Hollywood Drawing

~: Seven hundred and fifty six - new star wars

"George is careful."

Closing the door, Wayne stood beside the car while buttoning up his suit jacket, looking up at the restaurant in front of him.

This is a typical Chinese restaurant. Unlike other Chinese restaurants in Los Angeles, this restaurant does not look like a high-end restaurant from the outside, but it clearly tells the passing diners that the sign here is duck.

In fact, even Wayne himself would never have imagined that there is such a traditional-looking roast duck restaurant hidden in the San Gabriel King\'s World Plaza in Los Angeles.

In fact, after coming here for so many years, Wayne has long been accustomed to Western-style food. Although he still eats Chinese food from time to time, in general, his life is still dominated by Western-style food.

"Hollywood director Wayne Greenberg is a complete oriental fan, and he especially likes Chinese food." As soon as he entered the door, George Lucas gave Wayne a warm hug. While leading the way, he also said Chatting non-stop.

"How is it? It\'s not bad here."

"The environment is very nice."

Wayne smiled and shook his head, observed the environment in the restaurant, and followed the Father of Star Wars into the box. "As for what you eat, you have to eat it before you know."

In fact, the two of them all knew that neither of them cared about what or where to eat tonight.

The attitude given by George Lucas is to hope that there will be a suitable place to have a good talk with Wayne. Coincidentally, this was what Wayne had in mind.

However, this roast duck restaurant hidden in the corner of Los Angeles gave Wayne enough surprises. They just sat down for a while, a chef in a white chef\'s clothes pushed a small car into the box, and then under the incredible gaze of the two, he quickly turned the duck into one hundred and eight. piece.

After asking if he needed help explaining, the chef happily took away a postcard signed by the Father of Star Wars and the Hollywood King of Darkness.

"Have you eaten this kind of duck before?"

After just a taste, George Lucas stopped what he was doing and looked at Wayne curiously. The other party skillfully spread the sauce on a pancake, then put in shredded green onion, cucumber strips and duck meat, handed it to the female assistant beside him, and then skillfully rolled it for himself again.


Swallowing the duck in his mouth, Wayne shrugged, didn\'t take up the topic, and didn\'t continue to touch the food on the table. Instead, he picked up the prepared tissue and carefully wiped his hands and mouth.

He knew that these few hot dishes on the table, as well as the sliced ​​roast duck, were actually not in line with the tastes of North Americans, including George Lucas certainly did.

So what do ordinary Americans usually eat? In fact, many life-style American dramas have performances. The main meal is grilled on fire, and the fast food is fried. Usually at home, it is called pizza and hamburgers, or simple sandwiches are made. The more complicated ones are just scrambled eggs.

As we all know, in this land of North America, no matter what age group, people love parties and parties for ten minutes.

But even at a party, it\'s just me roasting a chicken and you mixing a vegetable salad. Then no matter how the chicken is grilled or the salad is mixed, they start to praise each other like crazy. Therefore, North Americans may not really pay much attention to what they eat. The most important thing is to fill their stomachs.

If you have the heart, you can find that among the most obese people in North America, more than 95% are basically poor.

This is caused by the food they eat, but these poor people generally become fat people, and they are actually forced out. Ordinary green leafy vegetables in North American supermarkets cost about two dollars. If it is bean sprouts, it is about four dollars.

"First Evolution"

But if you go to see chicken thighs, it may be about 0.8 dollars when there are many discounts. Such as large ribs, pork, more often it is about two knives. It can be found from this that the price of green leafy vegetables is actually much more expensive than that of meat.

The more common foods that are high in sugar and high in carbs, like chocolate doughnuts, ice cream, and the like are especially cheap. Therefore, the poor generally have no choice, and they do not have the conditions to reasonably arrange a healthy diet.

Contrary to these poor people, if you are above the elite class, you will naturally eat vegetables and nuts, but will not eat high-sugar and high-carbohydrate foods. This is also a lot of rich people, and their body protection is better. s reason.

The reason is very simple. People above the elite class have enough ability and self-discipline to care about their eating health and living habits.

Just like George Lucas in front of him, it is obvious that he is not interested in the high-calorie food on the table at all. Even in the face of Wayne, he didn\'t pretend to be interested.

It has to be mentioned that Chinese food is not actually cheap in North America, at least not at all for the poor.

This is also a bit embarrassing for Chinese food. Even if it is improved according to local eating habits, in the hearts of North Americans, it is generally believed that this kind of food is good to try occasionally, but if you eat this kind of food for a long time, even if you put the taste aside. , they also consider unhealthy.

Fortunately, in the restaurant George Lucas chose today, the dishes served were not improved, at least not the roast duck. This is the friendliest thing for a soul who has eaten countless times in his past life.

"Come on, George, ask me to talk about something today."

Throwing down the tissue in his hand, Wayne motioned Nina to continue eating, ignoring the conversation between them, and turned to look at the father of Star Wars beside him. "Hey, man, don\'t tell me you asked me over just for dinner, I can tell you\'re not used to the taste of these foods."

Glancing at Nina who was eating with her head down, George Lucas had a hearty smile on his face, stared into Wayne\'s eyes, shrugged and said:

"Let\'s just say it, I know you\'ve been busy with the post-production of "Wonder Woman" this time, and I asked you out this time to talk to you about 20th Century Fox and the release date of "Star Wars" s arrangement."

When he heard the word "Star Wars", Wayne\'s eyes shrank, and even Nina, who was eating with her head down, stopped herself. Obviously, after waiting for so long, what they have been waiting for is news about Star Wars.

If there is any other film in this era that can threaten the already established DC series, or even defeat the DC series, there is no doubt that it is "Star Wars", the world\'s first IP.

Then he pulled out a cigarette and lit it, and Wayne stretched his arms on the back of the chair, his expression unchanged, and he still asked casually, "George, don\'t you mean to tell me that Fox is going to kill you. "Star Wars," put it in May, when the summer season begins."

As soon as he finished speaking, he slowly shook his head and rejected the question. It is almost February now. If "Star Wars" is released in May, then there should be some publicity and momentum, but we know that so far, there is not much news about "Star Wars" in the outside world.

But what he worries most is 20th Century Fox, temporarily learning from Universal Pictures and Paramount the previous two years. After all, the reality is here. This year\'s summer season can be said to be more crowded as it progresses. Who knows if that old fellow Townsend-Rossman will suddenly have a brain twitch.

Thinking of this, his eyes instantly locked on George Lucas beside him. Whatever Twentieth Century Fox wanted to do, the Star Wars father had to nod.

"Yes, I rejected Twentieth Century Fox\'s distribution plan."

George Lucas reached out and touched his beard, and without any hesitation, sold Townsend Rothman. Needless to say, he believed that his friend was smart enough to figure out what happened, even if he only relied on his brain.

"George, tell me what you think."

Hearing the other party\'s words, Wayne\'s eyes narrowed slowly. He didn\'t care about what Fox wanted to do, but immediately thought of it. Since the father of Star Wars asked him out, he must have some special ideas.

"I don\'t know if you noticed, Wayne."

George Lucas didn\'t sell anything, and didn\'t even care about the female assistant next to him, he said directly: "In the past few years, during the summer vacation, Warner Bros.\'s various sequel series and large-scale productions with medium investment and above basically run through The entire summer season has made Warner Bros. the biggest film company in terms of revenue in the past few years.”

Speaking of this, he deliberately paused for a few seconds before continuing: "But what about this year? The total number of films produced by Warner Bros. alone, plus the films co-produced with your studio, has been surpassed by Disney. Now! So, what I mean with Fox Distribution is, first get a feel for what you think about Disney, do you want to…”

As George Lucas spoke slowly, Wayne also thought of a lot of related things. Yes, Warner Bros. not only has a large number of productions in recent years, but also has an extremely high success rate. But Warner Bros. itself has its own difficulties that have to be mentioned.

That is to give the DC series the golden time frame that started in the summer. They have more films than other companies, all of which are crowded into the next few months of time.

Just a quick recollection shows that this year\'s Disney seems to have ushered in a big explosion. From animated feature films, comedies, suspense thrillers, to grand war films, various types of films seem to spew out together. Vaguely surpassed Warner Bros.

The most important point is that Disney does not have the scruples of Warner Bros., nor does it actively stay away from Wayne\'s projects like other studios.

Although we did not face it directly, after careful calculation, starting from "Pearl Harbor" in late May, the films produced and distributed by Disney have been distributed throughout the summer, especially from late May to July, Disney\'s focus Projects are simply piled up.

"Pearl Harbor in late May, Tarzan in mid-June, "G-Type Detective" in mid-July, and "Runaway Bride" co-produced with Paramount at the end of July.... .."

Seeing Wayne pondering, George Lucas stopped his voice. As the person who knew his boss best, Nina immediately guessed what he needed, and immediately lowered her voice, like a computer, I recalled some of Disney\'s more famous project arrangements this year.

"Boss, there are actually projects like "Toy Story 2" and "The Sixth Sense" that are destined to be good, but Disney has not announced the specific release time of these two projects so far."

The assistant lady didn\'t care about the smiling father of Star Wars, and analyzed the man beside him very rationally. "But with the current density of Disney\'s films, these two key works will most likely appear at the end of the summer season, and may even appear in the Christmas season alone."

"Toy Story 2", needless to say the market prospect of this film, after all, the previous work was really too successful, not only reaped dazzling numbers in the theater market, but also made Disney\'s peripherals sell crazy. It even made Pixar\'s stock price soar all the way, allowing Joe to return to the fruit company!

And the later "Sixth Sense" is not simple. Just looking at the producer column, the name Jerry Bruckheimer is written, which indicates to a certain extent, the market prospect of this film. Not going anywhere.

"Come on, George, what do you need me to do?"

It took about five minutes before Wayne snuffed out the cigarette in his hand and asked the Father of Star Wars beside him.

George Lucas remembered Townsend Rothman\'s idea and happily stated his purpose. "Convince Warner Bros. executives, or at least distribution chief Bruce Rosenblum, to sit down and have a good chat with Fox executives."

"I don\'t understand, George."

Wayne frowned when he heard his words. The personal relationship between the two is very good, so he simply asked directly: "According to the tacit understanding between the six major Hollywood companies, there is absolutely no need to sit down and talk about this kind of thing?"

In fact, to put it bluntly, it is nothing more than a combination of the two to some extent to target Disney in terms of public opinion, publicity, etc. It is not difficult to guess.

When two of the six giants unite, they can actually do more than that. More importantly, they can gather the power of the two to put pressure on the theater company to reduce the scale of the targeted projects. The release time, the density and number of films after the release.

But there are two major preconditions for all this. The first is to join the two companies. The quality of their respective projects is better. Otherwise, even in the face of huge pressure and threats, a purely commercial company such as a theater company, It won\'t let money go to make it.

Second, don\'t look at this kind of thing, it happens in Hollywood anytime, anywhere, but when doing these things, usually everyone relies on tacit understanding when they are united.

The reason is very simple. If the executives of Warner Bros. and the executives of Twentieth Century Fox sit together today, it will not take more than one night, and the people who should get the news will get the news.

There has never been an airtight wall in Hollywood, let alone an old man like them, who have countless eyes staring at them every day.

"I can only tell you that Fox and I have big ambitions."

The father of Star Wars didn\'t hide it at all, and said unceremoniously: "Don\'t you think that your "Wonder Woman" plus my "Star Wars" should not force more market share?"

Speaking of this, George Lucas\' face is full of confidence. "But Wayne, you should be clear that because of this cooperation between Fox and you in "X-Men", Warner Bros. is very bad. No one is deaf, and the thinking of many Warner Bros. shareholders up to now is probably still the same. Fox stole the money that was meant to be theirs!"

Nodding silently, Wayne said, "Ok, I\'ll call Bruce Rosenblum later."

This is something that benefits both parties, UU reading www.uukanshu. com has no doubts about this. It can also be heard from the subtext that the release time of "Star Wars" will never exceed mid-July.

Moreover, the meaning of watching the father of Star Wars is not to target a certain Disney film at all, but to completely squeeze all Disney projects during the period between the release of "Wonder Woman" and "Star Wars"!

George Lucas and Wayne are very clear that the meaning of their conversation is more of a test. If possible, it is best to promote cooperation between the two sides. As for how to discuss and arrange the next two film companies, that is not what they need to consider.

"Before the Oscars, Star Wars will hold a few internal previews. If you have time, you can come and see it." After seeing the business, the father of Star Wars issued a special invitation.

"You know, George."

At the mention of this, Wayne\'s face immediately brought a smile. "I\'ve been a Star Wars fan since I was a kid, George, you\'ve made us wait for too many years for this movie. Please let me know when it will be released. I can\'t wait to see it..."


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