Hollywood Drawing

~: Seven hundred and eighty-two - non-superhuman logic

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Hollywood Draw 782 - Non-Superhuman Logic

A simplistic film like "Wonder Woman" may be the most favored by the audience in all of Wayne\'s works, at least in his mind.

After the raucous Thursday, when the Friday sun was pouring into Los Angeles, Wayne saw the fax from Warner Bros. early in the morning.

Including the more than 3,900 pre-shows that opened simultaneously in the premiere and across North America, "Wonder Woman" earned a total of about 11 million US dollars at the box office.

Relatively speaking, this figure just met his expectations, but considering the various controversies before and after the film\'s release, as well as the female protagonist films, the natural weakness brought by traditional concepts, this figure is good enough.

There is another point that makes him more satisfied, that is, the very beautiful fans\' reputation. More than 85% of the A rating or above, this is enough to show that the audience of the film does not have hidden dangers.

As for those few extremely poor ratings, Weinze didn\'t care too much. He is no longer the rookie who just entered Hollywood. He fully understands that he is not a green knife, and it is impossible for everyone to like it.

Besides, so far, he has not seen any movie that can make everyone like it. Including his previous "Batman: The Dark Knight", and even "Forrest Gump" and "The Shawshank Redemption", there are still different voices, not to mention this popcorn-oriented "Wonder Woman" Man".

As for whether there will be fluctuations in the reputation of fans after the large-scale screening of the film starts today, it is not under his control now. But from Wayne\'s point of view, even if there are more different voices due to the expansion of the scale, it is quite normal. After all, most of the fans who can come to the premiere or buy tickets to watch the early stage are their own fans.

If you look at it from another angle and take out "Wonder Woman" alone, instead of comparing the ratings with his previous works, but with the commercial films on the market, then there is no doubt that "Wonder Woman" has an explosive reputation among fans. beautiful.

As long as he can do this, it is enough for Wayne. After all, the first thing he needs to pay attention to is the box office numbers, and as long as there are not enough negative comments, the impact on the box office will never be too great. Excessive.

Compared with fans\' word-of-mouth, after the premiere of "Wonder Woman", after a night of fermentation, the comments in the media are also full of opinions, and various comments are flooding the entertainment page, but in general, the positive and negative comments account for half. about.

On the main entertainment section of The New Yorker, a still photo of Angelina Jolie was directly published, but they chose the photo with a very special eye. The Wonder Woman in the photo had a bright smile on her face. And commented under the photo:

"Wonder Woman officially premiered last night, and for Wayne Greenberg\'s new work, our reporter said, it\'s like watching a Disney princess movie.

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Angelina Jolie is indeed beautiful enough and her body is hot enough, but as if watching the whole movie, Wayne Greenberg showed it to fans around the world at 360 degrees, Angelina Zhu How beautiful is Lily!

The heroine surprised all the audience enough, but still couldn\'t pull the procrastination and blunt plot. The characters are thin, and the love is boundless from beginning to end, and Wonder Woman seems to have no weaknesses. Some of the plots are overly abrupt, and some of the heroine\'s lines are very embarrassing. It doesn\'t look like a strict Greenberg script at all.

The most unacceptable thing is that Wayne Greenberg added many humorous elements in the film, but after watching the whole film, the reporter laughed no more than three times at most. Perhaps, Wayne Greenberg is really not suitable for humor, and his self-righteous jokes will only make the plot look more awkward.

Overall, I am afraid that this giant system that Warner Bros. invested 200 million US dollars, the market performance is still unpredictable. With Wonder Woman, the only thing Wayne Greenberg did right was cast a likable heroine..."

There are many similar voices. In addition to the "New Yorker", the "Chicago Sun" also expressed its own views on its own entertainment section.

"Everyone has their own war. This is not a \'Wonder Woman\' at all, but an Angelina Jolie leg show."

"Hollywood Daily Entertainment" commented. "A decent commercial big-budget movie, and Wayne Greenberg doesn\'t show any more sincerity."

Compared with the rather negative media comments, there are of course more positive reviews, the famous entertainment magazine "Variety" commented: "Another cool and amazing work by DC, Angelina Jolie interprets the most perfect Wonder Woman! The strong figure of the ancient Greek goddess, and the perfect bronze face like a statue, every close-up frame is so stunning and eye-catching, and every battle is crying out for the earth-shattering power of women.

The background music "isshewithyou" matches Wonder Woman\'s fierce and swift actions, especially the scene where she slashes German troops on the battlefield. "

Austin Collins, the famous editor-in-chief of "Vanity Fair" magazine, commented on "Wonder Woman" by UU Reading www.uukanshu.com: "The most perfect opening movie of the summer season so far, with a delicate script, rich characters and smooth narrative, The action scene is beautiful.

For a superhero movie, there is basically no regret that it can be made like this. Wayne Greenberg\'s narrative level is still undiminished, the story is told at a slow pace, with sufficient emotional foreshadowing and detailed support, and it is not dry at all.

The film\'s special female perspective has given the audience enough surprises. The plot arrangements, such as the heroine saving the hero, are all reasonable and logical. This is the most family-friendly, in-the-theatre movie that Wayne Greenberg has ever directed..."

It is not uncommon for the media to debate a film with completely opposite evaluations.

The reason for this is that it is not just one party behind the scenes that promotes public opinion, but even multiple parties. Not only did the media debate "Wonder Woman", but early Friday morning, major film critics in North America also expressed their views on the film.

Kenneth Turan, a well-known film critic in Los Angeles, many people know that he is a die-hard supporter of Wayne, and this time he is obviously no exception. He still gave a large article in his special column in the Los Angeles Times view.

"After watching the premiere of "Wonder Woman" last night, and the surprises that filled my soul, one might think that Wayne\'s "Wonder Woman" seems to have lost his strong personal style, but if you will If you sink your heart and watch it carefully, you will find that this film is no less than any of his previous works.

Compared with most superhero comics on the market, and even compared with Wayne\'s previous superhero works, "Wonder Woman" is very special, making it break through the limitations of superhero movies at the connotation level.