Hollywood Drawing

~: Seven hundred and eighty-one - score

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In recent years, Angelina Jolie has been the biggest winner of all the women around Wayne. In fact, her success, in addition to the opportunities she received from Wayne, depended on her unique patience and brilliant mind.

For example, once Naomi Watts was with Wayne as an official female companion, she never went upstairs without fun.

Even if everyone knew that she and Wayne were unclear, as long as Naomi Watts returned to Los Angeles, she never set foot in Greenberg Manor at all.

Angelina Jolie has a clear understanding of her goals and will never do anything to make herself passive. Instead, she will always be patient and wait for the right opportunity.

And she is smart, she is smart enough to know to reject the immediate benefits. From the beginning of "Charlie\'s Angels" to today\'s "Wonder Woman", there has never been a single bargain on the salary, almost as much as you give.

Even after learning about the next series of plans of Greenberg Studio, he happily signed up to five movie contracts with Greenberg Studio.

You know, once you sign a similar movie contract, it means that you are in a passive position in terms of remuneration. Even though he is now famous, there is no chance for the lion to speak out.

However, according to Hollywood practice, such previously signed contracts will inevitably face revisions after the actor\'s fame and popularity soars. But Angelina Jolie has never been unbalanced, and has never had similar thoughts. Even if the agent has, she will definitely not agree.

She never wanted immediate interests, and unlike those women who just wanted a fair deal with Wayne, she saw clearly farther and higher.

"Hey, our Diana, go back to rest early."

The time was approaching midnight. Before leaving, Wayne greeted the main creative members one by one. When it was Angelina Jolie\'s turn, he said with a sarcastic tone: "Trust me, starting tomorrow, you will definitely miss the days when you can sleep soundly. The focus of this North American publicity is you, the intensity of the itinerary is absolutely far beyond your imagination."

"That\'s a good thing, isn\'t it?" Angelina Jolie said with a smile.

Wayne nodded. "Of course it\'s a good thing, are you ready to explode all over North America?"

"yep, I\'m looking forward to it."

Before they left, Angelina Jolie nodded friendly to Naomi Watts, and then watched them walk into the elevator.

Like Wayne said, with the "Wonder Woman" promotional roadshow, all the shots were focused on Angelina Jolie. Compared with the doubts raised by the media about the film, he believes that the fans\' views on the film are by no means so much.

Obviously, as long as there are no big mistakes, Angelina Jolie\'s publicity trip is destined to be a perfect movie marketing, and self-marketing, she will become the goddess of countless men this time.

"Are you really worried that you won\'t lead the team to promote it yourself?"

After getting in the car, Naomi Watts looked at Wayne curiously and asked strangely.

"I\'m in Los Angeles, and I can only stay for two weeks at most."

Taking a long breath, Wayne looked at the night scene outside the car window and explained: "As soon as the event that I need to attend in person is over, I have to rush back to Chicago immediately, and I don\'t have time to lead the team to promote the movie."

Nodding thoughtfully, the Australian girl asked again: "Do you think "Superman" is more important than "Wonder Woman"?"

"In theory, it is like this." Unexpectedly, Wayne nodded directly.

Is \'Superman\' more important than \'Wonder Woman\'? There is no doubt that no matter who answers this question, I am afraid the answer will be the same.

Clark Kent, this can be said to be the most popular superhero in the world, not one, it is the world\'s number one without any controversy.

And relatively speaking, the filming of Superman is the most difficult among all heroes in DC, and it is also not one of them.

Don\'t look at the comic books, all superhuman superpowers are reasonable, but if you want to transplant such a perfect human **** to the big screen, a human **** is definitely not a good choice.

Counting other popular heroes, most of them are human beings themselves, and they became superheroes because of accidents or external stimuli.

But Superman is not, he is an alien himself, coupled with the perfect settings in the comics, the superpowers that destroy the world, it can be said that Superman itself is a personal nuclear warhead, these are the biggest ones that have been put on the big screen. hindrance.

Yes, the attractive charm of Superman largely stems from this. But when he appears on the big screen as a real person, these are also destined to make it difficult for the character of Superman to have empathy with the audience.

To put it bluntly, there is a huge sense of distance.

And the movie "Superman", UU reading www. uukanshu.com does not exist purely alone. If it is shot alone, it will be easy. With its huge popularity, there is no need to consider other things, and the market results are not bad.

But Wayne has to be considered comprehensively, because after the "Superman" movie ended, "Justice League" came right after.

At that time, one is too powerful, one is perfect, and one is similar to the real **** Clark Kent on the big screen, and all the other superheroes have to be forced to become cheerleaders, which is obviously not in line with his idea.

I am afraid that the fans will also involuntarily wonder, a problem that such a powerful superman cannot solve, can it be solved by summoning a few other heroes far inferior to himself? Isn\'t this typical of taking the audience for fools?

Therefore, in Wayne\'s version of the script setting, Clark Kent was dropped from the altar from the beginning. And Clark Kent, who was pulled down from the altar, can effectively draw the distance from the audience. It is best for the audience to witness the growth of Clark Kent with their own eyes.

Why is Superman so hard to shoot? One of the most important potential reasons is that there is so much behind Superman. After decades of development, everyone must admit that Superman has become one of the classic cultural symbols of North America.

Almost everyone knows everything from Clark Kent\'s origin to super powers, so in this regard, there is no room for Wayne to modify it. Then, we can only start from the growth process of Superman.

Are Superman Born Superman? Wayne\'s method is brutal, that is, in order to make Superman more human, so as not to become a true god, simply let him get lost first, and then find himself. This is one of the most commonly used tactics in Hollywood, and one of the most effective, and it is perfectly acceptable to the audience.