Hollywood Drawing

~: Seven hundred and eighty-three - waiting for results

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Hollywood Draw 783 - Awaiting Results

"The Daily Show on Comedy Central, The Tonight Show and Saturday Night Live on NBC, The Late Show on CBS, and Oprah Winfrey personally sent us a fourth invitation The Oprah Show..."

Listening to the assistant\'s report, Wayne lay on the sofa and waved tiredly with a cigarette in his mouth. Since he doesn\'t have much time to stay in Los Angeles, it means that he doesn\'t have much time to participate in promoting the movie. Therefore, countless programs want to take advantage of this rare opportunity to invite him to appear on the show.

As we all know, Wayne has never liked all kinds of shows, and he doesn\'t like to be interviewed frequently by the media. The only time that he is willing to appear on the show is the publicity period before and after the release of his movies.

"Tina Brown, editor-in-chief of "Vanity Fair" magazine, also hopes that you can find time to accept an exclusive interview with them." Nina flipped through the stack of invitations and invitations in her hand, and looked up at her slightly tired boss. , the corners of his mouth twitched very unnaturally.

If other people saw Wayne\'s languid appearance, they would definitely be exhausted by the work at hand because of this "workaholic".

But recalling those inexplicable movements last night, Nina didn\'t see it that way. Naomi Watts went to New Zealand to film for a few months this time. The two who haven\'t seen each other for a long time are obviously playing crazy. Coupled with the knowledge of these two, Nina has every reason to believe that her boss\'s pure indulgence is too much.

"Good morning, Nina, ha..."

At this moment, Naomi Watts was only wearing loose house clothes, yawning while covering her mouth, and walking down the stairs. "Have you had breakfast?"

"Hi Nami."

The assistant shrugged, seeing the lazy woman sitting beside her, she simply took off her shoes and curled up on the sofa, she had no choice but to tease: "It\'s almost 11 o\'clock, maybe you can consider enjoying lunch directly. I need me. Tell Hela for you, would you like a glass of lemonade? That\'s good for your throat..."

"Hmm, great proposal..."

Facing Nina\'s ridicule, Naomi Watts waved lazily. Glancing at the equally sluggish man sitting opposite, the Australian girl rolled her eyes, obviously knowing that the two of them were too indulgent last night, and that those strange movements were likely to be heard by Nina.

Picking up the invitation letter on the coffee table, Naomi Watts asked casually, "So many invitations? Hey, boy, you have become a favorite of the talk show, why are all this type of invitations?"

Wayne exhaled a large cloud of green smoke, leaned forward with his upper body, picked up the coffee and slumped back into the sofa, and said in a somewhat self-deprecating tone: "Because this kind of show is the most efficient, they know that I don\'t have much time to participate in the promotion, so, All of the things you see were first deleted by Warner Bros. and then screened by Nina again.”

There is one thing that no one can deny. Talk shows are the most watched TV programs. During the film promotion period, it was also one of the favorite platforms of film companies, and it was also one of the favorite promotion channels of stars.

Because of its very high efficiency and outstanding self-marketing attributes, it is deeply loved by most celebrities.

"The Daily Show, The Tonight Show, and Saturday Night Live?"

Looking through the invitations, Naomi Watts whispered. "Damn, Oprah\'s b***h still doesn\'t give up? Is this the first time you\'ve invited you to be on her show?"

"The fourth time, or the fifth time?" Nina shook her head, even she knew very well that her boss still had a chance to appear on other talk shows, but "The Oprah Talk Show" has absolutely no possibility at all. , even if this is the No. 1 talk show in North America.

As we all know, more than 95% of the audience for "The Oprah Show" are middle-aged women, which is not the main potential audience for Wayne\'s films. Coupled with Oprah\'s special mode of hosting, it is natural that Wayne will not be welcomed.

No matter what kind of star, as long as you appear on the "Oprah Talk Show", there will basically be a must-have process.

Oprah will first pass a detailed investigation in the early stage and use various means to expose the most vulnerable scars of the guests on the show. Then, in front of the live broadcast camera, he offered his "generous" hug and touched the guests whose scars had just been uncovered.

This set of clever tactics similar to the pua style was played by Oprah Winfrey and used in different ways for many years.

"Bruce Rosenblum means I want you to think about The Daily Show."

Seeing Naomi Watts scrolling through these things, Nina ignored her and continued to look at Wayne, who was sitting across from her. The report said: "Time Warner and Viacom have joined forces to acquire Comedy Central. , so, it should be a Time Warner executive who greeted Bruce Rosenblum."

"Actually, "Saturday Night Live" is not bad." Naomi Watts gently shook an invitation and said casually: "Wonder Woman\'s results today should be not bad, if it can pass "Saturday Night Live" "Night Live" will be promoted again, and tomorrow\'s results will be more guaranteed."

Glancing at the Australian girl fiercely, Wayne didn\'t answer her, looked at the assistant and asked, "What do you think, Nina."

Who knew that Nina suddenly smiled, stretched out her hand, clicked on the invitations on the coffee table, and said unexpectedly: "None of us, we pushed all of them."


Naomi Watts widened her eyes and interjected in confusion: "Why, these shows have very high ratings and are very useful for movie promotion..."

"Then push it all away. UU reading www.uukanshu.com" Without waiting for Nina to explain, Wayne simply nodded and said.


Nina turned her head and pointed first to Naomi Watts\' eyes, then to Wayne again, explaining, "Nami, hey, look here. The man across from you is Wayne Greenber. Greg, you have to understand the meaning of the name.

That\'s right, many of these shows are stars, and they don\'t have the chance to go on. But in reality, including "The Oprah Talk Show", these shows do not match the boss\'s coffee position at all. Going to such a show now will only lose the boss\'s style. "

"That movie promotion?"

"There are other various channels."

Naomi Watts and Wayne are so familiar that it is difficult to create a sense of distance between them. And because of Wayne, even if she entered the crew to film, she would not be able to get in touch with any bullshit.

For example, "King Kong" just finished filming, even if the director of this film is Roland Emmerich, but in fact, in the crew, the most unprovoked existence is still an Australian girl. This is even true of Roland Emmerich. Heart is very clear.

Except maybe Naomi Watts herself, all the directors of all departments on the crew know it very well. This movie, to put it bluntly, is tailor-made for her. And the father, the screenwriter, the producer behind the scenes, etc. who paid for it, are all the man standing behind her.

That is to say, this is what I have been exposed to all the year round, which makes Naomi Watts completely ignore that Wayne\'s own coffee position is already one of the top few people in Hollywood.

He is the banner of Hollywood film directors in the 1990s, and he is also one of the important components of the behind-the-scenes capital. To put it horribly but very realistically, he is no longer a creature on the same level as those stars.