Hearing his words, even Gilmour on the side was relieved. In order to quickly finish the work here, and then start the "Superman" that was already waiting for Wayne, they were all tired during this time.


Just as several people were packing up and preparing to leave work on time, Nina pushed open the door and walked in, reporting in a low voice. "George Lucas just called you for dinner, and he\'s sent a car to the studio to pick you up."

Wayne and Nina looked at each other subconsciously. Both of them had the same emotion in their eyes. After waiting for so many days, what should have come finally came.